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模式,可以与世界各地的赛车手一较高下。新版中增加了4辆新赛车。极品GT跑车:环球争霸 免费版篮球系统要求:兼容iPad, 需要iOS 3.2 或更高版本。最给力的NBA全明星合集游戏之一,篮球迷必备,真人头像加卡通造型,各种搞笑,逼真流畅的操作体验,30支NBA球队和顶级NBA球星,三种游戏模式:快速开始,选择一支球队并迅速开始球赛;经典赛事,击败其它队伍并赢取冠军称号,解锁传奇球员、隐藏球员和作弊秘技;本地多人游戏,使用 iPhone/iPod touch或iPad以本地无线网和蓝牙与好友进行一对一比赛。NBA JAM by EA SPORTS(TM) for iPad (World)网球系统要求:与 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPod touch(第3代)、iPod touch (4th generation) 和 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 4.0 或更高版本Cross Court Tennis一款为网球爱好者开发的模拟触屏网球游戏!游戏有3种不同级别难度。通过小型课程可升级技能,与35个拥有不同技能的高手一较高下。游戏支持自动保存职业生涯和正在进行的比赛。8项独特的赛事,3种不同的场地,球在不同的场地,反弹也不同。Cross Court Tennis Free保龄球系统要求:与 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 3.2 或更高版本先出了iPhone版,再出
,一款根据实际的保龄球规则制作的3D原生动感游戏。游戏中的保留球的赛道符合 PBA 标准,和现实中的一样。采用了 Art Physics 引擎,使得保龄球碰撞效果非常逼真。独特之处在于,融入了东方文化元素,画面精致,12 款不同的保龄球,12 条精美的赛道,让玩家充分享受健康有趣的运动体验。Action Bowling HD斯洛克系统要求:与 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPod touch(第3代)、iPod touch (4th generation) 和 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 4.1 或更高版本在多个国家和地区排名第一的斯洛克运动游戏。击球效果逼真,画面高清细腻。不仅游戏体验很棒,而且能见识世界各地靓妺并和她们玩高赌注游戏。有单玩家和双玩家模式。通过在单玩家模式中与靓妺对抗赚取积分,用于解锁更高级的玩家和在线下注。支持击球回放。Snooker Club乒乓球系统要求:与 iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 3.2 或更高版本乒乓球是我们的国球,每次看到国家队在各个赛场取得的骄人战绩,是不是有些手痒?一时找不到装备和场地,那就试试这款视觉效果和手感都非常棒的乒乓球模拟游戏吧。采用触控方式,支持多种模式,玩家可以体验到几近现实的运动感觉,还支持对战模式,可以跟其他人用各自的设备连线来一场比赛。Virtual Table Tennis(TM) HD钓鱼系统要求:与 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 3.0 或更高版本最后来一款相对不那么激烈的体育运动游戏——钓鱼。虽然画面上与捕鱼达人不可同日而语,但是对钓鱼爱好者来说,Crazy Finger Fishing或许才是他们想要的游戏。游戏背景是一年一度的世界钓鱼大赛正在加勒比海举行,来自世界各地的钓鱼高手展开了激烈争夺,如果你对钓鱼感兴趣,又有一定的常识,可以加入到冠军争夺战中。有别于内陆河流的垂钓,海钓显得更刺激更有趣。80多种鱼类,100个关卡,的确是一场钓鱼爱好者的盛宴。Crazy Finger Fishing______________________________________________________________________________《爱游戏》, 我们每天都为您推荐最吸引人的苹果iPhone游戏,帮您节省宝贵的时间与金钱!
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今日神吐槽:姚明给弗老大报仇 打架的真相是?
  新浪体育讯 北京时间3月4日,吐槽不停,欢乐不止!近日全球篮球场频繁爆出打架事件,网友道出真正原因。弗老大场外也被打了?没事,姚明去报仇!
您可通过新浪首页顶部 “”, 查看所有收藏过的文章。& 【加子游戏快讯】《NBA LIVE 10》访谈--抛弃过去,重 ...
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NBA Live 10: Producer Interview劲爆美国职篮10 :制作访谈 By Jon Robinson由Jon罗宾逊
Updated: February 11,
PM ET更新日期: 09年2月11日,下午4时29分素
When producers of a sports video game want to talk to you about their product eight months before it ships, they are either extremely confident about their title or completely desperate for attention.当生产者的体育视频游戏想跟您介绍他们的产品前8个月的船舶,他们不是非常相信他们的所有权或完全绝望的注意。
In talking to the producers of NBA Live 10, I find it to be a little bit of both.在交谈的生产者劲爆美国职篮10 ,我觉得这是一点点都。 For years, all you heard is how this is the season Live turns things around, this is the year Live overtakes 2K, this is the year EA Sports takes that foundation that's been built on the next-gen technology and really shows the world what a basketball game should look and feel like.多年来,所有你听到的是,这是本赛季现场周围满东西,这是今年超越2K的活,这是今年为EA SPORTS考虑这一基础是建立在下一代显示技术和真正的世界什么篮球比赛应该外观和感觉。
And yet, while the game has shown improvement, it is still nowhere near the level 2K Sports offers in their NBA franchise.而且迄今为止,虽然比赛已经有所改善,但仍远不及2K的体育水平提供在其NBA的专营权。
Why should Live 10 be any different?为什么要活10有什么不同?
Well, for starters, EA Sports went out and hired the gameplay designer from the NBA 2K team, Mike Wang, a guy known throughout the sports gaming world as one of the brains behind popular concepts like 2K's Signature Style.嗯,首先,为EA SPORTS出去,并聘请了游戏设计师从NBA 2K的团队,麦克王,一个人知道整个世界的体育游戏之一幕后流行的概念,例如2K的签名样式。
But that's not all as the team is putting all of their focus on gameplay as they hope to return the franchise back to the glory days when NBA Live was a game right below Madden on the sports gamer's wishlist every year.不过,并非所有的团队把所有的重点放在游戏,因为它们希望返回专营回到光荣日子篮球是一个游戏下方疯狂的体育游戏的心愿每年。
Will it work?可以吗? ESPN sat down with Wang along with Live's lead producer Sean O'Brien and game designer Ryan Santos to find out as we get the dirt on the direction the franchise is headed this coming season: ESPN的坐下来,与王一起Live的首席制作肖恩奥布莱恩和游戏设计师瑞安桑托斯找出我们得到污垢的方向专营领导今年赛季:
ESPN: New team, new direction I assume. ESPN的:新班子,新的方向,我猜想。 Where are you guys taking the Live franchise? 你是哪里人采取现场专营权?
Sean O'Brien: It's important for us to recognize the technology investment that has been made with NBA Live the last couple of years. 肖恩奥布莱恩:这是我们必须认识到技术投资,取得了NBA的生活过去的两三年。 Basically, it's about building a foundation, and the nice thing for all of us is that we're in a good situation here where there is a good, strong technology foundation for us to work off of.基本上,它是建立一个基金会,美好的事情和对我们所有人来说,是我们正处在一个良好的局面在这里有一个良好的,强有力的技术基础,我们的工作了。 It's important to recognize all of the work that has been done the last couple of years.重要的是要认识到所有的工作,已经做了过去的两三年。 That being said, the cool thing for us is that we are here to finish the journey, but finish it in a little different direction as we offer a different perspective, a different flavor.尽管如此,冷静的事情对我们来说,我们在这里完成的旅程,但完成它在一个小不同的方向,因为我们提供了一个不同的角度,不同的味道。
What do people think of the NBA Live franchise right now?什么人认为是NBA现场特许权吗? I think if we asked you that question four years ago, I think your answer would be completely different than if I asked you what you think of NBA Live right now.我认为,如果我们问你这个问题在四年前,我认为你的回答将是完全不同,如果我问你你怎么想的篮球了。 One of the things that we want to do is to go back to those days where NBA Live was a top tier franchise across sports.的事情之一就是我们要做的就是回到那些日子里在NBA的现场是一个顶级球队的运动。 It was really Madden and NBA Live at EA Sports that led sports video games, and that is one of our goals, to bring Live back to that status.这是真的马登和NBA现场为EA SPORTS ,导致体育视频游戏,这就是我们的目标之一,把现场回到这一地位。
In terms of a higher level direction, we want to turn NBA Live more into a service rather than a packaged good.从更高层次的方向,我们希望把NBA的生活更成一个服务,而不是一个包装好。 That sounds lame and boring, but what it means is that traditionally we've shipped a package good at the launch of a season and then maybe provided a piece of downloadable content or a title update and called it quits.这听起来有点跛和乏味,但它意味着,传统我们已经发运了一揽子善于推出一个赛季,然后可能提供了一块可下载内容的标题或更新,并要求退出。 Next time we'd talk to the consumer is 12 months later when we shipped it again.下一次我们要谈论的消费者是12个月后,当我们再次发运。 But I think this past year with Dynamic DNA and some of the stuff we have planned moving forward, we want to talk to our consumer when it's relevant throughout the season.但是,我认为在过去一年中的动态DNA和一些东西,我们已经计划向前迈进,我们希望跟我们的消费者时,相关的整个赛季。
The idea of providing those real-world updates, whether it's injuries, whether it's how a player is playing with his new team after being traded, whether it's the tendencies of a player shifting over the course of a year or even the course of a week, and evolving that even more so as we move forward.的想法,提供这些真实世界的更新,无论是受伤,不管它是如何发挥的球员与他的新球队交易后,不管是球员倾向转变的过程中,甚至在一年的过程中一个星期,和不断变化的,甚至更使我们向前迈进。 At the same point, that is all well and good, but we really need to nail gameplay.在同一地点,这是很好,但我们真的需要钉游戏。 That is why I'm really happy Mike Wang came to EA last year, to bring a fresh perspective to how we do things and to bring some of those wins he had at 2K in helping create a very strong basketball title.这就是为什么我真的很高兴来到王迈克电子艺界去年,实现了新的观点我们如何做事,并把其中的一些冠军,他在2K的帮助创建一个非常强大的篮球冠军。
We want to evolve Live back to what it was before -- being culturally relevant, being one of the best-playing sports video games on the market, and like I said, being a service rather than a packaged good consumers see every 12 months.我们要发展什么活回到以前-被文化有关,是一种最好的发挥体育视频游戏市场上,像我说,作为一个服务,而不是一个包装良好的消费者看到每12个月。
ESPN: By bringing Live back to its glory days, does that mean you're trying to make it more of an action/arcade title rather than a pure sim? ESPN的:通过把现场回到其荣耀天,这意味着你要使它更加的行动/商场名称,而不是一个纯粹的星际?
Sean O'Brien: I wouldn't say so, no. 肖恩奥布赖恩:我不会这样说,没有。 I can understand why you're saying that, but that's not what I meant.我可以理解为什么你会说,但这不是我的意思。 I think if you look at NBA Live a few years ago, I think you had a fondness for it.我想如果你看看NBA的生活在几年前,我觉得你有一种特别的偏爱的。 There isn't that sense of fondness now, what we get are frustrations based on the quality of product and also a strong competitor.没有这个意义上的喜爱,现在我们所得到的挫折的基础上产品的质量也是一个强有力的竞争者。 I think our goal in sports is to be seen as a leader in terms of the quality we're providing.我认为我们的目标是在体育被视为领导者的素质方面我们提供。 But when it comes to gameplay, we're not headed in a more arcade direction.不过,游戏,我们不是领导更商场的方向发展。 We're sticking with the simulation or the exaggerated simulation that we want to do with a sports video game.我们还在坚持模拟或夸大模拟,我们想要做的是体育视频游戏。
ESPN: But we've heard this same 'building a foundation& line for at least three years now with this game. Why should we believe anything will be different in Live 10? ESPN的:但是,我们已经听到这种同样的'建立一个基金会“行至少三年现在这个游戏。我们为什么要相信事情会有所不同在Live 10 ?
Sean O'Brien: It's easy for me to say, hard for you to believe. 肖恩奥布莱恩:对我而言比较容易地说,你很难相信。 I think ultimately we can say it right now but until we show you software from NBA Live 10, that will be the determining factor on whether or not you believe me.我认为,我们最终可以说是正确的,但直至现在,我们为您显示软件劲爆美国职篮10 ,这将是决定性的因素对您是否相信我。 I think that what we can say is that 07 was a complete technology re-write in terms of gameplay, then we saw big jumps in 08 and big jumps in 09, but it's still not where we wanted to be.我认为我们能说的是, 07年是一个完整的技术重写游戏方面,我们看到大跳跃在08和09大跳跃,但它仍然没有达到我们希望。 But I think the beauty of this is we've got a new guy who is leading our gameplay effort, and having Mike Wang gives us a new and fresh perspective on what our game is all about.但我认为,这是美丽的,我们已经发现了新的家伙是谁领导我们的游戏的努力,并麦克王给我们提供了新的和新的视角对我们游戏的全部意义所在。
Mike Wang: I think we agree a lot on all of the controller throwing moments we've had before in Live. 麦克王:我认为,我们同意了大量的所有控制器投掷的时刻我们已经收到了在Live 。 Some things just weren't right.有些事情是不正确的。 The basic fundamentals of basketball were wrong, but there is some really solid basketball foundation stuff there.的基本的篮球是错误的,但有一些很坚实的篮球基础的东西存在。 Some of it has cracks in it, some of it is kind of broken, so what we wanted to do with this year's game is staying away from the new innovation, staying away from the new funky thing you could do with the controller.一些有裂缝,但有些是一种破坏,因此,我们想今年的比赛是远离新的创新,远离新的时髦的事情你可以做的控制器。 What we wanted to focus on was getting basketball right.我们要着眼于正在篮球权利。 And that's what I'm really excited about because when you play an early version of the game, it already feels a lot different.这就是我真的十分激动,因为当您发挥早期版本的游戏,它已经感到了很多不同。 It feels like real basketball.感觉就像真正的篮球。 Like Sean said, it's hard to tell you something over the phone, but I haven't been this excited about a product in a long time.像肖恩说,很难告诉你的电话,但我没有得到这兴奋的产品在很长一段时间。
Sean O'Brien: And that's the thing you'll notice when we start showing the game this summer or at E3. 肖恩奥布莱恩:这就是你会发现,当我们开始展示的游戏在今年夏天或在E3 。 There won't be a new Freestyle control or any sort of marketable gameplay mechanic feature.今年也将不会有新的自由式控制或任何种类的机械销售的游戏功能。 It's more about just building solid gameplay.它更多的只是建立牢固的游戏。 And that may sound not very exciting, but if you understand where we are, that's an extremely serious message that we're filling in those cracks in the gameplay Mike mentioned, then adding another level of depth that we'll get into later in the summer.这听起来可能不是很兴奋,但如果你了解我们,这是一起极其严重的消息,我们正在填补这些裂缝游戏麦克提到,然后添加另一个层次的深入,我们会进入晚些时候夏天。 It's not a gimmicky feature, it's more of a core part of an NBA basketball game that is missing right now.这不是一个噱头式的功能,它更核心的一部分, NBA篮球游戏,是失踪了。
Mike Wang: And I wouldn't say that we're not doing new stuff, as there are some exciting innovations in this year's title, but we're really focused on the fundamentals and getting things right. 麦克王:我不会说我们没有做新的东西,因为有一些令人振奋的创新在今年的冠军,但我们真的侧重于基础知识和把事情的权利。 One of the things I always struggled with at 2K was when we were porting up from old gen to now, it's still just a port, and 2K has been covering up a lot of those problems with new animations.其中一件事我一直挣扎在2K的是当我们从旧的移植根到现在,它仍然只是一个端口, 2K的已涵盖了很多这些问题与新的动画。 But with NBA Live, the foundation with the technology is really special, and what I see here is the potential for something that can be great.但是,随着NBA的现场,该基金会的技术确实是特殊的,和我在这里看到的是潜在的东西,可以是巨大的。 I think we're just now starting to realize that potential of what the hardware can give us, and we're capitalizing on that right now.我认为我们只是现在开始认识到,有什么潜在的硬件可以给我们,我们将利用这个问题。
ESPN: So E3 won't be about a new form of liquid AI? ESPN的:那么E3展将不会对新形式的液体人工智能?
Sean O'Brien: [laughs] We're not about liquid AI or player sweat anymore. 肖恩奥布莱恩: [笑]我们是不是液态铝或球员出汗了。 It may not sound exciting when you're reading about the game, but once you get your hands on it and realize that this is a different Live, it's a different direction than where we've been headed, I think it will be compelling in a different way.它可能不是激动人心的声音时,您正在阅读有关的比赛,但是一旦你对你的手,并认识到这是一种不同的生活,这是一个不同的方向在那里比我们一直在领导,我认为这将是引人注目的以不同的方式。
Mike Wang: I think in a way we're shadowing FIFA a bit. 麦克王:我认为我们正在跟踪国际足联一点。 They needed to start over in order to make soccer right, and we know that the fans will follow back to us once we get basketball right.他们必须从头开始,以使足球的权利,我们也知道,球迷们将回到我们一旦我们获得篮球权利。 That's where we're at.这就是我们正处于。
ESPN: Have you guys been happy with the speed Synergy has provided its updates to Live? ESPN的:你很高兴球员的速度协同提供了更新的生活?
Sean O'Brien: There were initial hiccups, but we internally expected these hiccups to happen when the season started and we were trying to input everything from their server to our server, but I don't think we did a good enough job of communicating to consumers that this is when we're attempting to get this thing live but that there were going to be some issues that we needed to work through. 肖恩奥布莱恩:有初步打嗝,但我们预计这些打嗝内部发生时,本赛季开始,我们试图从他们的投入到我们的服务器的服务器,但我不认为我们做的不够好工作的沟通给消费者,这是当我们试图让这件事,但生活有将一些问题,我们必须通过。 We ended up having our first update I believe five days after the season started, but since then it's been refreshing and surprising to us how seamless it has been.我们结束了我们的第一个更新,我相信五天在赛季结束后开始,但自那时以来,这是令人耳目一新,并令人惊讶的,我们如何无缝已。 We're finding that on any given day, 75-80 percent of our connected consumers are downloading Dynamic DNA every day.我们发现,在任何一天, 75-80百分之我们连接消费者下载动态DNA的每一天。 That's a pretty powerful number and we're starting to see in the community people recognizing how powerful and how cool it is.这是一个非常强大的数量和我们正在开始看到在国际社会承认的人多么强大,以及如何冷静的。
We're always looking at new ways to bring this information from Synergy into the game, and that's exclusive to us, and I think you're going to see some big innovations with that and continue to support that daily update that makes NBA Live relevant every day of the season rather than being outdated day one of the season.我们一直在寻找新方法,使这一信息协同进入游戏,这是我们独有的,我想你会看到一些大革新,并继续支持,每天更新,使篮球相关每一天的比赛,而不是过时的第一天的比赛。
ESPN: What was the one gameplay aspect that frustrated you most about the 09 game that you wanted to fix? ESPN的:什么是游戏的一个方面,你最沮丧的09游戏,你想修复?
Mike Wang: The first one for me is rebounding. 麦克王:第一个对我来说是反弹。 It's just not right.这是不正确的。 The way guys go and position themselves, it just fundamentally wasn't basketball.球员的方式去和自己定位,只是根本没有篮球。 With that you get guys jumping over your back, too many offensive rebounds, guys not boxing out properly, users not being able to get to the ball.与你的家伙跳上你的背部,有太多的进攻篮板,球员不是拳击得当,用户无法得到球。 It was just broken.这只是打破。
The other thing I'll say is that Live in the past struggled with controller response and feel.另一件事我会说的是,生活在过去挣扎控制器反应和感觉。 It felt almost like a turn-based basketball game where you triggered an animation and then you just watched it and you had to make decisions like you were playing chess.它认为几乎像一个回合制篮球比赛在这里您触发了动画,然后你只是看着它,你不得不做出决定,如你是下棋。 But basketball is a fast-paced, twitch and react game.但篮球是一个快节奏的收缩和反应游戏。 It just needs to be more explosive in general.它只是需要更多的炸药一般。 Live always felt robotic to me, so that's my first priority of what I'm fixing.生活总觉得我的机器人,所以这是我的首要任务是我固定。
ESPN: Back in the day, Live introduced Superstar moves, then 2K answered with Signature Style. ESPN的:早在一天,现场介绍了超级移动,然后2K的回答风格。 But then Live responded by dropping these moves all together which I always thought was strange. 但是,现场的反应是放弃这些举动都在一起,我一直以为很奇怪。 Are you going to add more trademark moves back into the game? 你要添加更多的商标动作到游戏?
Ryan Santos: We recognize that and we're really doing the research on what guys have what signature moves. 瑞安桑托斯:我们认识到,我们真的做什么研究的人有什么签字的举动。 And while the focus is five-on-five, we really want to add this stuff back into the game to help nail the authenticity.虽然重点是五对五,我们真的要购买这些东西放回游戏帮助钉的真实性。
We also want to nail the player look, from the sneakers on their feet to their tattoos to those signature animations.我们也希望球员指甲的外观,从运动鞋上脚,以自己的纹身这些签名动画。 Right now, we have guys on the team who are hardcore basketball heads who watch games every night and we see something like a new dunk LeBron is doing and we want to get that stuff in the game.现在,我们有球员在球队谁是铁杆篮球主管谁观看比赛,我们每天晚上都看到这样一个新的扣篮勒布朗正在做,我们希望得到的东西在游戏中。 Just looking at the authenticity of the game, I think that's something we've been lacking in the past and something we haven't been paying enough attention to.只看游戏的真实性,我想这是我们一直缺少的东西,过去和我们没有付出足够的重视。
Back in , we had all the throwbacks and all the Nike shoes and I think we were looking at what was current with these players, and this year we're doing a big overhaul on all of the player models, all of the faces, and we want to be really accurate with all of the sneakers these guys are wearing so we can feed into the lifestyle and culture of the game.早在2003年至2004年,我们的一切throwbacks ,所有的耐克鞋,我想我们正在寻找什么是当前的这些球员,今年我们正在做的一个大检修的所有播放器型号,所有的面临,我们要真正准确的所有运动鞋穿着这些家伙,让我们可以馈入的生活方式和文化的游戏。 We want to connect with the consumers who are checking out the sneaker sites, the guys who are paying attention to when LeBron wears his Big Apples in New York, and really trying to add that into our game.我们要连接的消费者谁正在检查了运动鞋的网站,球员谁正在关注勒布朗时穿他的大苹果在纽约,和真正试图补充说,到我们的游戏。
Sean O'Brien: To me, the signature stuff and the trademark moves, those need to be contextual. 肖恩奥布莱恩:对我来说,内容和签字的商标动作,这些需要的内容。 That stuff just needs to be there.这东西只需要在那里。 To me, that falls under the label of authenticity and we're not going away from that, we're just not going to brand it anything.对于我来说,这属于标签的真实性和我们不会离开,我们只是不会有什么品牌。 What we're going to try and do is make sure players are performing like they do in the real world and in the right context.我们正在尝试做的是保证球员的表现就像他们在现实世界中,并在正确的范围内。 So there is a huge focus on player differentiating this year.所以是一个巨大的重点球员鉴别今年。 It's something we're not going to shy away from this year or moving forward.这是我们不会回避今年或前进。
ESPN: You need to add LeBron's chalk toss while you're at it. ESPN的:你需要购买小皇帝的粉笔掷而你在这。
Sean O'Brien: No comment. 肖恩奥布莱恩:无评论。 [laughs] [笑]
Mike Wang: And you can't downplay the importance of Dynamic DNA with all of this stuff. 麦克王:你不能低估的重要性,动态DNA与所有这一切的东西。 When you introduce a big feature like that, the first year you're never going to see the full vision of the feature.当您介绍一个大功能一样,第一年你永远不会看到完整的视觉特性。 But for this year, I think you're really going to see all of that.但是今年,我想你真的会看到所有这一切。 We're implementing that Synergy Sports data into every aspect of gameplay right now and it's going to have a lot more of an affect and show through.我们正在实施,协同体育的每一个方面的数据到现在的游戏,它将会拥有更多的影响,并显示通过。 Like Sean said, player differentials and signature stuff, that's huge to us because that's what NBA basketball is all about.像肖恩说,球员的差别和签字的东西,这是巨大的,我们因为这是NBA篮球的全部意义所在。 You need to differentiate the stars and the teams as well, so I think this is a huge focus for us.您需要区分星级和车队,因此我认为这是一个巨大的重点我们。 Don't expect just a minor upgrade with this, there is going to be a huge difference.不要指望仅仅是轻微的升级这一点,将是一个巨大的差别。
Sean O'Brien: This was just year one of what's going to be at least a five-year deal with them and we're going to continue to evolve, and the impact that data will have on our game will also evolve every year. 肖恩奥布莱恩:这只是一年的内容将至少为期五年的合同,他们和我们要继续发展,以及数据的影响,将会对我们的比赛也将演变每年。 Year one was just the tip of the iceberg of what it will be moving forward.一年只是冰山的一角是这将是向前迈进。
Mike Wang: At 2K, a lot of it is just window-dressing, a lot of it is just animations, and that's stuff we're already starting to do, collecting more data on that end, and Live is going to surpass that pretty easily. 麦克王:在2K的,很多只是歌舞升平,很多只是动画,这东西我们已经开始这样做,收集更多的数据,为此,和Live是要超越那个漂亮很容易。 And the under-the-hood stuff with Synergy, that's what is pretty huge and it's something we could never do at 2K.和副引擎罩的东西与协同,这是非常巨大的,这是我们永远无法做到的2K的。 That's why I'm so excited about Live.这就是为什么我很高兴能活。
ESPN: Will we also see the Synergy Sports info feed in Dynasty mode this year, making your franchise mirror what's going on in real life? ESPN的:我们也看到体育信息的协同饲料王朝模式今年,使你的特许镜发生了什么事情在现实生活中?
Sean O'Brien: That's a great idea. 肖恩奥布莱恩:这是一个伟大的想法。 [laughs] We have something we're building that's extremely cool this year and we obviously won't go into detail with you now because it's quite early but we've heard this feedback from our consumer. [笑] :我们有我们建设的非常冷静,今年我们显然不会详谈你现在,因为它是相当早,但我们已经听到这种反馈,我们的消费者。 This was the number one thing people have been asking about since we announced Dynamic DNA.这是一件事的人数量已询问,因为我们宣布动态的DNA 。 There will be something that we will announce that I think you'll find pretty cool, pretty interesting.会有一些,我们将宣布,我想你会发现很酷,很有趣。
ESPN: The other thing I'm curious about moving forward is online team play similar to NHL's EA Sports Hockey League. ESPN的:另一件事我很好奇的是向前迈进的在线团队发挥类似NHL的为EA SPORTS冰球联盟。 You had a mode in last year's game, but it was pretty limited. 你有一个模式在去年的比赛,但相当有限。 Will we see something similar to the NHL online mode this year? 我们将看到类似的非霍奇金淋巴瘤联机模式,今年?
Sean O'Brien: Without spilling the beans on what we're planning, that particular offering suits hockey extremely well. 肖恩奥布莱恩:没有蔓延咖啡豆的是我们正在规划,特别推出适合曲棍球非常好。 Again, without saying too much, if you think about how you play hockey in the real world, not a lot of people just roll down to the rink with their skates and their stick and play hockey.再次,没有说太多,如果您认为如何发挥曲棍球你在现实世界中,而不是很多人只是滚下来的冰场的冰鞋和发挥他们的坚持和曲棍球。 I think it's a very structured and organized way you play.我认为这是一个非常有条理和有组织的方式玩。 You play in a league, you've got stats.你打的联赛中,你有统计资料。 We're pretty intimate with this being Canadian, and I think that's why it was so successful, because we know how it all works and that goes back to the relevancy to the culture of the sports.我们非常熟悉这是加拿大,我想这就是为什么它是如此成功,因为我们知道它如何所有作品,早在相关的文化运动。 We're doing something that is a similar concept but a different direction if that makes sense.我们正在做的事情,这是类似的概念,而是一个不同的方向,如果这是很有意义的。
ESPN: Like NBA Street? ESPN的:喜欢NBA街头篮球?
Sean O'Brien: [laughs] We'll have something in our game that is similar in concept but different in direction, but that's all I'll say. 肖恩奥布莱恩: [笑]我们需要的东西在我们的游戏,类似的概念,但不同的方向,但是这一切我会说。
ESPN: You mentioned how the player models were going to be overhauled and how you're trying to appeal to the culture. ESPN的:你刚才提到如何播放模式将被整顿,以及如何你试图呼吁文化。 Any hints on what to expect? 任何暗示所期望的是什么?
Ryan Santos: A little background on me, I started at EA as a tester on NBA Live '98. 瑞安桑托斯:一个小的背景,我开始在电子艺界作为测试的劲爆美国职篮'98 。 I always wanted to work on basketball and I was given the chance in 2000 to join the dev team as an artist.我一直想工作的篮球,我有机会在2000年加入开发团队作为一个艺术家。 I was an artist on Live from , then I worked on NBA Street V3 and Homecourt.我是一个艺术家的生活从年,那么我的工作NBA街头篮球v3和主场。 So I've been working on our basketball products for a long time, but coming back to Live, this is a new role for me.所以,我一直致力于在我们的篮球产品很长一段时间,但回来的生活,这是一个新的角色对我来说。 Sean has given me the opportunity to be a game designer and really affect the game in a way I always thought a basketball game should be.肖恩给了我机会,是一个游戏设计师和真正影响到游戏的方式我一直以为一场篮球比赛应该。 With a visual background and my cultural background, I think we can bring a lot of that flavor that we had with Street into Live and add a lot of that lifestyle appeal Live used to have.使用Visual背景和我的文化背景,我认为我们可以带来很多的味道,我们已与街到Live和购买大量的生活,生活方式的呼吁曾经。
Back in , we had a soundtrack by Just Blaze, we had Mitchell and Ness throwbacks, we were current with all the sneakers, and those things were really relevant with the basketball-heads in general and our consumer.早在2003年至2004年,我们进行了配乐只有创新,我们有米切尔和尼斯throwbacks ,我们目前所有的运动鞋,和这些事情真的与篮球有关领导人和我们的一般消费者。 That's a lot of what I'm trying to do this year.这是一个很多我尝试这样做一年。 When you boot up the game, it's going to look and sound like a whole new game.当您启动游戏,那也很期待和听起来像一个全新的游戏。 We're doing a lot of things and leveraging a lot of our relationships with partners like Brand Jordan and Nike, and that's something that being EA and having that brand power, we can leverage those relationships and build on our history.我们正在做的很多事情,并利用许多我们与合作伙伴的关系就像乔丹和耐克公司品牌,这东西被EA和拥有的品牌力量,我们可以充分利用这些关系,并在此基础上我们的历史。 This is our 16th year, and this is the year I think we're really going to turn this thing around.这是我们16年,这是今年我想我们真的把这个东西了。
Sean O'Brien: I know a lot of people are jaded, a lot of people are going to be skeptical, and to be honest, I get a lot of those questions like &how is this year going to be different& internally as well. 肖恩奥布赖恩:我知道很多人都疲惫,很多人还是会持怀疑态度,并坦率地说,我得到了很多这些问题如“如何是今年将是不同的”内部以及。 And that's not a knock on what's happened prior to now, but I think a lot of people have heard how this is the year for NBA and how we're going to be better than 2K, but what we're saying this year is that we have a new direction and I strongly believe that this is going to be an unbelievable basketball title this coming year.这不是一个敲什么事情之前,但我认为很多人都听到如何这是今年NBA和如何我们将优于2K的,但我们会说,今年是我们有一个新的方向和我坚信,这将是一个令人难以置信的篮球冠军来年。
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