
英语翻译生命在于运动.无论你做什么,都要有一个健康的身体.下面让我们一起来做下运动吧!欢迎XXX同学为我们带来健身操表演.……怎么样,是不是暖和多了?不,不过我很喜欢看.为什么突然问_作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案 英语翻译生命在于运动.无论你做什么,都要有一个健康的身体.下面让我们一起来做下运动吧!欢迎XXX同学为我们带来健身操表演.……怎么样,是不是暖和多了?不,不过我很喜欢看.为什么突然问 英语翻译生命在于运动.无论你做什么,都要有一个健康的身体.下面让我们一起来做下运动吧!欢迎XXX同学为我们带来健身操表演.……怎么样,是不是暖和多了?不,不过我很喜欢看.为什么突然问我会不会魔术啊?因为接下来的表演者要为我们表演魔术.Oh!我真是迫不及待了,好的,下面有请XXX同学为我们带来精彩的魔术表演,……欣赏完这精彩的魔术.我们这有位同学已经有点坐立不安了.那还等什么,赶快让他上场吧.欢迎XXX为我们演唱《……》……你认为世界上最遥远的距离是什么?我认为世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前你却不知道我爱你~天呐~多么经典的一句话啊.还是让我们的同学来说说世界上最遥远的距离吧!下面有请XXX为我们朗诵《》你还想听歌吗?想啊,我是百听不厌的哦~那好,下面有请XXX为我们演唱《》……童年,是多么美好.让我们一起回味童年时的乐趣吧!有请我们高二7班的同学为我们带来《》……欢乐的相聚总是短暂的.诚挚的祝福、真情的诉说、坦露的表白,那不尽的话语,那连绵的情意,一直萦绕在耳边、激荡在心头,久久难以忘怀!今天的活动到此结束,祝大家身体健康,学业有成! Life lies in motion.No matter what you do,you must have a healthy body.Please let us do the exercise!Welcome XXX students bring us setting-up exercise performance....Now,is it warmer?Do you know how to perform magic?No,you don't .But I enjoy watching.Why asked me whether I will magic suddenly?Because the next performer will perform magic for us .Would you like to see?Oh!I really can'e on.Let's invite them!Ok.XXX will perform a wonderful magic show for us.Let's give him(her) a warm welcome!...After enjoying this wonderful magic.Our classmates have a little restless.That still etc.What,hurry to let him play.Welcome XXX for our singing "..."...Do you think the furthest distance in the world is what?I think the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death,but when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you My goodness how classical sentence!Let our classmate say the furthest distance in the world!Ms.wu - the XXX for our recitation ""Do you still want to music?Yes,I am 100 listen to them oh Ok,ms.wu - the XXX for our singing ""...Childhood is how good.Let us together aftertaste childhood's fun!Please welcome our grade 7 classmates brought us ""...Happy together always short.Sincere blessing,telling the truth,revealing the expression,the never-failing discourse,that cold cordiality,stayed in the ear,agitate in the heart,is most lasting!Today's event comes to the end,wish everyone healthy body,academic success! Life lies in motion, despite whatever you do, a healthy body is necessary. So let's do some exercises(这里能用很多词,如games, sports,exercise,不同活动用不同的词,自己体会吧)together!Welcome XX to give us a exercise show!


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