
假如你叫王丽,是一位高中生。请你用英语给报社写一封信,反映如下情况并谈谈你的的想法:现在有很多学生使用手机一是认为这是种时髦二是认为便于跟家人和朋友联系。一些学生把手机带进教室,在课堂上经常听见手机的..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%假如你叫王丽,是一位高中生。请你用英语给报社写一封信,反映如下情况并谈谈你的的想法:现在有很多学生使用手机一是认为这是种时髦二是认为便于跟家人和朋友联系。一些学生把手机带进教室,在课堂上经常听见手机的铃声。破坏课堂纪律。有的同学还在课堂上发短信息,浪费宝贵的时间。建议:教室是学习的地方,需要安静;学生不应该在教室中使用手机;应该集中注意力学习。(附:自己再想一条建议) 注意: 信的开头和结尾已给出;字数: 100 左右参考词汇 :集中(注意力) concentrate on Dear Editor , I’m a senior high student. …马上分享给朋友:答案Dear Editor, I’m a senior high student. Now many students use mobile phones .They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones .Besides, it’s very convenient to get in touch with their families and friends by using mobile phones. But some students break the rules in class. They bring their mobile phones to the classroom and we often hear the ring of mobile phones in class. Some of them even waste precious time in class typing short messages on the mobile phones .In my opinion ,the classroom is a place for students to gain knowledge .Therefore quietness is badly needed for us to learn our lessons .Those with mobile phones shouldn’t take mobile phones to the classroom . We are supposed to concentrate on our studies. The school should make a rule to forbid the students to use mobile phones in the classroom.Yours sincerely Wang Li 点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题99+条站内信
参考答案   24、失望,有时也是一种幸福,因为有所期待,所以才会失望,因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也憨碃封度莩道凤权脯护是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。
Over the past few years, Khan Academy has grown from a few simple YouTube videos into a fully-featured, interactive educational system that allows students to learn and measure their progress at their own pace. It has drawn the attention of big names like Bill Gates and is being used in some form at hundreds of schools nationwide. In short, it&s pretty hot right now, and you&d be
as an educator or a student not to check out what it has to offer.不到几年时间,可汗学院从Youtube上的简易视频发展成为一个功能齐全,学生可以自我学习和自我评估的互动式教学系统。它的快速成长也吸引了一些名人如比尔盖茨的注意,并在国内数百所学校以各种方式所使用。简而言之,可汗学院现在十分受欢迎,如果你是一名教育工作者或者学生就更不应该错过。
Whether you want to use it as a study tool for your own education or bring it in as an alternative way for students in your classes to learn a subject, it&s simple and free to get started with Khan Academy. This is perhaps a large part of the reason why it&s proving so popular nationwide. Here, we&ve highlighted some of the many schools that are using Salman Khan&s instructional videos to teach, learn, share, and grow from elementary school to high school. You may just find inspiration to start using Khan Academy on your own!可汗学院使用方便且免费,你可以把它作为一款自学的工具或者学生在课堂上传统学习方法的替代,这也是可汗学院在国内非常流行的主要原因。我们在下文列举了几所学校,从小学到高中,它们共同的特点都是使用了萨尔曼&可汗的教学视频来进行教学、学习、分享和成长的故事。你可能会因此受到鼓励,开始使用可汗学院。
Los Altos School DistrictLos Altos 学区
If there&s a model of a school using Khan Academy, it&s this Silicon Valley-adjacent school district. The district is participating in a pilot program in partnership with the developers at Khan Academy, and the results of student experiences with the videos and learning tools are being closely monitored. So far, things seem promising and the school has recently expanded the Khan program to all schools and a wider range of grade levels. Khan videos and materials are most often used in math courses to supplement and support existing lesson plans. Administrators haven&t found significant differences in test scores in students who use Khan (Los Altos is already a high-performing school district), but many report seeing a newfound enthusiasm for learning in students that they don&t get through traditional textbooks.硅谷附近的学区可以说是使用可汗学院的范例。该区域与可汗学院的开发人员合作的试点项目中,对学生使用教学视频和学习工具的效果进行了密切的监视。到目前为止,项目进展顺利,可汗学院已经被推广至所有的学校和更多的班级。可汗的视频和材料经常被用于数学课上,作为课程的补充和支持。教育管理人员没有发现使用可汗的学生在考试分数上有较大的区别(Los Altos已属于较高分的学区),但是仍有许多报告指出,学生较以往使用传统教材具有更强的学习动力。
Franklin Elementary School富兰克林小学
Franklin Elementary in Franklin, Connecticut is seeking out new and innovative ways to bring online learning into the traditional classroom. In 2012, the school began using Khan Academy in their sixth, seventh, and eighth grade math classes. So far, both teachers and students have been happy with the results. Teachers feel it has helped them to better assess student abilities and focus on helping students where they need it most. Students have reported that the Khan programs have helped improve their math performance and have made math fun for them. Online learning programs have also helped replace language teachers at the school, which had to be let go due to budget . Students can now work through math problems using Khan Academy and learn a language through LiveMocha, all at their own pace.富兰克林小学位于富兰克林,而康涅狄格州正在寻求创新的方式将网上教学搬进传统课堂。2012年,学校开始在六年级、七年级和八年级的数学课上使用可汗学院。到目前为止,老师们和学生们都对取得的成绩感到满意。老师们认为可汗学院有助于更好地评估学生能力,并为学生在最需要的地方提供帮助。学生报告指出可汗的程序有助于提高数学成绩,并且使之变得更有趣。此外,网上教学程序能帮助取代由于学校预算不足而辞退的语言老师。学生现在能按照自己的节奏使用可汗学院来学习数学,并通过&LiveMocha&学习语言。
Minola School DistrictMinola学区
With the launch of the new iPad app for Khan Academy, it&s easier than ever for teachers to bring the resources it has to offer into the classroom. One school district making use of both the tablets and the online education site is Minola School District in New York. Elementary and middle school students within the district are using Khan Academy on their iPads to watch videos and play math-related games that earn them rewards as they progress. Students get goals from their teachers to work
once they&ve achieved those goals, they can then progress to new goals at their own pace. It&s been a big help to many students, both those who need a little help with math and those who want to work ahead, with one student moving into some serious
well ahead of his 5th grade class. Test scores have also supported the program, with students using Khan often outpacing others in their math comprehension.随着可汗学院的新ipad应用的推出,老师将所需资源带进教室比以往更容易。在纽约的Minola学区就是其中一个使用平板电脑和网上教育的例子。学区的中小学学生在ipad上使用可汗学院观看视频和玩数学有关的游戏,如果取得进步还能赢得奖励。学生为达成老师制定的目标通过可汗学院学习。学生一旦达到目标后,就会根据学生的实际情况给出新目标。受到帮助的学生中,其中一部分是数学需要帮助的学生,另一部分是想超前学习的学生。有一名学生在代数进展神速,超越了其他5年级学生。考试得分也支持此方案,特别是使用可汗学院的学生们在数学理解方面较其他人优胜。
Envision Academy远景学院
Envision is one of four charter schools in Northern California that&s experimenting with Khan Academy in its academic programs. Last summer, the school ran a small program for
algebra students using Khan materials, a pilot which was largely successful. The school&s chief academic officer, Brian Greenberg, says students respond so well to the Khan material because they get &instant feedback& through tracking accomplishment and progress and by earning . During the summer program, students only spent half their time on algebra, with the rest spent on building lower-level math skills, yet the students in the program still outscored those in the traditional class that only focused on algebra. Many teachers feel that this is because allowing students to work on these weak spots takes the fear away from math, and makes it fun for students to learn in a way that many haven&t experienced before.北加利福尼亚有四所特许学校在学术项目上与可汗学院开展合作,而远景学院就是其中的一所。去年夏天,学校开展一个小项目,使用可汗的学习材料为落后的学生补习代数。这个实验项目取得巨大的成功。学校的教学总监Brican Greenberg说,学生们对可汗教育材料反响非常好,因为他们可以通过对学习进展的及时跟踪以及挣奖章的方式得到及时的反馈。在夏季的项目中,学生在代数上花一半的时间,剩下时间花在练习简单的数学技巧上,学生的分数仍然超过在传统课堂上只在代数上花时间的学生。许多老师觉得这是因为可汗学院允许学生们去弥补弱项,消除对数学的恐惧,同时让学生体验一种崭新、趣味性的学习方式。
Apple Valley School District苹果谷学区
The Apple Valley School District is using Khan Academy in its math classes, but they&ve chosen to combine it with another teaching tool, Accelerated Math, to get even more out of the videos and programs offered. The combination allows teachers to connect videos and lessons from the Khan Academy site directly to district and statewide objectives for learning, making it simple to use the free materials at Khan without skipping over anything central to standardized test prep. In addition to using Khan Academy, students are also encouraged to embrace Google apps, wikis, and other forward-thinking technologies for education.苹果谷学区不仅在数学课上使用可汗学院,还选择与另一款教学工具&Accelerated math &相结合,获得了超出视频和程序的良好效果。两款工具的结合,有利于老师将可汗学院的视频课程与学区和州制定的目标相符合,在使用简便免费的可汗学习材料的同时不会漏掉标准化考试的重点。此外,学区也鼓励学生们使用有助于教学的谷歌应用、维基百科等前瞻性的科技。
Mt. Ararat Middle SchoolMt. Ararat中学
Based in Topsham, Maine, this middle school is embracing Khan Academy in a pilot set of math classrooms this year. Students will be using the math videos posted at Khan to learn new concepts while also completing problem sets, both in the classroom and at home for practice. The school is encouraging parents and staff members to sign on as coaches for students, helping them to stay motivated and get the support they need to succeed. If the pilot program is successful this year, students at Mt. Ararat could see a lot more Khan in the classrooms in coming years.位于缅因州托普珊的Mt. Ararat中学今年开始在数学课上尝试使用可汗学院进行教学。学生们可以在课堂或者家里通过可汗学院上的数学视频去学习知识和做习题。学校鼓励家长和员工充当学生的辅导员,以鼓励学生并提供成功所需的帮助。如果今年这个试点项目获得成功,明年将会有更多的课程采用可汗学院进行教学。
Bubb Elementary SchoolBubb小学
Gayle Dyer is bringing a host of online and high-tech tools into the classroom for her fifth grade students at Bubb Elementary School to use. Students can play and learn on iPads and through educational content on YouTube and Khan Academy. Dyer is one of many teachers taking part in a pilot program through Khan Academy and she is having a great experience so far, saying, &The kids are highly engaged in it. When they do it on the iPad, it&s fun. So they&re practicing more.& Dyer says that using the iPad for Khan lessons has been effective because students can work at their own pace and because they can
their progress through earned badges, boosting their self-confidence and interest in math.Gayle Dyer正将大量网上高科技工具带进课堂,让她五年级的学生使用。学生们可以在ipad上通过youtube和可汗学院来玩和学习。Dyer是许多参与可汗学院试点项目的老师之一。到目前为止,她有很棒的体会,并说&这些孩子乐于参与其中。他们觉得用ipad学习很有趣,并乐于进行更多的练习。Dyer说通过ipad学习可汗课程行之有效,因为学生可以按照自己的节奏学习,并且因为取得进步获得奖章,有助于提高学生在数学方面的信心和兴趣。
Summit Preparatory SchoolSummit Preparatory学校
Summit is one of a number of California charter schools making Khan a part of their everyday classroom experience. The school is splitting up lessons between those that are teacher-led and those that are computer-based, allowing students to get feedback from both their teacher and the online Khan programs. Unlike many of the other schools participating in Khan&s pilot programs, Summit is from a far less
community, with 40% of students qualifying for free lunches and a high level of gang violence. Many students don&t have a computer at home, but through the help of the school and the Khan Academy, many are improving their test scores and doing well in their studies.Summit Preparatory学校是许多加利福尼亚特许学校的其中之一,可汗教育是他们日常课堂体验的一部分。这个学校正区分老师或者电脑主导的课程,并允许学生从老师或者网上可汗程序那里都得到反馈。不像许多其他参加可汗实验项目的学校,Summit Preparatory学校位于贫困的社区,其中40%的学生有资格领取免费午餐,团伙暴力现象也十分严重。许多学生在家没有电脑,但是凭借学校和可汗学院的帮助,学生的考试成绩有所提高,学习也进步了。
Hope Technology SchoolHope Technology学校
This private school in Palo Alto uses small classes (only 12-13 students) and the latest technology to help both typical learners and those with special needs
in a classroom setting. One of the newest tools being tried out in Hope classrooms is Khan Academy. Hope is unique among schools trying out Khan because nearly 40% of its students have special needs and require special accommodations in the classroom and during testing. Yet that hasn&t held them back, as students at the school generally perform at or above grade level. With students able to learn at their own pace through Khan, it makes it simple to accommodate the needs of just about any type of learner. The long-term effects of Khan at Hope have yet to be seen, but it is so far proving to be yet another valuable tech tool in the school&s .这所私立学校在Palo Alto地区使用小班教学(只有12-13个学生)以及最新科技在课堂上帮助普通以及有特殊需求的学生。其中最新试行的工具之一就是可汗学院。这里对可汗学院的期待很特别,因为将近40%的学生有特殊需求,在课堂和考试方面需要专门设施。但是这仍无法阻挡这里的学生取得平均或更好的成绩。因为学生可以利用可汗学院以自己的节奏进行学习,所以满足各种类型学习者的需求变得为简单。Hope Technology学校使用可汗教育的长期效果还没有得到证实,但是目前已成为学校一款十分有价值的科技工具。
Mt. Lebanon High SchoolMt.Lebanon 高中
Math classes at Mt. Lebanon are fully embracing the idea of the flipped classroom, with students watching lectures as homework and getting help from their teacher to work on problem sets in class. A big help to this process has been Khan Academy, which was the inspiration for teachers to create their own Khan-like programs for students. While students don&t always use Khan material in class, it was the model provided by the service that inspired several Mt. Lebanon teachers to flip their classrooms, developing their own video lectures and online content. Students and teachers alike are loving the new model, with many really appreciating being able to go back and watch videos or review material that was confusing at first glance.Mt.Lebanon 高中数学课紧紧围绕&翻转课堂&的想法,学生们以观看课程作为家庭作业,然后课堂上在老师的帮助下练习习题。可汗学院在这个过程中起了重要的推动作用,同时也为老师提供了动力,为学生设计专门的可汗类似程序。当学生不再使用可汗学院材料的时候,可汗学院的服务模式鼓励Mt.Lebanon 高中的老师开发他们自己视频和在线课程。学生和老师们都十分赞赏这种新模式。在这种模式下,学生可以观看或者复习起初不理解的材料。
Fitzgerald Public SchoolsFitzgerald 公立学校
Students at Chatterton Middle School in the Fitzgerald Public School District are using Khan Academy to work at their own pace in math classes in a program called Tier Math. Students begin the course at their own level and work through at a pace that is comfortable for them, progressing through lectures and problem sets using Khan Academy resources online. It seems to be working, as assessment scores have been steadily increasing in students in the Tier Math program. Students in the first Tier Math class were even asked to become teachers themselves and show students in later classes how to use the online tools, an experience teachers report as being highly successful and that will likely continue in future years.位于Fitzgerald 公立学区的Chatterton 中学开展的&Tier math&项目,就是在数学课上使用可汗学院。在课上,学生根据各自的水平和合理的速度,通过使用可汗的网上课程和习题不断进步。这似乎是行之有效的,因为在&Tier math&项目中的学生的考试分数持续稳步提高。在&Tier math&项目中的第一批课的学生甚至被要求充当老师,给后期课程的学生展示如何使用网上工具。老师报告说这次体验是卓有成效的,未来将会延续。
Acton AcademyAton学院
Acton Academy is making great
in bringing adaptive educational technologies into the classroom. The school not only uses Khan Academy, but also Manga High and Jili Math to help students work at their own pace and review material that they may not have grasped. Students at Acton begin using these programs in their early years, a process that seems to be paying off. Students at Acton are on average 3.5 grade levels above age and accelerating, thanks largely in part to the interactive and leveled materials they get from these adaptive digital technologies.Acton 学院正在大规模地将自适应教育技术带进课堂。这所学校不仅使用可汗学院,而且使用&Manga High&和&Jili math&帮助学生按照自己的节奏学习和复习未理解的材料。在Acton 学校里,学生们在低年级的时候就开始使用这些有效的程序。Acton 学校学生的学习进度较同龄人平均快3.5级,同时仍不断超前。取得如此成绩主要是由于自适应性的数字技术为学生带来了具有互动性和进阶性的学习材料。
、活泼,感染力强,容易激发学生兴趣,引起有意注意,加深印象,帮助学生持久记忆。充分利用现代化教学手段,可以超越时间和空间的限制,使学生置身于以英语为母语的环境中,体验英语的实际运用。多媒体课件的使用可以使教学过程程序化,大大提高教学的效率,这一点对我们农村学校课时少的小学英语课尤为重要。 ⒊把英语学习从有限的课内时空扩展到无限的课外时空,成立小小英语角、学校布置英语走廊、让学生制作英语画刊等各种形式的活动极大地提高了学生学英语的热情,让学生感受到英语无处不在、无时不学。 三、努力总结和发现问题,及时调整教学策略。 在实际教学过程中,教师应积极实践,不断探索,针对实际工作中出现的问题和学生身心特点,总结规律,认真思考,不断摸索。尤其是在课堂教学中教师应具备良好的应变机制。以下图表是小学三年级英语课堂教学中的一些实际案例。从中我们可能会有所提示。 学生特点及学习过程中表现出的问题教师采取的教学策略典型案例 学习内容教学对策 学习动机浅近、单一,学习凭兴趣。①学习过程要有趣味性、有意义,要有利于激发学生主动参与的欲望。 ②善于利用学生的生活体验,通过让学生交流,使他们对所学语言产生亲切感,从而激发学习动机。 及时、正确地给予评价激发学生的成就感,从而产生学习的新动力。greetings常常采用师生问答形式,学生感到枯燥、厌烦。教师让学生与长毛绒动物握手交流,学生兴趣倍增。 numbers开展溜溜球比赛,学生在动感的活动中很快边能学会。 学whoshe/she? he/sheismy…?语句学生将家庭成员的照片带进课堂,互相讨论照片中的人物,兴趣盎然。 以形象思维和生活中的直接经验为主,理解力差,模仿力强。 ①教学内容要联系学生生活实际,让学生在熟悉的环境中使用有限的语言,用英语做事。②注意语言学习的整体性。将所学内容相对固定模式,训练学生根据某一特定情景,说出相应内容的条 件反射能力,为日后灵活运用语言奠定基础。 ③坚持使用对学生有吸引力的直观教具,利用多媒体等现代化直观教学手段④进行直观教学,充分发挥形体、动作、语言的表现张力。学习语言项目 letsgoto…教师让一名学生扮成导游,挥着小旗到戴着旅游帽的学生中去招揽游客,边走边说letsgotojiaoshan/jingshanpark.etc. 如对aglassofmilk?的应答。yes,please./no,thanks.教师进行固定的模式操练,把所学的单词、句子 套入歌曲,或编成小歌谣,让学生边学边演注意力集中时间短,易分散,无意注意占优势同一语言项目安排多种不同形式的教学活动,做到动静活动相搭配、集体活动和分散活动相搭配如学习 namesoffunitures.教师安排了以下系列活动:⒈拿出微型家具向学生介绍名称。⒉用微型家具布置房间让学生说名称⒊把微型家具放入布袋中让学生摸、猜、说⒋出示双面卡片做快速反应应答⒌根据听到内容将卡片贴到相应位置⒍多媒体课件制作的“马赛克”猜词游戏等 四、认真进行质量监控、积极推进评价改革 采用人本与发展的模式来理解教育和人类发展的关系,是当前教育理念的核心,即尊重个体和个体 差异,实施因材施教,实现全人教育,为个体的终身学习打下基础。因此,在教学中必须实施新的评价理念,提倡形成性评价和终结性评价有机结合。做到评价主体互动化,评价内容多元化,评价过程动态化。评价的基本目标是为了教育并促进学生的表现,要求教师尊重和爱护每个学生的学习积极性,对学生的成绩和点滴进步适时地加以肯定。采用口头表扬和精神奖励的方式,如奖给小红花、红星、纸制奖牌、课文中的人物卡通图片等。特别要注意对学习后进的学生所取得的进步及时给予表扬。要求评价形式具有多样性和可选择性,以形成性评价为主,以学生平时参与各种英语教学活动所表现的兴趣、态度和交流能力为主要依据。采用学生平时教学活动中常见的方式进行,重视学生的态度、参与的积极性、努力的程度、交流的能力以及合作的精神等。通过观察学生的活动(讲故事、说歌谣、唱歌曲、表演对话或短剧等),与学生交流,学生的自评、互评等生动活泼的方式进行。很多学校建立了学生的评价档案。如学生的语音、书写记录,学生参与小组活动的情况记载,学生课余时间的学习拓展情况等统统作为学期总成绩评定的指标参考。由于注重对学生平时学习情况及时地进行评价,有效地提高了学生学英语的积极性。除形成性评价外,小学三年级期末或学年考试以口试和听力考查为主,五、六年级采用口试、听力、笔试相结合的方式。口试主要考查学生实际的语言应用能力;笔试主要考查学生听和读的技能以及初步的写作能力。评价采}


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