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display: 'inlay-fix'关于免责条款在合同中的理解及适用_百度文库
你可能喜欢作者:&作者本人请参看导师姓名:&学位授予单位:&授予学位:硕士学位年度:2011专业:&关键词:&&&&摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)跟着世界经济一体化与商业全球化的赓续成长,国际货色商业日益庞杂,响应的风险也日趋增长。作为治理、掌握风险的一种方法,国际货色生意合同确当事人,平日会在国际货色生意合同中参加免责条目,以限制本身所须承当的义务,从而掌握风险。然则,国际货色生意合同中免责条目的应用是无限度的,其说明与效率遭到许多限制,由于在庞杂的国际语境中,分歧国度、分歧法系之间,其司法划定与司法理论都存在严重的差异。是以,关于国际货色生意的介入者来讲,懂得并深入懂得列国司法、法院在处理国际货色商业胶葛理论中对免责条目停止说明和效率断定的普通规矩,从而在国际货色生意合同中设计出胜利有用的免责条目,防止当争议产生时因没法征引免责条目而遭遇伟大丧失,意义严重。基于这一动身点,本文试图从实务的角度,以英公法为榜样,联合相干案例,总结、归结并剖析国际货色生意合同中免责条目说明、效率断定所须遵守的普通规矩,然后以国际货色生意合同中最典范的免责条目——“弗成抗力”免责条目为例,演示一个详细的国际货色生意合同免责条目在实用进程中能够遭到的各种限制。本文旨在经由过程对国际货色生意合同免责条目说明规矩及效率断定规矩的考核来探访其应用之道,发明国际货色生意合同中免责条目“有用”与“有效”之间的界限,以期对我国国际货色商业实务的风险掌握停止一些摸索,为我国介入国际商业竞争者供给一些参考看法。在国际货色生意合同下,当事人可以选择处置合同争议所实用的司法及争端处理方法,而且在合同本质条目的拟定上有着相当年夜的自在,同时,“私法自治”、“契约自在”也曾经成为合同范畴被列国司法、各法系所公认的根本准绳,本文以为,对国际货色生意合同中免责条目效率的断定可以采用以下形式,即在国际货色生意合同下,依据“私法自治”、“契约自在”的准绳,任何经对等协商、签字确认的免责条目应该推定有用,除非被证实存在使其有效的情况。本文以为,在国际货色生意合同下,一个措词暧昧不清的免责条目、一个背叛合同宗旨的免责条目、或许一个只要寥寥数语,意图“偷懒”的免责条目,都是没法知足免责条目草拟人的免责初志的;但,即便国际货色生意合同中的免责条目措辞精准,相符合同宗旨,而且事无大小地枚举一切能够情况的免责条目,也会由于违背司法强迫性的划定、存在额定的昭示担保、或存在诱骗或不实陈说的情况而有效,或许因免责条目提出方客观错误水平的分歧而分歧水平地减弱、祛除免责条目的效率。免责条目的订立者应充足懂得这一实际能力设计出有用的免责条目。Abstract:Along with the ceaseless development of world economic integration and globalization of business, international trade in goods are more and more complicated, in response to the risk is growing. As a method of governance, grasp the risk, contract for international sales of goods indeed parties, ferial will participate in the exemption clause in the contract for international sales of goods, to limit itself shall bear the obligation, so that they can grasp. However, the application of contract for international sales of goods irresponsibility entries is unlimited, which shows and efficiency by many restrictions, due to the complex in the international context, between the different countries, different legal systems, the legal provisions and judicial theory are serious differences. Is disclaimer, participants on the international sales of goods, understand and deeply understand nations justice, courts in dealing with international trade in goods glue Gregory theory of exemption entry stop and efficiency determine the common rules, thus in the contract for international sales of goods design victory useful items to prevent when disputes arise because of can't quote free responsibility entries and suffered great loss, is of great significance. Based on this point, this paper attempts to in English law as an example, combined with related cases, summarize, sum up and analyze the contract for international sales of goods exemption entry, efficiency concluded that are required to comply with the common rules from the point of view of the practice, and then to contract for international sales of goods in the most exemplary exemption entry -- "Eph into resistance" exemption entry, for example, shows a detailed international cargo business contract exemption entry in the practical process can suffer from a variety of restrictions. The purpose of this paper is through the process of contract for international sales of goods exemption entry description rules and efficiency determine assessment rules to visit its application, the invention of the contract for international sales of goods exemption entry "useful" and "effective" between the boundaries of and to the risk of China's international trade in goods practice master stop some exploration, for our country to participate in international commercial competitors are offering some reference views. In the international sales of goods under the contract, the parties can choose the judicial dispute disposal contract dispute and practical treatment method, but in essence a contract formulation has a very big freedom, at the same time, "autonomy", "freedom of contract" has become the contract category by the nations recognized by the law, the judicial fundamental the criterion, this thought, to conclude contract for international sales of goods exemption entry efficiency can take the following form, that is in the contract for international sales of goods, on the basis of "autonomy", "freedom of contract" principle, any negotiation, confirmed the signing of the exemption entry should be presumed useful, unless confirmed the existence of the effective the situation. This thought, in the contract for international sales of goods, a wording is ambiguous, a betrayal of the exemption entry purpose of contract exemption entry, perhaps as long as a few words, the intention of "responsibility free entries are lazy", cannot satisfy the exemption entry draftman disclaimer at the beginning of history but, e item wording of contract for international sales of goods in the accurate, consistent purpose of contract, and the enumeration of all items can everything, big and small duty free conditions, may also be due to violation of judicial compulsion, there are clear delineation of the rated guarantee, or the existence of trick or false statement case effectively, perhaps because of the exemption this entry level differences and differences in objective error level, get rid of the exemption to weaken efficiency. The conclusion of the exemption shall be sufficient to understand the practical ability of the design to design useful exceptions.目录:摘要4-6Abstract6-7引言10-11第一章 免责条款概述11-14&&&&第一节 免责条款的定义11-13&&&&第二节 免责条款的法理基础13-14第二章 国际货物买卖合同中免责条款解释的一般规则14-17&&&&第一节 不利解释规则14-15&&&&第二节 主要宗旨规则15-16&&&&第三节 同类规则16-17第三章 国际货物买卖合同中免责条款效力判断的一般规则17-20&&&&第一节 免责条款是否纳入合同17-19&&&&第二节 不得违反法律强制性规定19&&&&第三节 明示担保优先19&&&&第四节 欺骗或不实陈述当然无效19-20&&&&第五节 过错程度对免责条款效力的影响20第四章 国际货物买卖合同中免责条款的适用限制——以“不可抗力”免责条款为例20-24&&&&第一节 “不可抗力”的概念21&&&&第二节 对“不可抗力”适用的限制解释21-24第五章 与国际货物买卖合同免责条款相关的法律规定24-26&&&&第一节 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中的相关规定24-25&&&&第二节 中国法律中的相关规定25-26结论26-29参考文献29-31原价:¥20.00元折价:¥5.00元分享到:参考文献[1].何庆.[D].华东政法学院.2004[2].罗先东.[D].吉林大学.2004[3].钱过.[D].江苏大学.2014[4].阮博莹.[D].浙江工商大学.2014[5].李洁.[D].山东财经大学.2014[6].张洁慧.[D].南京财经大学.2013[7].李冰洁.[D].天津工业大学.2013[8].张宇环.[D].中国政法大学.2013[9].陈瑞书.[D].河北师范大学.2013[10].陈风云.[D].南昌航空大学.2012}


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