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我們罵戰 也令孩子無言
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大鼻孔 。。蛀牙。。
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&&&&新浪微博&在西方国家,日本的色情产业因其些许独特被广泛地熟知,其中以当地的AV(成人电影)为甚。不仅是因为它在日常的日本文化中主流接受度。AV明星不仅在日本可以享受高规格明星待遇,在整个亚洲亦是如此,像是女星中就有小泽玛莉亚,饭岛爱,苍井空更是代言游戏,日本动漫以及在著名电影、电视剧和舞台剧里出演角色。与年产量400部的常规电影相比,日本的色情产业一年要生产3,000部粗制滥造的AV,其产值为1000亿日元(12亿美元)。Japan's pornographic industry, known locally as AV (adult video), is widely known to be somewhat different to the West, not least due to its mainstream acceptance in daily Japanese culture. AV stars can enjoy a high-level of celebrity not only in Japan, but across Asia, with women like Maria Ozawa, Ai Iijima and Sola Aoi variously promoting games, anime and starring in reputable films, TV dramas and theater. The industry is thought to churn out more than 3,000 features a year -- compared to around 400 regular Japanese films -- and have a value of ?100 billion ($1.2billion).2008年12月,饭岛爱被发现死于她的寓所中,享年36岁。过度服药,死于性病(STD)流言传播开来。20世纪80年代到90年代臭名昭著的色情产业,警方的病理学报告最后证实死因是肺炎。When Ai Iijima passed away aged 36 in December 2008, found lying in her apartment, rumors abounded of a drug overdose or succumbing to a sexually transmitted disease, such was the notoriety of the 1980s and 1990s industry. The police pathology report eventually revealed the cause as pneumonia. 在2010年,普遍的观点认为:与饭岛爱的全盛时期相比,如今的AV界更加安全,没有秘密团体操控。所以,CNNGo在与前AV女优土屋沙织交谈时说,目前的超级巨星苍井空,以及为了知道当今这代AV女星想要做什么的事务所总经理,一旦女优们决定退出会得到各种支持。In 2010 it's a widely-held view that the world of AV is far safer and mafia-free compared to Iijima's heyday, so CNNGo spoke to recently retired AV star Saori Tsuchiya, current superstar Sola Aoi, and an agency chief manager to find out what today's generation of adult video actresses do once they decide to call it quits and what kind of support is on offer for them.金钱驱使下的激情人生Driven by money and and exciting lifestyle“这里有些个案,他们的女优身份在工作中被拆穿,之后便被炒掉,但是这是十分罕见的”,Prime 事务公司的总经理松岗表示,在他们退出AV界之后,他的客户要面对一些糟糕的剧本。但是他表示,另一方面,一些女孩开展了自己的事业,像是酒吧,实际上,他们是一组实在的数字,那时他们有了本钱,所以事业还进行得不错。"There have been cases where they have been discovered at work and fired from their new jobs, but this is really quite rare," says Akifumi ‘Aki’ Matsuoka, chief manager at Prime Agency Inc on some of the worst-case scenarios faced by his clients after they leave the business. But he says, on the other hand "some girls open up their own businesses, such as a bar, and it's actually not an insubstantial number. They have the start-up money at that point so it works out well." 松岗在东京的一家顶级事务所已经工作了6年,他的职务是AV女星的经纪人。当被问到为什么女性开始要加入这一行,他说尽管人与人之间想法不同,打发无聊时光和尝试新事物似乎是很平常的,但是通常是为了钱。日本女性从学生,家庭主妇到办公室女职员(在日本通常称为O.L.s)都选择突袭这个行业。Matsuoka has worked for one of the top agencies in Tokyo now for six years as a manager of AV actresses. When asked why women initially join the business, he says that although it varies from person-to-person, it seems it’s often for escaping boredom and trying something new, but also commonly for the money. Japanese women ranging from students, housewives, and ‘office ladies,’ (or ‘O.L.s’ as commonly called in Japan) have all chosen to make the foray into the business.对于其他人来讲,这是一个成名的机会,尽管在主流的演艺圈,要达到这个目标的道路可能会曲折些。松岗一次管理着约20个客户,他强调女性离开这个行业的原因是多种多样的,并且要具体问题具体分析。Still, for others, it’s a chance at fame, and thus a possible route to attain the goal of making it in more mainstream show business. Matsuoka, who manages about 20 clients at a time, stresses that the reasons women leave the industry widely vary and are case-by-case. “用一个平均数来决定他们做的是不公平的”,他说,“但是如今,也许将会有更多的女性在这个行业呆得更久,现在在任何地方都要呆上5到10年”。"It’s hardly fair to use an average to determine what many do," he says. "But perhaps these days there are more women staying in the industry for much longer, anywhere now from five to 10 years."在日本,AV产业吸引人的一个方面是完全不同于主流娱乐界的严肃,几乎没有完整的合同,这意味着事务所必须小心对待每一位女优,一天24小时随时待命,这是松岗工作的一大部分。举例来说,一个女优签订了一年的合同,但是一个月之后,她想离开,在法律上,我们不能强迫她履行合约。所以,留下来的人出于自愿这样做,并且仅仅是取决于我们劝解他们,又或是为他们开出更好的价钱。A fascinating aspect of the AV industry which is at total odds to the strictness of the Japanese entertainment business in general, is the almost complete absence of contracts, which means the agencies have to treat every girl with kid gloves, and be on call to them 24 hours a day, a huge part of Matsuoka's job. "Say for instance, an actress enters a one-year contract, but after one month she wants to leave, we cannot legally force her to work in this business by abiding to the contract. So the ones who stay do so by choice and it's up to us simply to persuade them or give them a good offer." 尘封过去Keeping the past a secret当女优们决定退出AV界时,许多人会保守秘密,包括土屋沙织(并非她的真名)。“我现在是一名大学生,就读的学校是我在拍摄AV期间休息的地方。我没有向任何人吐露过我在AV界的工作经历”。然而这些年,松岗已经看到这个职业的一个变化,现在,越来越少的女孩觉得有必要隐藏他们背景,只有一些女孩会退回到默默无闻的状态。When they do decide to leave, many are able to keep it secret, including Saori Tsuchiya (not her real name). "I'm now a university student -- at the same school I took a break from during my AV work. I keep my past experience in the industry a secret to everyone." Yet Matsuoka has seen a change during his years in the profession, stating that these days fewer and fewer girls feel the need to hide their background and only a few slip back into total obscurity.“我于2004年开始从事AV行业,在2008底离开AV界”,土屋说,“起初,我对这个行业充满了好奇和兴趣,也希望能有一笔不错的收入”。"I started working as an adult video actress in 2004 and left the business in late-2008," says Tsuchiya. "I was initially curious and interested in the industry and also wanted to make a good income." 苍井空在这个行业混了九年了,是一名资深AV女星,她说比起她的抱负,她的资历在下降。“我认为从一开始,我就知道在这个行业里面老手很少,但是另一方面,我并没预计到我必须在这个行业干上九年之久,所以我自己有点惊讶。和我一起入行的其它女孩并没有与我抱有相同的目标,也就是说,将这个职业作为一个跳板,以此进军娱乐界的其它领域”。Sola Aoi, now a veteran of nine years in the business, claims her longevity is down to ambition. "I think from the start I knew this was an industry with very few veterans in it, but on the other hand I didn’t expect that I’d necessarily be in it for the near nine years I have, so I’m kind of myself surprised. Many of the other girls I started with didn’t have the same goals as me, that is, to use this career as a launching pad to move into other areas of show business."在入这行之前,我渴望成为一名幼儿园老师,并且准备好去学校当老师。从我是小孩子起,我就想这样做。但是,当我考虑了我的未来的职业,我确实能够预料到我的生活将会变成怎样,怎样去诚实,这样的生活似乎有点枯燥。"Prior to joining the industry, I aspired to be a pre-school teacher and was already attending school to become one. I’d wanted to do that since I was a child. However, when I thought about my future in that career I could envision exactly how my life would turn out and to be honest, it seemed a little boring."在一次常规的挑选中,苍井空被经纪人发掘于涉谷的街头,并走上了另类的职业生涯,很快她就成为了最有名气的AV女星,她说她从来不用她的真名,但对自己的AV女优身份却直言不讳。It just so happened that Sola was scouted on the streets of Shibuya, a regular pick point, by an agent and was given an alternative career path, and she soon became one of the most well-known AV girls around, so well known in fact that she says she won't ever return to her real name and hide her own AV background.我依然在私底下使用我的真名,但是我并不想完全使用它。也许苍井空只是我所扮演的一个角色,实际上,我没有过多地将她与我的私人生活区分开来。但是,苍井空这个名字在许多专业表演场合让我感到舒服,不仅仅是在AV界。我不想擦除或者是否定我的过往。"I still use my non-business name in my private life but I really don’t have any desire to fully return to it. Maybe in many ways Sola Aoi is a character I play, and I don’t really differ so much from her in my private life, but Sola is the name that I feel comfortable using in many professional arenas, not just AV. I have no desire to erase or deny my history."结婚生子Settling down and building families就关系而言,松岗透露,出于惯例,AV女优在未退出时不会嫁给任何人,这完全不同于主流的日本娱乐圈:偶像,女演员,歌手通常会嫁给导演、经纪人和造型师。“一些已入行的女孩碰到合适的男孩,他们通常会在关系加深的之前,告诉那个男孩。如果你要保守秘密,这并非易事。当然有时候,他们的搭档会明白的。所以,真的是具体事情需要具体分析,他们是令人惊讶的正常女孩。他们有朋友,并且不同寻常。如今的城市男人似乎并不介意。或许在日本的偏远地区,他们会介意。但是现在,他们的思想更加开明。”In terms of relationships, Matsuoka reveals that AV girls never marry anyone within the industry out of convention, again, entirely different to the regular entertainment business in Japan where idols, actresses and singers regularly marry directors, managers and stylists. "Some girls will meet a guy when already in the business and in that case, they’ll generally tell the guy before they are too involved and it’s fine. If they keep it a secret, then it can be harder. But of course, sometimes their partner will understand. So it’s really case-by-case. These girls are surprisingly normal girls. They have friends and really aren’t out of the ordinary. And a lot or urban men these days don’t seem to mind. Perhaps in rural areas of Japan they would. But now, they are more open-minded."苍井空先前与喜剧演员Jiro Hachimitsu有一段长期的恋情,她承认有朝一日自己会过上安定的生活。“我一直都喜欢孩子,组建家庭和养育孩子的想法从未改变,也是我依然想要的生活。但是,“尚未稳定”的感觉对我来讲非常强烈,之前,我希望在我20岁的时候稳定下来,并且生小孩,但是现在,我明白这要在30岁才能得偿所愿了”。Sola, who previously had a long relationship with comedian Jiro Hachimitsu, admits she very much has the ambition to settle down some day. "Well, I’ve always loved children so the idea of having a family and raising kids is something that hasn’t changed and is something I still want. However, the feeling of ‘not yet,’ for me is very strong. Before, I’d hoped to settle down and have kids in my 20s but now I see that that can happen in my 30s as well."松岗承认会有感情出差错的时候,但是他相信在任何其它行业都不仅如此,“我确实与许多结婚生子的女优保持着联系,我们本身不会联系他们,但是一些长期合作的客户会,我们最后变成了非常亲密的朋友,甚至后来,我们可能会在用餐或者闲逛的时候遇上”。Matsuoka admits that there are occasions when relationships turn sour, but he believes not more so than for girls in any other profession. "We do keep contact with some even after they settle down or marry. We ourselves won’t contact them, but with some of our longer-term clients, we end up becoming quite close friends so even afterward we might meet them for dinner or just hang out."不曾后悔No regrets苍井空如今比她在AV界发展时还要成功,她参演了舞台剧《Baragaki》和由山崎裕指导D的倍受赞誉的女性电影《性躯干》,她登陆Twitter之后,在中国刮起一阵风潮,因为Twitter在中国无法使用,促使很多中国影迷急切地冲破所谓的GFW。Sola is currently finding far more success outside of AV than in it, performing in theater productions like "Baragaki", and internationally acclaimed films such as Yutaka Yamazaki's "Torso". She has also caused a storm in China after launching her own Twitter account, prompting Chinese fans to rush to break the so-called "Great Firewall" -- Twitter is banned in China.在亚洲地区,我现在已经有了一些非AV的海外电影作品,包括我刚刚在香港拍完的一部还未上映的电影。但是,我当然想要多拍点电影,作为进军国际电影市场的一个过渡期,希望明年去欧洲和北美。我想专心提高我的英语,并且考虑去海外留学。"I’ve been in a few non-AV overseas films now, in the Asia region including one that hasn’t been released yet that I just finished filming in Hong Kong. But I’d certainly like to do more movies, to make that transition to international film -- hopefully in Europe and North America as well so next year I’d like to focus on improving my English more seriously and am considering studying abroad.同样地,让我的名字起到正面的作用,我想为此做得更多。我现在感兴趣的领域对艾滋病和HIV的认识,我想做更多的志愿工作,以此促进人们得到这方面知识的培训和身体的检测。"Also, using my name to make a difference in a positive way is something I’d really like to do more of. An area of interest to me right now is AIDS and HIV awareness. I’d like to do more volunteer work encouraging people to get educated and tested."然而,苍井空正在开辟新的领地,AV偶像很少能像她一样的成功,但是退出AV界的土屋沙织并没有后悔,当我回过头看过去的四年,我认为那是我生命中的一段非常刺激的时光,我觉得每天都非常充实。甚至如今,我有时真的想要重返AV界,但是我知道那并不是我余生所能从事的职业。我在最辉煌的时候退出,我并不后悔。While Sola is breaking new ground, few AV idols can expect to achieve her level of success. But retired idol Saori Tsuchiya has no regrets. "When I look back at those four years or so now, I think that it was an incredibly stimulating time in my life and I felt very fulfilled each day. Even now, sometimes I think that I’d really like to go back into it, but I know that it’s not a career that I can do for the rest of my life. I think I got out at the perfect time and I have no regrets."
12-01 04:23
12-01 03:13
- -。苍老师还是宝刀未老。
仓老师 同眼 据如


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