
《校草霸爱:萌妻狂想娶》 第241章 麻烦你了
作者:左顾 书名:
&&&&[燃文 www.773buy.com]&&&&“米爱,你可真厉害。匕匕·奇·中·文·蛧·首·发”看米爱下来,思思忍不住对她竖起了一根大拇指。&&&&“我怎么厉害了?”面对那根大拇指,米爱陷入茫然之中。&&&&“你说你竟然能凭一个人的力量就把尘儒美男带到他们宿舍去,这是不是非常厉害?”&&&&眨了眨眼睛,米爱这才有点理解清楚她的意思。&&&&原来她是说她很有力气啊?&&&&“就这事啊!”淡淡一笑,米爱这才道“这是迫不得已嘛!总不能因为做不到就把尘儒丢在这大马路上的。”&&&&“说的也是。”&&&&“再说尘儒神智还是有的,他只是稍微扶了我一下而已,还不太重。”想到爬楼梯,李尘儒都尽量不往她身上靠给她造成压力,米爱稍微有些感动。&&&&“他还只是稍微扶了你啊!那他怎么对我,就是全身的重量?”闻言,思思张大眼睛,看着米爱。&&&&米爱呵呵的笑,思思那没心眼的也就笑了“尘儒美男这丫的,下次非我得好好教育教育他一顿不可。”&&&&听着思思的话,米爱淡淡一笑,不做出回复。&&&&“对了,米爱,你那天消失不见,你都去哪儿了?”&&&&突然询问的声音让米爱一顿,尾后米爱这才盯着她,正在犹豫这事情经过她该怎么说是好的时候,她微微低下头。&&&&“怎么啦?不能说吗?”&&&&“不是。。”不好意思的摸了摸鼻子,米爱这才低声道“那个,我交男朋友了。”&&&&“啥?”听到米爱那低声述说的话,思思这才张大眼睛,又再次询问道“那个,你刚刚说啥了?”&&&&“我说我交男朋友了。”思思那不可置信的表情倒映在眼底里,米爱这才又重新开始说了一声。&&&&“天啊!米爱你怎么会交男朋友,还有,那个男人是谁?”&&&&那浮夸的表情,让米爱微微有些一怔。&&&&“那个人你也见过,是昨天那个救我的人。”&&&&“救你的,难不成,是那个男人?”听到米爱的解释,思思微微张大眼睛,尾后这才连忙拉过米爱。&&&&思思苦口婆心道“米爱你可要好好的想仔细啊!交男朋友交的是感情,而不是感恩,你可不能因为一时的感动就把自己给卖出去吧。”&&&&“我知道。”知道思思想要说什么,米爱这才道“你说的我都知道。”&&&&“你真的都知道?我觉得你不知道吧?米爱,你可得好好想仔细啊!虽然我知道,那个男人长的不错,他又救过你,你要答应他一些事情是无可厚非的,不过,交往这种事情可不是闹着玩的,不是一个小小的感恩就能够把自己卖了的啊!”&&&&“思思。。”看思思那般担心自己而导致苦口婆心的场面,米爱这才拉住她的手“我保证,我真的知道,而且,我答应做他的女朋友,也并不是因为一时的感动。”&&&&“不是因为感动,那就是因为有感情咯!”在米爱试图解释的刹那间,思思瞬间凝望着她,一双茫然的眼睛锁住她的瞳孔。&&&&“米爱,你告诉我,你之所以答应做他的女朋友,是因为感情,是因为你爱他?”&&&&“对啊!因为我对他有感情,所以我才会想要跟他交往。”那明着要让她说出真话的眼神,让米爱一呆。&&&&等她一呆过来,她这才正面应对思思的问题。&&&&“米爱。。”听到答案,思思眼神辗转不宁。&&&&“怎么?你还是很担心我不是爱他而是感动才答应下的条件么?”看思思那明面上没有为她高兴而是相反的心事重重的样子,米爱微微着急的抓住她的手。&&&&“那这样子好了,我在这里我向你保证,我不是因为感动才跟他在一起,相反的,我是真的对他有感觉我才会跟他交往。”&&&&米爱的声音话落,气氛瞬间变得异常宁静。&&&&宁静的气氛太过于安静,让人有些喘不过气来。&&&&“米爱。。”思思凝望着她,木衲的唤她。&&&&“嗯?”听思思唤她,米爱随即张大眼睛回视着她的眸光。&&&&稍不一会儿,思思的脸上表情骤然如风雨一般变化,由原来的不悦,转而变成了欣喜“恭喜你成为有夫之妇啦!”&&&&原本米爱是着急于思思的不悦,然而等她听到思思突然爆发出来的笑声,她忍不住也笑了。&&&&“好哦~你敢吓我,思思你坏哦,你竟然敢吓我!”&&&&“嘻嘻。。”被米爱强制的拉住手臂,思思这才扑哧笑出声。&&&&伴随着思思的笑声,米爱也忍不住笑出声。&&&&不过此刻的话,米爱要是神智要是还能更清楚一点的话,她能看到思思的唇角扬的十分僵硬。&&&&她根本就不快乐,而她的笑容,完全是为了让她高兴而勉强扬起的。&&&&等下午上完课过后,思思这才道“米爱,尘儒美男这几天饭菜我包了,你就不要操心了。”&&&&“可是我想照看他呀!”听到一下课,思思就突然冒出来的话,米爱眨巴着眼睛,有些反应不过来。&&&&“你还有作业要做呢!这件事情就交给我吧!”听米爱也说想要过去看李尘儒,思思立马就拒绝了她的请求。&&&&“对哦,我还有作业。”被思思一提醒,米爱的面容立马皱成一团,缘由是因为她突然想到了那一堆永远解决不完的作业。&&&&“尘儒美男生病了,他不能帮你做作业了,你还是早点把作业给解决了吧!”&&&&巴着眼睛,米爱只能愁眉苦脸的闷声应道“好吧!那我去做作业,尘儒晚上的饭菜就拜托你啦!”&&&&听到米爱有些闷声不快乐的声音,思思低垂着脑袋瓜“嗯”了一声。&&&&去食堂打了饭菜过后,过去请求申管阿姨过后,思思这才终于可以如愿的进入男生宿舍。&&&&到了李尘儒的房内,看到李尘儒跌跌撞撞的走着,仿若想要喝水,思思这才迅速的跑过去,把他扶到床上。&&&&“得了,尘儒美男,我来替你倒水吧!看你这样子,都快闹心死我了。”&&&&听着思思的话,李尘儒这才微微抬眸看他。&&&&泯唇一笑,他声音有些沙哑“你怎么来啦?”&&&&把水盛满放在他手里的时候,思思这才坐在他床上,若无其事道“看你呗!还有,给你带来饭菜来了。”&&&&“真是麻烦你了。”李尘儒低声浅笑,而在他浅笑的那一刹那,思思有些坐不住。&&&&拉拢着脑袋瓜,思思这才道“还有,对不起。。”
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08-10-08 & 发布
又来麻烦你了,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢! 10
又来麻烦你了 还记得我吗 冲出亚马逊
And to trouble you remember me out of the amazon
In tieling stayed for a week, going home now. Feeling really, mom. The car won't go home alone, because there are two aunt and uncle accompany (laughs) in psychological secretly. Back home, but feel cold. Xifeng weather always than in other areas of liaoning to cold. Home feeling all right, mom and dad gives me more pleasure! This week has been very calm, feel the warmth of family. Nestled in the parents, that happiness is the language used to describe, feel oneself is in his parents the most happy person.
Second, this week gud day, 22. My best sisters are married, this is happy for her to find their own happiness. We arrived ahead of tieling. A bedroom people and get together, everybody happy. We will talk every night until after midnight 2 or 3 go to sleep. Everybody together as before to make mad, although have graduated disrupted for two years. Together of the time like again once the student. L second marriage that day, we stand on the red carpet on both sides of the aisle, looking at her arm groom the expression of happiness, we all laughed, they JiaoHuanHun ring, we have moved to cry out, as tears like lines eyes. In the heart of silent said: you must be happy, my good sisters, must be lifetime of happiness. This is our most sincere wishes!
Third, attended the wedding, I returned to the xifen together. We also have a year haven't seen these days, every day, back out to meet and talk, go shopping just feel very happy. Most to make me happy, we go skating. Really is not smooth, my brother are in school and learning skating when. He said, I almost entered the rink in roller skates, good people, a little scared. But the slippery rise and feel good, although there is difference, skating and stronger than the beginners. My brother and hand in hand in the rink angin and again in the slippery. We go to school, feel to learn skating rink in together, without stopping, advisedly, would be sent to the snow fell pain, fear, think oneself to laugh at. But that is the nicest memories in school, hidden in the heart forever. The carefree life at school is really impressive. But now we have not a student, grow up!
其他回答 (4)
In tieling stayed for a week, going home now. Feeling really, mom. The car won't go home alone, because there are two aunt and uncle accompany (laughs) in psychological secretly. Back home, but feel cold. Xifeng weather always than in other areas of liaoning to cold. Home feeling all right, mom and dad gives me more pleasure! This week has been very calm, feel the warmth of family. Nestled in the parents, that happiness is the language used to describe, feel oneself is in his parents the most happy person.
Second, this week gud day, 22. My best sisters are married, this is happy for her to find their own happiness. We arrived ahead of tieling. A bedroom people and get together, everybody happy. We will talk every night until after midnight 2 or 3 go to sleep. Everybody together as before to make mad, although have graduated disrupted for two years. Together of the time like again once the student. L second marriage that day, we stand on the red carpet on both sides of the aisle, looking at her arm groom the expression of happiness, we all laughed, they JiaoHuanHun ring, we have moved to cry out, as tears like lines eyes. In the heart of silent said: you must be happy, my good sisters, must be lifetime of happiness. This is our most sincere wishes!
Third, attended the wedding, I returned to the xifen together. We also have a year haven't seen these days, every day, back out to meet and talk, go shopping just feel very happy. Most to make me happy, we go skating. Really is not smooth, my brother are in school and learning skating when. He said, I almost entered the rink in roller skates, good people, a little scared. But the slippery rise and feel good, although there is difference, skating and stronger than the beginners. My brother and hand in hand in the rink angin and again in the slippery. We go to school, feel to learn skating rink in together, without stopping, advisedly, would be sent to the snow fell pain, fear, think oneself to laugh at. But that is the nicest memories in school, hidden in the heart forever. The carefree life at school is really impressive. But now we have not a student, grow up!
什么是幸福?做自己喜欢事,和自己喜欢的人在一起是幸福的。愿望实现了是幸福。其实你觉得你幸福你是幸福,幸福与不幸福都在你心中 遇到一对幸福伴侣,也是件很幸福事,因幸福是会传染的 幸福其实很简单,只要你认为满足了,幸福就悄悄来到你身边 幸福含义总是让人捉摸不透 幸福阶梯总让人难以攀登 知足常乐是种幸福 甘于平淡也是幸福 就看我们用什么心态去看待幸福 去感受幸福 有时幸福无处可寻又无处不在 生活点点滴滴都蕴育着幸福 有个温馨的家固然是幸福 那么谁又能说一个人的自由就不是幸福呢 有个体面的工作是幸福 那么谁又能说没工作的人就不幸福呢 相依相守朝朝暮暮是幸福 虽远隔天涯却心灵相通又何尝不是另外种幸福. 幸福在我们身边 幸福随处可见 是我们日益疲惫的心麻木了幸福 还是幸福麻木了我们迟钝的神经 这世界上不是缺少幸福 而是缺少发现幸福的眼睛和心灵 没幸福时候 我们渴望幸福 拥有幸福时 又不懂得珍惜幸福 我们总是不停在追求新的幸福 从没给自己时间和空间 去真正感受幸福含义
In tieling stayed for a week, going home now. Feeling really, mom. The car won't go home alone, because there are two aunt and uncle accompany (laughs) in psychological secretly. Back home, but feel cold. Xifeng weather always than in other areas of liaoning to cold. Home feeling all right, mom and dad gives me more pleasure! This week has been very calm, feel the warmth of family. Nestled in the parents, that happiness is the language used to describe, feel oneself is in his parents the most happy person.
Second, this week gud day, 22. My best sisters are married, this is happy for her to find their own happiness. We arrived ahead of tieling. A bedroom people and get together, everybody happy. We will talk every night until after midnight 2 or 3 go to sleep. Everybody together as before to make mad, although have graduated disrupted for two years. Together of the time like again once the student. L second marriage that day, we stand on the red carpet on both sides of the aisle, looking at her arm groom the expression of happiness, we all laughed, they JiaoHuanHun ring, we have moved to cry out, as tears like lines eyes. In the heart of silent said: you must be happy, my good sisters, must be lifetime of happiness. This is our most sincere wishes!
Third, attended the wedding, I returned to the xifen together. We also have a year haven't seen these days, every day, back out to meet and talk, go shopping just feel very happy. Most to make me happy, we go skating. Really is not smooth, my brother are in school and learning skating when. He said, I almost entered the rink in roller skates, good people, a little scared. But the slippery rise and feel good, although there is difference, skating and stronger than the beginners. My brother and hand in hand in the rink angin and again in the slippery. We go to school, feel to learn skating rink in together, without stopping, advisedly, would be sent to the snow fell pain, fear, think oneself to laugh at. But that is the nicest memories in school, hidden in the heart forever. The carefree life at school is really impressive. But now we have not a student, grow up!
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至尊宝: ......-_-││


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