
  1.冬爷爷走了,春姑娘来了.  春姑娘来到公园里,草儿第一个发现,它伸出小脑袋悄悄地提醒大伙儿,并热情地向春姑娘打招呼:“春姑娘好!”春姑娘开心地走向花坛,花儿们你不让我,我不让你竞相开放.这些美丽的花吸引了许多蜜蜂,它们嗡嗡地忙着采蜜;蝴蝶们也来了,它们在花丛中翩翩起舞,为花儿传播花粉.河里的水融化了,小鱼得到了自由,河边的柳树好似正在照着镜子梳着长发.它们也快乐地向春姑娘问好.  田野里春姑娘带来了丰富的雨水,滋润着麦苗等许多庄稼.春姑娘还把小朋友们叫出来放风筝,风筝飞着,孩子们奔跑着,好奇的燕子飞过,看着各种各样的风筝眼花缭乱.  春姑娘带来了美丽和生机!2.春姑娘迈着轻轻的脚步,向人间走来.  小燕子带着剪刀似的尾巴从南方飞回来了.它们在枝头上叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“春天来了,春天来了.”  柳树抽出又细又长的枝条,微风吹来,枝条随风舞动,好像在翩翩起舞.枝条上还冒出了嫩绿色的小芽.  小溪里的冰融化了,溪水欢快地流淌,好像在唱着春天的歌曲.溪水像明亮的镜子,它让柳树照到了自己那美丽的倒影.  绿绿地小草扭动着身子,使劲向上钻.它终于钻出了地面,探头探脑地向四周张望.好像在和伙伴们问好.  草地上还有各种各样的野花呢!有红的,白的、粉的……五彩缤纷,真好看!草地上的野花有全开的、半开的、像害羞的小姑娘,还有小花骨朵儿呢!  小朋友们脱掉厚厚的棉袄,换上了轻薄的夹克衫,冲出家门去室外寻找美丽的春天.  春天是个美丽的季节.3春天到了,初春的太阳像个大姑娘似的,恼羞地露着半个红通通的脸蛋向我微笑.过了一会儿,太阳出现了,光芒四射,把金色的光辉洒向人间.霎时间,整个大地充满了光明、温暖.初春的阳光洒在人身上,暖洋洋的,像慈母般的温暖、亲切.郊外,伴着小鸟的欢唱,我们去找春天.找到了,找到了,春天已悄悄地降临了.看,麦苗碧绿碧绿,鲜嫩鲜嫩的,一片连着一片,像绿色的海洋,一阵风格拂过,“海洋里”碧波荡漾.那金黄的油菜,一方方,一块块,似海洋里涌出的一座座小金塔,又像是一条条金黄的地毯,在阳光的照耀下,发出夺目的光彩.清风徐来,浓郁的油菜花香,沁人心脾,我都要快被熏酥了.小道边,小草偷偷地钻出地面,慌慌忙忙地伸叶爬蔓.不多时就铺满沟沿儿,田埂,远远望去,绿绒绒的一片,恰似一条绿地毯,踩上去,软软的,松松的.我索性躺下,打着滚儿,尽情地享受春的温馨.咦,那些五彩的小斑点是什么?哦,那些桔黄的、桔红的、茄子紫...都是些蒲公英啦,马兰啦,鸭子食啦...还有些我见也没见过的,叫也叫不出名儿的野花,像满天的星星洒在碧玉盘里.它们争奋斗艳,把“绿地毯打份的格外美丽”.小河里的浮萍,全被风吹到河的一边儿去了,挨得紧紧的,不留一点缝隙,远远望去,还真有点“半江瑟瑟半江红”的味道呢!天朗气清,惠风和畅,春日的芳草鲜,落英缤纷,行云流水,繁星月色.你可曾驻足赞叹?何不放慢脚步欣赏一番,你会发现,春日风情那如诗如画的美了!4春天来了!鸟语花香、莺歌燕舞、冰雪融化、柳绿花红、春暖花开、泉水叮咚……真美丽!  你看春天真美丽!:桃花笑红了脸、柳树梳着细长的辫子、小河里的冰块,被太阳公公照羞了脸、春风姐姐从我们的头发上吹过,呀,我们马上体会到了春天的滋味!春天的美丽让许多小朋友吸引了过去,他们就去一块空地上放风筝了!  你看,春天是不是很有趣?啊啊,自己选一个吧,总有适合的
爸爸妈妈我十分感谢您谢谢您的养育之恩小时我在您温暖的臂弯下蹒跚学步在你的教导下学习唐诗三百首这一切在您们看来是十分平常的但在我的心中这些是我最难忘却的最珍贵的回忆 今天我已是即将毕业得小学生了但您好像怎么似的对我的要求很严格现在我已经很累了但是我经过听父母的谈话我对这个想法感觉太差了太自私了我的爸爸妈妈并不是很有文化他们希望我们能成才能够为家中争光为祖国争光而我却因为累而感到压力 总和爸爸妈妈吵架我真是太不该了在这里我给您说一声;谢谢您爸爸 妈妈
爸爸妈妈,我不希望失去锻炼的机会 ,我想告诉你们,我已不是那个喜欢撒娇的小孩子了,女儿长大了,她需要的是自理能力。
出门在外也不愁求一篇英语作文,题目为感谢母亲或父亲的批评!我要传到句酷修改网上去!求大神们帮帮忙100词左右!was grateful that my mother/father criticized me the other day……_作业帮
求一篇英语作文,题目为感谢母亲或父亲的批评!我要传到句酷修改网上去!求大神们帮帮忙100词左右!was grateful that my mother/father criticized me the other day……
求一篇英语作文,题目为感谢母亲或父亲的批评!我要传到句酷修改网上去!求大神们帮帮忙100词左右!was grateful that my mother/father criticized me the other day……
Thank the parentsThey put me up to adult, who taught me in school should respect teachers, they teach me in the school to solidarity, be they when I am in trouble and I share, they teach me where to care for the young, are they happy with my heart, come how many years, they do not know how much to eat bitter, flow how many sweat.I remember once, examination of single down, I see, though, was passed, but this is not what I want to get scores, suddenly, I remembered a few days ago, I class and do not listen carefully, I regret it, I can't put the papers give mom and dad look, I was very afraid, waiting for mom and dad a storm of criticism, exceeding one's expectations is father and mother with a gentle voice said: " never mind, " failure is the mother of success, you must firmly believe that nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. " Listen to them after a drop of tear, can't help to stream down from my eyes. However, a firm belief is deeply engraved in my mind.Now I see light suddenly, parental love is like the ocean, boundless endless. Even if the fight is also a kind of love is called.Gratitude is a warm feeling, like a stream flowing slowly, softly sang in the heart and the heart, between the transmission of the human world of the most pure beautiful message. Most of all I thank my parents. Their open minds with deep love and embrace all my advantages and disadvantages, generously gave me a room for my own, let me extend his arms, I want to embrace life. I thank my parents, they gave me to come to this world power. My childhood in his parents' love and care be light of heart from care to spend. Sunny day, they sent me a beautifu rainy season of snow, they for me up a soft umbrella. Youth times accompanied by studying the passions, but included the number of parents are bitter sweet and sour. Parents often look very happy because my joy, often because of my trouble and worry in the heart. I know, my parents are looking forward to have a good result, one day in the future, their daughter can depend on oneself ability, to live a better life. Finally one day, parents wish: finally has one to belong to my happy home. Parents smiled, in this heartfelt smile, but I saw parents forehead when covered with wrinkles, also many strands of white hair at the temples. Their heart is still filled with countless worry, about her daughter, worried about their little grandson. Then, to my work, my family and my children, parents in their close already sixty years old, they start with a granddaughter of "old maid", see granddaughter as childhood when I smart clever appearance, parents meet smile. Just, they are no longer young ... ... I thank my parents, and when I am no longer young, when I quietly counting the parents head wisps of hair, as I gently stroked pI thank my parents, when parents are no longer young parents, as time rolls on a silent love still on my journey, when parents kindly eyes filled with countI thank my parents, and when I was a new mother full of love to take care of the baby, when I gently as the daughter sings that head " and I love you so " ... ... I finally understand:Are my parents, give me the whole world! I thank my parents. Parents of this word, I believe that everyone in the dictionary is, the two word is so gentle, cordial. In my impression, parents would like a vast universe, and I was a little stars, they gave me meticulous love and care, they to I also spent a lot of care. " The book of songs " said: " father, my mother and I, I, I ask my education, I raise my animal. " My parents too, but I can put their " kind " as " intent ". " Up! " " Wait a minute, and then sleep for a while! " I said lazily. " The sun is up to! Give me up! " Dad shouted the impatient, I had to read together in english. ( I don't know my mother bought from where the " X " in English, what to say to increase vocabulary, I do not believe in a "broken " book to turn me into the " English individual word king "! ) The immediate letter dangling, don't know which is " m " which is " w ". Dad knocked on the desk and said: " read fast! " A few days later, I said to his mother: " I can't stand it, I am so small, will have a ' eye ', you simply abuse! " But she said coldly: " you don't read the can, but you'll have to eat your dad ' bamboo barbecue '! " Hearing the words, can not control feelings I ran out of the room, opened the diary, and wrote a few words: father and mother I hate you! At this moment, my heart is more comfortable, as if these words to me a newspaper ". " yes. But after a few months, magical effect emerged: the English test, I got 100 points, and the English teacher called difficult words, I'll read. Looks like Daddy Mama " devil training " has appeared. At this moment, I just know Mom and dad on my heart. I quietly opened the diary, the hated word erase, suddenly I feel a sense of relief. Mom and Dad, thank you! You have given me life is b you raise me up. This love is my life can not repay, thank you!求一篇作文:小守门员 400字左右就是5年级下次语文书上2单元的那个看图习作_作业帮
求一篇作文:小守门员 400字左右就是5年级下次语文书上2单元的那个看图习作
求一篇作文:小守门员 400字左右就是5年级下次语文书上2单元的那个看图习作
一个阳光明媚的下午,一群男孩子们高高兴兴地走到这片空地,把书包和帽子一丢,堆成两堆,便成了简易的球门.激烈的球赛开始了. 那位头发金黄的守门员,脸因紧张和高兴涨成了红色,虽然昨天膝盖被擦破了,但他毫不在意.只见他把双手放在膝盖上,半蹲着身子,聚精会神地盯着足球,跃跃欲试. 站在他身后的小男孩,穿着红色的运动服,挺着肚子,有些不服气,昨天大哥哥的腿摔破时,还是他踢走了一球,取得胜利呢.他想到这,有些洋洋得意. 过往的行人都被这场紧张的球赛吸引了.纷纷停下脚,坐在长凳上,也不知是谁家的小狗,它可对足球不感兴趣,它只对主人供它玩的小皮球感兴趣呢.现在正无所事事地在草地上打呼噜. 你瞧,那个带着弟弟的小男孩,目光紧紧的琐在黄队,坐这一动不动,生怕黄队输了. 和守门员一样有着金黄色头发的小男孩,伸长了脖子,口中轻声喃喃自语:“加油!踢!好!”站在他身后的,头上系着深红色蝴蝶节的小女孩儿,索性站起来,只见她双手叉腰,眉头紧皱,好像有什么不顺心. 戴红色帽子的小女孩,弯着腰,伸头向右望去,她涨红了脸,虽说她没有上“战场”但她的心跳自己清清楚楚能听见. 一位抱着洋娃娃的女孩,一直微笑着,眼睛却繁忙了,一直盯着球,看球究竟在哪队里.那个穿着绿衣服的小男孩,也许是第一次看见这种场面吧.他的小手在计算胜负,一边轻轻摇手,一边说:“真精彩,太不可思议了.” 看得最认真的算是那位大个子叔叔了,他看得津津有味.求一篇英语作文 名字是 《The Niagara Falls》要求:1.位置:北美洲的东北部2.景观描述:分为(be divided into)两部分:较大的一部分在加拿大境内,高约54米,宽约675米;较小的一部分在美国境内,_作业帮
求一篇英语作文 名字是 《The Niagara Falls》要求:1.位置:北美洲的东北部2.景观描述:分为(be divided into)两部分:较大的一部分在加拿大境内,高约54米,宽约675米;较小的一部分在美国境内,
求一篇英语作文 名字是 《The Niagara Falls》要求:1.位置:北美洲的东北部2.景观描述:分为(be divided into)两部分:较大的一部分在加拿大境内,高约54米,宽约675米;较小的一部分在美国境内,高约56米,宽约320米3.评价:自然界最伟大的奇观之一;每年有大约1400万游客来从世界各地来这里参观.(不要用翻译器啊)
哈,我去过哦,加拿大那边而已,叹The Niagara Falls, situated between the border of United States and Canada, is one of the best popular tourist destinations in the world. As the name indicates, it is divided between Canada and the U.S., with Canada occupying the larger fall. The fall is about 54 metres tall and measures 675 metres wide, the smaller one is about the same height but mesures merely 320 metres. The Niagara falls is one of the world's greatest wonders, there are about fourteen million tourists from every corner of the world visiting the place. 译毕,以下附加There are also ships called the "Mist Maidens" who will carry the tourists close to the falls, and tourists can feel the splendor and the magnificence of the fall at a very close distance, hence the word "mist". Under the Canadian fall there is also a museum of butterflies, with all kinds of exotic species for exhibition. At night, the falls will also be illuminated by iridescent lights installed under the falls, a real wonder.}


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