我叫mt2 肯德基基一踢球就弹的游戏叫什么

肯德基广告中 用手机拍摄踢足球是哪个游戏_百度知道
肯德基广告中 用手机拍摄踢足球是哪个游戏
K球吧。 祝玩的愉快
这里引用一个在微软的游戏研究员写的文章,来回答题主这个问题再好不过了。原文可自行网上搜索。话说我看完这个之后,真的感到很恶心。So, the headlines say somebody else has died due to video game addiction. Yes, it's Korea again.What the hell? Look, I'm not saying video games are heroin. Itotally get that the victims had other shit going on in their lives.But, half of you reading this know a World of Warcraft addict andexperts say video game addiction is a thing. 嗯 最近呢 报纸的头条说又有人因为沉迷游戏而死了这是怎么了?我不是说电脑游戏是海洛因。我当然知道这些沉迷在游戏里的人在现实中可能很受伤或很孤独,但是沉迷魔兽世界这个现象或者专家叫兽说的沉迷网络游戏还是比较严重的。 Sohere's the big question: Are some games intentionally designed to keepyou compulsively playing, even when you're not enjoying it? 所以我就想问问:是不是有些游戏故意设计成让你必须不断的去玩,即使你一点也没享受? Oh, hell yes. And their methods are downright creepy. 当然有。而且他们的那些招数有时简直是让人毛骨悚然。#5. Putting You in a Skinner Box#5. 把你当小白鼠 [
If you've ever been addicted to a game or known someone who was, this article is really freaking disturbing. 如果你曾沉迷于某个游戏或者知道那么个人沉迷,那么你肯定觉的下面这篇文章很恶心。[http:///exclusives/081111_gaming.htm ] It'swritten by a games researcher at Microsoft on how to make video gamesthat hook players, whether they like it or not. He has a doctorate inbehavioral and brain sciences. 这篇文章是一个在微软的游戏研究员写的,内容是说怎么样才能让游戏钓住人,才能让玩家喜欢。这个人很厉害,有行为学和脑科学的博士学位。 quote"Eachcontingency is an arrangement of time, activity, and reward, and thereare an infinite number of ways these elements can be combined toproduce the pattern of activity you want from your players." 书中说:游戏中每一个事件都是一个一个设计好的时间段,活动,奖励的集合。这有无数的方法让这些元素可以结合在一起构成各种各样的游戏事件的探索 Noticehis article does not contain the words "fun" or "enjoyment." That's nothis field. Instead it's "the pattern of activity you want." 注意到这个写的文章中没有任何一个“好玩","有意思"的字眼。因为那玩意跟他没有关系。反而写的是游戏事件的探索。 "...at this point, younger gamers will raise their arms above their head, leaving them vulnerable." “在这个节点,会很容易让年轻玩家们爽到举手庆祝。” [
Histheories are based around the work of BF Skinner, who discovered youcould control behavior by training subjects with simple stimulus andreward. 他的理论基于B. F. Skinner。这个人发现,控制生物的行为只需要用简单的赏罚措施来训练目标。 He invented the "Skinner Box," a cage containing a small animal that, for instance, presses a lever to get food pellets. 他发明的Skinner box斯金纳箱 ,用来控制小动物,比如拉一个杆或者按按钮就可以得到食物 [
This sort of thing caused games researcher Nick Yee to once call Everquest a "Virtual Skinner Box." 这玩意的发明导致了游戏研究者 Nick Yee 把《无尽的任务》称为Skinner虚拟实验室。 So What's The Problem? 问题在哪? Gaminghas changed. It used to be that once they sold us a $50 game, theydidn't particularly care how long we played.The big thing was makingsure we liked it enough to buy the next one. 现在游戏的本质已经变了。曾经一个游戏要50块钱,厂商也不会特别关心我们究竟玩多久。游戏只要做的好玩以此来确保我们还买下一作。 But the industry is moving toward subscription-based games likeMMO's that need the subject to keep playing--and paying--until the sungoes supernova. 但游戏的商业化逐步向前使基于用户群的游戏比如MMO大型多人在线,需要用户一直玩下去并且一直付钱直到地球爆炸,太阳毁灭,春哥去世。 Now, there's no way they can create enough exploration or story tokeep you playing for thousands of hours, so they had to change themechanics of the game, so players would instead keep doing the sameactions over and over and over, whether they liked it or not. So gamedevelopers turned to Skinner's techniques. 不过他们没有办法创造一个足够大的探索的空间或者故事背景让你玩个好几百年,所以他们必须得改变游戏的机理,让这些玩家不管喜欢还是不喜欢,能坚持一直做重复无聊的事情。所以这些游戏设计师就用了Skinner方法 This is a big source of controversy in the world of game designright now. Braid creator Jonathan Blow said Skinnerian game mechanicsare a form of "exploitation." It's not that these games can't be fun.But they're designed to keep gamers subscribing during the periods whenit's not fun, locking them into a repetitive slog using Skinner'smanipulative system of carefully scheduled rewards. 这个目前在游戏设计方面是一个很大的争论。《时空环境》的设计者 Jonathan Blow认为Skinner这种模式的游戏机理是一种剥削形式。它不是那种“好玩的游戏”,而是设计出来让玩家定期辛勤地劳作,通过Skinner用来控制生物的奖赏惩罚制度把他们牢牢的栓在电脑前不断的猛击鼠标键盘。 Why would this work, when the "rewards" are just digital objects that don't actually exist? Well... 你想问为什么这种方法会奏效,那些奖励都只是一些电子代码啊? 那么请看下面
#4. Creating Virtual Food Pellets For You To Eat#4. 制造一些虚拟精神食粮给你喂食 Most addiction-based game elements are based on this fact:Your brain treats items and goods in the video game world as if they are real. Because they are. 大多数游戏成瘾都基于以下这个事实:你的大脑把游戏物品当成真实存在的东西。事实上,游戏物品确实有价值。 People scoff at this idea all the time ("You spent all that timeworking for a sword that doesn't even exist?") and those people arestupid. If it takes time, effort and skill to obtain an item, that itemhas value, whether it's made of diamonds, binary code or beef jerky. 有人冷嘲热讽玩游戏的人:就为了一件虚拟的武器,你竟然能浪费你所有的人生?其实这些人想错了。如果某件东西需要花费很多时间精力和技术,那么不论这件物品是用钻石做的,还是二进制码构成的,还是牛肉做的,他都是有价值的。 [
I have easily 500 hours in Zelda bottles. 我不经意的就耗费500小时在《塞尔达》的瓶子上。 That'swhy the highest court in South Korea ruled that virtual goods are to belegally treated the same as real goods. And virtual goods are now a $5billion industry worldwide. 这就是为什么韩国最高法院规定虚拟货币是可以合法跟金钱兑换的。现在全世界虚拟货币总额高达50亿美元。 There'snothing crazy about it. After all, people pay thousands of dollars fordiamonds, even though diamonds do nothing but look pretty. A video gamesuit of armor looks pretty and protects you from video game orcs. Inboth cases you're paying for an idea. 这没有什么好值得争议的。毕竟人们还花很多钱去买钻石,尽管我们都知道钻石只是好看点而已。一套装备也很好看而且能保护你不受那些兽人的伤害。这样说来这两样东西都是一样的,你只是花钱买一个概念(idea)而已。 [
] 生日快乐!这是送你的。 So What's The Problem?Of course, virtually every game of the last 25 years has includeditems you can collect in the course of defeating the game--there'snothing new or evil about that. But because gamers regard in-game itemsas real and valuable on their own, addiction-based games send yourunning around endlessly collecting them even if they have nothing todo with the game's objective. 问题在哪?当然了,事实上过去25年里在基本每个游戏都要你收集物品,以便通关。这也没什么特别的。不过由于玩家把游戏里的东西当成自己的财宝一样,所以那些故意让人上瘾的游戏让你无穷无尽的去收集东西,尤其某些东西甚至在游戏里没什么用。 It is very much intentional on the developers' part, an appeal toour natural hoarding and gathering instincts, collecting for the sakeof collecting. It works, too, just ask the guy who kept collectingitems even while naked boobies sat just feet away. Boobies. 游戏开发者明显故意利用我们贮藏和收集物品的动物本性,让我们永远刷怪刷怪刷怪。 这种方法很见效的,不信你看这儿就有一人,尽管边儿上坐着一个裸体大波妹,他却执着的刷怪做任务。[http:///5384643/i-kept-playing--the-costs-of-my-gaming-addiction 此网页不属于本网站,不保证其安全性 取消] As the article from the Microsoft guy proves, developers knowthey're using these objects as pellets in a Skinner box. At that pointit's all about... 从那篇微软员工写的文章上来看,游戏开发者知道他们设计物品来对待玩家就好比在skinner实验箱给小白鼠奖励一样。这是为了……#3. Making You Press the Lever#3. 让你主动按按钮 So picture the rat in his box. Or, since I'm one of these gamersand don't like to think of myself as a rat, picture an adorablehamster. Maybe he can talk, and is voiced by Chris Rock. 想象一个关在笼子里的一个小白鼠,噢,既然我自己也老玩游戏,当然不愿意承认自己是小白鼠。那就想象是精灵鼠小弟行了吧 Ifyou want to make him press the lever as fast as possible, how would youdo it? Not by giving him a pellet with every press--he'll soon relax,knowing the pellets are there when he needs them. No, the best way isto set up the machine so that it drops the pellets at random intervalsof lever pressing. He'll soon start pumping that thing as fast as hecan. Experiments prove it. 如果你想让它不停的按按钮,你会怎么做呢?如果你不在它按按钮的时候奖励它食物,它显然就不会再去按了。最牛逼的办法就是设定个程序根据按按钮的次数按照不定的几率的掉落食物,那么它马上就会不停的按按钮。实验证明了这点。 [
See? Proof. 看到了么?证明 They call these "Variable Ratio Rewards" in Skinner land and thisis the reason many enemies "drop" valuable items totally at random inWoW. This is addictive in exactly the same way a slot machine isaddictive. You can't quit now because the very next one could be awinner. Or the next. Or the next. 这叫“变动的暴率”,这就是为什么在魔兽世界里,怪物掉的东西都是随机的。。这就跟老虎机勾住人是一个意思。"也许再玩一次就大奖呢? 也许下一个怪就掉我的装备了呢?" The Chinese MMO ZT Online has the most devious implementation ofthis I've ever seen. The game is full of these treasure chests that mayor may not contain a random item and to open them, you need a key. Howdo you get the keys? Why, you buy them with real-world money, ofcourse. Like coins in a slot machine. 在中国,网络游戏《征途》用的方法可谓是世界上最狡猾的。这个游戏满世界都是各种各样随机开出宝物的箱子。你想打开这些箱子,你就得用KEY。怎么获得这些KEY呢?当然花RMB买了,跟老虎机的游戏币一个意思。 [
And that's hardly the most ridiculous aspect of the game. 当然那显然不是这样游戏最离谱的地方。 Now, in addition to the gambling element, you have thousands ofplayers in competition with each other, to see who can be the mostobsessive about opening the chests. One woman tells of how she spenther entire evening opening chests--over a thousand--to try to win thedaily prize.She didn't. There was always someone else more obsessed. 除了赌博元素外,你跟其他成千上万的玩家还有个排名,互相攀比看看谁开的箱子最多。有个妹子就说她曾经花整个晚上在开箱子--开了1000多个箱子就为了得当日日常奖励。她最后也没有得到,因为总有人比她开的多. So What's The Problem?Are you picturing her sitting there, watching her little characterin front of the chest, clicking dialogue boxes over and over, watchingthe same animation over and over, for hour after hour? 问题在哪?你是不是能到想象那个妹子坐在电脑前,看着她的人物在箱子前,不断开箱子,点对话,看同一个动画效果无数次? [
If you didn't know any better, you'd think she had a cripplingmental illness. How could she possibly get from her rational self tothat Rain Man-esque compulsion? 如果不懂她在做什么的话,你会以为她有严重的心理疾病 :“她怎么会从一个好姑娘变成了一个“雨人”一样的自闭症患者?” BF Skinner knew. He called that training process "shaping." Littlerewards, step by step, like links in a chain. In WoW you decide youwant the super cool Tier 10 armor. You need five separate pieces. Toget the full set, you need more than 400 Frost Emblems, which areearned a couple at a time, from certain enemies. Then you need toupgrade each piece of armor with Marks of Sanctification. Then againwith Heroic Marks of Sanctification. To get all that you must re-runrepetitive missions and sit, clicking your mouse, for days and days anddays. Boobies be damned. BF Skinner管这种过程叫“塑形”。用小奖励,一步一步,一环扣一环地把你控制住。在魔兽世界里,你想要来套T10,首先它有五件,然后你还要至少400个冰霜徽章。这些冰霜徽章也要花时间在特定的怪物上得到.然后你还需要用"印记"换更好的T10。所以你又得回去原来的地方继续刷怪,日日夜夜,不停的点着鼠标。大波妹被击倒。 Once it gets to that point, can you even call that activity a"game" anymore? It's more like scratching a rash. And it gets worse... 一旦你明白了,你还管这些叫"游戏"吗? 这更像是挠蚊子包,越挠越痒.并且还变的更恶劣了....#2. Keeping You Pressing It... Forever#2. 让你一直点击鼠标,直到永远. Now, the big difference between our Skinner box hamster and a realhuman is that we humans can get our pellets elsewhere. If a game reallywas just nothing but clicking a box for random rewards, we'd eventuallydrop it to play some other game. Humans need a long-term goal to keepus going, and the world of addictive gaming has got this down to ascience. Techniques include.... 小白鼠和人的最大区别在于我们人可以选择别的游戏.如果一个游戏真的只是开箱子随机得物品的话,我们最终就会玩别的去了.人类需要一个长远的目标来坚持继续向前.让人沉迷的游戏用以下科学方法拴住玩家 Easing Them InFirst, set up the "pellets" so that they come fast at first, andthen slower and slower as time goes on. This is why they make it veryeasy to earn rewards (or level up) in the beginning of an MMO, but thenthe time and effort between levels increases exponentially. Once thegamer has experienced the rush of leveling up early, the delayedgratification actually increases the pleasure of the later levels. Thatvideo game behavior expert at Microsoft found that gamers play more andmore frantically as they approach a new level. 由浅入深的吸引玩家.首先,设计好"食物"让玩家很快聚集过来,然后随时间减慢"食物"的供应速度.这就是为什么MMO一开始都是升级容易,然后需要的付出和时间与等级就按比例的增加了.一旦玩家感觉到升级迅速的快感后,之后减缓的升级速度实际上增加了升级的快感.微软的游戏行为学研究人员发现玩家升的级越高,他们玩的就越狂热. Eliminating Stopping Points:The easiest way is to just put save points far apart, orengage the player in long missions (like WoW raids) that, once started,are difficult to get out of without losing progress.But thatcan be frustrating for gamers, so you can take the opposite approach ofa game like New Super Mario Bros. Wii, where you make the levels reallyshort so it's like eating potato chips. They're so small on their ownthat it doesn't take much convincing to get the player to grab anotherone, and soon they've eaten the whole bag. 减少玩家的休息最简单的方法就是把存档点设置的特别特别远,或者鼓励玩家做一个长线任务(比如WOW的25人本)一旦开始了,就很难主动停止,否则就前功尽弃.不过肯定有玩家不吃这一套.所以这里有个从另外一个角度做的游戏:WII上的超级马里奥兄弟,游戏中关卡比较的短,给人的感觉就像吃一包薯片一样.吃了一片儿,意犹未尽,又吃一片儿,直到整袋吃完. [
Somewhere in that bag is an angry dinosaur and a kidnapped princess. 这包薯片中藏着库巴和被绑的公主. By the way, this is the same reason a person who wouldn't normallyread a 3,000-word article on the Internet will happily read it if it'ssplit up into list form. Are you ignoring boobies to read this? I'vedone my job! 顺便说一下这也是为什么一个人不会看一篇一整段3000字的文章,却会读那些分成细小段落的文章的原因. Play It Or Lose It:Thisis the real dick move. Why reward the hamster for pressing the lever?Why not simply set it up so that when he fails to press it, we punishhim?Behaviorists call this "avoidance." They set the cage up sothat it gives the animal an electric shock every 30 seconds unless ithits the lever. It learns very very fast to stay on the lever, all thetime, hitting it over and over. Forever. 不玩你就输了这是一个比较操蛋的阴招.为什么因为小白鼠按键就奖励它?为什么不是设计成如果他不按,就惩罚他?行为学家叫这个"躲避"。他们设计这样的笼子让每隔30秒就给动物一个电击,除非它按那个按钮。动物也学的非常非常快,永远在按钮旁边,不停的按着按钮,一次又一次。 [
"Get back to Excitebike!" “回去继续《越野摩托》!” Why is your mom obsessively harvesting her crops in Farmville?Because they wither and rot if she doesn't. In Ultima Online, yourhouse or castle would start to decay if you didn't return to itregularly. In Animal Crossing, the town grows over with weeds and yourvirtual house becomes infested with cockroaches if you don't log inoften enough. It's the crown jewel of game programmingdouchebaggery--keep the player clicking and clicking and clicking justto avoid losing the stuff they worked so hard to get. 为什么到时间了就要疯了似的收割农作物,因为它会枯萎会腐烂。在《UO》你的房子或者城堡会变旧。在《动物之森》中,在镇子会长满野草,假如不经常登陆的话你的房子会爬进蟑螂。这是操蛋游戏设计史的里程牌设计让玩家不停的玩玩玩而只为了避免失去他们曾非常努力得到的东西。 All Of the Above:Each of those techniques has a downsideand to get the ultimate addictive game, you combine as many aspossible, along with the "random drop" gambling element mentionedbefore (count how many of these techniques are in WoW). They get thehamster running back and forth from one lever to another to another. 上述每一个方法都有不足。为了让人沉迷于这个游戏。他们就把这些方法全部结合起来,加上“固定暴率,随机掉落”(算算有多少在魔兽世界里)做成一个游戏。让小白鼠们,一会跑去按这个按钮,一会跑去按那个按钮。 So What's The Problem?We asked earlier if the itemcollection via obsessive clicking could be called a "game." So thatraises the question: What is a game?Well, we humans play gamesbecause there is a basic satisfaction in mastering a skill, even ifit's a pointless one in terms of our overall life goals. It helps usdevelop our brains (especially as children) and to test ourselveswithout serious consequences if we fail. This is why our brains rewardus with the sensation we call "fun" when we do it. Hell, even dolphinsdo it: 问题在哪?之前我们提出这个问题:强迫性的点击&&&&收集物品 能不能称为一个游戏 那么这引出一个大问题 什么是游戏?嗯,我们玩游戏是因为我们满足于掌控游戏世界,尽管对我们现实世界没有任何意义。它也能帮助开发我们的大脑(尤其是孩子们),还可以看看自己的能力而且即使失败了也没什么后果。这就是为什么我们的大脑在我们玩游戏时奖励我们一种我们称做“快乐”的感觉。其实海豚也这样:[] This is why I haven't included games like Guitar Hero inthis article. They're addictive, sure, but in a way everybodyunderstands. It's perfectly natural to enjoy getting good at something.Likewise, competitive games like Modern Warfare 2 are just sports for people who lack athleticism. There' everybody likes to win. 所以我没有谈及像吉他英雄这样的游戏。它们也故意让人上瘾,不过用的路子是大家都明白知道的。我们很自然会想要玩的越来越好。同样地,像使命召唤6这样的游戏只是面向那些缺乏运动细胞的人的一种体育运动,它遵循一个最简单的规则,人人都想赢。 But these "hit the lever until you pass out from starvation"gaming elements stray into a different area completely. As others havepointed out, the point is to keep you playing long after you'vemastered the skills, long after you've wrung the last real novelexperience from it. You can't come up with a definition of "fun" thatencompasses the activity of clicking a picture of a treasure chest withyour mouse a thousand times. 但那些让你一直”按按钮,直到饿死“的游戏迷失偏离到了另外一种境界。就像其他人指出来的一样,这种游戏的意思就是在你操作NB,完全掌控这个游戏后,还得玩下去。即使体验最后一丁点新鲜事物后还要玩下去。显然点击鼠标获得一张宝物的图片不能用”好玩“来定义把? This is why some writers blasted Blizzard when WoW introduced anew "achievement" system a couple of years ago. These are rewards tiedto performing random pointless tasks, over and over again (such as,fishing until you catch a thousand fish). No new content, no element ofpractice, or discovery, or mastery was included. Just a virtualtreadmill. 这就是为什么一些作家炮轰几年前暴雪”发明“的成就系统。那些成就捆绑着一些毫无意义的任务(比如钓上1000条鱼)。这不是新剧情,不是新游戏元素的实践,或者新的游戏手法。只是一个网络上的脚踏车。 [
如同小白鼠的。。。 Of course, game developers (and various commenters, I'm sure)would correctly point out that nobody is making the players do it. Whywould humans voluntarily put themselves in laboratory hamster mode?Well, it's all about... 当然,游戏设计师和各种下面回帖的一定准确的指出:没人逼你这么做。为什么人类会自愿的把自己当成小白鼠呢?这是因为…………#1. Getting You To Call the Skinner Box Home#1. 让你把Skinner箱当作自己的家 [
Do you like your job?Considering half of you are readingthis at work, I'm going to guess no. And that brings us to the onething that makes gaming addiction--and addiction in general--soincredibly hard to beat. 你喜欢自己的工作么?考虑到有那么一部分人读这篇文章的时候是在上班的时候,那我猜答案是否定的。 As shocking as this sounds, a whole lot of the "guy who failed allof his classes because he was playing WoW all the time" horror storiesare really just about a dude who simply didn't like his classes verymuch. This was never some dystopian mind control scheme by Blizzard.The games just filled a void. 尽管听起来还是比较震惊的,什么“某人所有课都挂了,就因为一直玩魔兽世界”,其实只是因为,他不喜欢上那些课而已。这跟什么暴雪是黑社会控制着玩家没什么关系,游戏仅仅只是填补了他们的空缺。 Why do so many of us have that void? Because according toeverything expert Malcolm Gladwell, to be satisfied with your job youneed three things, and I bet most of you don't even have two of them:Autonomy (that is, you have some say in what you do day to day);Complexity (so it's not mind-numbing repetition);Connection Between Effort and Reward (i.e. you actually see the awesome results of your hard work). 为什么我们中有太多人有这个空缺呢?通过Malcolm Gladwell,我们知道任何人满意他的工作需要三件东西,我打赌你们中的大部分人连两件都没有自主权复杂性努力后的回报 [
Notice that pants are not necessary for job satisfaction.
Most people, particularly in the young gamer demographics, don'thave this in their jobs or in any aspect of their everyday lives. Butthe most addictive video games are specifically geared to give us allthree... or at least the illusion of all three. 多数人,特别是年轻的玩家,在工作中得不到这些,甚至是在任何事情中都没有。不过那些最让人上瘾的游戏可是特别地把这三个东西给我们了,或者至少,三个美好的幻象。 Autonomy:You pick your quests, or which Farmville crops to plant. Hell, you even pick your own body, species and talents. 自主权游戏里你可以选择哪些任务做哪些不做,或者开心农场里种自己想种的物种。甚至你可以选择自己的身材,种族,天赋。 Complexity:Players will do monotonous grindingspecifically because it doesn't feel like grinding. Remember thecomplicated Tier Armor/Frost Emblem dance that kept our gamer clickingearlier. 复杂性奇怪的是玩家会去做一些单调的打装备的工作。为什么?因为他们没感觉这是在打装备。比如搞T10的时候要做的那系列复杂的工作,这让玩家心甘情愿去刷。 Connection Between Effort and Reward:This is the big one. When you level up in WoW a goddamned plume of golden light shoots out of your body. 努力后的回报这是最重要的,一旦你在魔兽世界升了一级,这时候我操屏幕上就出现一巨大耀眼闪亮光的金光闪瞎你的狗眼。 [
Thisis what most of us don't get in everyday life--quick, tangible rewards.It's less about instant gratification and more about a freaking senseof accomplishment. How much harder would we work at the office if wegot this, and could measure our progress toward it? And if the lightshot from our crotch? 这些是我们在现实生活中不能直接切实的看到生活给我们的回报。生活给予我们的不是那种即刻的满足,更像是一种长久的成就感。我们要怎样玩命努力工作才能得到这些东西,或者在过程中有东西能衡量我们跟未来的距离吗?我们是要生活给予我们的呢,还是要屏幕上显示出来升级的光芒呢。 Thebeauty of it is it lets games use the tedium to their advantage. As wediscussed elsewhere, there's a "work to earn the right to play" aspectof World of Warcraft, where you grind or "farm" for gold for the rightto do the cool stuff later. The tedious nature of the farming actuallyadds to the sense of accomplishment later. And it also helps squash anysense of guilt you might have had about neglecting school, work orhousehold chores to play the game. After all, you did your chores--the12 hours you spent farming for gold last Tuesday was less fun thanmowing the fucking lawn. Now it's time for fun. 最绝的就是他们让玩家用游戏单调的地方换取游戏有意思的地方。比如那种先得做一系列任务,才能进团队副本的,或者“我就打个点卡钱”。实际上这种无聊的刷怪行为,确实可以增加之后的成就感,并且也帮你把对不学习或不工作的罪恶感挤走。毕竟你花费时间做了点什么。“昨天我花一天的时间打钱,真无聊,还不如归置归置屋子呢。今天我总可以参加G团了吧” So What's The Problem?Video gamedesigner Erin Hoffman said it perfectly: "Addiction is not about whatyou DO, but what you DON'T DO because of the replacement of theaddictive behavior." She was talking about how the attraction of asimple flash game like Bejeweled depends entirely on how badly you wantto avoid doing the work you have open in the other window. 问题在哪?游戏设计师 Erin Hoffman说的很好:“沉迷游戏不是说你愿意做啥,而是你不愿意做什么,你用玩游戏逃避了你不愿意做的事。” 她说一个简单的FLASH游戏 Bejeweled 都可以让人沉迷进去,这是因为你不想工作,你想干别的。 [
The terrible truth is that a whole lot of us begged for aSkinner Box we could crawl into, because the real world's system ofrewards is so much more slow and cruel than we expected it to be. Inthat, gaming is no different from other forms of mental escape, fromsports fandom to moonshine 事实就是我们很多人都乞求钻进Skinner箱,
乞求别人的奖励。因为现实生活给我们的回报真的是太长久了,又太辛苦了。所以,游戏跟看体育,看电影,或者看星星一样就是逃避生活的工具而已。 [
] 海洛因说:我估计注射器里放的是1毫升魔兽世界 The danger lies in the fact that these games have become soincredibly efficient at delivering the sense of accomplishment thatpeople used to get from their education or career. We're not sayinggaming will ruin the world, or that gaming addiction will be a scourgeon youth the way crack ruined the inner cities in the 90s. But we maywind up with a generation of dudes working at Starbucks when they hadthe brains and talent for so much more. They're dissatisfied with theirlives because they wasted their 20s playing video games, and willescape their dissatisfaction by playing more video games. Rinse, repeat. 危险在于现在游戏设计特别高效向你灌输成就感,比学业或者事业中要大的太多了。我们不是说游戏会毁了这个世界,或者沉迷游戏在年轻人中是一种瘟疫。不过我们以后可能会有一整代的人,在麦当劳在肯德基工作,即便他们有很好的天赋。他们不满意自己的生活因为他们浪费20年的光阴在玩游戏上,然后又逃避现实,逃避自己的“不满意”,去花更多的时间玩游戏。如此往复. And let' if you think WoW is addictive, wait untilyou see the games they're making 10 years from now. They're onlygetting better at what they do. 不过有个事实就是,如果你认为魔兽世界是毒品,那么你会看到,十年以后新游戏上的那些把戏,只会比现在更加诱人。
现在一楼的答案是在是太不简洁了,怒答。这世界上很多人沉迷游戏,也不乏喜欢学习数学的人。为什么喜欢玩游戏的人远多于喜欢数学的人呢?因为游戏更能击中“人性的弱点”!1.游戏更能让我们获得成就感玩好一款游戏和学好数学,都能让我们获得满满的成就感。喜欢学数学的人可以从做出一道难题、考试取得高分中获得成就感,但这都需要前期大量的努力和投入。而游戏设计处处都在为你有成就感着想。比如一些简单的画面或者声音特效——俄罗斯方块凑齐一排POP掉的一刹那、连连看消除的时候bling bling的声音伴随着一些闪光,不要告诉我你没有盯着看过纸牌游戏成功后的画面?正是因为游戏有着成就系统、分数系统、排名系统这些令人获得成就感(虚荣心)的设计,才能让我们欲罢不能。而且游戏带给你的成就感往往是建立在恰到好处的难度之上。扫雷、连连看、俄罗斯方块这些经典的游戏都具备人人可以弄懂的规则,始终让你觉得你有能力解决问题,又不会有智商被鄙视的感觉。这可比微积分有趣多了。2.即时的反馈有没有一种感觉,当你还有重要的工作没完成,论文的deadline就要到了还没写,这时候我们不是想着赶快去工作,反而更想来上一局游戏?这是因为游戏能更快的让我们得到满足的快感。即时的声光效果,怪物身上四溅的血、头上红色的暴击数字、拳拳到肉的打击声、炫目的技能释放效果,这些都能让你立刻感到自己的动作到结果的变化。看!你的努力瞬间就转化为成果了。而你做完一道题,却不会感到自己再做十道题就能升一级的激励。完成一项工作,也不会爆金币装备给你拾取。3.循序渐进的体验大家有没有注意到,现在的小游戏总是设计很多个关卡,再加上一定的完成度设定?(每一关三颗星满分,熟悉吗?)我们都知道,长跑的时候要把目标定在前面不远的地方,这样循序渐进的方式更容易让人坚持下来。很多的游戏也抓住了这点。过了这关今天就不玩了吧~咦,还剩两关就解锁下一个地图了,那就把这两关都解决掉吧~咦,这个地图怎么有一关不是三颗星啊,看我代表处女座消灭你!就是这样,五分钟甚至一两分钟就能达成一个目标,学高数能有这样的高效率吗?当你习惯了这样容易达成目标的感觉后,就会迫不及待的投入到游戏设计师交给你的下一个任务当中去。这就是为什么很多看起来貌似愚蠢的等级、装备这些仅仅改动一些数字的设计也能让我们欲罢不能原因。以上都是我的个人体验,非相关从业人士,也没有翻阅资料,如有不足,还望海涵!
别一天想这些有的没的,人与人之间有共性,都存在差异。 有人喜欢玩游戏,有人适合玩游戏,但是有的人就是不喜欢玩游戏。
“趋利避害”是人在万年的进化中形成的基础设定,是所有生物的性征之一(本我);人如何判断什么是利什么是害?反馈你打树一拳,树纹丝不动,而你疼的哭天抢地,从此以后你再也不打树了;你踢球一脚,球飞了,你依然英俊潇洒,从此以后你每见到球就想上去来一脚。带入题设,打游戏和学高数对于人生物性的根本区别是什么?这时候你会说了,爽和不爽的区别。但是你也不知道为什么会不爽,我来告诉你为什么:负反馈 or 反馈周期太长游戏之于现实生活最大的区别就是能给玩的人十分密集、强烈远超现实生活的正反馈(生物层面);而你学高数的时候你得到了什么反馈?也许你会说有啊,完美解题啊、考试第一啊、他人崇拜啊云云,也就是说学高数这件事情,如果没有对应的第三方检验渠道那么剩下的简直痛苦不堪。换句话说:1、你没办法仅从学习高数而获得直接反馈;2、学习高数带来的正反馈周期太长了!即便是这样,为什么你还要学习高数?为什么你还要戒网瘾?这就是理性占领高地,现实原则暂时中止了快乐原则(自我)。这就是为什么反馈是游戏的三要素之一。}


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