求Lords of the locker roomroom原版

matthew moore - lords of the lockerroom (canam, 2000) - billy herrington, mark wolff, van darkholme,.zip 为特百度网盘搜索的结果,本站不保存任何资源文件,所有的资源均存储在百度网盘之中,你可以通过本站搜索后跳转到百度网盘下载,当然您也可以把文件转存到您的百度网盘账户中。本站仅提供 matthew moore - lords of the lockerroom (canam, 2000) - billy herrington, mark wolff, van darkholme,.zip 的搜索结果,文件的安全性和完整性需要您自行判断。非常感谢您对特百度网盘搜索的支持,本站竭诚为您服务.1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区(语言):&美国(英文) 发行时间:&2001年
游戏类型:&RTS 即时战略游戏
解压缩后点击Battle_Realms_F就开始游戏了 《魔域帝国》在道家太极学说的基础上,创造了独一无二的阴阳资源系统。阳表现为善,阴表现为恶。在游戏中,...
收藏人数: 136
游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏制作发行:&语言:&
中文名称:&英伦霸主2英文名称:&LORDS OF THE REALM 2游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏资源格式:&光盘镜像版本:&原版+资料片附XP,Vista兼容修正补丁制作发行:&地区:&语言:&简介:&
1代和2代网上已经绝版,3代电驴上有。1代和2代算是策略经营游戏,到了3代基本就是RTS了这里发布二代值得重玩的经典。英伦霸主, 原本恶名昭彰的Impressions公司, 凭这个1994年的作品来个鲤鱼翻身, 得到玩家的应同讚赏. 整个游戏跟光荣的策略游戏颇相近, 玩者先要选择一个贵族, 在自身的领地上努力经营(这包括牧羊放牛採矿筏木筑城铸剑徵兵...比三国志还要复杂), 富国强兵一番后便可到处征伐, 统一帝国. 对於喜爱在光荣游戏中当农夫的玩者来说, 因为英伦霸主在经营上很有深度, 所以玩起来或许会比三国志有更多的乐趣.这里是最经典的2代,游戏类似文明+全战的融合。说它是一套集大成之作,一点都不为过:它有《三国志》开疆辟地的成就感,有《危城争霸》 攻城掠地的挑战性,有《模拟城市》的经营哲理,又拥有《魔兽争霸》的策略应用。相信不少人都在找这个~~绝版送给怀旧的你引用注意:游戏安装方式2种1.安装方式:可以用加载镜像的方式安装游戏,但是不推荐(要手动输入路径)2.加载镜像即可游戏:直接用链接提供的[LOTR2安装工具Lotr2]LOTR2.Run.in.XP.Vista.Patch.NoCD这个是老外专门为这个游戏修改的20M的游戏安装程序,兼容XP和Vista!!老玩家有福了!!解压后安装,最后选择你已经加载游戏镜像的盘,开始菜单中就能进入游戏。资料片不需要原盘!!增强电脑AI还有许多地图  一、游戏简介   这是一款由Sierra公司推出的新型态即时战略游戏。游戏平台为Win 95。这是一个以中世纪 为背景的策略游戏。公元1268年的英国正处于群雄割剧的动乱中。此起彼落的战火,把金黄 色的麦田染成一片血红,将宁静安详的牧场烧成一片荒地。饥民们仰望着苍天,期盼一位英 雄来结束这个充满战乱时代,统一这块土地,一场中世纪欧洲大战由游戏很好地重现。这款 游戏巧妙地将各类曾以在市场上大受欢迎的战略、策略、经营及模拟类游戏融合在一起,说它是一套集大成之作,一点都不为过:它有《三国志》开疆辟地的成就感,有《危城争霸》 攻城掠地的挑战性,有《模拟城市》的经营哲理,又拥有《魔兽争霸》的策略应用。游戏开 始也是先进行治理和建设,然后组建军队,攻城掠地,天下一统,但该游戏在许多方面又有 较新鲜的变化,确有其独到和创新的地方,不会让人觉得是在抄袭,反而有相得益彰之感。 战斗画面在486上就有SVGA的表现。人物动作流畅、生动,精致地刻划出冷兵器战争的场面 。人工智能比同类游戏有了长足的进步,敌人也会行军布阵,避实击虚。   游戏是回合与即时模式并用:当治理国家大事与处理外交事务时采取回合制,可让人谨慎地 处理各项事务,不至于手忙脚乱;进入战斗后,在两军短兵交锋时采用即时模式,不失游戏 紧张刺激的气氛,惟在即时战略模式时,敌人的人工智能似乎不是很强,我方部队里,只要 有足够的弓箭手做后盾,再配合地形地物的利用,即便敌方部队人数优于我方,要取得胜利 亦非难事。但由于游戏另有连线功能,若与朋友进行对战时,其可玩性可就大大提升了。   游戏画面采用高解析模式显示,美工的表现极为不错,游戏地图并不是只限在古英伦帝国或 欧洲,而是连非洲或中国都可选择。游戏要求的配备不是很高,在486机上进行游戏,也能 有让人满意的流畅度。   虽然这款游戏结合了各游戏的优点,但在操作界面上却不若想像中的困难,即便是新手,应 该也可以很快地玩得得心应手。   就整体而言,这还是一个相当值得玩的游戏,尤其是简化后的游戏进行方式,不需要费太多 脑筋在各种繁复的数字上,明快的游戏节奏,给人一种耳目一新的感受。    二、完全攻略   操作   进入游戏后可选择Sigle player,然后进行新游戏(New),再输入名字,选择一个阵营就可 以来到美丽的英伦大陆。   屏幕左边的大块地图就是游戏主画面,在这里可看到村庄、田地、城堡、部队、牧场、矿场 、树林和铁匠铺。在上面点击鼠标右键会出现简单的信息,只要点一下信息框右下角的箭头 按钮就可以关闭这条信息。   在主画面上鼠标左键是重要的操作键。当点击村庄时,将出现农民工作情况的详图,全图分 9块,左上是采石场或铁矿场,依实际情况而定;左中部是开发荒地;左下是铁匠铺;中上 是种地;正中是无事可做的人,如果在此双击时以把人力最大限度地分派到农业生产中去;中下是伐木,如果在领地上没有树林,这里就不会有工作的人;右上部分是放牧;右边的和 间部分和右下部分是建造城堡。你可以用鼠标框起一些人,放到工作需要的地方,以此来改 变发展的重心。同时不要让人闲着,也不要缺少人手的地方(闲人是灰色的坐着的人,而缺 人的地方会有一个直立的黑色人影)。   用左键点击某个工作场面时,就会出现铁匠铺的内部细图,墙壁上挂的是可制造的武器,选 择一个(点击一下),它就会放在桌上,表示当前正在制造该武器。在下方还会有一些信息, 诸如有几个铁匠,每季度耗费多少木材,多少铁,能造出多少武器等。   当点击田地时,会出现土地利用的详图。下方有三个按钮,第一个按钮表示将此块地闲置不 用;第二个按钮表示种粮食;第三个按钮表示放牛。可根据实际情况来调整每一块土地的用 途。   在点击铁匠铺、伐木场、铁矿场和采石场时,可让他们暂停或开始工作。   当点击部队时就会出现一条线,将鼠标移到目的地按一下就表示部队开拔。如果目的地是敌 人的部队,就会开展一场野战。如果是敌人的城堡,就会发生一场攻城战,并会出现攻城器 械的制造窗口,可以制造发石车、云梯和攻城车。按上下箭头可增减器械的制造数目,决定 后按“进行”(Proceed)按钮。经过一段时间的制造、完工后就可开战。   用鼠标右键点击部队时,会出现部队的控制窗口,或者当你在城堡资讯窗口中按中间的向右 箭头也能进入驻防部队的控制窗。窗口的上半部显示该部队的详细资料,下面有三个大按钮 ,第一个按钮可以理解为移动,而对城堡里的部队来说就是出城;第二个按钮是解散,如果 组建该部队的母城还在,那么所有人将回到本省去,否则将并入当前所在的省,而武器将全 部入库;第三个按钮是拆分,可以在本回合部队未走动的情况下将它分成两支,只需在随后 的控制板上按向左或向右的箭头来调整两支部队的人数即可。如果将城堡里的部队分成两支 ,那么右侧的分队将出城,此时要注意每一支部队的人数都必须超过50人。唯一的例外是在 一支部队移入城堡,而城堡又容纳不了这么多人时,也会出现拆分窗口。此时右侧的分队将 入城且可以少于50人。   当点击白色大篷车时会进入交易画面,可以点击某个货物来买卖,当数量为零时,按向上的 箭头表示买,按向下的箭头表示卖,若数量不为零,那么上下箭头就用来调节数量。   屏幕上方的菜单有以下几个项目:第一个是文件(File)菜单,用于存储等系统功能。第二个 是“选项”(Options)菜单,它的子菜单的第一项是“超级”(Advanced),点开后出现3个开 关,第一个是“超级种地”(Advanced Farming),如果为ON,那么耕作人数的变化将由系统 自动调整。第二个是“军粮”(Army Foraging),如果为ON,那么部队将吃当前所在省的粮 食,而不再是他们母省的粮食。第三个是“探索模式”(Exploration),如果为ON,那么所 有不属于你的省都将是黑色的,将由部队去逐步探清。子菜单第二项是“声音”(Sound), 可以调整音乐、音效和语音。子菜单第三项是“显示”(Display),用于调整动画的显示与否。最后两项是“游戏速度”(Game Speed)和“卷轴速度”(Scroll Speed)。最后有一个“ 帮助”(Help)菜单,第一项是“游戏帮助”(Game Help),用来确定帮助屏和工具帮助项是 否要打开,而下面是一些“如何进行……”(How to……),是如何完成某项操作的解释。   屏幕的右方是一些功能按钮。最上面是一幅地理简图,在此你可以看到每个领主的版图大小 ,当用鼠标点击某个省份时,就可以快速切换到该处去。简图旁边是一竖排四个状态钮,当 点击其中某一个时,版图就会切换成状态图,每个省份的不同颜色表示不同的状态。第一个 是工作状态钮,如果某个省份显示红色,就表示工作缺乏人手,紫色就表示有闲人存在;第 二个是食物状况,红色表示缺少而紫色表示充足;第三个是快乐度,紫色表示快乐度高,红 色表示不快乐。最后一个是“全景”(Over View),用来缩小显示主画面。   在功能按钮下面有两个信息钮,分别是人口和快乐度,可提供人口与快乐度的增减情况。信 息钮下面是税收和食物的调节钮。再下面是工作比例的滑动条,用来调节农业和工业所占的 比例,工农业的情况将在滑动条下方显示。左边一列依次是牛群放牧、粮食种植和荒地开发 。右边一列依次是原料采集(包括木材、石料和生铁中的一到两种)、武器制造和城堡建设。 点击图标将会得到详细资料,图标外有红框表示人手不够,此时需将滑动条上的人形图标向 这一侧移动。反之,图标外有蓝框表示人员过剩,此时就需将滑动条上的人形图标向另一侧移。   状况板的下面有5个命令钮,第一个是组建军队。弹出的窗口中间会显示你的武器数量,你 可以根据这一点在上方点击人数滑动条来决定将多少农民划拨到军队中,确定后按“继续” (Continue)箭头,然后点击墙上的武器并选择数量来武装他们,最后按右下角的“生成”(C reate)钮即可。如中途对武装情况或人数不满意,可按“变更”(Change)钮重来,或按“取 消”(Cancel)钮取消。有时会在这里遇到雇佣军,假如有雇他们的钱话,就会多出一个“是 ”(Yes)和“否”(No)的按钮,用来决定是否雇佣。不过要注意,雇佣军和部队都是需要每 个季度花钱来维持的,一旦连续两个季度发不出工资,就会发生逃跑事件直至兵变。第二个 按钮是检查国库,可以看到钱、木、石、铁和武器的库存情况。第三个按钮是运输,用于控 制从当前省运牛和粮食到另一省,操作时选好目的地和数量,然后按“是”(Yes)按钮即可 ,不过物品要在路上走一段时间才能运到。第四个按钮用于建造城堡,选好一种城堡类型后 ,右上角会有所需原材料的显示,如果材料不够,就不会开始建设,必须等材料齐备后人手才会调拨过去。最后一个按钮用于外交,可选一个敌方霸主,然后选择献礼、同盟或是威胁 等行动。外交在这里并不太好用,因为敌人经常背信弃义,并且胜负也不靠外交手段来获得 。   屏幕右下角是个“结束当前回合”(End Turn)的按钮,用来结束当前回合。虽然本游戏在部 队移动和战争时都是即时制的,但在建设中还是采用回合制,所以需要这个按钮。   增加人口   要想征服天下,首先必须国富民强,而其中人民更是关键,参军打仗需要人,治理建设更需 要人,所以要想最终取胜就必须有足够多的人口。人口只能靠自然繁衍来增加,因此吃饭就 成了关键。这也就是游戏的第一个目的:养活足够的人口,使他们快乐,并使他们参加各种 生产。   当人民有了充足的食物,他们就会慢慢繁衍,人数越来越多。人口的出生率取决于快乐度, 而死亡率取决于健康状况。快乐度可以通过降低税收和增加食物来提高,还可以通过购买淡 啤酒(Ale)来提高(至少每10人1桶),而健康状况可以通过增加食物来得到改善。只要保证你 的人民健康快乐,很快就有足够的人来组建军队了。   养牛   游戏开始时的头等大事是生产尽可能多的食物,主要途径有两条:养牛和种地。许多玩家会 先选择养牛,因为一开始会有大约100头牛,只要好好地放养它们,人民就能快乐地喝着牛 奶,吃着牛排而成长起来。放牧要有足够的牧民和足够的牧场。如果牧民不够,牛群会因照 料不善而不断死亡,此时需要点击村庄,打开人员控制板,从其他地方选几人放在此处填补 人员空缺。另一方面,如果牧场不够,牛群就会因拥挤和牧草不足而死亡。如果每块牧场里 都有三头大牛,且奶牛的成长比例不如以前高了,就表示牧场不够了,此时就需要点击一块 闲置不用的好地,将它开发为牧场,牛群马上就会被疏散开。一般说来,一块地大约养25至 30头牛为宜。好地用完后,可点击一块灰黑色的荒地,在右下角按左边的开发图标,就能在 几个季度后将它整治成良田。如果要加快开发速度,可点击村庄,多调些人手来干活。开发 通常需要4个季度,因此同时开发几块地,可让多余的人手到其他地块上工作。   由于养牛非常不方便,当牛群拥挤而土地开发尚需等待数季之后时,只能坐视牛群不断死去 。而且每个季度都要操心这些牛,或调集人手,或增加牧场,同时还得兼顾其他事物,一旦 照顾不周就会带来不良后果。所以,只要有条件还是要种些地。   种地   要种地就要有种子,当大篷车来到领地时,点击它,将交易窗口打开,买一些粮食作种子, 每块地不超过十包。而后点击一块好地,按一下耕作图标,再分派一定量的人手,就算是将 种子种下地了。农民们在每年冬季会往每块地上播5到10包种子,等到第二年秋天每包种子 就会有12包左右的收成。而且只要种子和人手足够,他们就会一直循环往复地耕种,无需替他们操心。当然,如果人手不足,收成就会不好,这时可从图标的外框是红是蓝看出。种粮 食最大的好处在于可以囤积,不过偶尔会闹一次鼠灾,吃掉一些粮食。但是用这点损失来换 取每季更多的时间来处理其他事物,还是很合算的。   军队的组建   要组建强大的军队,要有足够的武器。电脑对手经常会派出大批农民出战,但自己可不要这 么做。   武器可以购买,也可由铁匠铺来铸造。部队种类最好能齐全一些,既要有射程极远的弓箭手 ,也要有威力较大的弩手。既要有能作快速反应的爵士骑兵,也要有防御力良好的剑士。在 经济不宽裕的情况下,有一些便宜的狼牙棒手和矛兵也凑合了。   有了足够的武器后就可以创建军队了,一次不要组建太多的军队,否则会使人民的快乐度大 幅度下降,从而影响人口的增长。每次可组织一两百人,然后将他们合并到一起,通过这个 方法逐步组建出一支大军团,不过人数不能超过1500。   城堡的防守   有了部队以后千万不要把他们放在野外,应该建造一个较大的城堡让他们防守,依托着坚固 的石头城堡将使你的部队以一当下。如果有护城河的话,利用弓箭手可达到很好的防御效果 。只要在城头摆上几十个弓箭手,就足可以射退四五百精锐敌兵,再用火罐来辅助防守,敌 人的进攻大多无功而返。如果你不想亲自指挥也可以让电脑自动计算胜负,你会发现守方的 损失简直是微乎其微。   不过由于城堡内空间有限,只能驻扎一定数量的人,并且当城堡受攻击时就不能再将其他部 队派驻进去,所以一定要经常注意驻防部队的损耗情况。最好是把以后再组建的部队藏在城 堡后面,这样敌人来攻打时,就会在城下损兵折将,而你的部队则养精蓄锐,等待决战的开 始,并且可以经常利用分兵进城的方法保持一支满员的守城部队。   攻打城堡   游戏中可以建造的城堡从小到大共有五种,对于前三种没有护城河的城堡,我们可以造一部 攻城车,让它上前将门撞开。两扇门都开了以后,敌人会龟缩到军旗处,这时派一个骑兵去 攻击那些火罐,引诱它们喷火。最后将我方的近战部队全部派上,将敌人尤其是敌人的弓箭 手团团围住,让他们施展不开手脚,而我方的弓箭手躲在后面射箭。这样一仗下来,如果我 方兵种搭配合理的话,一般我方的损失不会超过敌人的一半。   对于后两种有护城河的城堡,就需要有较多的人马,尤其是剑士,还需要造三辆发石车。首 先用发石车在城墙上砸开一个缺口(选择发石车后将鼠标移至城墙上,若光标变暗则表示可 以攻击),再派二、三十名剑士去填护城河(让他们走到河边即可),最后一拥而入。如前法 炮制,我方的损失也不会比敌人多。另外对于最大的城堡,它的内部还有一道门,可用人去 砸开它,也可以让弓箭手登上外围的城头与敌人对射。   由于游戏中同一领主的所有省份都必须连成一片,不允许有海外”飞地”,故掠地时要选择 边界接壤的省份进行。   野战   战斗不仅是攻打城堡,也会发生野战。当你去进攻一个不属于任何领主的省份或是未建造城 堡的省份时,就会与村庄中的农民发生野战。或是部队在路上行军时,会遭遇到敌人的拦截 而发生野战。野战是非常惨烈的,必须亲自指挥才能避免过大的伤亡。野战取胜的关键是地 形的利用、如果有树林的话,战斗会容易一些。通常我方应该选择一个口袋状的地方,将弓 箭手放置在底部,外面用剑士护卫,以静制动。同时让骑兵和狼牙棒手围攻敌人的弓箭手。 这样的战术在敌人主动进攻的时候会相当有用。   有时敌人不主动发动进攻,而是以逸待劳,等待我方的冲锋,这时要小心地靠近敌人,同时别忘了保持队形,躲到离敌人最近的一片树丛背后(因为弓箭较难射透树林)布好阵形,派一 个骑兵冒着箭雨去引诱敌人的部分人马过来,造成局部的以多打少的局面,达到逐步蚕食的 目的,最终消灭所有敌人。如果没有树林。那么桥头、石栏也能达到同样的目的,甚至在敌 人弓箭手射程之外的空地上也可以用这个战术。   战斗中的操作   与其他即时战斗游戏相似,用鼠标拉框选人、点击选人、点击目的地来移动或攻击等,都是 大家所熟悉的。游戏特有的热键有,在拉框选了一些人后,按H键可以让他们水平排成直线 ,按V键可以让他们垂直排成线,这在布阵时比较有用。当部队被选择后,可以用 Ctrl+数 字键的方法来编号。另外,战斗刚开始时。部队会被自动编号,可按数字键看看是否满意。 地图下面是一个部队选择扳,当前所选择的部队会在此以按钮的形式显现,可以点按钮来取 消某个部队的选择。   再下面是5个功能钮,第一个按钮是暂停与启动钮,战斗开始时是处于暂停状态的,可以观 察一下地形,决定你的战术,然后按一下来启动战斗。而在战斗的中途也可以用这个钮暂停 ,做一些改动。第二个按钮是撤退,要注意的是撤退会造成己方一定量的伤亡,并且少于50 人的部队会被彻底消灭。第三个按钮是放下吊桥,只在打防守仗时有用,并且放下后就不能 再拉起,等于放弃了一道保险,故不要轻易使用它;第四个按钮是冲锋。第五个按钮是自动 计算,即由计算机通过双方的实力对比来确定胜负和伤亡。这个办法在攻城战时对防守方有 利,野战时对“价格贵”的部队(如骑兵、弯手和剑土)有利,可选择使用,以加快一统天下 的步伐。 引用寻找多年的游戏《英伦霸主2》。。问题解决,分享一下游戏画面比较古老,但可玩性毋庸置疑,对画面无要求的朋友,建议体验一下,虽然是英文的,但是比较好理解,感谢情比金坚 提供解决光盘模拟问题。引用重发 绝版LORDS OF THE REALM2此游戏以前发过以前 后来连接坏了贴子也找不到了 这次重发 又是辛苦的找了N天下载了N天 终于拖完拉 游戏类似全面战争 有一个策略界面和一个战斗界面 但是简陋非常多 毕竟是95年[还是97?我忘了```]
情比金坚 上传感谢情比金坚兄弟 是他辛苦的拖下了这个资料包~~引用有野战攻城战
找了很久找不到的兄弟 快下吧必须物理光驱及xp下运行问题搞定了谁知道Lords of the Realm II(中世纪领主2) 在xp下怎样进入?对于新发行的中世纪领主3我感到很失望,相反对于96年发行的2情有独钟,可当我想有重温它时,却发现不能安装,大概安装到17%就出现错误。于是我想在原cd上直接运行游戏,游戏是进去了,但要选择单人游戏时它提示插入游戏盘,真是郁闷啊,有谁知道怎样进入的话告诉一声,万分感谢! 到这个链接去下载xp/vista运行补丁 (本贴提供) 然后通过这个补丁进行游戏安装。用deamon tool加载资料片盘[原版也可]就可以玩了。安装时提示光驱选择
请选择自己的虚拟光驱盘号 [非物理光驱]很经典的游戏,找寻多年一直未果,电驴上虽然还有他的踪迹,但是已经没有速度了我挂电驴下载已经有大半年了,一上网就挂着。可是到今天也只完成。游戏画面比较古老,但可玩性毋庸置疑,对画面无要求的朋友,建议体验一下,虽然是英文的,但是比较好理解,感谢情比金坚 提供解决光盘模拟问题。 (本贴提供)补丁安装包:lords_of_the_realm_2_install_test5.msi (本贴提供)使用方法:直接用lords_of_the_realm_2_install_test5.msi 安装包安装,快结束以前,它会问你游戏光盘会放在哪个光驱,记得设定在daemon模拟的那个光驱。光盘下载好以后,如果要打原版游戏就用daemon载入lords_of_the_realm_2光盘,如果要打资料片就装入expansion pack。记得不要用光盘安装游戏,直接用lords_of_the_realm_2_install_test5.msi 安装包安装,快结束以前,它会问你游戏光盘会放在哪个光驱,记得设定在daemon模拟的那个光驱。光盘下载好以后,如果要打原版游戏就用daemon载入lords_of_the_realm_2光盘,如果要打资料片就装入expansion pack。Lords of the Realm 2 + Siege PackDeveloper Impressions GamesPublisher Sierra EntertainmentReleased 1996Genre Turn-based strategyMode(s) Single player MultiplayerRatings ESRB: Teen (T)Platform(s) PC, Macintosh, AmigaMedia CD-ROMSystem requirements 66 Mhz processor, 8 MB RAM, 34 MB Hard-disk space, Windows 95One of the most underrated strategy games of all time, Impressions’ Lords of the Realm II is in my opinion the best game designed by David Lester, prolific designer and founder of Impressions. This mediaval empire game improves on the already superb Lords of the Realm in numerous aspects, adding both complexity and replayability.Your objective in LOTRII remains the same as it was in the first game: The king in mediaval England is dead, and it’s up to you to fight the other nobles for the throne and succeed him. Again like the first game, you are put in charge of both the strategic level (i.e. making decisions for your entire kingdom), and tactical (i.e. taking control of troops in combat) - although you can have the computer handle the combat for you. At the strategic level, you view the action from the attractive isometric map, where you can move armies, adjust economic parameters, manage your resources, and engage in diplomacy with other noble houses. As in the first game, your success in the game hinges on proper resource allocation and maximizing farm output. Each county in your empire has a fixed amount of arable land, which you can use for farming wheat or raising cattle to feed your peasants. Sufficiency in, or surplus of, food supply helps increase population, which in turn will increase taxes and the size of your army (recruited from peasants). Some peasants must also be assigned to gather other useful resources, build castles, and produce weapons of war. You can also hire mercenaries at the mercenary guild, but they are costly and not always co-operative.When armies clash, the game switches to a tactical real-time battle mode, which looks similar to Mindcraft’s Siege series, and is quite fun to play. Armies consist of peasants, archers, macemen, swordsman, crossbow troops, pikemen, and knights. Each type of troop has its own strengths and weaknesses, although an army of knights usually is practically invincible. What should prove more interesting to an armchair commander than simplistic open-field battles are the sieges, because you must decide how many siege engines, catapults, and battering rams to use, and where to position them. The computer players are reasonably challenging - they are very easy to beat in the first turns of the game, but become worthy opponents in the later stages. Advanced options such as a hidden map, advanced farming and army foraging, and others make the game more complex, and help increase the replay value.In addition to the standard campaign play, LOTRII includes a nice custom scenario builder and a few multiplayer modes including DirectPlay support. On the downside, there is no variety in terms of victory conditions -you simply must conquer every county to win. This rigid condition, coupled with the level of micromanagement required for each county in the later stages, makes the game tiresome toward the end (especially when you are clearly going to win, but must first tolerate the tedious process of crushing the last counties of the last enemy). Also, more castle types would have been nice (although you get those in the Siege Pack add-on).All in all, LOTRII will please fans of the first game, as well as anyone who likes turn-based/real-time gameplay based in the medieval period. The game is not very original, but it is still a lot of fun and surprisingly replayable. Highly recommended to anyone who likes strategy games.Siege Pack adds much more to the game than new maps. Among the additions are: a more challenging AI, a custom series of games, 20 new maps, a map editor, faster Internet support, Skirmish Mode, sieges with 10 new castle designs, as well as enhanced diplomacy and more random events. Lords of the Realm II is a computer game published by Sierra Entertainment and developed by Impressions Games. It was first released for the PC on October 31, 1996, and is the second game in the Lords of the Realm series.The game takes place in a medieval setting, with rulers of several counties warring for the right to be king of the land. Players grow crops, accumulate resources, manufacture weapons, manage armies, build and lay siege to castles, and attempt to conquer their enemies.Contents [hide]1 Overview 2 Gameplay 2.1 Diplomacy 2.1.1 Computer players 2.2 Town administration 2.3 Counties and maps 2.4 Resource management 2.4.1 Food 2.4.2 Population 2.4.3 Taxes 2.4.4 Industry 2.4.5 Resource Availability 2.5 Castle building and management 2.5.1 Castle Defenses 2.5.2 Raising an army 2.5.3 Military 2.6 Movement and battle 2.6.1 Custom battle 3 Sequels 4 In popular culture 5 References 6 External links
[edit] OverviewLords of the Realm II is very different from many medieval strategy games. The game has a strong medieval feel, but it is historically based. There is no magic, and unlike many strategy games, it has no technology tree. Perhaps its most remarkable feature is the need to carefully manage food, population and happiness levels in order to build population levels whilst avoiding Malthusian meltdowns. The large number of both random and player-generated events that can affect province happiness provides an almost constant level of challenge for the player, which is part of the reason the game is regarded as a classic by many players.There are two major game types that the developers merged into a successful hybrid. The first is turn-based resource management. Players grow crops, accumulate resources, manufacture weapons, manage armies, build and lay siege to castles, and attempt to conquer their enemies. The battles are real time, with players able to control units individually or in group formations. Players may also allow the computer to calculate the outcome of the battle.Compared to the original, Lords of the Realm II is much more robust, with better graphics and music, and an improved management system.[edit] GameplayThe game begins with the player ruling over a peaceful and unproductive county with a small population.[edit] DiplomacyDiplomacy can influence the course of events in the game, although there is little opportunity for its use among the mostly-violent interactions between counties. The player can engage in trade and communication by sending insults, compliments, money, or an offer of alliance to other nobles. Insults and miserliness will turn the noble against the player, but monetary generosity and compliments will have the opposite effect.Closely related to the Nobles, diplomacy consists of the players' relationship with other nobles. The player send compliments, insults, bribes, or propose an alliance. Depending on the relationship with each noble, the player has a certain amount of leeway when attacking nobles. Ultimately, if the player attacks a noble enough times they will be irrevocably at war. If a player is allied with a noble, and attack that noble during a time of alliance, the player's relationships with all nobles are hurt, and the formerly allied noble is now at war with the player. The nobles will not attack you if allied, with the exception of the Countess. If the player is allied, the player may request assistance from attacking troupes, or ask to attack a specified county.[edit] Computer playersThe game has limited diplomacy, where the player can make alliances and send money for bribery and to induce nobles to attack other nobles. The computer opponents are different characters with distinct personalities and strategies. There are four computer Nobles available. The game also includes LAN play with real players. The four computer nobles are:The Baron - A wise and cautious man, the Baron seeks to consolidate a strong base of operations before further expanding his territory. The Bishop - A clergyman who thinks he is divinely appointed to rule, he relies on large armies comprised mostly of peasants and archers for attack. His people are seldom happy due to his continual creation of large armies. He generally constructs large expensive castles for his counties. The Countess - A cold, calculating opponent, the Countess's main focus is expansion, and as a result she tends to overextend herself. If made an ally, she cannot be trusted to coexist peacefully with you, and will attack even though you are allies. The Knight - Young, brash, and aggressive. The Knight will aggressively attack counties. While he generally constructs small weak castles for his counties, he usually fields large armies which are difficult to defend against early on unless the player is resourceful. [edit] Town administrationThere are seven areas to which the peasants can be assigned: cattle herding, farming, wood chopping, blacksmithing, castle building, tilling, or mining. Citizens not active in one of these roles will remain idle.Wood, iron, stone, and wheat ar livestock and weapons are measured in individual units. These resources must be managed in order to build castles, placate hostile neighbors, and sustain the populace.Towns are
usually a county will have between eight and sixteen units of land to work. The exact makeup of the land varies. Towns always have a blacksmith workshop and may also have lumber, mining and quarrying but never both quarrying and mining in the same town.[edit] Counties and mapsAt the beginning, the player has only one county and a few hundred peasants. As the player conquers more counties, the first ones, now prosperous, can send armies and money to help the newly conquered ones. The game ends when the human player loses all counties, or conquers the entire enemy occupied map. A player must only conquer the nobles, not all neutral counties as well.The game consists of a map with several different counties, comprising a single nation or geographic area. These counties have a main village, along with several types of industries available to utilize for conquering nobles and fields designated for food growth. Every map begins in the year 1268 in the winter season. There are four different turns per year, beginning with winter, spring, summer, and autumn.There are a preset number of merchants per map. These merchants travel the land, and if they are in a player's county they may purchase material from them.Each county is either a neutral county or a county under the rule of a noble. The territory of each noble is coloured to differentiate the board (for the Baron, for the Knight, yellow, etc). Starting out, each noble has one county as their own, and all other counties are neutral.To expand a noble's lands, the noble must capture the county by either conquering the county town seat, or if there is an existing castle that is currently manned, lay siege to that castle and breach its defenses to overtake it. No neutral counties have castles naturally. If a noble has been driven from the county by revolt or other means, and the noble erected a castle, that will remain, but the county peasants will never man it in a neutral county.On the map, all of a noble's existing territory must be touching. If player has four counties in a straight chain where each touches only the other, and an opponent captures one of the middle counties, the noble will automatically lose the weakest counties that have been sundered from the main body of his/her empire.[edit] Resource managementThe proper mixture of resources is constantly changing to meet the demands of i stone will be needed to build castles at one moment, but then wood and iron may become more important.[edit] FoodFood is the resource requiring most careful management. Each province has 8 to 16 fields, which can be used for growing grain, cattle, or left fallow. Soil can become enhanced or degraded by over- or underuse, and random seasonal events such as good weather, floods, droughts, rat plague and so on also play an important part.Unlike Lords of the Realm, which has three main food types (grain, sheep, cows), this game features only cows and grain for food. The player can run three types of food economy: allocating all fields to grain, all fields to cows, or running both cattle and grain together.Cows - The primary food source used by the PC nobles, cows require a lot of the existing population to maintain its status as a substantial food source. The two main supplies provided by cattle are meat and dairy. Grain - A food supply that requires a much smaller amount of the population to maintain than cows for three of the four seasons per year. For winter, spring, and summer, grain requires little of the population to bear a bountiful harvest. Grain therefore allows a player to allocate most of the population to other industries. The autumn harvest is very labor-intensive, and demands a very large portion of the population to complete. Overall, however, the player gets much more industry-production out of a population by using a pure grain food economy. Fields - Like industries, there are a preset number of fields per county in various states of usability. A field can either be barren or fertile. If a field is completely barren, it appears as a solid grey square. If peasants have been allocated to work on the field to make it fertile, it will have either one, two, or three fertile mini-squares filled into the overall square, indicating its progress to rehabilitating the field into a restored fertile status. Most counties starting out have some barren fields. There are four ways a fertile field may be made barren, barring the advanced farming option (dealt with later). The first two ways are drought and flood. If a drought or flood occurs (prompted by the computer and determined within the game's code one turn previous), a field will be lost. For example, in the summer the game determines you will lose a field but does not tell you. The player selects End Turn, and in autumn the player will be notified of the lost field. To escape this fate, the player must go back not to the summer save file but the spring save file (if such a file does in fact exist). If a drought or flood occurs and it is a grain field, then a significant amount of the grain output for that year will be lost. The third way a field may be lost occurs when locusts strip the field bare and the fourth way to lose fields is if they are destroyed by enemy troops invading your lands.[edit] PopulationEach county has a population. This population is effected by many different factors: overall happiness, tax rates, health, and food supply. Players know exactly how many peasants they have, and how many births, deaths, immigrants, and emigrants they have each season. Overall population trends can also be traced via the population information screen for each county.Emigration & immigration - Like any population, people will leave one county and go to another. If the county is properly managed, this will seldom happen where people will leave. People will leave counties when little or no food is available, happiness is low, the county is overtaken, or taxes are excessively high. Food supply - If a county runs low on food, happiness will decrease, health will suffer, and if the situation goes to an extreme, roving bands of starving revolutionaries will go throughout the lands looking for food. Happiness - The most powerful influence on the happiness of citizens is army recruitment. Town denizens will become angry when their young men are recruited into the army, and the presence of even the smallest army will decrease happiness. Citizens must be placated to balance the unhappiness that will result from army recruitment. Other influences on citizen happiness include food, health, and taxes. Hungry, sick, or over-taxed citizens are unhappy citizens. The player controls food through rations, which can be set from none to triple. Higher food rations yield happier citizens. Citizens happiness may also be increased through the purchase of ale or lowering of taxes. Health - A fairly stable factor. If the food supply runs low and people begin to starve, the health will naturally deteriorate and emigration will begin. Occasionally, the game will randomly assign a county the Black Plague, which will kill off a large portion of the population and weaken the total population for several seasons. Depending on how the noble responds to the plague, a county can be feeling its effects for a few years. [edit] TaxesEach country has its own tax rate as determined by the noble or general population if it is a neutral country to generate income to fund the noble's campaign for the crown. The higher the tax rate, the more happiness is deducted from the population of that specific country. Overall, if a player has a county that has normal health with a normal food supply, the tax rate can be set to 7%, which penalizes the county two happiness points, and barring other events the happiness can be maintained at 100%. If you reach a tax rate of 19% and above, then not only is that county's happiness penalized, but all your counties are penalized, though not nearly as heavy as the overtaxed county. There is a glitch that causes this tax penalty to operate incorrectly. If you have a large number of counties and you put the tax rate up to 50 percent on all of them, the integer that is supposed to subtract points from your population actually becomes positive, meaning your people will be happy despite astronomical tax rates. Money earned from high tax rates can pay for armies and buy resources from traveling merchants.[edit] IndustryIn many ways, industry is the heart and soul of any winning strategy in Lords of the Realm II. With the four major industries (blacksmith, forestry, iron mine, and stone quarry), the player must correctly manage these resources to build his/her strength to win the game. A successful player must carefully allocate the working force to rehabilitate fields, grow food, cut wood, mine iron, and quarry stone. There is a delicate balance between growing enough food to keep your people healthy, and managing the individual industries successfully enough to not be conquered.Industries can either be turned on or turned off. If they are on, then you see the industry icon on the map moving and showing activity. The iron mine, forestry, and quarry have a maximum output per season of 999 pieces. Everything produced from the industry can be sold to the merchants for half of its retail value. For example, to buy iron, it costs two crowns, while it sells for one crown.The different types of industry are:Blacksmith - Responsible for making weapons. This industry uses the iron and forestry industry for its supplies. There are six major weapons types manufactured by blacksmiths (pikes, swords, maces, crossbows, bows, and knight armour). Each weapon requires different combinations of wood and iron to assemble. For example, maces require 4 pieces of wood and 4 pieces of iron, and bows require 13 wood. Bows are the only weapon to require only
all other weapons require both wood and iron. Iron Mine - Manufactures iron. Used exclusively for weapons building Forestry - Manufactures wood. Used both for weapons manufacturing and castle building. Quarry - Manufactures stone. Used only for castle building. [edit] Resource AvailabilityResource availability effects food and industry differently:Food - Each county's food supply is specific only to that county. For example, if a county has 300 cows and 1500 grain and its neighboring country has a sizable population starving with only 20 sacks of grain and 10 cows, it cannot share or make available its resources to that county. It can send a shipment with a courier that will leave the season the player sends it and get there to the needy country respective of how far away the shipment is going. Industry - Any industry activities from the previous season is immediately available to all counties regardless of distance. At the beginning of each season, after the turn is ended from the previous season, active industries add to the store of available stone, weapons, wood, and iron. These resources are available across the board. [edit] Castle building and managementThe building of castles requires particularly skillful resource management. The construction of a castle is a high priority because it will help protect the town from enemy armies. Workers will have to be shifted from other tasks to build the castle, taxes will have to be increased, and the happiness of the populace may be harmed. Castles boost tax revenues when completed though, covering their costs in the long run.The castles that may be constructed in order to least resource intensive to most resource intensive are wooden palisade, Motte and Bailey, keep, stone castle and royal castle. More expensive castles are easier to defend and raise tax revenues to a greater degree making them a worthwhile longterm investment.[edit] Castle DefensesThere are five castles types that can be erected per county, and is highly recommended to stage a defense against oncoming enemy troops. If a county does not have a castle with stationed troops, then the enemy troops will attack the county seat. These are the five major castle types, from weakest to strongest. The AI opponents will use all five types, though Norman Keeps and Motte & Baileys are the most common. Once troops are stationed there, opposing forces will siege that castle, and at the start of the turn where the siege takes effect, the player can either autocalc the battle or fight it in real time. Motte & Baileys, Stone Castles, and Royal Castles are defended by moats as well, and all castles have boiling oil available to attack.To build a castle, you select the castle building option, and select whichever castle you want to build. Castles also effect tax rates. The stronger the castle type, the more percentage the castle adds to the tax income per each county.Wooden Palisade - Requires 40 Stone, 400 Wood to build. By fa easily breached. This is the first of two primarily wooden castles. Grants a 50% boost to tax revenues. Motte & Bailey - Requires 80 Stone, 800 Wood to build. The most common castle erected by computer controlled opponents, this castle is the second wooden castle and while easier to defend than the wood palisade, still a fairly weak castle. Grants a 75% boost to tax revenues. Norman Keep - Requires 1000 Stone, 200 Wood to build. The middle of the road castle, not very weak, but not very strong either. The Norman Keep is the first of three stone castle types, and is a fairly common castle type used by the AI. Grants a 100% boost to tax revenues. Stone Castle - Requires 2000 Stone, 400 Wood to build. This is the second strongest castle available. Grants a 125% boost to tax revenues. Royal Castle - Requires 3000 Stone, 800 Wood. This is the strongest castle available. Once erected, this castle is not easily breached at all and is a very secure defense. Grants a 150% boost to tax revenues. There is a well-known glitch that is greatly beneficial in castle building. If you select the Royal Castle from the very start when building a castle, 3000 stone and 800 wood are required. However, if you sell all stone and wood to a merchant, then go the castle select screen. First, select the Wooden Palisade, to build. Then, select the Motte & Bailey. Third, select the Norman Keep, and so on. The advantage to this is if there is no available stone or wood, a royal castle will only cost 1000 stone and 800 wood. This glitch also gives you an instantly available stone castle available to defend, because the game thinks you are upgrading a stone castle to a royal castle.[edit] Raising an armyThe player can raise an army when the time is right to attack, or if threatened. Armies take people from the town and train them into one of the seven available classes of soldiers: knights, archers, pikemen, macemen, crossbowmen, swordsmen, and peasants. The player also has the option of hiring mercenaries, though these are loyal only to money and will desert if the player doesn't have enough to pay them. Mercenaries will not fight with other mercenaries due to past rivalries. The player's recruitment strategy should be based on the necessary power, speed, ranged attack abilities, and number of the army. The size of the army is determined by the town's resources and citizen happiness.[edit] MilitaryTo wage a successful campaign, a player must successfully manage the military. Armies are raised by drawing from county populations. The more people that are conscripted per season, the more happiness is deducted from that county's happiness.There are several units available for conscription. Assuming that the blacksmith has produced the following weapon types, or they have been bought by merchants, these weapons will be available when making an army. The two major divisions on unit types are hand-to-hand and long range.Hand-to-hand:Knights - The most resource intensive unit for the blacksmith to manufacture, Knights are the fastest, most agile units available. They are the only units unable to fill in castle moats due to them being on horseback. Macemen - Inexpensive to produce, macemen are often the foundation of a successful army, due to low cost and overall sturdiness. Macemen are quite agile and are especially effective against lightly armed units such as peasants and archers. Pikemen - Heavily armoured, Pikemen are very slow but their armor withstands many hits, making them more effective as a defensive unit than an offensive unit. Swordmen - These are the overall best hand to hand unit in the game, with good defense, decent speed, and good attack strengths. Peasants - These are the default soldiers who are not given weapons, they are poor in both defense and offense and fall quickly to armed units. Long-range:Bowmen - Effective as long range fighters used to pick off enemy troops while hand-to-hand units are engaging them as well. They do not function well in close range. The most effective use for them is to use them to guard castles. They have a long range and high rate of arrow fire. Crossbowmen - Fairly effective as both hand to hand and long range attackers. While they have a shorter range and fire more slowly compared to bowmen, their bolts are much more powerful, and can penetrate armor easily, which means they are useful against armored units such as pikemen, swordsmen, and knights. [edit] Movement and battleAfter an army has been created, the player can garrison it in a castle to protect the town, disband it, split it in two, move it, or keep it still. An army has 15 “points” of movement each turn. The amount of points required to move a given distance de difficult terrain requires more points than easier terrain.If two enemy armies meet, a battle will begin. Unlike the county management part of the game, battles take place in real time. The player has a complete view of the battlefield and can individually manage units or groups of units.If an army moves against an enemy castle, a siege will take place. Each castle has a flag in its mos if the sieging army reaches the opponent's flag, the sieging army wins. Alternatively, if every member of the defending army is slain the sieging army wins. Siege tactics differ from open-field battle in that the player may need to take into account the enemy's fortifications and, in three castle designs, a moat. The sieging army may build battering rams, catapults, and siege towers to aid its assault.An army can also destroy fields, industry sites and hamlets in an enemy country. This causes a loss of morale within the territory and over time can lead to the peasants revolting against their master.[edit] Custom battleThe game offers an option where the player can create a game designed to test his or her skills. Several factors such as beginning the game with limited resources, limited map view, or other handicaps can be set to make victory rather difficult.[edit] SequelsThe game had an expansion pack, Lords of the Realm II: Siege Pack, consisting of new combat scenarios. It was followed years later by a supposed sequel, Lords of the Realm III, which was in effect a completely different game.[edit] In popular cultureMusic from Lords of the Realm 2 has been used in a propaganda video by the Palestinian group Hamas.[1]游戏珍藏经典海报封面游戏画面截图


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