zhao record ,keep low and bekeep silentt,翻译中文是什么意思?

spirit 有哪些中文翻译??_百度知道
spirit 有哪些中文翻译??
spirit 有哪些中文翻译??
spirit moon 翻译成什么?
moon当时用spirit的时候 只不过想表达一种不停激励自己努力向前的动力.不用在中文中找对应的词,spirit表达的这种感觉玩具的很难用一个中文词来表达的.
1. 精神,心灵[U]
Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.
2. 灵魂,精灵;幽灵;妖精[C]
They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
3. 【宗】圣灵[the S]
4. (时代等的)潮流,精神,风气[U]
He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.
5. (法律等的)精神,本意[the S]
The spirit of a law is more important than its words.
6. 情绪,心情;兴致[P]
Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
7. 气魄,气概;志气;勇气[U]
He is a man of spiri...
spirit ['spirit]
n. 精神,灵魂,神灵,幽灵,鬼怪;心情,情绪;气概,勇气
v. 鼓舞,鼓励;诱拐,带走
n. 精神,灵魂,神灵,幽灵,鬼怪;心情,情绪;气概,勇气
v. 鼓舞,鼓励;诱拐,带走
时 态:spir·it·ed, spir·it·ing, spir·its
evil spirit
spirit away
spirit lamp
spirit off
v. 鼓励,激励
methylated spirit
spirit level
surgical spirit
wood spirit
familiar spirit
free spirit
n. 无拘无束的人
party spirit
spirit做名词是灵魂的意思。做动词是鼓励的意思。如果是灵魂的意思,其实美国人说spirit的几率不大,他们一般说的是soul , 也是灵魂的意思。
精神, 灵魂, 幽灵, 妖精, 勇气, 火力, 热情, 情绪
诱拐, 鼓励, 鼓舞
ammonia spirit
芳香氨醑:同aromatic ammonia spirit
ammonia spirit , spirit of ammonia, aromatic
anise spirit
洋茴香醑:洋茴香油(anise oil)与酒精的混合物,用作驱风剂
benzaldehyde spirit
我晕哦。那么多,spirit既然有精神活力的意思,那spirit moon不就是有活力的月亮,不就是满月?
1. 精神,心灵[U]
Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.
2. 灵魂,精灵;幽灵;妖精[C]
They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
3. 【宗】圣灵[the S]
4. (时代等的)潮流,精神,风气[U]
He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.
5. (法律等的)精神,本意[the S]
The spirit of a law is more important than its words.
6. 情绪,心情;兴致[P]
Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
7. 气魄,气概;志气;勇气[U]
He is a man of spiri...
. 精神,心灵[U]
Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.
2. 灵魂,精灵;幽灵;妖精[C]
They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
3. 【宗】圣灵[the S]
4. (时代等的)潮流,精神,风气[U]
He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.
5. (法律等的)精神,本意[the S]
The spirit of a law is more important than its words.
6. 情绪,心情;兴致[P]
Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
7. 气魄,气概;志气;勇气[U]
He is a man of spirit...
1. 精神, 心灵, 灵魂
He was one of the leading spirits of the revolution.
He is a man of spirit.
They believe that his spirit lives on after death.
He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.
The spirit of a law is more important than its words.
Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.
He is a proud spirit.
2. [只用单]潮流, 风气; 影响; (法律、文件等的...
参加,同...比赛 ,使比赛
使穿过, 刺
连续, 一连串
vt. & vi. 跑 move fast on foot
vt. & vi. 移动 move or travel in some other way
vt. & vi. (使)流动 (cause to) flow
vt. & vi. 操纵; 管理 operate or be in charge of
vi. 延伸,延续 continue in a particular direction or state
[C]跑,奔跑 act or period of running on foot
[U][C]旅行,旅程 instance or period of travelling by car, train, etc.
[C]行驶路线 route taken by vehicles, ships, etc.
[C]持续的演出,一连串事件 series of performances, a continuous set of similar events
[U][C]趋势,趋向 tendency or trend of sth
run&:&运行 ...
run&:&越野跑(现 ...
run&:&游程 ...
run&:&游程 ...
run&:&跑, 竞选,
run&:&挤兑 ...
run&:&操纵, 管理 ...
run&:&描 ...
run&:&程; ...
run&:&挤兑 ...
run&:&跑, 行驶,
run&:&运转, 管理 ...
run&:&集材小道; ...
run&:&运行,运转 ...
run&:&航程 ...
a score in baseball made by a runner touching a
"the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th"
"their first tally came in the 3rd inning"
"in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"
"he called each flip of the coin a new trial"
"she broke the record for the half-mile run"
"had a streak of bad luck"
"Nicklaus had a run of birdies"
(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or pa
"the defensive line braced to stop the run"
"the coach put great emphasis on running"
"the ship made its run in record time"
traveling on
"he broke into a run"
"his daily run keeps him fit"
the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or co
"the assembly line was on a 12-hour run"
"he has the run of the house"
the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.);
"a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint"
a small stream
a race between candidates
"I managed his campaign for governor"
"he is raising money for a Senate run"
"she got a run in her stocking"
the pouring forth of a fluid
an unbroken ch
"the play had a long run on Broadway"
"the team enjoyed a brief run of victories"
"take a run into town"
move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the grou
"Don't run--you'll be out of breath"
"The children ran to the store"
take to one'
"If you see this man, run!"
"The burglars escaped before the police showed up"
stretch out over a distance, space, time, run or extend between two points or be
"Service runs all the way to Cranbury"
"His knowledge doesn't go very far"
"My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"
"The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"
projects, businesses, etc.;
"She is running a relief operation in the Sudan"
"the story or argument runs as follows"
"as the saying goes..."
move along,
"Water flowed into the cave"
"the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"
perform as e
"The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"
"Does this old car still run well?"
"This old radio doesn't work anymore"
change or be dif
"Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"
"Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"
"The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"
"My students range from very bright to dull"
run, stand, or compete for an
"Who's running for treasurer this year?"
cause to emit rec
"They ran the tapes over and over again"
"I'll play you my favorite record"
"He never tires of playing that video"
move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in
"who are these people running around in the building?"
"She runs around telling everyone of her troubles"
"let the dogs run free"
have a tendency or disposition t
"She tends to be nervous before her lectures"
"These dresses run small"
"He inclined to corpulence"
be operating, ru
"The car is still running--turn it off!"
change from
"run amok"
"run rogue"
"run riot"
"run a subject"
"run a process"
"run a temperature"
"run a risk"
"These stories die hard"
"The legend of Elvis endures"
"Musical talent runs in the family"
carry out a process or program, as on a c
"Run the dishwasher"
"run a new program on the Mac"
"the computer executed the instruction"
"We ran the ad three times"
"This paper carries a restaurant review"
"All major networks carried the press conference"
"run an errand"
pass over, across,
"He ran his eyes over her body"
"She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"
"He drew her hair through his fingers"
cause something to pa
"Run the wire behind the cabinet"
make without a miss
deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor
"run the dogs"
"These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
sail before the wind
"She ran 10 miles that day"
extend or continue for a ce
"The film runs 5 hours"
set animals loose to graze
"the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring"
in such sports as football
travel rapidly, by any (unspecified)
"Run to the store!"
"She always runs to Italy, because she has a lover there"
"Ships ply the waters near the coast"
pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals);
"Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"
"The dogs are running deer"
"The Duke hunted in these woods"
"he is running the Marathon this year"
"let's race and see who gets there first"
"The speech has to go through several more drafts"
"run through your presentation before the meeting"
reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state,
"melt butter"
"melt down gold"
"The wax melted in the sun"
come unraveled or undo
"Her nylons were running"
"the sweater unraveled"
用作动词 (v.)
The little boy ran off to get his brother.
I can't make this machine run properly.
He has no idea of how to run a business.
This is unsustainable, in the long run.
The monsoon will run to the end of the next month.
Vines run over the ground.
The disease does tend to run in families.
Although this approach will probably be effective in the long run, it is unlikely to impact disease transmission in the near future.
He declared his intention to run for office.
We had the misfortune to run into a violent storm.
Tears run down her cheeks as she tells us about her suffering.
The molten metal was run into a mould.
Some colours run quickly in the sun.
If one idles away his time, youth will fade away and life will run out him.
I had a bad headache and my nose ran a lot.
用作名词 (n.)
Father, please guide them to run for the course of eternal immutability.
He started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to a walk.
In the process of explicating this analysis, he had utility dominant in the short run and cost of production in the long run.
Individuals with this style tend to be very broad in their outwork and look at many alternatives.They focus on the long run.
用作形容词 (adj.)
The molten metal was run into a mould.
用作动词 (v.)
Rabbits run fast.
I used to run when I was in the middle school.
I don't run as fast as you.
He cannot run because he has a weak heart.
He ran home in tears to his mother.
They turned and ran when they saw he had a gun.
He dropped his gun and ran.
She ran to meet us.
When we heard that he was in trouble, we ran to help him.
Run get the key for me.
Ade will be running tonight.
Some of these old cars are still running.
The trains don't run on Sundays.
Buses to Oxford run every half an hour.
Don't touch the engine while it's running.
The machine runs by electricity.
The engine is running properly.
Your new car seems to run very nicely.
The programme is running smoothly.
Despite the shortage of drugs and trained staff, they managed to keep the hospital running.
The new computer has arrived but it won't be up and running until next week.
Have you left the bath running?
The baby's nose is running.
The butter will run if you put it near the fire.
The wax began to run.
I'm afraid the colours ran when I washed this shirt.
I cannot remember how the rest of Hamlet's speech runs.
S+~+ n -A
I run five miles every day.
Who was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes?
S+~+ adj.
The water ran cold when I turned the tap on.
That old woman's food has run short.
The well here has run dry.
The tide was running strong.
The sea runs high at the sunset.
They ran short of gasoline.
That guy's blood ran cold at last.
During the election, feelings ran high.
Matters ran smoother than expected.
Who ran third?
The horse ran second.
S+~+ n./pron.
The children ran races in the park.
He ran a race with me.
We won't run this horse in any more races this season.
Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal.
Run the water until it gets hot.
London Transport runs extra trains during the rush hours.
They have all learned to run modern farm machines.
Can you just run the projector to check that it's working?
Teach me how to run the business.
Mr. Smith runs a grocery shop.
Who's running this company?
They ran the nurseries extremely well.
Don't try and run my life!
The little boy can run his own life now.
用于be ~ed结构
The car race will be run at Monte Carlo next month.
The Grand National Race will be run in spite of the bad weather.
A rope is run between two posts.
Cheap trains will be run on Saturdays.
The school is run by a young headmaster.
The story runs that she poisoned her husband.
The story runs that they have been secretly married for months.
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
Please run me a nice hot bath.
S+~+ n./pron. +to+ pron./n.
They're running a special train to the football match.
S+~+ n./pron. +for+ pron./n.
Stop trying to run my life for me!
The college runs summer courses for foreign learners of English.
v -ing as Attrib.
There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton.
用作名词 (n.)
She usually goes for a run before breakfast.
A cross-country run is a run across the fields.
Oxford to London is about an hour's run by train.
The train makes a run of one hundred miles in two hours.
The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run.
The boat was taken off its usual run.
The play had a good run of six months.
It's just finished its West End run.
I've had a run of bad luck recently.
This policy has had a run of success in Africa.
We've enjoyed an exceptional run of fine weather recently.
After 40 minutes Spurs scored, against the run of play.
The run of the cards favoured me.
Let's go for a run in the car.
She's different from the general run of students.
There's been a big run on ice cream during this hot weather.
The run on the pound forced the government to act.
England scored 301 runs.
用作动词 (v.)
run about (v.+adv.)
跑来跑去 run here and there
Put your coat on, or you'll catch cold running about.快把外套穿上,不然你到处乱跑会感冒的。
run across1 (v.+adv.)
〈主英〉开车送 give a ride to sb
Don't wait for the bus
I'll get the car and run you across to your mother's.这么冷的天气别等公共汽车了,我开车送你到你母亲那里去。
run across2 (v.+prep.)
不期而遇; 偶然发现 find or meet by chance
run across sb/sth
I ran across her in the public library yesterday.我昨天在公共图书馆碰巧遇见了她。
I ran across my old friend Jail in Paris last week.上星期,我在巴黎遇见老友杰尔。
I ran across a beautiful poem in this book.我在此书中偶然发现了一首好诗。
非法地运送… bring or take sth into a country il smuggle
run sth across sth
He used to run guns across the border.他过去经常偷运枪支出境。
run after (v.+prep.)
追赶 try to catch
The policemen are running after a prisoner who escaped last night.
The dog was running after a rabbit.
Don't bother running after the bus, you'll never catch it.
追求 try to gain the attention and company of
Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time running after girls.
If you didn't run after her so much, she might be more interested in you.
伺候 perform the duties of a servant for
Don't expect me to run after you all your life.
run against (v.+prep.)
碰及,碰撞 come into collision with
run against sb/sth
He ran against a wall in the darkness.黑暗中他撞在一堵墙上。
While walking on the pavement, he ran against a lamppost.他正在便道上走着,一不注意撞到电灯杆上了。
同…竞选 compete with sb for an elected office
run against sb
He is running against many competitors in the 100 metres.在100米赛跑中,他得对付许多竞赛者。
Roosevelt ran against Hoover in 年罗斯福与胡佛竞选总统。
Mr. Price risked defeat in running against Mr. Johnson in the last election.在上次大选中,普赖斯先生冒着失败的风险与约翰逊竞选总统。
偶然遇到 meet sb by chance
run against sb
I ran against an acquaintance in the street yesterday.我昨天在街上偶遇一位熟人。
run along1 (v.+adv.)
走开 go away
Run along now, all of you!I'm busy now.你们全给我走开!我很忙。
Be a good girl and run along,Daddy's busy.好闺女快走开,爸爸正忙着呢。
It's late.I must run along.时候已经不早,我该走了。
run along2 (v.+prep.)
延伸,贯穿 pass or continue in the stated direction, way, etc.
run along sth
The road runs along the river bank.这条马路延着河岸伸展。
run around (v.+adv.)
结交,来往 go about in company
run around with sb
He was sorry that he had wasted his youth running around with criminal types.他很后悔以前跟罪犯一类的人混在一起,虚度了青春。
I wish my son wouldn't run around with those hooligans.我希望我儿子不要跟那些小流氓鬼混在一起。
Her husband found she'd been running around with another man.她丈夫发现她经常和另外一个男人在一起。
〈非正〉不忠于配偶 be unfaithful to one's marriage partner, lover, etc.
run around
She suspected her husband of running around .她怀疑她丈夫有外遇。
run at (v.+prep.)
突然进攻 run towards sb (as if) to attack him
A big fellow ran at me with a knife.一个高大的家伙持刀向我扑过来。
The dog ran at the visitor and bit him.那条狗突然向来客扑去,并咬了他一口。
目前为 (usually of trade, a debt, etc.) be presently existing at (a rate of sth)
run at sth
Inflation is running at 25%.通货膨胀率达25%。
Interest rates are running at record levels.利率达到创记录的水平。
run away (v.+adv.)
逃跑,走掉; 逃脱 escape from somewhere or from the control of sb
She hit the boy and he ran away .她打那个小男孩,那小男孩就跑了。
The horse became frightened and ran away .那匹马受惊吓跑了。
The enemy broke and began to run away in all directions.敌人溃散,开始四处逃窜。
run away from sth
He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home.他恨他的继父,最终从家中逃走了。
In a fit of temper the girl threatened to run away from home if her parents would not let her have her own way.一气之下,这位姑娘威胁说:如果父母不让她按照自己的意愿行事,她将要离家出走。
It is reported that three important criminals ran away from prison last night.据报道,有三名要犯昨夜越狱逃跑。
Charlie ran away twice from his boarding school.查理两次从寄宿学校逃跑。
He was so unhappy that he tried to run away from school.他实在太苦恼了,试图逃离学校。
Many times Tom said he would run away from school if the teacher would assign too much homework, but he never did.汤姆曾多次说过,如果老师留太多的作业,他就逃学。但他从未这样做过。
The candidate tried to run away from controversial issues by pretending to be ill.这位候选人佯装生病,以回避参与一些有争议的问题。
(使)流走〔流掉〕 (cause to) flow away
There's a hole in my bucket, and the water is running away.我的桶有个洞,水正在往外漏。
The water ran away through this pipe.水通过这条管道流走了。
He ran the water away.他把水放走了。
run away/off with (v.+adv.+prep.)
与…私奔 elope with
run away〔off〕 with sb
The old man was quite depressed, because his second daughter had run away with a young man.老头很沮丧,因为他的二女儿与一个男青年私奔了。
His wife has run off with another man.他妻子跟另外一个男人私奔了。
Anna's mother has run off with her bank manager.安娜的母亲和她那位银行经理私奔了。
消耗,用掉 consume especially fuel, time, money, etc.
run away〔off〕 with sth
Your education runs away with most of my money.你的教育消耗掉了我的大部分钱。
The new scheme will run off with a lot of taxpayer's money.这项新计划将用去纳税人许多钱。
轻信,错以为 believe too easily
run away〔off〕 with sth
Don't run away with the idea that I can lend you money every time you need help.不要认为每当你需要帮助时,我就能借钱给你。
Don't ever run away with the notion that bankruptcy is a joke.切莫误认为破产是件开玩笑的事情。
Don't run off with the idea that you needn't do any work, just because you're working for your father.不要以为你是为你父亲工作就可以什么事都不必做了。
Don't run off with the grapevine news.不要轻信那个小道消息。
携…潜逃 steal and carry off
run away〔off〕 with sth
He's run away with all my jewels.他盗了我所有的珠宝潜逃了。
The work was suspended because someone in the office ran away with the plans of the new engine.由于办公人员偷走了新发动机的图纸,工作只好暂停。
Someone has run off with the keys to my safe.有人偷走了我保险柜的钥匙。
失去控制 get out of control and carry off
run away〔off〕 with sb
Eddie has let his temper run away with him.埃迪已控制不住自己。
Don't let your temper run away with you.别让你的脾气失去控制。
She tends to let feelings run away with her.她易于感情用事。
Don't let your enthusiasm run off with you.不要热心得过了头。
轻易取胜 win easily
run away〔off〕 with sth
The girl from Japan ran away with the first set.那位日本姑娘轻易地拿下了第一局。
run back (v.+adv.)
倒回 come back to the begin
Run the videotape back to the point where the ball bounces.把录像带倒回到球弹起的地方去。
run back over (v.+adv.+prep.)
回忆过去 review the past
run back over sth
On seeing the picture,I let my thoughts run back over my childhood.一看到那幅照片,我的思绪就回到了童年时代。
If you run back over the season, you can't pick out a game in which he played badly.如果你回顾一下那个赛季,你找不出他哪一场打得不好。
run down1 (v.+adv.)
停止走动,用完 become exhausted
That clock ran down hours ago.那座钟在几小时以前就停了。
The kitchen clock ran down because we forgot to wind it up.厨房里的钟停了,因为我们忘了上发条。
it needs recharging.这电池已用完,需要再充电。
撞倒,撞沉 crash against and knock down or sink
run sb/sth
The liner ran down a fishing boat in the dense fog.那艘轮船在浓雾中与一艘渔船相撞。
The careless driver ran down two school boys.粗心的司机撞倒了两个学童。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The cyclist was run down by a big lorry.那个骑自行车的人被一辆大卡车撞倒。
The old lady carrying a basket of eggs was run down by a taxi when crossing the street.那位手提着一篮鸡蛋的老太太横过马路时被一辆出租汽车撞倒了。
He's always running me down.他总是讲我的坏话。
She's jea that's why she's always running you down.她嫉妒你的成功,这就是她老是诽谤你的原因所在。
She's always running her children down in public.她总是当着人说自己的孩子不懂事。
追捕到; 查出,发现 find by hard and thorough search
run sb/sth
The police were trying to run down the escaped prisoner before he had a chance to leave the state.警方正设法在那越狱犯逃离州境之前将他捕获。
See if you can run down that book in the library for me.看看你能否在图书馆里帮我找到那本书。
At last I ran down the book I had been looking for in the library.最后,我在图书馆发现了我一直在找的那本书。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The criminal was eventually run down in the woods near his home.那罪犯终于落网了,就在他家附近的树林里被捕。
走下坡路,垮掉 st decline
The local steelworks is running down and is likely to close within three years.当地的这家钢铁厂越来越不景气,有可能在三年内倒闭。
(使)虚弱,疲乏 (cause to) be in poor health
This exhausting work is enough to run everyone down.这项费力的工作足以使每个人精疲力竭。
用于 be ~ed 结构
I really was run down after working a whole year without a break.不停息地做一年后,我真的精疲力竭了。
He is quite run down and needs a vacation.他的身体太虚弱,需要休假。
I felt thoroughly run down after work.下班后,我觉得彻底累垮了。
run down2 (v.+prep.)
沿…迅速而下; 顺…流下 pass or move quickly down (sth); (of liquid) flow down (sth)
run down sth
A lorry ran down the hill out of control.卡车失去了控制,直往山下冲去。
The tears ran down his face.眼泪顺着他的脸颊往下流。
run for (v.+prep.)
(使)竞选 (cause to) compete for an elected office
run for sb/sth
He is going to run for mayor again.他要再次竞选市长。
Mr.William wants to run for governor of the state.威廉先生想竞选州长。
He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was compelled to give it up.他非常想竞选连任,但由于健康状况不佳,他被迫放弃了这一念头。
run sb for sth
They are running Mr.Green for the House of Representatives.他们提名格林先生参加众议院竞选。
持续 continue
run for sth
The play ran for six months on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇连续演了半年。
Election campaigns in Britain run for three weeks.英国选举活动持续三周。
run in (v.+adv.)
快速进入; 流入 enter a place quickly, (of liquid) flow into a place
Would you run in and bring my ball?快跑进去把我的球拿来好吗?
As soon as Mary opened the door, the dog ran in.当玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。
There's wa you can't have mended the roof property.水还是往里流,你一定没把房顶修补好。
〈主英〉用车载(某人)进入; 驱车作短暂访问 give (sb) pay a short visit, as by car
Let's run in and see out parents this morning.今天早上咱们开车去看望一下父母亲吧。
I will run you in if the bus isn't going into the town because of the snow today.如果今天公共汽车因为下雪不送你进城的话,我会开车送你去的。
试车 bring an engine slowly into full use
I'm running my new car in.我正在试我的新车。
Don't drive your new car too fast until you've run it in.新汽车未经磨合运转不要开得太快。
拘捕并带往派出所 arrest and take to a police station
The police run the two drunks in for causing a disturbance in the street.警察把两个醉鬼抓了起来,因为他们在街上闹事。
You've no cause to run me in,I've done nothing.你没有理由抓我,我什么也没干。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was run in for being in possession of drugs.由于持有毒品,他被拘留于派出所。
run into (v.+prep.)
快速进入…; 流入… enter (a place) by moving quickly, (of liquid) flow into (sth)
run into sth
It's snowing, run into the room.下雪了,快跑到屋里去。
The ship has to run into the harbour when the sudden storm arises.风暴骤起,轮船只得急忙躲进海港。
This river runs into the Atlantic Ocean.这条河流进大西洋。
偶然遇见 meet sb/sth accidentally
run into sb/sth
I just happened to run into an old friend in a hotel.我碰巧在一家旅店遇见了一位老友。
When I ran into a problem while making my model airplane I asked Uncle Mark for help.当我在制造飞机模型遇到问题时,就向马克大叔请教。
〈主英〉用车载(某人)进入…; 驱车造访… give (sb) pay a short visit to, as by car
run into sth
We ran into the country today and had a wonderful day.我们今天到乡下转了一圈,玩得很愉快。
run sb into sth
Uncle will ran us into town to buy a color TV set.叔叔将开车送我们进城买彩电。
加起来,累计达 reach
run into sth
My father's income runs into six figures.我父亲的收入已达到六位数字。
That dictionary has run into six editions.那本词典已再版了六次。
Car repairs can run into a lot of money.汽车修理费加起来可能要一大笔钱。
(使)碰撞 (cause to) bump or crash into
run into sth
The taxi ran into the back of my new car.出租汽车撞在我新车的尾部上。
The bus got out of control and ran into a wall.公共汽车失去控制而撞在墙上。
run sth into sth
Paul got out of control of his car and ran it into a lamppost.保罗没能把汽车控制住,结果把它撞到路灯柱子上去了。
(使)陷入 (cause to) (cause to) get into
run into sth
After a promising start, the company ran into trouble.公司起先很有生气,但之后便陷入了困境。
run sb/sth into sth
My wife has run me into despair.我的太太使我绝望。
His wild extravagance is running his family into red.他的奢侈无度使他的家庭负债累累。
Taking risks like that might run the firm into debt.冒那样的风险会使公司欠债。
把…刺入 push sth sharp into
run sth into sb/sth
Mind you, don't run the needle into your finger.注意别让针扎手。
run off1 (v.+adv.)
(使)流掉 allow liquid to flow out
When the temperature r the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special modules.当温度达到熔点时,金属就变成液体流出,并注入特殊的铸模中。
The oil in your engine looks very dirty, get the garage to run it off.你的发动机里的油看上去很脏,叫车行的人替你把油放出来。
复印,印刷 print copies
He ran a batch of mimeographed sheets off.他油印出一批讲义。
I'll run off 100 copies of these booklets.我要把这些小册子打印出一百份。
When you've finished typing this letter, could you run off four copies for me, please?你打完这封信后,请给我复印四份好吗?
流畅地写出或背出 write or recite fluently
I can run off the list from memory.我能把清单倒背如流。
I ran off an article for the local newspaper a week during the last summer.去年暑假,我每周为本地报纸写一篇文章。
He's a remarkable writer, he can run off a novel in a week.他是一位非凡的作家,他能在一周内快速写完一部小说。
减轻体重 get rid of unwanted weight by running
You' try and run off all those excess pounds.你太胖了,要跑跑步减减肥。
劳累过度 become tired through too much activity
run one's feet〔legs〕 off
I'm running my legs off, having to look after everything in the village.村里的事件件都得我管,我跑得精疲力竭。
run off2 (v.+prep.)
从…流掉 flow away from sth
run off sth
The rainwater can run off the roof through these pipes.雨水可以通过这些管道从屋顶上流走。
使某人过于劳累 make sb work too hard, especially actively
run sb off his feet〔legs〕
常用于 be ~ed 结构
I'm sorry I didn't phone earlier but I've been run off my feet today.很对不起,我没能早一点打电话,今天我一直很忙。
run on1 (v.+adv.)
继续 pass on
The concert ran on until eleven o'clock.
This disease can run on for months.
The paragraph runs on to the next page.
不停地讲,滔滔不绝 talk continuously
He will run on for hours if you don't stop him.
She'll run on for hours about her family if you let her.
run on2 (v.+prep.)
涉及,讲到 be concerned with a subject
run on sth
Her talk ran on developments in computer software.她谈的是计算机软件的开发问题。
Our talk ran on recent events.我们谈的是近来发生的事件。
That boy's thoughts are always running on food.那个男孩脑子里总是想着吃。
run out (v.+adv.)
用完,耗尽 have no more
There was such a demand for the new postage stamps that before midday supplies had run out.对新邮票的需求量是如此之大,以致中午前就卖完了。
We'd just reached the motorway when the petrol ran out.我们刚到达高速公路,汽油就没有了。
Food supplies had run out towards the end of the trip.在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了。
run oneself out
He ran himself out in the first few circles.他才跑了几圈就没力气了。
run out of sth
We have run out of rice. Will you buy some at the grain shop nearby?我们的米已经吃完了,到附近粮店买些好吗?
I'm running out of petrol, so I have to stop at the next filling station.我把汽油用完了,所以只得在下一个加油站停下来。
The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.士兵们打光了弹药,不得不撤退。
Try not to run out of patience with the old lady.She has enough reason to complain.对那位老夫人不要失去耐心,她埋怨是有充分理由的。
Mrs. Black ran almost out of hope during the Second World War.第二次世界大战期间,布莱克太太几乎绝望了。
The performing group began well, but seemed to run out of steam halfway through the year.演出小组开始时很好,可是一年还没到头似乎就有些泄气了。
结束,期满 expire
The contract had run out before Mr. Wells was able to find a new job.韦尔斯先生未能找到新工作,合同就到期了。
My employment contract runs out at the end of this month.我的雇用合同本月底期满。
We'd better do our Christmas shopping, time is running out.我们最好还是去买圣诞节用品,时间不多了。
流走,流掉 flow out
The water is running out.水流出来了。
The salt won't run out if it's too damp.盐如果很潮湿是不会流出来的。
The milk runs in at this end of the bacterial filter and runs out at the other.牛奶从细菌过滤器这一头流进去,从另一头流出。
run out of sth
The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水从管子里流入桶里。
逐出 force sb to leave a place
run sb out of sth
They ran him out of town.他们把他撵出城。
If you refuse to leave of your own free will, the boys will run you out of town.如果你拒绝自动离开,小伙子们将把你赶出城去。
抛弃,背弃 desert
run out on sb
Poor Mary!Her husband has run out on her.可怜的玛丽,她的丈夫抛弃了她。
Mr.Perkins ran out on his poor wife.珀金斯先生遗弃了他那可怜的太太。
Don't run out on your friends when they are in need of your help.当你的朋友们需要你的帮助时,不要背弃他们。
run over1 (v.+adv.)
造访; 驱车送 visit a place for a short time, (cause to) be driven to a place
run over to sth
Will you run over to the shop and get some butter?你到铺子里去买点黄油好吗?
Let's run over to the Browns' this evening.今天晚上咱们开车去布朗家吧。
over to sth
Don't get a bus,I'll run you over to the theatre.不要去坐公共汽车了,我开车送你去剧场。
溢出 overflow
The water in the Yangtze River this summer rose rapidly and almost ran over.今年夏天长江的水位迅速增高,几乎泛溢出来。
You can't pour any more water into that cup, it will run over.你不能再往那只杯子里倒水了,会溢出来的。
撞倒,撞翻并轧过其身体的一部分 knock down and wound sb or damage sth with a vehicle
run sb/sth over
Slow down, you might run someone over.开慢点,你会撞着人的。
Drunk drivers run more people over than those who have not been drinking.喝醉酒的司机比没喝酒的司机撞人的时候要多。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was run over and had to be taken to hospital.他被车轧伤,必须送往医院。
The man was run over by a train and killed.那个人被火车轧死了。
The old man was nearly run over by a car.老人差一点儿被汽车撞倒。
This box looks as if it's been run over by a bus.这个箱子好像被汽车撞翻过似的。
run over2 (v.+prep.)
溢出,漫出 flow over sth
run over sth
The river is running over its banks and we shall be flooded.河水正漫过堤岸,我们要遭水灾了。
撞倒,撞翻; 碾过 knock down and wound sb or damage sth with a vehicle
run over sb/sth
Why doesn't he drive more carefully?He almost ran over that child.他开车怎么不小心点儿? 险些从那个孩子身上开过去。
The bus ran over his legs.公共汽车碾过他的腿。
The car ran over a duck crossing the road.汽车轧死了一只穿马路的鸭子。
The train ran over the bus, killing nine people.火车撞翻了那辆公共汽车,撞死了9个人。
Sledges run well over frozen snow.雪橇在冻硬了的雪上顺利滑行。
温习 look through
run over sth
Just run over your notes before the examination.考试前你只要再看看笔记就行了。
He ran over his notes before starting his lecture.在开始讲演前,他把大纲匆匆看一遍。
His eyes ran quickly over the letter to see whom it was from.他在那封信上扫了一眼,看看是谁写来的。
浏览 look through
run one's eye over sth
He ran his eye over the page.他把这一页看了一遍。
run through1 (v.+adv.)
(使)从…流过 (cause to) flow through sth
run through
Father told me to unblock the pipe to let the water run through.父亲叫我把管子打通,让水流过去。
Run some clean water through, and then you'll see its true colour.让一些清水从中流过,你就会看清它的真正颜色了。
刺穿,刺中 make a hole through sth/sb, as with a sword
run sb/sth through
The ruffian threatened to run his victim through if he did not hand over all his money.暴徒恐吓受害者说如果他不把所有的钱都交出来,就捅死他。
run through2 (v.+prep.)
跑着穿过… move through sth, as by running
run through sth
Running through the forest in the dark, the boys were greatly afraid.孩子们在黑暗中穿过森林,心里非常害怕。
(使…)在…流过 (of liquid) (cause to) flow through sth
run through sth
The river runs through several underground caves which store the water for the city's use.这条河流经几处贮存城市用水的地下蓄水池。
run sth through sth
Run lots of soapy water through the pipe to clean it.用大量的肥皂水把管子里面冲洗干净。
挥霍 spend money fast and carelessly
run through sth
She could run through a year's salary in a week if you let her.如果你允许她的话,她能在一星期内把一年的薪水挥霍掉。
Here is ten pounds, when you've run through that, let me know, and I may let you have some more.这是10英镑,花完后告诉我,我再给你一些。
He soon ran through all his father's money.他很快把父亲的钱全给挥霍掉了。
匆匆查阅 read or examine quickly
run through sth
We've got a few minutes before the train goes, so I'll just run through your instructions again.在火车出发前我们还有一点时间,我再把你的指示看一遍。
I think I've grasped your main proposals, but would you mind running through them once again?我认为我明白了你的主要意思,不过你可以再叙述一遍吗?
I'll just run through this list of figures with you.我来和你很快地看一遍这个数目表。
预演 rehearse
run through sth
Let's run through the first scene again.我们再把第一场排练一遍吧。
Let's run through the exercises orally before writing them down.这些练习咱们先口头做一遍,然后再写下来。
贯穿 spread right through
run through sth
A feeling of sadness runs through his poetry.一种悲伤感贯穿于他的诗歌。
A keen humour runs through the writings of G.B. Shaw.一种强烈的幽默感贯穿在萧伯纳的作品中。
(使)快速移动,(使)随意移动 (cause to) move quickly or freely
run through sth
An alarming thought kept running through my mind.一个令人惊恐的念头一直在我脑海中转来转去。
A shudder ran through his body as he died.他死的时候浑身颤抖了一下。
run sth through sth
He ran his fingers through his hair in confusion.他心里很乱,禁不住将手放在头发里乱挠。
run to (v.+prep.)
买得起,足够… be enough for
run to sth
I can't run to that new car.我买不起那辆新车。
My money won't run to a holiday abroad this year.今年我的钱不够到国外度假。
扩展到 extend to
run to sth
My new novel has already run to three impressions.我的新小说已出了三版了。
It is estimated that the casualties may run to more than ten thousand killed and wounded.估计伤亡人数可达万余人。
The boundary runs to the south of that forest.边界线延伸到那片森林的南部。
趋向,向…去 have a tendency towards
run to sth
You are running to fat.你有发胖的趋势。
The ball ran to the boundary.球向边线滚去。
〈主英〉驱车(送某人)去… drive (sb) to a place
run to sth
Would you like to run to the harbour to look at the ships?你想不想开车到码头看看船?
run sb to sth
Can I run you to the station?我开车送你去车站好吗?
run up1 (v.+adv.)
升起 raise especially a flag or banner
They ran up the national flag on the queen's birthday.他们在女王生日那天升起了国旗。
Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress.看到地平线上出现一艘船,我们连忙升起遇险信号旗。
赶做 sew quickly together
Jill ran up a costume for the party on her sewing machine.吉尔匆匆忙忙用缝纫机赶制了一件参加宴会穿的服装。
I ran this dress up in one evening.我只用了一个晚上赶制这件衣服。
(使)增长 incur a bill or debt
His debts ran up alarmingly.他的债务惊人地增长。
The sales of the book ran up.这部书的销量激增。
She ran up a large phone bill.她欠下了很多电话费。
Packing will bring us more money, because the special packing will run up the price of the item.包装会给我们带来更多的钱,因为这种特殊包装会抬高商品的价格。
run up2 (v.+prep.)
迅速地登上; 沿…迅速地移动 move quickly up sth, move quickly along sth
run up sth
He ran up the stairs three at a time.他一步三级跑上了楼梯。
I got out of breath running up the hill from the station.我从车站跑上山顶,连气都喘不上来了。
A sudden pain ran up her leg.一阵突然的疼痛顺着她的腿蔓延开来。
The insect ran up my leg.小虫子爬到我腿上来了。
run up against (v.+adv.+prep.)
遇到,碰到 encounter
run up against sb/sth
I ran up against Bill in the market.我在市场上偶然碰到了比尔。
I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head.我撞上了玻璃门,把头撞伤了。
In the dark,I ran up against a cupboard.黑暗中,我撞着了一个碗柜。
The firm ran up against strong competition.这家公司遇到了强有力的竞争。
I thought we would be successful, but we ran up against a lack of money.我原以为我们会成功,但我们遇到了缺乏资金的难题。
We ran up against some unexpected opposition.我们碰到了意想不到的反对。
run with (v.+prep.)
流满 be covered with
run with sth
The streets were running with blood after the massacre.那场大屠杀后,街上血流成河。
His face was running with sweat.他汗流满面。
用作名词 (n.)
跑 running
He started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to at walk.
She left the house at a run.
by〔with〕 a/the run
迅速下降 declining quickly
Price came down by the run.
The temperature came down with a run.
get〔have〕 the run of
得到准许充分使用… get permission to make full use of sth
He has the run of the house.
I have the run of his extensive library.
She gets the run of the car.
give the run of
准许(某人)充分使用… give (sb) the permission to make full use of sth
give sb the run of sth
He's given our children the run of his garden.他让我们的孩子随便进出他的花园。
in the long run
从长远来看,终究 eventually
In the long run prices are bound to rise.
It'll be cheaper in the long run to use genuine leather because it will last longer.
Sure, you can profit from criticism in the long and painful run.
It will be much cheaper in the long run to buy a car.
in the short run
从短期来看,在短期内,不久 for the near future
Of course plastic's cheaper than leather in the short run, but it won't last as long.
The TV set will be much cheaper in the short run,I suppose.
on the run
忙碌,奔波 continuously active and moving about
My poor father is on the run from morning till night.
奔逃,逃跑 fleeing from pursuit or capture
He's on the run from the police.
The escaped murderer has been on the run for three weeks.
We have got the enemy on the run now.
run for one's money
较量,竞争,对抗 competition or opposition
They may win the game, but we'll give them a good run for their money.
满足 reward, interest, enjoyment, etc., especially in return for effort
I feel I've had an excellent run for my money and now I'm happy to retire.
He lived to be 92, so I think he had a good run for his money.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
Mr. Pickwick..took two or three short runs..and went slowly and gravely down the slide.
The spring salmon run is the most important.
出自:Trout Salmon
He ran faster now, sweating and panting.
出自:R. C. Hutchinson
Running fast on long..legs across the..playground.
出自:G. Greene
Carley turned..and ran out of the flat.
出自:I. Colegate
The train was puff they had to run to catch it.
出自:M. Wesley
run short, run short of
这两个短语都是“快用完”的意思。前者相当于不及物动词,主语一般为物,以主动形式表示被动意义; 后者相当于及物动词,其主语为人或部门, of后接表示时间或钱、物的名词。例如:
The flour is running short.
We have run short of flour.
run away, escape, flee, fly
这组词(组)都有“跑开”“逃跑”“逃亡”的意思。其区别在于:escape多表示逃跑后的结果(如未被捕获,并不指逃跑的动作); flee表示逃跑的行为本身,常含有“惧怕”的意味。例如:
Many people fled the burning hotel.许多人逃离了着火的旅馆。
There was evidence that the burglars had been frightened and had fled.有证据说窃贼是受惊之后仓皇逃走的。
Why did the sportsman fly his country?为什么那个运动员叛逃到国外去呢?
run away多用于口语,指不让人知道,有时含有“不辞而别”的意味。例如:
He ran away twice from his boarding school.他两次从寄宿学校出走。
run into, add up to, amount to, come to, count up to
1.从构成上说, add up to和count up to是动副介型短语; 而amount to, come to和run into是动介型短语。
2.从主语上说, add up to和come to相同,均多为钱、账单、数目等; amount to和run into的主语多为loss, cost, expense, debt, sum等名词; 而count up to的主语则仅限It。例如:
Our hotel bill added up to〔amounted to,came to〕 300 dollars.我们的旅馆费共计300美元。
His debts amounted to〔ran into〕 over 3000 dollars.他的债务已高达3000多美元。
It counts up to 300 dollars.共计300美元。
3.从宾语上说, add up to, amount to, come to后一般接数字; 而count up to和run into后除可接数字外,还可接名词。例如:
It counts up to a considerable sum.合计起来数目相当可观。
Losses run into six figures.损失高达6位数。
4.从使用场合上说, come to最通俗, count up to不常用。
run, flow, pour, stream
1.flow, run, stream和pour都可指液体流动; flow还可指气体流动; pour还可指光线、微粒等倾泻。
2.时间上:flow一般指源源不断地、长时间地流动; run既可以是源源不断地、长时间地流动,也可以是流动一段时间; stream和pour多指短时间地流动。
3.方向上:指液体流动时, flow是水平流动; run和stream既可水平流动,也可垂直流动; pour是垂直流动。
4.流速上:从快到慢依次为pour, stream, run, flow。具体说就是flow是平平稳稳地流动; run比较湍急; stream比run更有力; pour则是“倾泻”。
5.flow, stream和pour常用于比喻, run很少用于比喻。例如:
The river was flowing quietly.河水静静流着。
She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.她让乌黑的头发披散下来,飘垂到肩上。
The river runs through hills and fields.河水流经山冈和田野。
The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水自管内注入水桶中。
Tears were streaming down her face.她脸上热泪滚滚而下。
The students streamed into the auditorium.学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。
run, gallop, race
race指与他人比较走得快慢,强调速度上的比赛; gallop多指马全速奔跑,也可指人飞快地跑; run指以一定的速度跑。例如:
I'll race you to the end of the road.我和你比赛,看谁先跑到这路的尽头。
Don't bother galloping after the bus, you'll never catch it.别费劲去追赶那辆公共汽车了,你怎么也赶不上的。
I used to run when I was in middle school.我在中学的时候常常跑步。
run, manage, operate
She managed the shop while the owner was away.店主出门去的时候,她照管商店。
She manages the money very well.她理财有方。
Mr. Smith runs a grocery shop.史密斯先生经营一家杂货店。
They ran the nurseries extremely well.他们把托儿所办得很好。
Her face was running down with tears.
Tears were running down her face.
The policeman is running after him.
The policeman is running behind him.
She ran to me with a knife.
She ran at me with a knife.
The farmer ran up a house.
The farmer ran a house up.
The poor woman ran home.
The poor woman ran a home.
误 I ran across with her in the supermarket yesterday.
正 I ran across her in the supermarket yesterday.
析 run across意为“偶然碰见”,其后可直接接sb/sth。
误 I ran against trouble on the last problem on the test.
正 I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test.
析 run into表示“偶然撞上”“偶然碰到”,宾语可以是困难、危险等, run against 不用于此义。
误 If he hadn't pulled the child away, the child would have been run down by the train.
正 If he hadn't pulled the child away, the child would have been run over by the train.
析 run over为及物动词短语,意为“碾过,(车辆)轧死”,而run down仅表示“撞倒,撞翻”,不及run over后果严重。
误 They decided to go home before their money was run out.
正 They decided to go home before their money ran out.
析 run out意为“用完”,是不及物动词短语,因此,不能用于被动结构。
误 She ran away to the place and knocked at the door.
正 She ran to the place and knocked at the door.
析 表示“跑”的动作用不及物动词run, run away是“跑掉,逃跑”的意思。
误 The river was beginning to run drily.
正 The river was beginning to run dry.
析 run可以用作系动词,表示“变得”,后接形容词作表语。
误 I'm afraid the colour will be run when I wash this shirt.
正 I'm afraid the colour will run when I wash this shirt.
析 run表示“褪色”时用作不及物动词,不用于被动结构。
误 Who runs for the taxi service in town?
正 Who runs the taxi service in town?
析 run作“经营”解时是及物动词,不用再加介词。
☆ 直接源自古英语的rinnan,意为奔跑。
run&:&[英语]抢购 ...
run&:&跑,奔跑, ...
Rete Unitaria德尔Notariato(意大利)
run:run n. 跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向vi. 跑, 奔, 逃跑, 竞选, 跑步, 蔓延, 进行, 行驶vt. 使跑, 参赛, 追究, 使流, 管理, 运行, 开动adj. 熔化的, 融化的,…


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