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Make every meeting matter - or don't meet at all. Decide if a meeting is needed and invite only the necessary people. Massive amounts of valuable time are wasted simply because managers think that face-time is important, or because they've become accustomed to a particular routine. E-mails are usually sufficient to give your team an update or a status report. But if you need instant feedback from all participants, then e-mail will not be as efficient as a face-to-face meeting.
Define goals and distribute agenda in advance. Create a structure for your meeting. Just stating the ideal result often inspires participants and makes meetings more productive. At the very least, it underscores a feature that every meeting needs: a goal. Before the meeting even begins, make sure everyone understands the objectives by writing an agenda.
Own your meeting, take charge and keep your meeting moving forward. Good meetings are products of good leadership. Take charge and make it clear that you intend to keep the discussion timely, useful, and relevant. Show your colleagues that you respect their time by making sure a clock or timer is visible to all. Staying on topic is also key to maintaining a schedule. If the conversation runs off the rails, refocus the group by saying something like: "Interesting, but I don't think we're advancing our goals here. If I could, I'd like to return to the agenda."
Get the constructive input you need from everyone present. Since the point of a meeting is two-way communication, it's crucial to get honest input from everyone. It's the meeting leader's responsibility to make sure everyone is heard. To build consensus or come to a group decision, avoid wearing your op it's easy for a leader to stifle a discussion if everyone assumes the outcome is already determined. Avoid the temptation to dismiss ideas immediately — even when they're terrible.
Close with an Action plan, try to make sure that everyone leaves knowing the next step. Also end the meeting by asking everyone whether they thought the meeting was useful and, if not, what could be done better next time. Do a followup debriefing on your own to improve your meeting techniques.
Keep track of progress of things decided during the meeting. Also keep the group updated about the developments. This will help you in organizing the next meeting more effectively.
Make sure that your meeting didn't happen in isolation by letting the right people know what was decided and what will happen next. It's easy to walk out of a meeting room, go back to your desk, and immediately forget every change, decision, and new idea that your group came up with. Make sure you have a system to keep track of what was decided and what assignments everyone agreed to take on so you can follow up and keep things moving, even if you don't send out complete meeting minutes.
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Tell us everything you know here. Remember, more detail is better.
Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. Don't worry about formatting! We'll take care of it.
For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Let all the participants give feedback without being embarrassed or insulted.
Make sure you start and finish the meeting on time.
Prepare for your meeting, which is often forgotten by many.
An excellent tool for having a productive meeting is using "OARR": Objectives, Agenda, Roles & Responsibilities.
First, your meeting should have an Objective. If you are having a meeting to just impart information, don't waste people's time with a meeting. Send them a newsletter. The objective should have an active component and if possible, a product to show for it: "Determine the quarterly goals for the team". The agenda is a list of the topics you'll address to get to that objective, with a time limit to keep you on track.
For example:
Review the status of last quarter's goals (15 minutes)
Round-table suggestions for goals (20 minutes)
Pick top five goals (10 minutes), etc.
For Roles and Responsibilities, determine who is running the meeting, who is keeping notes, and who will assign actions/"to do" items resulting from the meeting.
Leaders need to know not only how to run a good meeting, but also when NOT to hold one.
Here are seven reasons why a meeting should be canceled or rescheduled:
A key member can't make it. Rescheduling is a pain, but it's worse to bring everyone together and not be able to do the work planned. If you need a key member's input, reschedule.
The agenda hasn't been distributed far enough in advance. People need time to prepare for the meeting, make suggestions and changes to the agenda, and get a sense of how much time each item will and ought to be allotted. They should receive the agenda at least 3 days in advance.
The purpose of the meeting isn't clear. When meetings are simply informational, participants feel and resent their time being wasted. Make it clear what is to be accomplished, why, how, and when.
The work could be done quicker or better in another format (e.g. e-mail or phone). Don't hold a meeting unless that's the only and best way to get the work done.
Reading materials haven't been distributed beforehand. Reading should be done on each individual's time, not group time.
The only available meeting space won't accommodate the group's technological needs. If material can't be presented convincingly or in its truest form, hold off until it can.
A recent event or finding has rendered the meeting's purpose/discussion moot.
Updates - If the flow of information is one way, send an e-mail instead.
Agenda and Goals
Timekeeper - Makes sure the meeting starts and stops on schedule, reminds facilitator when agenda items are going over their allotted time.
Note Taker - Records what was said and distributes minutes as needed.
Whiteboard Wrangler - Writes ideas on the whiteboard during brainstorming sessions, makes sure every idea is recorded, whether or not it seems promising at first glance
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1.Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity &Dates
[ID=652731]&&Location&Organizer Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach &Weblink &Related subject(s) &&2.MG14
— 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories&Dates
[ID=663590]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&3.SOMA-2015 — Summer School on Submillimeter Astronomy&Dates
[ID=714598]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&4.Accurate astrophysics, correct cosmology&Dates
[ID=638433]&&Location&Abstract Progress in cosmology increasingly requires a strong quantitative handle on astrophysical contaminants. Equally, many astrophysically interesting processes can be constrained from cosmological survey data. This meeting will bring together experts in a range of fields to take a crticial look at the relationship between accurate astrophysics and correct cosmology. The meeting will be held at the Royal Astronomical Society in the heart of London, running from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 July 2015, leaving Friday free to explore the city.&Topics cosmology, astrophysics, cosmic microwave background, CMB, foregrounds, large scale structure, LSS, weak lensing, intrinsic alignments, hubble constant, reionization&Weblink &&5.Paving the way to simultaneous multi-wavelength astronomy&Dates
[ID=666091]&&Location&Abstract Studying systems, which emit over several orders of magnitude in energy, necessitates the combination of ground based (radio/mm/optical/IR/VHE) and space based (optical-UV/IR/X-ray/VHE) instruments. Due to scheduling demands, observations in multiple bands are typically days- such coordinated, but non-simultaneous observations, of systems that change on shorter timescales are therefore prone to be misleading. Such rapidly variable systems include the jets and accretion flows from smaller compact objects such as stellar mass black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs which change on viscous timescales of minutes, dynamical changes (of the order of hours) in AGN, the jets from T-Tauri proto-stellar objects and accreting stars, and dense environments around luminous systems which are causally linked. In all cases, without a truly simultaneous MW picture of these systems, we are denied an understanding of the physical mechanisms that underpin them.At present there is no simple solution to the problem of simultaneous MW observing yet the relevance of the scientific questions makes it crucial for the community to find one. This may take the form of a new strategy for MW observing which could be adopted by a large number of observatories (both ground and spaced based) or may require a more extreme solution and a bespoke MW mission. Consideration of the latter is both
whilst a great deal of attention is focussed on next-generation single band-pass observatories, technology (e.g. mechanical cooling in place of cryogenic cooling) is now developed to the point where a dedicated MW satellite is not only possible but is the natural next step in observational astronomy. We propose to hold a focussed workshop at the Lorentz centre (@Oort) in mid-late 2015 to bring together leading senior scientists working in theory, observation and instrumentation. The aim is to discuss and identify the community's future requirements based on recent discoveries and progress in MW astronomy, and how these can best be served by a concerted effort to unify strategies or complemented by a new, next-generation MW satellite.There will be no registration fee. Lunch and conference dinner is courtesy of the Lorentz Center. Participation is by invitation only. &Weblink &&6.East-Asia AGN Workshop 2015&Start date[ID=701666]&&Location&Weblink &&7.Cosmology School Kielce&Start date[ID=715511]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&8.Alpine Cosmology workshop 2015&Start date[ID=712089]&&Location&Weblink &&9.KROME computational astrochemistry school 2015&Start date[ID=694397]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&10.The Chalonge School 19th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2015:Latest News from the Universe: Warm Dark Matter Cosmology: CMB, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Sterile Neutrinos&Start date[ID=711721]&&Location&Weblink &&11.PSI2015 — Petnica Summer Institute: Summer School on Astrophysics and Astroparticles&Dates
[ID=708334]&&Location&Abstract Petnica Summer Institute (PSI) is founded on a common practice of Petnica Science Center: education of students by other students! Just as high school pupils in ordinary Petnica programs are taught and mentored by undergraduate students, PSI aims to provide lectures to undergraduate and early graduate students by senior PhD students, young postdocs and researchers. PSI is organised every summer in Petnica Science Center and it covers wide range of topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics.&Topics Stellar Structure and Evolution, Cosmology, Galactic Astronomy, Radiative Processes, Dark Matter, High Energy Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays, Exoplanets, Numerical Simulations&Weblink &Contact Ivan Milić; Phone: [+]; Email: milic@mps.mpg.de&Related subject(s) &&12.Mocking the Universe&Start date[ID=654704]&&Location&Weblink &&13.Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society&Dates
[ID=577780]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&14.Program — Magnetic Reconnection in Plasmas&Dates
[ID=692904]&&Location&Organizer Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita)&Abstract Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental multi-scale plasma process responsible for plasma transport, plasma heating and acceleration of energetic particles in many astrophysical environments, ranging from planetary magnetospheres and solar wind to solar flares, accretion disk corona, and other astrophysical plasmas. The major goal of this program is to increase the knowledge about the magnetic reconnection process in astrophysical plasma environments based on synergies between the studies of magnetic reconnection remotely, in situ, in numerical simulations and in laboratories.&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&15.Frontiers in Radio Astronomy 2015&Start date[ID=711838]&&Location&Weblink &&16.ICRC 2015 — 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference&Dates
[ID=570713]&&Location&Abstract The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015) will be held from 30 July to 6 August, 2013, in The Hague, The Netherlands. The Conference is organized under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and is hosted by the University of Groningen.
The ICRC is the major conference in the area of Astroparticle and Solar Physics, and aims to cover all areas of research under this heading. Specifically these are: * Cosmic Ray Physics (direct and air shower measurements) *Solar and Heliospheric Physics *Gamma Ray Astronomy (satellite and ground based) *Neutrino Astronomy and Related Neutrino Physics *Dark Matter Physics (direct and indirect detection)* Astroparticle Theory and Models relating to any of the above *Methods, Techniques and Instrumentation for any of the above.&Topics A Experiment-HEP; Theory-HEP&Weblink &&17.XXIV IAU General Assembly&Dates
[ID=498328]&&Location&Weblink &&18.IAU XXIX General Assembly&Start date[ID=632078]&&Location&Weblink &&19.NBIA Summer School on Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation&Start date[ID=711901]&&Location&Weblink &&20.IAU Symposium 319: Galaxies at High Redshift and Their Evolution over Cosmic Time&Start date[ID=632022]&&Location&Weblink &&21.Statistics and Exoplanets&Start date[ID=663529]&&Location&Weblink &&22.IAU GA XXIX FM15 Search for Water and Life's Building Blocks in the Universe&Start date[ID=672520]&&Location&Weblink &&23.IAU GA XXIX FM12: Bridging Laboratory Astrophysics and Astronomy&Start date[ID=672601]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&24.Stellar Behemoths - Red Supergiants across the local Universe&Start date[ID=697374]&&Location&Weblink &&25.School on Gravitational Waves: from data to theory and back&Dates
[ID=701755]&&Location&Weblink &&26.XXIX International Astronomical Union General Assembly&Dates
[ID=649334]&&Location&Weblink &&27.29th IAU General Assembly&Dates
[ID=712724]&&Location&Abstract The FM will consist of invited and contributed oral talks, as well as posters. All abstracts have to be submitted via the IAU GA web site and screened by the SOC. The SOC plans to invite speakers to review the following focus areas: 1. Planck and cosmology: - CMB experiments - dark matter/lensing - fundamental physics 2. Planck and dust science 3. Planck and diffuse radio emission science 4. Planck and extragalactic objects 5. Planck and galaxy cluster science&Weblink &&28."Planetary nebulae as probes of galactic structure and evolution" FM4, IAU General Assembly&Start date[ID=663535]&&Location&Weblink &&29.XXIX IAU General Assembly FM13: Brightness Variations of the Sun and Sun-like Stars&Start date[ID=711715]&&Location&Weblink &&30.IAU GA XXIX FM6: X-ray surveys of the hot and energetic Cosmos&Start date[ID=712068]&&Location&Weblink &&31.Third Workshop of the Scientific Research Program (SCAR) for Astronomy & Astrophysics from Antarctica&Start date[ID=711857]&&Location&Weblink &&32.LRB15 — Logic, Relativity and Beyond (2nd international conference)&Dates
[ID=664875]&&Location&Abstract There are several new and rapidly evolving research areas blossoming out from the interaction of logic and relativity theory. The aim of this conference series, which take place once every 2 or 3 years, is to attract and bring together mathematicians, physicists, philosophers of science, and logicians from all over the word interested in these and related areas to exchange new ideas, problems and results.&Topics Special and general relativity, Knowledge acquisition in science, Axiomatizing physical theories, Branching spacetime, Logical foundations of spacetime, Concept algebras and algebraic logic, Computability and physics, Logic of time and space, Logic of causality, Cylindric and relation algebras, Relativistic computation, Relativity theory and philosophy of science&Weblink &Contact Gergely Székely
; Email: lrb15@renyi.mta.hu&Related subject(s) ; &&33.HTGRG-2 — Hot Topics in General Relativity and Gravitation&Dates
[ID=694777]&&Location&Abstract In this centennial anniversary of General Relativity, our aims are to discuss and review recent developments on GR. The conference will consist of oral presentations (comprehensive reviews or specialized talks on specific topics) organized in plenary/parallel sessions and posters. The contributions are either solicited or selected among submitted abstracts. Special emphasis is being placed on active participation by young researchers and post-docs. The program will be available after the deadline of abstracts submission (July 19th, 2015).&Topics Mathematical Relativity, Black Hole Physics, Gravitational waves and Numerical Relativity, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Quantum Gravity, AdS/CFT (gauge/gravity), Correspondence, Strings, Branes, and Higher-dimensional Gravitational Theories, Modified Gravity, Theories, Dark Energy and Dark Matter, Inflation and the early universe, Gravitational Lensing, Relativistic Astrophysics&Weblink &Contact Roland TRIAY; Phone: [+33(0)]; Email: triay@cpt.univ-mrs.fr&&34.2015 MESA Summer School&Dates
[ID=704548]&&Location&Abstract The 2015 MESA Summer School is aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in using and developing MESA, along with sharing their research experiences. &Topics MODULES FOR EXPERIMENTS IN STELLAR ASTROPHYSICS (MESA) &Weblink &Related subject(s) &&35.FM5 at IAU GA 2015 — The Legacy of Planck &Start date[ID=682508]&&Location&Abstract ESA's Planck satellite was launched in May 2009 and has surveyed the whole sky in intensity and polarization uninterruptedly between August 2009 and October 2013, over a range of frequencies spanning the radio (30 GHz) to the submillimetre (857 GHz). Planck was designed to image the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over the whole sky, with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. Planck is now widely considered as the flagship CMB experiment.&Weblink &&36.XXIX IAU GA - Focus Meeting 10: "Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment"&Start date[ID=697402]&&Location&Weblink &&37.IAU GA 2015 FM5 — The Legacy of Planck&Dates
[ID=682191]&&Location&Abstract ESA's Planck satellite was launched in May 2009 and has surveyed the whole sky in intensity and polarization uninterruptedly between August 2009 and October 2013, over a range of frequencies spanning the radio (30 GHz) to the submillimetre (857 GHz). Planck was designed to image the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over the whole sky, with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution. In addition to the main cosmological goals of the mission, the Planck sky surveys are being used to study in detail the very sources of emission which "contaminate" the CMB signal, and results in a wealth of information on the properties of extragalactic sources, and on the dust and gas in our own galaxy.
&Topics Cosmology, Interstellar Medium, Extragalactic sources, Space&Weblink &Contact Jan T Email: jtauber@cosmos.esa.int&&38.XXIX IAU GA - Focus meeting 10: "Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment"&Dates
[ID=695274]&&Location&Abstract The explosion of massive stars as GRBs and SNe are among the most powerful and luminous events in the Universe. Their progenitors require special conditions to form and upon their explosive death they release energy and heavy elements back into their environment and a new cycle of star-formation begins with different initial conditions. Those stellar explosions play an important role in the general evolution of galaxies across the entire history of the Universe. In this Focus Meeting we want to foster the interaction between the different communities working on massive stellar explosions, star-forming galaxies and galaxy evolution, observational as well as theoretical, to improve the knowledge of the scientific community on their mutual influences.&Weblink &Contact Christina Th?ne (chair); Email: info_fm10@iaa.es&&39.Astro-GR 2015 — Workshop on Astrophysics and Relativity&Dates
[ID=701743]&&Location&Weblink &&40.Stellar Physics in Galaxies throughout the Universe (Focus Meeting 7)&Start date[ID=672492]&&Location&Weblink &&41.FM 14: The Gravitational Wave Symphony of Structure Formation&Start date[ID=701645]&&Location&Weblink &&42.Vietnam Cosmology 2015 — 11th Rencontres du Vietnam: Cosmolgy 50 years after CMB discovery&Dates
[ID=682130]&&Location&Abstract The Rencontres du Vietnam on Cosmology - 50 years after CMB discovery will review the most recent status of the field. The conference will consist of plenary sessions for invited indepth oral presentations (review talks and talks on specific specialised topics), and contributed papers in half a day parallel sessions, in the form of relatively short oral papers (sollicitated or selected from abstract submission). Special emphasis is being placed on active participation by young researchers and post-docs.&Topics History of the CMB, CMB Polarization, Other CMB measurements, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Primordial Perturbations and Cosmological Inflation after Planck, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, String theory and Cosmology, Cosmological neutrino phenomenology&Weblink &Contact Email: jacques.dumarchez@cern.ch&Related subject(s) ; &&43.Quantum Astronomy and Stellar Imaging 2015&Start date[ID=719465]&&Location&Weblink &&44.2015 ALMA Summer School&Start date[ID=724819]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&45.Cosmic Dust&Start date[ID=663558]&&Location&Weblink &&46.MICRA 2015 — Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics &Start date[ID=693102]&&Location&Weblink &&47.Chaos Among the Stars? New Approaches to Variable Stars from Nonlinear Dynamics&Start date[ID=719371]&&Location&Weblink &&48.CATS 2015 — Chaos Among the Stars&Dates
[ID=717072]&&Location&Abstract Dramatically improved data from observatories like the Kepler spacecraft have recently enabled nonlinear time series analysis and phenomenological modeling of variable stars, including the search for strange (aka fractal) or chaotic dynamics. For example, Kepler data suggests that the spectral scaling of some golden stars — whose luminosities vary quasiperiodically with two frequencies nearly in the golden ratio -- resembles the spatial scaling of the rugged Norwegian coast, a signature of strange nonchaotic dynamics. Do all golden stars exhibit Norwegian scaling? More generally, does variable star dynamics exhibit universal or peculiar features? The CATS conference will forge a synergy between variable star astronomers and nonlinear dynamicists to advance our understanding of variable star dynamics.&Topics Nonlinear Dynamics, Variable stars, RR Lyrae, Chaos, Time series analysis, Blazhko effect, Period doubling, Pan-STARRS, KEPLER, CoRoT, OGLE, &Weblink &Contact Vivek K Email: cats2015@hawaii.edu&Related subject(s) &&49.The 8th meeting on Cosmic Dust&Dates
[ID=686306]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&50.20th International Summer School on Global Analysis and Applications 'General Relativity: 100 Years After Hilbert'&Dates
[ID=707237]&&Location&Abstract International Summer Schools on Global Analysis and its Applications belong to traditional scientific mathematical meetings, organized annually since 1996 by professor Demeter Krupka and his collaborators. The 2015 Summer School entitled 'General Relativity: 100 years after Hilbert', celebrates the anniversary of the Hilbert variational principle and is devoted to the foundations of general relativity.&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&51.International Neutrino Summer School 2015&Dates
[ID=697699]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&52.Planet Signatures from Precision Spectroscopy.&Start date[ID=724771]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&53.45th Young European Radio Astronomers Conference 2015 (YERAC 2015)&Start date[ID=711972]&&Location&Weblink &&54.The Universe in High-resolution X-ray Spectra:
Current Results and Future Opportunities&Start date[ID=701697]&&Location&Weblink &&55.St Andrews Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer Summer School&Start date[ID=697170]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&56.IPELS 2015&Dates
[ID=712331]&&Location&Abstract IPELS15 is an international meeting bringing laboratory plasma physicists, space plasma physicists and astrophysicists to discuss common topics.&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&57.1st Roman Juszkiewicz Symposium&Start date[ID=697371]&&Location&Weblink &&58.The SKA Key Science Workshop&Start date[ID=701630]&&Location&Weblink &&59.The 24th Annual Meeting on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing&Start date[ID=701746]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&60.The 2015 iPTF Summer School&Start date[ID=711825]&&Location&Weblink &&61.Roman Symposium — 1st Roman Juszkiewicz Symposium&Dates
[ID=694808]&&Location&Abstract We are organizing the First Roman Juszkiewicz Symposium, an international science meeting, focusing on cosmology and extragalactic astronomy, to commemorate the memory of the late Polish cosmologist – Professor Roman Juszkiewicz. We intent to start a cycle of events to be held every few years that will bring excellent researchers from all around the World to Poland for a science meeting organized in the spirit of Professor Juszkiewicz.
The meeting will consist of a mixture of young and senior researchers and will be focused on the cutting-edge problems and open questions in modern cosmology, extragalactic astronomy and high-energy astrophysics.&Topics large-scale structure, CMB, Early Universe, Inflation, galaxy clustering, galaxy velocity data, Milky Way, Local Group, Modified gravity, Dark Matter models, Strict GR cosmological models, Galaxy formation, AGN, supermassive black holes&Weblink &Contact Wojciech H Phone: [+44 ]; Email: pchela@icm.edu.pl&&62.The Future of Research on Cosmic Gamma Rays&Start date[ID=711915]&&Location&Weblink &&63.Awareness conference on European Astronomy in the Optical and IR domain: An Eso/Opticon/IAU summer school on modern instruments, their science case, and practical Data Reduction&Start date[ID=711691]&&Location&Weblink &&64.COSMOCRUISE2015 — At the Edge of Discovery&Dates
[ID=637454]&&Location&Topics Cosmology, Theory, CMB, LSS, Inflation, Lensing, Re-ionization&Weblink &Contact Email: &&65.CORFU2015 — Corfu2015: 15th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity&Dates
[ID=705117]&&Location&Abstract The Corfu Summer Institute hosts during the corfu2015 meeting a series of events:
Sep 1 - Sep 11: Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Sep 13 - Sep 19: Workshop on Particles and Cosmology
Sep 19 - Sep 26: Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity&Topics Elecroweak Physics, Perturbative and Lattice QCD, Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma, Higgs Physics, Flavour Physics, Neutrino Physics, SUSY and SUGRA, Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, Extra Dimensions, String Theory, Standard Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Gauge/Gravity Duality, LHC, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb, CLIC, ILC, FCC, LHC upgrade, BICEP2, Noncommutative field theory and gravity. Relationships between noncommutative geometry and integrable systems, supersymmetric gauge theories, particle phenomenology. Noncommutative geometry in string theory. Formal aspects of quantization, including higher bracket structures and membrane models. Matrix models. Tensor models and group field theory. Enumerative and arithmetic aspects of gauge theories, black holes, Planck recent results, CMB polarisation, Euclid mission, Weak lensing, Galaxy clusters, Dark Matter, 3.55 keV line, Modified gravity, Inflation, Dark Matter at colliders, Dark Energy theory and observations, N-body simulations, eROSITA mission&Weblink &Contact Ifigenia M Phone: [+30 210 772 3034]; Email: &Related subject(s) ; &&66.European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS) 2015&Start date[ID=715576]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&67.2015 VLTI School&Start date[ID=719518]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&68.6th Zermatt ISM Symposium: Conditions and Impact of Star Formation - From Lab to Space&Start date[ID=682544]&&Location&Weblink &&69.Cosmic Polarization Rotation: from Galilean Principles to Cosmology&Start date[ID=693158]&&Location&Weblink &&70.Science with MOS: toward the E-ELT era&Start date[ID=711988]&&Location&Weblink &&71.Life-cyle of gas in galaxies: A local perspective&Start date[ID=690206]&&Location&Weblink &&72.TAUP 2015 — XIV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics&Dates
[ID=632065]&&Location&Topics Astroparticle Physics&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&73.XXXV Max Born Symposium — The Planck Scale II&Dates
[ID=714764]&&Location&Abstract The aim of the meeting is to gather researchers working on various aspects of quantum and semiclassical gravity, so that different perspectives on the quantum gravity problem could be presented. By creating an opportunity to discuss the outstanding problems and results obtained within diverse approaches and frameworks, the meeting is to provide an updated panoramic view on physics at Planck scale.&Topics Black holes and the information problem, cosmology, loops and spin foams, quantum gravity phenomenology, string theory perspective on quantum gravity problem (including AdS/CFT)&Weblink &Contact Email: mborn35@ift.uni.wroc.pl&Related subject(s) ; &&74.Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: The first scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray observatory&Start date[ID=711920]&&Location&Weblink &&75.IRAM 30m Summerschool 2015&Start date[ID=672534]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&76.Eigth European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics&Start date[ID=701693]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&77. 8th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics &Dates
[ID=704556]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&78.From the first quasars to life-bearing planets: From accretion physics to astrobiology - Annual meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft&Start date[ID=682467]&&Location&Weblink &&79.Observing and modelling spectral energy distributions through cosmic times&Start date[ID=719433]&&Location&Weblink &&80.Science with BRITE-Constellation: initial results&Start date[ID=715547]&&Location&Weblink &&81.CRIS2015 — Cosmic Ray International Seminar&Dates
[ID=727249]&&Location&Abstract Recent experimental data published by the Pierre Auger and Telescope Array Collaborations and their interpretation with the post LHC hadronic interaction models have stressed beyond any doubt the complexity of the field proving that obtaining more information on the composition of the cosmic rays will be crucial. Moreover, the interpretation of the UHECR cannot ignore the results at lower energy and the measurements done with other messengers like neutrinos and photons. CRIS 2015, following the experience of the previous editions, aims to present overviews of existing data of UHECRs and reports from the main experiments currently taking data. At the same time overviews of theoretical models, with different hypotheses on the origin, on predictions for expected neutrino fluxes and related questions of interest in Cosmology will be presented.&Topics Cosmic rays, Gamma rays, Particle Physics, Neutrino, LHC, &Weblink &Contact Email: cris2015@le.infn.it&Related subject(s) &&82.Gravity15 — AdS/CFT and quantum gravity&Dates
[ID=710714]&&Location&Abstract Much of our current understanding of non-perturbative dynamics of quantum field theories, and in particular of AdS/CFT duality, derives from the use of integrability methods. Quantum integrability methods were first used to obtain exact solutions of certain 1+1 dimensional quantum spin chains and Quantum Field Theories. But in the last decade, they were successfully applied to some higher-dimensional conformal supersymmetric gauge theories in the planar limit, such as 4dN=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and 3d ABJM. This allowed the exact computation of some of the most important physical quantities that appear, such as correlators, scattering amplitudes and Wilson loops amplitudes, to all orders in perturbation theory. In addition, classical and quantum integrability methods contributed significantly to progress in related subjects dealing with exact partition functions, localization methods and the so called AGT correspondence in topological and BPS sectors of various 4d N=1, 2 supersymmetric gauge theories. These Interrelated subjects have attracted considerable attention in recent years amongst leading researchers from around the world, ranging from high energy phenomenologists to string theorists and specialists in integrability methods. The resulting discoveries have become part of the mainstream developments linking modern quantum field theory to string theory. This workshop aims at a fruitful exchange of ideas and interactions amongst leading researchers working in various aspects of this field. About 70 scientists will take part in this two week sequence, giving talks on their research (3-4 per day) and participating in interactive discussion sessions.&Weblink &Contact A. M Email: maloney@physics.mcgill.ca&Related subject(s) &&83.From the first quasars to life-bearing planets: From accretion physics to astrobiology - Annual meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft&Dates
[ID=679348]&&Location&Weblink &Contact Email: ag15@astrophysik.uni-kiel.de&&84.CPK 15: The galactic centre and accretion driven black hole growth. A German Astronomical Society fall meeting splinter session.&Start date[ID=719456]&&Location&Weblink &&85.Life in a Cosmic Context. 5th Workshop of the Italian Astrobiology Society&Start date[ID=719528]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&86.Summer School in Astrophotonics: Astrophotonics and Adaptive Optics for precision spectroscopy&Start date[ID=712036]&&Location&Weblink &&87.Demographics and environment of AGN from multi-wavelength surveys&Start date[ID=697213]&&Location&Weblink &&88.Cloudy workshop&Start date[ID=719549]&&Location&Weblink &&89.Radiation mechanisms of astrophysical objects: classics today&Start date[ID=711909]&&Location&Weblink &&90.Fourth Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories (AstroRob 2015)&Start date[ID=690171]&&Location&Weblink &&91.AstroHackWeek 2015&Start date[ID=711650]&&Location&Weblink &&92.(re)Solving Galaxies in the Era of Extremely Large Telescopes&Start date[ID=719545]&&Location&Weblink &&93.Stellar clusters: benchmarks for stellar physics and Galactic evolution (25th Evry Schatzman School on Stellar Astrophysics)&Start date[ID=711773]&&Location&Weblink &&94.Astronomical Surveys and Big Data, International Symposium, dedicated to
50th anniversary of Markarian Survey and 10th anniversary of Armenian Virtual Observatory&Start date[ID=711728]&&Location&Weblink &&95.High-Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows V (HEPRO V)&Start date[ID=635366]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&96.From Clouds to Protoplanetary Disks: the Astrochemical Link&Start date[ID=719439]&&Location&Weblink &&97.Rainbows on the Southern Sky: the legacy value of ESO Public Surveys and Large Programmes&Start date[ID=719383]&&Location&Weblink &&98.Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting "Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era"&Start date[ID=672687]&&Location&Weblink &&99.The Information Universe&Start date[ID=711881]&&Location&Weblink &&100.STEEL:International PhD School on Science and Technology with the E-ELT&Start date[ID=724818]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&101.Observational Evidence of Gas Accretion onto Galaxies&Start date[ID=719492]&&Location&Weblink &&102.School of Astrostatistics 2015: Clustering and Classification&Start date[ID=715524]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&103.Exoplanetary Atmospheres and Habitability. Thermodynamics, Disequilibrium and Evolution focus group &Start date[ID=697438]&&Location&Weblink &&104.CosPA 2015 — 12th Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics&Dates
[ID=728653]&&Location&Abstract CosPA 2015 is the 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics. It will be held from the 12-16 October 2015 at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU) of Institute for Basic Science (IBS), located at the KAIST Munji Campus in Daejeon City.&Topics Cosmology, CMB, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Particle Astrophysics, Cosmic Ray, Gravitational Wave, Structure Formation&Weblink &Contact Chang, S Email: cospa2015@ibs.re.kr&Related subject(s) &&105.Bash Symposium 2015 - New Frontiers in Astronomy&Start date[ID=711831]&&Location&Weblink &&106.The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges&Start date[ID=701716]&&Location&Weblink &&107.EDIT 2015 — Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies&Dates
[ID=715879]&&Location&Topics Particle P Nuclear P Accelerator P Astrophysics&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&108.ADASS XXV — The 25th Annual ADASS Conference&Start date[ID=690233]&&Location&Abstract This annual conference provides a forum for scientists and programmers concerned with algorithms, software and software systems employed in the acquisitions, reduction, analysis and dissemination of astronomical data.&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&109.12th Potsdam Thinkshop: "The Dynamic Sun - Exploring the Many Facets of Solar Eruptive Events"&Start date[ID=719402]&&Location&Weblink &&110.The Time Machine Factory, [unspeakable, speakable] on Time Travel&Start date[ID=715575]&&Location&Abstract The Conference focuses on causality and non-locality in physics, and the insurgence of situations where it appears that causality can be violated, with emphasis on their relation with time machines.&Weblink &&111.International Conference on Light Science and Applications (ICLSA2015)&Start date[ID=712039]&&Location&Weblink &&112.Exchanging Mass, Momentum and Ideas:
Connecting Accretion and Outflows in Young Stellar Objects&Start date[ID=711949]&&Location&Weblink &&113.Missions to Habitable Words&Start date[ID=724791]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&114.MHW — Missions to Habitable Words&Dates
[ID=723187]&&Location&Abstract The two day long meeting will take place at the main building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 28-29 of October 2015. During the conference review presentations will be given by experts and mission specialists of ongoing and planned space missions (including ExoMars, JUICE, CHEOPS, PLATO etc.) that support the understanding of the origin and evolution of life beyond the Earth. Beside overview talks, emphasis will be given on some specific research topics, including analogue field activity and planetary protection issues. The meeting will consist of two panel discussions: 1. on how to approach habitability from different disciplines (astronomy, biology, chemistry, Earth sciences, philosophy, physics) and 2. on trans-domain research in astrobiology (including possible contribution to next missions).&Topics astrobiology, life, exoplanets, planetary science&Weblink &Contact Email: life-origins2015@csfk.mta.hu&Related subject(s) ; &&115.6th International Fermi Symposium&Start date[ID=690232]&&Location&Abstract This meeting will focus on the new scientific investigations and results enabled by Fermi, the mission and instrument characteristics, future opportunities, and coordinated observations and analyses.&Weblink &&116..Astronomy 7&Start date[ID=724834]&&Location&Weblink &&117.Colloque - "Les lanceurs européens"&Dates
[ID=726503]&&Location&Abstract Le 26 novembre 1965, le lanceur Diamant met en orbite le satellite Astérix de 39 kg depuis la base d?Hammaguir. ? l?occasion de ce 50e anniversaire, l?Académie de l?air et de l?espace organise un colloque sur le thème des moyens de lancements européens.&Topics lanceurs, européens, ariane, espace, launchers, diamant, astronomie&Weblink &Contact Académie de l'air et de l' Phone: [+33-(0)]; Email: contact@academie-&Related subject(s) &&118.DPS 2015 — 47th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences&Dates
[ID=651503]&&Location&Abstract The mission of the American Astronomical Society is to enhance and share humanity&s scientific understanding of the Universe.
The Society, through its publications, disseminates and archives the results of astronomical research.
The Society also communicates and explains our understanding of the universe to the public.,
The Society facilitates and strengthens the interactions among members through professional meetings and other means.
The Society supports member divisions representing specialized research and astronomical interests.,
The Society represents the goals of its community of members to the nation and the world.
The Society also works with other scientific and educational societies to promote the advancement of science.,
The Society, through its members, trains, mentors and supports the next generation of astronomers.
The Society supports and promotes increased participation of historically underrepresented groups in astronomy.,
The Society assists its members to develop their skills in the fields of education and public outreach at all levels.
The Society promotes broad interest in astronomy, which enhances science literacy and leads many to careers in science and engineering.,&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&119.2nd COSPAR Symposium: Water and Life in the Universe&Start date[ID=666117]&&Location&Weblink &&120.XXVII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics: "High Time Resolution Astrophysics"&Start date[ID=719555]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&121.2nd COSPAR Symposium&Dates
[ID=666395]&&Location&Abstract Space astronomy missions to detect ingredients for life and exoplanets in the universe: status of current and future approved missions and new proposals
- Water and life in the universe and on Earth: impact on human consciousness and societies
- Satellite and probe missions for water remote sensing on Earth, planets, and other celestial bodies
- Water and Life in the Solar System
- Water from chemical, biological, and physical perspectives
- Role of water from the ground to the upper atmosphere
- Astrobiology: habitability, synthesis of organics in ice, and prebiotic chemistry in liquid water
- Water, organics and life support for human exploration in low Earth orbit, the Moon and beyond
- Interdisciplinary lectures, keynote talks, public lectures&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&122.14th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics&Dates
[ID=722542]&&Location&Abstract These conferences are among the largest in the region. The aim of this series of conferences is to encourage research in theoretical and mathematical physics in the region and to facilitate their international contact. Students and young scientists have been encouraged to participate more. In this 14th Conference of the series we hope to see yet more participation and activity from the young scientists and students from the region. To encourage more cooperation between them, all the invited participants will be expected to present talks on the subject of their research.&Topics The subject of talks will cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and mathematical physics including conformal field theory, gravitation and cosmology, superstring theory, phenomenology of high energy physics, condensed matter physics and plasma physics. Celebrating the centenary of general relativity in 2015, we will have a particular focus on this field.&Weblink &Contact Khalid S Phone: [77]; Email: saifullah@qau.edu.pk&Related subject(s) ; &&123.Sixth SPES one-day workshop: Nuclear Astrophysics at SPES&Dates
[ID=723365]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&124.IYAS 2015 (International Young Astronomers School) :
Large Ground-based 21st Century Radio Instruments : ALMA/NOEMA -SKA/LOFAR/NenuFAR&Start date[ID=719524]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&125.Indo-French Astronomy School for Optical Spectroscopy&Start date[ID=724806]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&126.Extreme Solar Systems III&Start date[ID=622561]&&Location&Weblink &&127.Extreme Solar Systems III&Dates
[ID=651431]&&Location&Abstract This conference will cover all aspects of research on exoplanets.
The dates of the meeting happen to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the paper by Mayor & Queloz reporting the discovery of 51 Peg b, in November 1995.&Weblink &&128.Workshop on Results from High-Resolution VLBI&Start date[ID=715482]&&Location&Weblink &&129.Texas 2015 — Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics 2015&Dates
[ID=690272]&&Location&Abstract The Texas Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics are an impressive series of events where major astrophysical discoveries have been announced and discussed in the field related to relativistic theory of gravitation and cosmology, such as black-holes, quasars, neutron stars, X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, particle acceleration, the cosmic background, dark matter and dark energy.&Weblink &&130.11th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics: Physics and Chemistry of the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution&Start date[ID=672521]&&Location&Weblink &&131.International Conference on Cosmology and Gravitation&Start date[ID=711848]&&Location&Weblink &&132.227th American Astronomical Society Meeting&Dates
[ID=651192]&&Location&Abstract 227th American Astronomical Society Meeting&Weblink &&133.Conference on General Relativity&Dates
[ID=657693]&&Location&Abstract Einstein's general relativistic field equations govern the Universe, in particular phenomena in cosmology, astrophysics and notably gravitational waves. The study of these equations has led to thriving new mathematical research in the areas of geometric analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) of hyperbolic and elliptic character, differential geometry as well as in scattering theory and the analysis of asymptotic behavior of solutions. Purely analytic and numerical methods complement each other on this road. Modern mathematical breakthroughs allow to attack and solve physical problems that have been a challenge for the last century. Among these are the study and detection of gravitational waves. These are produced in mergers of black holes or neutron stars or in core-collapse supernovae. Our era faces the verge of detection of these waves, which we can think of as fluctuations in the curvature of the spacetime. Mathematically gravitational waves are investigated by means of geometric analysis as well as numerics. Through geometric analysis Christodoulou's findings of a nonlinear memory effect of gravitational waves, displacing test masses permanently has sparked new research leading to insights into this very effect for other fields coupled to Einstein equations. Moreover, Christodoulou's results on black hole formation have likewise launched abundant activities in hyperbolic PDE. Further the stability of Minkowski spacetime, the stability of black hole spacetimes, the study of the constraint equations, the evolution equations or the Penrose inequality have pushed further mathematical and physical research, thereby having created more challenging questions for the future. This conference discusses recent developments in these areas.&Weblink &&134.Escuela de astronoma observacional para estudiantes latinoamericanos&Start date[ID=724803]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&135.Sweeping galaxies clean: cold molecular outflows as drivers of galaxy evolution&Start date[ID=719508]&&Location&Weblink &&136.Workshop on K?hler Geometry, Einstein Metrics, and Generalizations&Dates
[ID=598004]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&137.15th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS&Start date[ID=632041]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&138.From Stars to Massive Stars&Start date[ID=711819]&&Location&Weblink &&139.Water in the Universe: From Clouds to Oceans&Start date[ID=690337]&&Location&Weblink &&140.The Cold Universe&Start date[ID=701687]&&Location&Weblink &&141.COLDUNIV16 — The Cold Universe&Dates
[ID=661873]&&Location&Organizer Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics&Abstract The goal of this program is to understand the role of molecules, heavy elements and dust for star formation, and how these species affect the properties and evolution of early galaxies. Possible approaches to answer these questions will be discussed by a diverse group of astrophysicists working on star formation, galaxy formation and evolution, star bursts in extreme environments, both locally and at the highest redshifts. The timeliness of the topic is evidenced by the unprecedented millimeter/submillimeter data that is constraining key physical processes governing star formation and metal and dust enrichment in the first billion years of cosmic history. Observations of local and distant starburst galaxies indicate the existence of a tight connection between the star formation rate and molecular gas fraction, which is primarily controlled by the abundance of dust and by the intensity of interstellar far-ultraviolet radiation field. We are thus likely to witness a major breakthrough in this field during the next couple of years, as the sensitivity of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) will provide an unrivaled probe of the first stars and galaxies emerging from the cosmic Dark Ages.&Weblink &Contact Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA ; Phone: +1 805-893-6332; Email: progmgr@kitp.ucsb.edu&&142.Workshop on Geometric Flows in Riemannian and Complex Geometry&Dates
[ID=598058]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&143.The 19th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun&Start date[ID=632073]&&Location&Weblink &&144.Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar death&Dates
[ID=646228]&&Location&Weblink &Contact Email: snr2016@astro.noa.gr&&145.228th American Astronomical Society Meeting&Dates
[ID=651191]&&Location&Abstract 228th American Astronomical Society Meeting&Weblink &&146.NIC-XIV 2016 — 14th International Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos &Start date[ID=682515]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&147.NIC-XIV — 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos&Dates
[ID=685403]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&148.EPoS 2016 The Early Phase of Star Formation - Progress after 10 years of EPoS&Start date[ID=724794]&&Location&Weblink &&149.International Symposium and Workshop on Astrochemistry - ISWA: Understanding the extraterrestrial molecular complexity through experiments, observations and models&Start date[ID=719469]&&Location&Weblink &&150.ISWA — International Symposium and Workshop on Astrochemistry: Understanding the extraterrestrial molecular complexity through experiments, observations and models&Dates
[ID=717263]&&Location&Abstract The main goal of this event is get together experimentalists, observers and modelers interested to contribute to the progress of the knowledge in
astrochemistry. Additionally, during the symposium, we will have two hands-on workshops: One focused in experimental astrochemistry and other focused on observations. The hands-on workshops will have activities on the proposal submissions to the LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory) laboratory, data reduction and to LLAMA (Large Latin American Millimeter Array) and ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) radio observatories. During this meeting we will also have an opportunity to follow a real astrochemical experiment (in real time) at one of the beamlines of the LNLS that simulates the interaction between UV and soft X-rays with
astrophysical ice analogs.
&Topics astrochemistry, experiments, radio observations, models, molecular astrophysics&Weblink &Contact Sergio P Phone: [+]; Email: .br&Related subject(s) ; &&151.International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics&Dates
[ID=647330]&&Location&Abstract The International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics is held every second year. Its primary purpose is to review the status of the fields of neutrino physics and the impact of neutrino physics on astronomy and cosmology and the vision for the development of these fields. The conference consists of invited, plenary talks and poster sessions.&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&152.41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly and Associated Events&Start date[ID=666237]&&Location&Weblink &&153.41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly and Associated Events&Dates
[ID=668963]&&Location&Weblink &&154.First Stars V&Start date[ID=724754]&&Location&Weblink &&155.Star Formation 2016&Start date[ID=719526]&&Location&Weblink &&156.conf12 — XII-th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum&Dates
[ID=709900]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) ; &&157.DPS 2016 — 48th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences&Dates
[ID=651491]&&Location&Abstract The mission of the American Astronomical Society is to enhance and share humanity&s scientific understanding of the Universe.
The Society, through its publications, disseminates and archives the results of astronomical research.
The Society also communicates and explains our understanding of the universe to the public.,
The Society facilitates and strengthens the interactions among members through professional meetings and other means.
The Society supports member divisions representing specialized research and astronomical interests.,
The Society represents the goals of its community of members to the nation and the world.
The Society also works with other scientific and educational societies to promote the advancement of science.,
The Society, through its members, trains, mentors and supports the next generation of astronomers.
The Society supports and promotes increased participation of historically underrepresented groups in astronomy.,
The Society assists its members to develop their skills in the fields of education and public outreach at all levels.
The Society promotes broad interest in astronomy, which enhances science literacy and leads many to careers in science and engineering.,&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&158.16th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the AAS&Start date[ID=632149]&&Location&Weblink &Related subject(s) &&159.231st American Astronomical Society Meeting&Dates
[ID=651256]&&Location&Abstract American Astronomical Society 231st Meeting&Weblink &&}


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