
B。细节理解题. had a photo taking 。细节理解题.
introduces → introduced64. C... Lewis以及儿童心理学家Bruno Bettelheim的观点来说明为什么阅读奇幻文学对孩子是重要的, spiritual reality of a thing 。细节理解题.
D. D.。15.. It has also been translated into more than twenty languages.。13.,作者引用作家C,《在地铁站》受了日本俳句的影响,作者写这封信是想申请升职和加薪的。由第三段中的。根据第二段的because colleges make lots of money through their football and basketball programs可知.
activity → activities65,“而不是(instead of)”定居在一个地方. Lewis认为应该让孩子们阅读奇幻文学来了解真实的世界。8。48,在北美洲“形成了(developed)”四大文化区.....。随着时间的推移,故应该分得一杯羹。9。细节理解题.. good前加aOne possible version, natural living space可知。 细节理解题。根据第一部分第二段的due to storm damage.。题干使用了so 。由第一段中的I am delighted . our coach introduces ,由文中的描述可知。look around for是固定搭配. Because he didn’t perform well,不该想着再索取比赛的报酬了。47,这里收容的海豹或是因为暴风受伤.。由上文中的。E 篇(体育)
本文是议论文。他们从一个地方旅行到另一个地方.短文改错. but not the second以及第三段中的By limiting your child 。37.,一定能够找到最恰当的词语,猿类在这里被照顾得很好.
A.。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知. C. D.
C。推理判断题、三段可知。完形填空. Having experienced many adventures. He enters a strange world full of magic and wars..。细节理解题.
The Sword of Truth is a series of fantasy novels written by Terry Goodkind,这里最吸引人的是游客可以看到鸟在天空翱翔。 [选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 BCACD
解析话题:61。7。由第三段中的These programs :1,故D项标题符合文章的主旨。39,A项正确.. .
D..... After they saw his desperate strokes。由下文中的Agriculture is raising 。2.。阅读理解.
B.S. C.可知。24。由上文中的settling in one place可知,这有助于他们“浇灌(water)”庄稼.。little Tom与finish之间是逻辑上的主谓关系.
A。35。45,且finish表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,庞德认为词语能够表达一切思想。28。他们想“住(live)”在靠近水源的地方,Joanna Cole是一位有才华并富有创造力的作家。推理判断题. D。设空处引导主语从句. B.
D..。由上文中的the earliest people可知,St。23。由上文中的they were adventurous可知.
B, if you can find one to buy可知。16, after receiving a mysterious message left by his father。题干使用了强调句型,大多数早期的村庄都“位于(located)”水源附近。根据第一部分的aiming to help injured or lost seal babies和第三部分的This is a rescue centre可知. By finding the right image。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的The in-house medial teams and behaviouralists provide some of the best treatment available。22,被强调部分是the umbrella we bought on the way. D,他们开始寻找更“固定的(permanent)”家园。4。推理判断题,C.。C篇(文学)
本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了美国童书作家Joanna Cole, the above projects are beyond the original job description可推知They此处指的是前面提到的The projects. in various activity。43, the poet can express the true.59.
D。20。由第二段中的I would have done an experiment every week if she had let me可知. took part in the . can make them brave可以推断,这些运动员给学校带来了巨大的收益。play an important part in是固定搭配,他认为大学生运动员应该获得报酬。1;laden with是固定搭配;re willing to pay it themselves可知,故学校里没有钱可以用作大学生运动员的报酬了,意为“在……中起重要作用”. B。49;stolen money特指“被偷的钱”。文章介绍了几个特别的动物园. “We try to make sure that no one leaves without seeing them fly和下文的描述可知.
A. helped each one another ,且在从句中作宾语。42。作者在信中表达了申请升职和加薪的愿望,他们应该心存感激。每当他们搬到“不同的(different)”自然环境中:A篇(个人情况)
本文是记叙文。细节理解题。由最后一段可知Book 6 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 DCDBC
6-10 ACADB 11-15 CBDBA
16-20 BCADC21-25 ABDCA
26-30 DADCB31-35 BDBAA
36-40 ACBBC41-45 DDDAD
46-50 DBDBC51-55 EGCBF56。推理判断题、住所和饮食“取决于(relied on)”他们生活的环境,他们有了更多的食物“来源(sources)”。推理判断题。6. A。40.
B。由上文中的water sources可知. Then Richard Cypher finds that his fate is connected with this strange world because of an old prediction and he has to try his best to save the endangered world。细节理解题.
encourage → encouragement67.,Bruno Bettelheim认为童话故事可以教孩子们如何解决问题. C。文章讨论了学校是否应该给大学生运动员一定的报酬。推理判断题... An Olympic swimming event. Because they false started &#47。38。10. 。we bought on the way是省略了that / violated the rules,她成为了全职作家(b).
B。21. . and he figured he would try this style可知. raising plants and animals for human use可知,Joanna Cole能够用易懂的语言让读者了解科学知识,想要去“探索(explore)”. .
B. .。由下文中的that area可知,故选that.58.
The publishing of this novel was regarded as “one of the greatest events in the world” by the America press. .。26。文章赏析了美国著名诗人庞德的《在地铁站》.60. fairy tales comfort them and offer solutions可知。27..。由第二段中的...; arriving63,故其前用定冠词the. He was a man of determination and courage,作者引用此分析的目的是为了说明。11。文章主要议论了让孩子阅读奇幻文学的重要性,只要肯花时间去找.,他们喜欢冒险. ,意为“是第……个……的人”. within the firm可知.
D. A,Joanna Cole非常喜欢做科学实验。18。由It is closed可知,或是因为暴风失去亲人。根据第一部分第三段的you can even go behind the scenes in the seal hospital可知.。D篇(文学)
本文是议论文. B; which的定语从句。12..
arrive → arrival &#47,在否定句中,意为“四处寻找”. Upon arrive .
A.,作者今年的工作做得很出色。由上文中的the Ice Age可知.。概括全文可知;s a keeper.
the → a62。由第二。B篇(个人情况)
A,意象派诗人用意象去表达他们的思想。细节理解题。19。推理判断题.. which gave us good ,我们知道“最早的(earliest)”北美人是游牧民族. C.
A。写作目的题, a famous American novelist. is very positive可知.. with the encourage . a tree branch可知. C。41,故选What。细节理解题..S., Richard Cypher eventually saves the world.,他们还在慢慢迁移到其他“地方(areas)”. began to establish permanent 。题干使用了“be +序数词+不定式”结构. George and the Dragon是一本值得珍藏的书.
That → What68. D...,修饰umbrella.。由第二段中的Secondly 。17, and the storms have had other effects too可知。由第四段中的It&#39。由下文中的that people were able to walk across可知.
The hero in this story is named Richard Cypher... 结构. so with the .
so → but66.。5。由第二段及倒数第二段的内容可知。3,他们得“适应(get used to)”那里的气候和资源。46,Joanna Cole在小学时就发现了写作的乐趣(c),在1980年. That impressed me .
B.。29。标题归纳题,后来把她写的第一本书送到William Morrow出版社(e),意为“如此……以致于……”。本文主要介绍了美国童书作家Joanna Cole.. ,他们可能成为土著美国人的“祖先(ancestors)”,都是恶劣天气的受害者。由第一段中的but her books 。由第五段中的。25.
C。他们的穿着. B,庞德在诗中把那些乘客的脸比作了树枝上的花朵,这些游牧民族开始建立永久的“定居点(settlements)”.
taking → taken70。31,Look at the time(你看看时间)符合题意。根据倒数第二段的He says that he and several other coaches feel so strongly about it that they&#39:大学生运动员在大学学习本身已经很受益了.部分解析单项填空。推理判断题,担任过图书管理员(a).
B,其后常接that引导的同位语从句,故用动词-ing形式的完成式。keep与the young man之间是逻辑上的动宾关系。由上文中的. A,意为“充满……”。4. C。根据第三段的How many others in the student body would feel exploited working for salaries like that。推理判断题,这有可能“形成(formed)”一座冰桥。36。前后表示转折关系.
D。篇章结构题.s big selling point is watching its birds do what do best.
C,地球正在“经历(experiencing)”冰河时代, and all the monkeys have large。由上文中的specific locations可知,分割亚洲和北美洲的水在那时“冰冻了(frozen)”. easily understood explanations of difficult technical subjects可知.
A,从纽约城市大学毕业(d)之后.。14. they were the highest form of speech.
D.可知? 可知..可知。根据第二部分第二段的But the centre&#39,故用“但是(However)”。34.57。33.。由第一段中的A man sees . B:自然
本文是应用文,学校获得的收益又用于发展其他体育项目了,支持给大学生运动员报酬的人们认为,一方面。50。5. D。30
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她爸爸晚上总是专注于自己的手机而不给她读睡前故事.。由So am I可知。29,故选B项。前一分句是“主语+系动词+形容词+ to do”结构。45。19., the researchers asked。作者通过本文主要向我们讲述了她童年时期的一段经历对她的影响,故选A项.
D. distant .
C。imagine后接动词-ing形式作宾语,Warhol之所以把自己的工作室称为“工厂”是想说明艺术应该简单化并且容易创作.,作者主要为我们介绍了Andy Warhol的流行艺术世界. A:61, they learn more than when just getting the results以及下文中所举的两个例子可知.、商务会餐以及和领居之间的偶然交谈会感到紧张,故选B项.
B. B... nor laughed loudly。完形填空,这辆摩托的前轮在运转时会左右晃动并且发出异响..
C。23,作者是在看“新闻(news)”。由下文的twenty children at Sandy Hook Elementary School had been killed和turn the TV off可知,“特别是(especially)”对于孩子们。39,故选A项,所以受到了惩罚;d need to put it away。由第一段中的$100 million for a piece titled “Eight Elvises”可知C项为正确选项,“我”在“考虑(considering)”是否要关掉电视. B. A。15。34,所以她威胁她爸爸要弄坏他的手机. D。段落大意题.
A,孩子们会“明白(understand)”什么是真实的, 。25。由第三段中的Warhol wanted to show the world that art doesn&#39.,女儿“抬起手来(reached up)”抱住了“我”的腿.
本文是记叙文. and got punished可知,作者对孩子撒谎了。他们是很聪明的孩子。细节理解题。推理判断题,十分“困惑(in puzzlement)”,作者意识到了自己的不对,后来这位老人离世后他的女儿继承了这一惯例、三两段中指出的问题可知,作者对所购买的这辆摩托感到很不满意,从此以后他经常来码头边喂海鸥. A doctor.
C,在手机的使用上,这勾起了她的回忆,作者认为,没有“必要(need)”告诉孩子们所有真相。作者通过本文主要向我们讲述了她童年时期的一段经历对她的影响。由第三段中的the consistency with which children — whether they were 4 or 8 or 18 or 24 。由下文的put her 。3,故D项说法正确.
C。作者主要为我们介绍了二十世纪艺术界的一位名人Andy Warhol.. However。38。9. .:每次(Every time)看《星光大道》我都会被毕福剑的幽默吸引,故选C项.,John为了报答海鸥的救命之恩.
B。37,故选B项。圣诞老人. ,故选A项,随后也给自己设了个充电台, keep your hands off their stuff。词义猜测题; SoOne possible version。推理判断题. B。由作者在第四段中所列举的事例以及第五段中的Steiner-Adair says most adults don&#39。It is estimated that ,那些不擅长和他人聊天的人通常被认为是不友好的,家长是知识的“管理者(keeper)”。由女儿提出的问题可知,他们都是人们“想象出来的(imaginary)”人物.,应答者认为对方本没必要爬楼梯。细节理解题。由第二至四段中的With the first group.
A,故选needn’t have done.。联系上文内容可知. D.
D.59,故A项说法与作者的写作意图相符。由下文的they were smart children.
Yours。细节理解题. A..
A:Dear Pt much , always ask permission。写作目的题。2.. D。由第二段中的Often I asked my family questions regarding John可知,其中不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。take the lead是固定搭配.
C,故选D项。作者希望通过这封信让商家对自己所购买的摩托进行维修。30。44. 是固定表达. to breath easily. No one likes people who are not tidy。由第二段中的the front wheel always shakes from side to side和it makes an unpleasant sound可知,结果”, try to keep quiet,“但是(but)”他们做错了事情.
A. and proud可知。由第一段中Ella所说的话可知.
I hope my advice will be helpful to you,Natasha Greene希望通过这封信让商家对这辆摩托进行维修.:话题。40,在这个世界上有些事情总是会伤害到孩子.
nor → or70.,但这是一个善意的谎言.
they → he66。7. D. We created a charging station等信息可知,和“我”一起长大的兄弟姐妹没有一个人“生气(upset)”。魔力。细节理解题..
That → What68。由本段中的We set up rules for when she could use the device and when she&#39。由walked以及下句中的there is an elevator 可知, they found .
A. If you really need to borrow something。阅读理解,故填kid-friendly。42。33,这让Steiner-Adair大吃一惊,故选A项。16.
D, . It&#39,后来及时改正了自己的不良习惯;favour恩惠. Here is my advice on how to get along well with your roommates。推理判断题.:随着孩子们一天天长大。由文章首段中的research suggests that they learn more when teachers turn the questions back on them和Cristine H。作者在本段前半部分讲述了交谈技能可以通过后天习得。22,故选B项。推理判断题.
First。20。11,好多年龄段的孩子都在同电脑和手机争夺父母的注意力。题意. C. ,故填older.,他坚持每天去码头喂海鸥.,老师们在介绍一个新概念时应该多提供一些对照的例子,
Glad to hear from you。设空处引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语. 。段落大意题,选Been there before(你以前去过吗),作者看到一位女士在码头喂海鸥,第一组孩子主要把注意力集中在玩具的设计上. or any kind of technology可知。50.。由下文的it is up to the parent to decide what knowledge to teach and when可知..。 6, as we are suffering ,下句前一分句意为“真巧(What a coincidence)”。作者通过本文主要向我们讲述了闲聊的一些相关情况. Try to help your roommates when they are in trouble,故选C项;s a good habit to clean the room regularly and keep your own things in order。由第二段中的Unfortunately,对于小小的谎言我们并非总会感到“内疚(guilty)”.
hat前加a 69.57.
B. he has to keep 。10。由该短语前面的.
A, especially personal items。8,Warhol童年时期的生活是孤独的;as a consequence是固定搭配. so big hat that 。由下文的whether or not to turn the TV off可知。2。细节理解题,意为“带头”。由文章首尾两段中的相关内容可知, Sam missed 。作者在第四段中主要说明了闲聊的重要作用。1。36,故选A项.
本文是记叙文。35,故选D项. Living a happy life is the most important thing。推理判断题。24。47.:个人情况本文是记叙文.。26.
B, ;t → wasn&#39.
Last but not least.。由第二段最后一句可知。由第五段中的teachers introducing a concept can improve students&#39。主旨大意题。5.. He spent a lot of his time alone drawing可知。C篇(周围的人)
本文是记叙文.. 可推知人们对社会活动,故选C项. After he has got cancer,本文是有关孩子教育方面的文章. cold 。主旨大意题,为了表达感激之情。总览全文可知。由第二段中Sandy Hook小学发生的一起杀害学生事件可知;t64,
Li Xia部分解析单项填空,因此C项正确;t set up similar limits in their own lives可知。41。3。由第一段中的I bought it with the money I saved from doing part-time jobs over the summer vacation可知, as we are suffering our own discomfort.
Entered → Entering62。由上文的my three-year-old daughter可知?”和those asked to explain focused on the chain of gears working on each other以及Children who had explained the toy were better at re-creating it可知. C.
has → had 63。在遇到问题时:善意的谎言对孩子的成长是有必要的。推理判断题。推理判断题,孩子们倘若自己去尝试着解释反而会学到更多东西.
A, “Can you explain this to me,本文作者应该是一名学生. Entered the cinema。13.,什么是用来使他们的生活“变得更美好(better)”的。32。作者通过讲述自己和孩子的故事向我们说明了一个道理. B。由上文的I can happily report可知. C:A篇(社会)
D. The things the businessman wanted. he took up his seat.
C,她对刚才的新闻报道不理解:1;purpose目的。48。这些故事能够给人们带来“希望(hope)”.,本文主要是说孩子们通过自己去尝试着解释反而会学到更多的东西。由最后一段中的I am expecting that the repair of the scooter would be done at the earliest可知. Legare所说的When children explain events. However → Therefore &#47.。E篇(学校生活)
本文是说明文。4。43.,故选C项.,故选where. 以及后面的Unfortunately,他们会对这个世界有更加深刻的认识, keep the room clean,所以当她看到John在喂海鸥时会感到很好奇,由此可见他是一个知错就改的人。46。27...
breath → breathe67. 。细节理解题.; it can be created by anyone using ordinary things可知、复活节兔子和白雪公主等例子可知。由下文所列举的圣诞老人. and may even increase anxiety and . As there weren&#39.
C. B,然而其中真正的原因是这位老人在年轻的时候曾被一只海鸥救过命。由第二段中的Warhol grew up mostly separated from other children due to health problems..
C. They worry about losing it。推理判断题。这里是指圣诞老人和白雪公主。由第三段中的memories came flooding back和I noticed a lady feeding the seagulls on the pier可知,故选D项. A,应该是女儿的“小(little)”手臂。细节理解题。细节理解题... Worse still、想象力和创造力是我们生活中不可或缺的,作者很想了解有关John的一些情况。总览全文可知。opportunity机会. D。标题归纳题.
B,故选D项. That made him angry 、复活节兔子和白雪公主只是父母们让魔力在这个世界上得以存在的几种“方式(ways)”。条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时;t have to be complex or original,父母们也应该控制自己。31. arms around my legs可知, they will have a better understanding of the world可知. When your roommates are sleeping or studying..。由下文的As they become 。12,然后用自己的个人经历来进一步说明Book 6 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BABDA
6-10 BCCDA 11-15 BCADB
16-20 CDABC21-25 DABCD
26-30 BACDA31-35 CCDAC
36-40 BDACD41-45 BCCAA
46-50 DBBAD51-55 GBEFD56.
去掉up65。 [选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 DBAAC
解析话题. 短文改错,故选D项,意为“据估计……”.60; understanding by giving examples of close comparisons以及下文中所举的例子可知。由答语“这是我第一次(去张家界)”可知。由倒数第二段中的The seagull saved the lives of the six men和the ritual he first performed as a young man remained a part of him until he died以及上文中的相关内容可知。推理判断题, be considerate and willing to offer help.
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【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第6讲 八年级上册 Modules 1-2课件 外研版
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76【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第6讲 八年级上册 Modules 1-2考点跟踪突破 外研版
八年级上册 Modules 1~2一、词汇。A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限填一词。possible,pronunciation,wide,than,million1.There are about two million trees on the hill.2.Which river is wider,the Yellow River or the Nile River?3.Hong Kong is newer than Shanghai,but it's smaller.4.Is it possible to finish the work in a week?5.Can you tell me how to_pronounce the word?B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示在空白处填入单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Shanghai,on the east 6.coast(海岸) of China,is the biggest 7.city(城市) in the country.Its 8.population(人口) is 13 million.Shanghai is on the Huangpu9.River(江).There are many beautiful 10.parks(公园),like the Yu Yuan Gardens.Pudong is the newest part of Shanghai,with lots of tall 11.buildings(建筑),like the 468-metre-high Oriental Pearl Tower.Putuoshan is a small 12.island(岛) in the East China 13.Sea(海),near Shanghai.Dianshanhu 14.Lake(湖) is in the Qingpu District,in the western part of Shanghai.It is bigger than West Lake in Hangzhou.It is also popular with tourists.Behind it is the old town of Zhujiajiao.There is a high 15.hill(山) in this old town,called North Hill.There are 36 very old bridges across the rivers here.It is a very interesting place to visit.二、语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Dear Mum,I don't think you understood my life.You think I should keep __16__ (study) all the time.I know you want me to __17__ a good job when I grow up,but I would like __18__ (have) a wonderful time,too.You never think about fun things for me to do like music,sports.Two days ago,when I was watching a football game __19__ TV,you asked me to stop and do my homework.After __20__ (finish) my homework,still I wasn't __21__ (allow) to read my football magazines.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad.Especially yesterday was the __22__ (bad) day.I bought some CDs,and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I know it was __23__ to lie to you.But after you knew the __24__ (true),you told Dad.Mum,I didn't quite like __25__ you did to me!I really love you,Mum,but I wish you could give me some freedom.16.studying 17.find/get 18.to_have 19.on20.finishing 21.allowed 22.worst 23.wrong24.truth 25.what三、完形填空。(2014,宜昌) The work for my team was to repair an old roof.Before we __26__ for the house in the morning,my team leader told us that the house owner,Floyd,__27__ a cancer.When we arrived,he was sitting on his rocking __28__.As he stood to greet us,we allcame around him.He was not worried about his __29__ and wanted us to be comfortable.I asked about his family and __30__ he used to do.He showed us photo album __31__ photo album.I began to __32__ like I knew his whole family as well as I __33__ my own.Floyd was so kind that he brought us fruit and snacks from his __34__ so we had something more than our peanut butter and sandwiches for __35__. Fixing his roof was hard and __36__ work.Though the house was not high,I was __37__ to look over the edge(边缘).It was almost 40 degrees up there and our clothes were all __38__ with sweat(汗).Floyd's attitude kept our __39__ up and encouraged us to do as much as we could.When we finally finished the work,we all __40__ our tiredness.We wanted to spend more time with Floyd.( B )26.A.lookedB.left
C.worked D.hung( C )27.A.operated
D.served( A )28.A.chair
D.tree( D )29.A.nurse
D.illness( A )30.A.what
D.which( B )31.A.among
D.against( B )32.A.live
D.treat( D )33.A.missed
D.did( C )34.A.taste
D.office( B )35.A.plate
D.supply( A )36.A.hot
D.wise( C )37.A.reminded
D.exhausted( C )38.A.lively
D.familiar( A )39.A.spirits
D.symbols( B )40.A.spread
D.remained四、阅读理解。Here are some ideas for learning English faster.★You are like a new babyBabies learn their languages slowly.First they learn to listen.Then they learn to talk.Finally,they can read and write.★Listen to English every dayListen to English radio,watch English TV,go to see English movies or use online lessons.★Practise the conversationsMake up conversations and practise the conversations.You'd better use beginner textbooks.★Read English storiesStart with children's storybooks.Try to read stories for ESL readers.Read ads and so on.Try
for young learners.★Write down new wordsStart a new word notebook.Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C).Makesome sentences.Try to use an English-English dictionary.★Keep an English diaryStart with one sentence.Like how do you feel?How is the weather?What did you do today?Write another sentence tomorrow.41.How do babies learn their languages?__A__A.Slowly.
D.Quietly.42.The writer gave us __C__ ideas for learning English faster.A.four
D.seven43.What kind of books do we start to read when learning English?__A__A.Children's storybooks.B.Children's textbooks.C.Children's picture books.D.Children's music books.44.Which of the following is TRUE for English learning according to the passage?__D__A.Babies learn to read and write first.B.Listening to English radio is not helpful.C.We should always use an English-Chinese dictionary.D.We can start with one sentence to keep an English diary.五、书面表达。(2014,福州)假设英语课上将以“家乡的名称”为话题展开讨论。请你根据下面表格中的信息。用英要点:1)2)请不要逐字翻译;词数90左右,不包含已给出的句子的词数。参考词汇:便利的convenient 明清风格the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasty 故居former home 民俗folk custom 传承pass on 特产special local productThree Lanes and Seven Alleys in Fuzhou is among the top ten historical and cultural streets of China.It_lies_in_the_city_center_and_the_traffic_is_convenient.It's_famous_for_old_buildings_in_the_style_of_the_Ming_and_Qing_Dynasty.Many_famous_people_in_history_used_to_live_here.Their_former_homes_are_well_protected_and_attract_lots_of_people_from_home_and_abroad.There're_wonderful_folk_custom_shows_that_pass_on_the_culture_of_Fuzhou.Besides,the_tourists_can_enjoy_different_kinds_of_delicious_foods_and_special_local_products.I'm_proud_of_this_great_place_of_interest_in_my_home_town.It's_well_worth_visiting. 包含各类专业文献、应用写作文书、行业资料、专业论文、外语学习资料、中学教育、文学作品欣赏、76【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第6讲 八年级上册 Modules 1-2考点跟踪突破 外研版等内容。
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