看到你有Final epilogue什么意思这首曲子

Epilogue - definition of epilogue by The Free Dictionary /epilogue
epilogue Also found in: , .
ep·i·logue also
(ĕp′ə-l?g′, -lŏg′)n.1. a.
A short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play.b.
The performer who delivers such a short poem or speech.2.
A short addition or concluding section at the end of a literary work, often dealing with the future of its characters. Also called
An event which reflects meaningfully on a recently ended conflict or struggle.[Middle English epiloge, from Old French epilogue, from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, conclusion of a speech : epi-, epi- + logos, word, speech; see
in .]epilogue (ˈɛpɪˌlɒɡ) n1.
(Theatre) a. a speech, usually in verse, addressed to the audience by an actor at the end of a playb. the actor speaking this2.
(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a short postscript to any literary work, such as a brief description of the fates of the characters in a novel3.
(Broadcasting) Brit (esp formerly) the concluding programme of the day on a radio or television station, often having a religious content[C15: from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos, from logos word, speech] epilogist nep•i•logue or ep•i•log
(ˈɛp əˌlɔg, -ˌlɒg)
a concluding part added to a literary work.
a speech, usu. in verse, delivered by one of the actors after the conclusion of a play.
the person speaking this.
[;1425; & Latin epilogus & Greek epílogos peroration of a speech] epilogue1. the final section of a literary work, often added by way of explanation, comment, etc.2. a closing speech in a play, often delivered after the completion of the main action.
& epilogistic, adj.See also: epilogueA postscript outlining what happens to characters after the ending of the main story, or a final passage to point a moral or offer an explanation to the reader.
Noun1.epilogue - a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play, , , ,
- the last sectio "in conclusion I want to say..."2.epilogue - a short passage added at the en "the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters", ,
anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); "the writing in her novels is excellent"; "that editorial was a fine piece of writing", , , ,
- the last sectio "in conclusion I want to say..."epiloguenoun , , , , concluding speech the story used by Pasternak in an epilogue to his novel , , , , , ,
epilogue [ˈepɪlɒg] N →
mepilogue [ˈɛpɪlɒg] n →
mepilogue, (US) epilog n →
m, →
nt; (Rad, TV) →
nt →
Tagesausklangepilogue [ˈɛpɪ&#x2lɒg] n → epilogue ('epilog)
noun (American)epilog the closing section of a book, programme etc.
das Nachwort
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végszó, epilógus
eftirmáli, lokaor?
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It might have been expected that when the play was done, both players and audience
but the epilogue was as bad as the play, for no sooner was the Devil dead, than the manager of the puppets and his partner were summoned by the single gentleman to his chamber, where they were regaled with strong waters from his private store, and where they held with him long conversations, the purport of which no human being could fathom. by
From the first casting of the parts to the epilogue it was all bewitching, and there were few who did not wish to have been a party concerned, or would have hesitated to try their skill. by
Epilogue to Beaumont and Fletcher's Honest Man's Fortune. by
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