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> Comment Te Dire Adieu? - Francoise Hardy
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Francoise Hardy一直以浪漫怀旧的歌曲和忧郁感伤的歌词著称。充满伤怀情绪的歌词以及Francoise Hardy有意躲避媒体的事实使歌迷们理所当然地以为她是个郁郁寡欢的人。然而事实远非如此。的确,Francoise Hardy是个极端重视个人隐私的人,但她极少公开露面也说明了她是个激情充沛的人,尤其是当她面对自己两大“存在的理由”——音乐和占星术的时候!francoise hardy的声音常常让我们忘记她已经是年逾古稀的老人,时光也仿佛失去立场而放慢了脚步,同我们一起回到那段泛黄的记忆中,我们一起看着,那个瘦瘦的女孩儿,擎着一把吉他,低低的唱,旁若无人。
我知道世界上不是没有丑陋和险恶,可是我更相信,向往善良和光明,才能够令我们不惧黑暗。Know something about this track?Help build by .
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The melody is similar to Le temps de la Rentree by France Gall
Абсолютно согласен
Everything's perfect about it, really: the arrangement, the lyrics and of course Fran?oise Hardy's vocals
what a tune
this conjures up a paris i wish i had been old enough to have seen...ah, the swingin' sixties! i was just getting born when this came out.....
Lovin this song..i need some translation to enjoy this in depth..TYVM...&V&
einfach klasse :-)
yes Jimi Somerville covered this. where is al quaeda when you need 'em?
Can anyone tell me who did the cover of this or was it an advert, when I heard this last? Was it Jimi Somerville?
And the summers that we imagined
still shimmer like the sheen of that
tiny convertible disappearing around the fountain
along the Champs-?lysées...
shades of 1962! or ,aybe a Roger Moore as James Bond flick!
je sais bien qu'un ex amour n'a pas de chance, ou si peu, mais pour moi un explication voudrait mieux.
toujours l'amour - timeless ...
tu connais la musique??? Prouve le donc
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& Comment Te Dire Adieu 现场版-Francoise Hardy
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
Comment Te Dire Adieu 现场版-Francoise Hardy
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
Comment te dire adieu?
Fran?oise Hardy
Paroles: Serge Gainsbourg, Jack Gold, Arnold Goland
sous aucun prétexte, je ne veux
avoir de réflexes, malheureux...
il faut que tu m'expliques, un peu plus mieux
comment te dire adieu...
mon coeur de silex vite prend feu
ton coeur de pyrex résiste au feu
je suis bien perplexe, je ne veux
me résoudre aux adieux
je sais bien qu'un ex amour n'a pas de chance... ou si peu
mais pour moi une explication vaudrait mieux...
sous aucun prétexte je ne veux
devant toi surexposer mes yeux
derrière un Kleenex je saurais mieux
comment te dire adieu...
comment te dire adieu...
tu as mis à l'index
nos nuits blanches, nos matins gris-bleu
mais pour moi une explication vaudrait mieux
sous aucun prétexte, je ne veux
devant toi surexposer mes yeux
derrière un Kleenex je saurais mieux
comment te dire adieu...
comment te dire adieu...
comment te dire adieu...
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
Francoise Hardy 日生于巴黎。她的童年过得并不幸福,身为助理会计师的母亲独自担负她和妹妹Mireille的抚养之责。父亲一年仅探望母女两次,平时从不联系,对女儿的成长能够给予的仅是少得可怜的经济支助。同时,Francoise与唯一的近亲——外祖父母相处也极不融洽,他们苛刻的态度和动辄尖锐的批评令本来内向的Francoise变得更加自闭。后来,她给送到了一所管理严格的女隐修会学校,La Bruyère。在那里她勤勉好学、虔诚敬神,害羞、内向的性格更是难以克服。这个又高又瘦、腼腆笨拙的年轻女孩儿也许从未想到过有一天自己会变成法国60年代最红的歌手。
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
Usually thought of as a middle-of-the-road popular singer, Fran?oise Hardy — at the beginning of her career, at least — covered more stylistic ground and owed more debts to pop/rock than shes given credit for. Immensely popular in her native France, the chanteuse first displayed her breathy, measured vocals in the early and mid-60s. Her (mostly self-penned) recordings from that era draw from French pop traditions, lightweight 50s teen-idol rock, girl groups, and sultry jazz and blues — sometimes in the same song. The material is perhaps too unreservedly sentimental for some (in the French tradition), but the songs are invariably catchy and the production, arrangements, and near-operatic backup harmonies excellent, at times almost Spector-esque. Fans of Mariane Faithfulls mid-60s work can find something of a French equivalent here, though Hardys material was stronger and her delivery more confident.
In the 1950s, Hardy was inspired by early rock recordings to pick up guitar, and was already writing her own songs by the time she was a teenager. By the age of 17, she was already singing her own compositions in French clubs, and successfully auditioned for Vogue Records in France in late 1961. Her debut EP appeared the following year, inaugurating a series of successful EPs and albums that would last through the 60s.
Hardy sang of young love with both fetching moodiness and unr although she often wrote both her music and lyrics, she often co-wrote tunes with others as well. She was greatly aided by a number of talented arrangers who seemed to be attempting (usually successfully) to blend American and British production sophistication with a Continental European sensibility. Charles Blackwell was the most notable and effect in 1964, interestingly, she recorded some tracks under the direction of the great American R&B guitarist Mickey Baker (yes, the same one who played on Mickey & Sylvias Love Is Strange), who was then based in France.
Starting in 1964, Hardy made periodic attempts to capture the international market with English recordings. Although these werent entirely unsuccessful (All Over the World was actually a British Top 20 hit in 1965), by the late 60s she was concentrating on more mainstream, middle-of-the-road material and arrangements on both her French and English sessions. She has remained popular in France until the present.
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
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& & me,too.
it's a very old song,but when i listen to it,it is still classic.
UID690568&帖子18&积分69&学分120 个&金币0 个&在线时间51 小时&
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
UID347627&帖子3824&积分4331&学分33005 个&金币7 个&性别女&在线时间387 小时&
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