测度论 pdf用什么教材好

中文名: 测度论讲义
作者: 严加安
资源格式: DJVU
版本: 第2版
出版社: 科学出版社
发行时间: 2004年
地区: 大陆
语言: 简体中文
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第1章 集类与测度
1.1 集合运算与集类
1.2 单调类定理(集合形式)
1.3 测度与非负集函数
1.4 外测度与测度的扩张
1.5 欧氏空间中的Lebesgue-Stieltjes测度
1.6 测度的逼近
第2章 可测映射
2.1 定义及基本性质
2.2 单调类定理(函数形式)
2.3 可测函数序列的几种收敛
第3章 积分和空间Lp
3.1 积分的基本性质
3.2 积分号下取极限
3.3 不定积分与符号测度
3.4 空间Lp及其对偶
3.5 空间L&(&O,F)和L&(&O,F,m)的对偶
3.6 Daniell积分
3.7 Bochner积分和Pettis积分
第4章 乘积可测空间上的测度与积分
.4.1 乘积可测空间
4.2 乘积测度与Fubini定理
4.3 由&有限核产生的测度
4.4 无穷乘积空间上的概率测度
4.5 Kolmogorov相容性定理及Tulcea定理的推广
4.6 概率测度序列的投影极限
4.7 随机Daniell积分及其核表示
第5章 Hausdorff空间上的测度与积分
5.1 拓扑空间
5.2 局部紧Hausdorff空间上的测度与Riesz表现定理
5.3 Hausdorff空间上的正则测度
5.4 空间Co(X)的对偶
5.5 用连续函数逼近可测函数
5.6 乘积拓扑空间上的测度与积分
5.7 波兰空间上有限测度的正则性
第6章 测度的收敛
6.1 欧氏空间上Borel测度的收敛
6.2 距离空间上有限测度的弱收敛
6.3 胎紧与Prohorov定理
6.4 可分距离空间上概率测度的弱收敛
6.5 局部紧Hausdorff空间上Radon测度的淡收敛
第7章 概率论基础选讲
7.1 事件和随机变量的独立性,0-1律
7.2 条件数学期望与条件独立性
7.3 正则条件概率
7.4 随机变量族的一致可积性
7.5 本性上确界
7.6 解析集与Choquet容度
第8章 离散时间鞅
8.1 鞅不等式
8.2 鞅收检定理及其应用
8.3 局部鞅
第9章 Hilbert空间和Banach空间上的测度
9.1 Rn上Borel测度的Fourier变换和Bochner定理
9.2 测度的Fourier变换和Minlos-Sazanov定理
9.3 Minlos定理
9.4 Hilbert空间上的Gauss测度
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本书是作者在莫斯科国立大学数学力学系的讲稿基础上编写而成的:第一卷包括了通常测度论教材中的内容:测度的构造与延拓,Lebesgue积分的定义及基本性质,Jordan分解,Radon-Nikodym定理,Fourier变换,卷积,Lp空间,测度空间,Newton-Leibniz公式,极大函数,Henstock-Kurzweil;积分等。每章最后都附有非常丰富的补充与习题,其中包含许多有用的知识,例如:Whitney分解,Lebesgue-Stieltjes积分,Hausdorff测度,Brunn-Minkowski不等式,Hellinger积分与Heltinger距离,BMO类,Calderon-Zygmund分解等。书的最后有详尽的参考文献及历史注记。这是一本很好的研究生教材和教学参考书。Preface  Chapter 1. Constructions and extensions of measures  1.1. Measurement of length: introductory remarks  1.2. Algebras and σ-algebras  1.3. Additivity and countable additivity of measures  1.4. Compact classes and countable additivity  1.5. Outer measure and the Lebesgue extension of measures  1.6. Infinite and a-finite measures  1.7. Lebesgue measure  1.8. Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures  1.9. Monotone and σ-additive classes of sets  1.10. Souslin sets and the A-operation  1.11. Caratheodory outer measures  1.12. Supplements and exercises  Set operations (48). Compact classes (50). Metric Boolean algebra (53).Measurable envelope, measurable kernel and inner measure (56).Extensions of measures (58). Some interesting sets (61). Additive, but not countably additive measures (67). Abstract inner measures (70).Measures on lattices of sets (75). Set-theoretic problems in measure theory (77). Invariant extensions of Lebesgue measure (80). Whitney's decomposition (82). Exercises (83).  Chapter 2. The Lebesgue integral  2.1. Measurable functions  2.2. Convergence in measure and almost everywhere  2.3. The integral for simple functions  2.4. The general definition of the Lebesgue integral  .2.5. Basic properties of the integral  2.6. Integration with respect to infinite measures  2.7. The completeness of the space L1  2.8. Convergence theorems  2.9. Criteria of integrability  2.10. Connections with the Riemann integral  2.11. The HSlder and Minkowski inequalities  2.12. Supplements and exercises  The a-algebra generated by a class of functions (143). Borel mappings on IRn (145). The functional monotone class theorem (146). Baire classes of functions (148). Mean value theorems (150). The Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral (152). Integral inequalities (153). Exercises (156).  Chapter 3. Operations on measures and functions  3.1. Decomposition of signed measures  3.2. The Radon-Nikodym theorem  3.3. Products of measure spaces  3.4. Fubini's theorem  3.5. Infinite products of measures  3.6. Images of measures under mappings  3.7. Change of variables in IRn  3.8. The Fourier transform  3.9. Convolution  3.10. Supplements and exercises  On Fubini's theorem and products of σ-algebras (209). Steiner's symmetrization (212). Hausdorff measures (215). Decompositions of set functions (218). Properties of positive definite functions (220).The Brunn-Minkowski inequality and its generalizations (222).Mixed volumes (226). The Radon transform (227). Exercises (228).  Chapter 4. The spaces Lp and spaces of measures  4.1. The spaces Lp  4.2. Approximations in Lp  4.3. The Hilbert space L2  4.4. Duality of the spaces Lp  4.5. Uniform integrability  4.6. Convergence of measures  4.7. Supplements and exercises  The spaces Lp and the space of measures as structures (277). The weak topology in LP(280). Uniform convexity of LP(283). Uniform integrability and weak compactness in L1 (285). The topology of setwise convergence of measures (291). Norm compactness and approximations in Lp (294).Certain conditions of convergence in Lp (298). Hellinger's integral and ellinger's distance (299). Additive set functions (302). Exercises (303).  Chapter 5. Connections between the integral and derivative.  5.1. Differentiability of functions on the real line  5.2. Functions of bounded variation  5.3. Absolutely continuous functions  5.4. The Newton-Leibniz formula  5.5. Covering theorems  5.6. The maximal function  5.7. The Henstock-Kurzweil integral  5.8. Supplements and exercises  Covering theorems (361). Density points and Lebesgue points (366).Differentiation of measures on IRn (367). The approximate continuity (369). Derivates and the approximate differentiability (370).The class BMO (373). Weighted inequalities (374). Measures with the doubling property (375). Sobolev derivatives (376). The area and coarea formulas and change of variables (379). Surface measures (383).The Calder6n-Zygmund decomposition (385). Exercises (386).  Bibliographical and Historical Comments  References  Author Index  Subject Index
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