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在美国黑人文学兴起的五六十年代,艾丽斯·沃克是生态女性主义作家的典型代表。作为一名黑人女性主义作家,她的作品关注南方黑人生活,尤其关注黑人妇女的存活状态,关注她们的苦难和抗争。针对黑人妇女遭受的种族主义和性别主义的双重压迫,沃克不断探索“和谐共存”(Survival Whole)的社会形态,并提出了具有独创性的“妇女主义”理论,力图塑造黑人妇女在双重压迫下的遭遇以及她们寻找一种新的存活方式,实现包括男人和女人,人与自然在内的全人类的和谐存活。沃克的代表作小说《紫色》是一部以刻画女性形象为特色的小说,黑人女性在各种逆境中寻求自我,经历了不同程度的转变后,打破了传统社会性别模式中麻木顺从的女性形象,逐渐发展成为独具特质精神自我的女性。同时,作者在小说中还表达了对深受人类迫害的自然乃至地球的怜悯与关注。本文试从生态女性主义角度探讨沃克的小说《紫色》,揭示作者贯穿整部小说的生态女性主义思想,并对作者试图打破传统的男权统治的权力结构、秩序,构建平等和谐的人类社会这一理念进行初步浅析浅析。它包括六个部分:第一章绪论,简单介绍艾丽斯·沃克的作品及其代表作《紫色》,阐述国内外评论界对该作品不同角度的主要评价,提出从生态女性主义角度浅析浅析小说《紫色》的可行性以及本研究的目的意
【Abstract】 In the rise of African American literature during the 1950s and 1960s, Alice Walker is considered as one of the leading voices. As a black feminist writer, her works focus on Southern Negroes’lives, especially concerning about the black women’s state of survival and their sufferings and struggles. In allusion to the double oppression—racism and sexism—the black women have suffered, Walker continues to explore the "Survival Whole" form of society and put forward the ingenious "Womanism" theory, trying to create black women’s experience under the double oppression and their approach to find a new way of life, to achieve, including men and women, human and nature, a harmonious survival of the whole mankind.Walker’s masterpiece, The Color Purple is a novel characterized in the descriptio black women found themselves in a variety of adversities, after experiencing a series of changes, they broke the numb and submissive women image in the traditional social gender pattern, gradually developed into a female with unique spiritual self. At the same time, the author also expressed in the novel her compassion and concern on nature and even the earth which are humiliated by human beings. This paper tries to interpret Walker’s The Color Purple from the perspective of ecofeminism, which reveals throughout the novel, and preliminarily analyzes the author’s attempt to break the traditional power structure and political order under male domination, and her ideal to create a human society based on equality and harmony. It consists of six parts:Chapter one gives a brief introduction of Alice Walker’s major works and her masterpiece The Color Purple, expatiates the critics’major evaluation at home and broad about this work from different perspectives, and then advances the feasibility of analyzing the novel from the perspective of ecofeminism and the significance of this thesis study.Chapter two provides a theoretical basis to this thesis study:ecofeminism. One important aspect of ecofeminism is to return or build human’s respect for the ecological system, men’s respect for women, and the harmony between women and nature, thus to build an equal and harmonious human society and realize the sustainable development of human society. Chapter three mainly discusses Walker’s Womanism. Through the retrospective of Walker’s life experience and literary ideal, the cause and connotation of Walker’s Womanism and the same nature between her Womanism and ecofeminism are discussed in this chapter.Chapter four probes into the harmonious world Walker expresses in The Color Purple. It will be divided into two parts:the first part mainly discusses that in the novel both women and nature are the victims of the patriarchal system, and they both have a close connection. The second part, through the analysis of the following four aspects: harmony between the same sex, harmony between the opposite sex, harmony between races and harmony between human and nature, will reveal Walker’s ideal harmonious world she expresses in The Color Purple from the perspective of ecofeminism. The achievement of a harmonious world is also an important theme in ecofeminism. This chapter is the focus of this thesis.Chapter five is about black women’s approach to a harmonious world. In the novel, the black women deal with approaches or ways of women’s liberation and the harmonious survival of the whole humankind:quilting, pants-making and Africa traveling. Through these efforts, black women in The Color Purple find their identity, obtain independence both in body and mind, gain quality with men, and ultimately achieve the harmonious survival with men and nature.Through the above analysis, Alice Walker’s intention to create this work and its goals are to be summarized. Through this work, Walker conveyed the wish to establish a harmonious community committed to the whole humanity, in which men and women, human and nature can survive and coexist in integrity with each other. Walker’s The Color Purple provides us a new perspective to understand the black women under double oppression, meanwhile, indicates a new direction for women’s liberation and the survival and integrity of the whole mankind.
【关键词】 女性;
【Key words】 woman;
The Color Purple;
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根本 就没有好不?
愛麗絲·華克(:Alice Walker,日-),是一位美國作家和社会活动家,曾獲、,代表作為《》,曾將其改編為。
1965年,沃克与民权律师Melvyn Rosenman Leventhal相遇。他们日在纽约市结婚。那年晚些时候夫妇搬迁到密西西比州,成为“密西西比第一对合法结婚的跨种族夫妇”。他们受到白人的骚扰和威胁,包括。他们夫妇1969年生了一个女儿Rebecca。沃克和她的丈夫于1976年离婚。
The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970)
In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973)
Meridian (1976)
《》 (1982)
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982)
To Hell With Dying (1988)
The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
Finding the Green Stone (1991)
Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
The Complete Stories (1994)
By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998)
The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart (2000)
Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart (2004) Random House
Once (1968)
Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems (1973)
Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning (1979)
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful (1985)
Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems (1991)
Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth (2003)
A Poem Traveled Down My Arm: Poems And Drawings (2003)
Collected Poems (2005)
Hard Times Require Furious Dancing: New Poems
In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983)
Living by the Word (1988)
Warrior Marks (1993)
The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult (1996)
Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism (1997)
Go Girl!: The Black Woman's Book of Travel and Adventure (1997)
Pema Chodron and Alice Walker in Conversation (1999)
Sent By Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit After the Bombing of the World Trade Center and Pentagon (2001)
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For (2006)
Overcoming Speechlessness (2010)
Chicken Chronicles, A Memoir (2011)
White, Evelyn C. Alice Walker: A Life. . 2005.  .
Walker, A Parmar, Pratibha. Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women. Diane Books Publishing Company. 1993.  .
. National Book Foundation. Retrieved .
(With essays by Anna Clark and Tarayi Jones from the Awards 60-year anniversary blog.)
From 1980 to 1983 there were dual hardcover and paperback awards of the . Walker won the award for hardcover fiction.
. Past winners and finalists by category. The Pulitzer Prizes. Retrieved .
Logue, Victoria and Logue, Frank. . Winston-Salem NC: John F. Blair. .  .
World Authors , 2003. Biography Reference Bank database. Retrieved .
Walker, Alice. . . The Smiley Group. May 6, 2010.
Walker, Alice. . Kingsberry. 2006 .
. . November 17, 2006 . (原始内容于June 13, 2007).
Krum, Sharon. . The Guardian (London). May 26, 2007.
Wajid, Sara. . The Guardian (London). December 15, 2006 .
. The Guardian.


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