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1. 运行一个FDS例子
1.1 启动PyroSim(并打开Example Guide, Chapter 1)。具体就不多说了,开始&程序&&&&&
1.2 建立网格
选择Model & Edit Grid ... 在跳出的面板上点New。把网格的边界设置为Min X = 0,Max X = 10,Min Y = 0,Max Y = 10,Min Z = 0,Max Z = 10。同时把网格数量设为X cells = 20,Y cells = 20,Z cells = 20。如下图所示:
1.3 定义粒子
这里的粒子并不是通常CFD软件里的拉格朗日粒子,只是为了后处理方便而定义的示踪粒子。选择Model & Edit Particles ...,然后点New。不要选Particle Have Mass,这样粒子没有质量,仅是示踪粒子。选中Color Particles During Animation,使用默认的颜色,红色。这样在结果中会有红色的示踪粒子。
1.4 建立面
定义入口边界。Model & Edit Surface Properties ...,点New。Surface name是BLOW,使用INERT作为模板。选择surface type为 &Fan/Wind&。然后下面会有很多选项。系统定义的表面类型都有明确的物理意义,还是比较好懂的。Fan/Wind里可以定义入口空气的温度和速度。为了便于区分,把Color选成蓝色。Air Temperature = 20 C,Specify Normal Velocity = -1.0 m/s。-1.0 m/s代表气流速度为1m/s,方向为进入计算域(+1.0m/s为出)。第三个标签下,选中Emit Particles,Particle Type = PART。最后点OK。各步骤的截图如下:
1.5 定义边界条件
定义入口。选择Model & New Vent ...,在Specification标签下,Description = Vent Blow,Type = BLOW,Lies in the plane X = 0.0,Min Y = 3,Max Y = 7,Min Z = 3,Max Z = 7。在X=0平面上,有4*4的范围为BLOW的边界条件。点OK,离开界面。具体操作和操作后的结果为:
定义出口。步骤和上面的基本一样,Model & New Vent ... & New。Description = Vent Open,Type = Open,Lies in Plane X = 10,Min Y = 3, Max Y = 7,Min Z =3,Min Z = 7。在和入口相对的面上,有一个4*4的通风口。
1.6 定义切面
Output & Slices ...。XYZ plane = Y,Plane value = 5,Gas Phase Quantity = Velocity,Use Vector = No。OK。在Y=5平面上,保存速度值,但是不保存矢量。
1.7 设定模拟参数
FDS & Simulation Parameters ...。Simulation Title = Wind Tunnel,Specify Duration = 60 s,Initial Time Step = 0.15 s。数值模拟总时长为60秒,初始时间步长为0.15秒(后面的时间步长有系统自动决定)。OK。
1.8 运行FDS
FDS & Run FDS ... 先要保存一个*.data文件(自行命名)。然后FDS开始求解,求解过程如下图所示:
1.9 检查结果
FDS算完60秒后,会自动弹出SmokeView窗口。 在上面点右键Load/Unload & Slice File & VELOCITY & *Y=5.0。会显示前面定义的切面上的速度云图。
在上面点右键Load/Unload & Particle file & *SMOKE/WATER。会显示粒子轨迹。
2. 隧道火灾模拟
隧道内的火灾模拟是一个很常见的FDS应用。如果在隧道内发生火灾,如果通风系统没有工作,燃烧产生的烟会向两边对称扩散,引起能见度的下降,和对隧道内人员的健康威胁。通常,需要在隧道入口装风扇,把烟吹向出口,这样烟雾就不会向入口扩散。烟雾向上游的扩散成为是逆流(back layer flow)。入口风速大,逆流长度就小,或者没有逆流;入口风速小,逆流长度就长。逆流长度刚好为零的入口风速成为是临界速度(critical velocity)。FDS广泛使用于逆流的研究。
2.1 继续前面的模型
2.2 建立网格
在左边的树形目录上,双击Grids & GRID。在弹出的面板上,修改Max X = 60,Max Y = 16,Max Z = 6,X cells = 120,Y cells = 32,Z cells = 12。OK。点OK后,可能模型不在屏幕中央,可以点击工具栏上右数倒数第二个图标(Reset View to All Visible Objects)重置显示。步骤和结果如下所示:
2.3 建立面
这里需要建立两个面。第一个面是入口,修改前面的BLOW条件;第二个面是FIRE,需要创建。在左边双击Surfaces & BLOW。Properties & Air Temperature = 25 C。Air Flow & Specify Normal Velocity = -3 m/s。
Model & Edit Surface Properties ... & New...,Surface Name = FIRE,OK。Surface Type = Non-Flammable Solid。Boundary Conditions & Boundary Types = Fixed Heat Flux,Heat Flux = 1562.5,OK。
2.4 定义边界条件
双击Model & Vent Blow。把整个X=0平面设成是入口。Min Y = 0,Max Y = 16,Min Z = 0,Max Z = 6。OK。
双击Model & Vent Open。把整个X=60平面设成是出口。Lies in the plane X = 60,Min Y = 0,Max Y = 16,Min Z = 0,Max Z = 6。OK。
新建一个Fire Region边界条件,在主菜单上选择:Model & New Vent。Description = Vent Fire,Type = FIRE,Lies in the plane Z = 0,Min X = 26,Max X = 34,Min Y = 4,Max Y = 12。OK。
2.5 定义切面
在Y=8平面定义一个切面。Output & Slices ...。把Plane Value改成8。在Y=8平面定义一个新的切面,来显示温度。因为我们没有模拟燃烧,根据温度场可以大概知道烟雾的分布。XYZ Plane = Y,Plane Value = 8,Gas Phase Quantity = TEMPERATURE,Use Vector? = No。
2.6 设定模拟参数
模拟的总时长为60秒。FDS & Simulation Parameters ...。Simulation Title = Tunnel Fire,Specify Duration = 60,Initial Time Step = 0.1。OK。
2.7 运行FDS
FDS & Run FDS ...。先保存一个合适的*.data文件。然后求解器会启动。求解过程大约为15分钟(在我的电脑上)。求解结束后,会自动跳出SmokeView。
1.9 检查结果
在自动弹出SmokeView窗口上面点右键Load/Unload & Slice File & TEMPERATURE & *Y=8.0。会显示前面定义的切面上的温度云图。
相关关键词:Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim 2008& 破解 安装 入门介绍 操作过程 注册 教程
本文为小桥原创~~~~~~~&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 注:破解任何软件为违法行为
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 感想fds 群的&& 乖~~诺诺~~~ &&给我的帮助&&&&&
文件需要 3个&& 见下图
1 PyroSim&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 下载地址见:&
2 PyroSim License Manager&&& 下载地址见:
3 Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim v.1113 x64& 下载地址:
有了这3个文件 就ok了
1 安装 原版&& 一路next
可以选择试用 去网站申请&你将收到一个代码 :&491D DC79 71BE A150 0311 29&&输入后可以试用30天
不试用的话旧来 破解吧
2&& 安装 第2个软件 就是 PyroSim License Manager& 一路next
&3&&& 打开第3个压缩包 解压 得到里面的theng.exe and theng.lic
4&& 然后将 theng.exe and theng.lic 覆盖 第2个软件的安装目录
&&替换了以后 看你是不是要换端口了&&因为有的会52100 端口被占 呵呵 在 那个lic 文件里编辑
一般是不用的 跳过
5&&& 然后运行 rlm。exe&& 出现一个dos窗口 不管他
6&&& 然后运行pyrosim&& 出现激活窗口 然后选第三个激活方式&& license server
出现 下面的字样 就是 无限制了
注意& 1 rlm。exe 要一直打开 &&& 以后的每次使用都要打开这个程序&&&&
&&&&&&&& 2 &局域网也一颗有一台运行rlm& 然后填上对方的 ip 就好了
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Copyright &pyrosim 说明文档39-第3页
pyrosim 说明文档39-3
AcknowledgementsWe thank Kevin McGrattan, Simo Hostikka, Jason Floyd, Bryan Klein, and Glenn Forney in theBuilding and Fire Research Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technologyand the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. They are the primary authors of the FireDynamics Simulator and Smokeview, without which PyroSim would not exist. They have beengracious in their responses to our many questions.Development of PyroSim was originally supported by the National Science Foundation underGrants DMI-0232401 and DMI-0349759. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recom-mendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation.Chapter 1. Getting StartedIntroductionPyroSim is a graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). FDS models canpredict smoke, temperature, carbon monoxide, and other substances during fires. The results ofthese simulations have been used to ensure the safety of buildings before construction, evaluatesafety options of existing buildings, reconstruct fires for post-accident investigation, and assistin firefighter training.FDS is a powerful fire simulator which was developed at the National Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST) [McGrattan et al., 2007]. FDS simulates fire scenarios using computationalfluid dynamics (CFD) optimized for low-speed, thermally-driven flow. This approach is veryflexible and can be applied to fires ranging from stove-tops to oil storage tanks. It can also modelsituations that do not include a fire, such as ventilation in buildings. FDS and the Smokeviewvisualization program are both closely integrated into PyroSim.The PyroSim interface provides immediate input feedback and ensures the correct format for theFDS input file. You can work in either metric or English units and you can switch between thetwo at any time. In addition, PyroSim offers high-level 2D and 3D geometry creation features,such as diagonal walls, background images for sketching, object grouping, flexible display op-tions, as well as copying and replication of obstructions (Chapter 9). You can import DXF filesthat include either 3D faces or 2D lines that can be extruded to create 3D objects in PyroSim(Chapter 3).The PyroSim interface, for which this manual is written, supports Version 5 of the Fire DynamicsSimulator. PyroSim 2006, which supports Version 4 of the Fire Dynamics Simulator, is stillavailable, as it is anticipated that both versions will be in use during a transition period.Download and Installusers have access to a direct download page, other users can download PyroSim by requesting afree trial. There is no difference between the trial version of PyroSim and the full version. Anyrestrictions imposed by the trial version are based on the license.When installing PyroSim, the installer will either upgrade an existing version or install PyroSimto a new location. This behavior is based on the version. When installing a minor update (e.g.upgrading from PyroSim 2008.1 to PyroSim 2008.2), the older installation will be removed andreplaced with the new version. When installing a major update (e.g. PyroSim 2008.1 to PyroSim2010.2), the older version will not be modified and the newer version will be installed to a dif-ferent folder. Versions of PyroSim after PyroSim 2006 include their major version number inthe install folder to make the difference between installed versions clear.Administrator privileges are required to install PyroSim. The installer needs to add processes tothe operating system for license management and parallel FDS simulation.Using a Different FDS ExecutableEach PyroSim release comes bundled with FDS. A particular PyroSim release is designed andtested against the bundled version of FDS, but can be used to run any version of FDS. However,PyroSim will generate an input file based on the bundled version of FDS and it is important tounderstand differences in input format between the FDS versions before customizing PyroSim'sFDS version.To change the version of FDS used by PyroSim:1.Download and install a new version of FDS from NIST.2.On the File menu, click Preferences....3.Click on the appropriate Folder icon in the FDS Execution section to select the executableyou want PyroSim to use.4.Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.Purchase PyroSimTo enable PyroSim beyond the 30 day trial, you must purchase a license. A full list of purchasingoptions can be found at the PyroSim web site.Online PurchaseYou can purchase PyroSim online with our secure order form at:The order form is encrypted and Thunderhead Engineering will not retain your credit card num-ber. Once the online transaction has been processed you will receive an Activation Key. Followthe instructions below to activate your license.If you need to contact us, please refer to the Contact Us section later in this chapter.Phone PurchaseSimply call Thunderhead and we will be happy to help you with the purchase. For contact infor-mation, please refer to the Contact Us section later in this chapter.License ActivationWhen you purchase a license, you will receive an alphanumeric key that can be used to activatethe software. You must enter this key in the Licensing and Activation dialog. To activate yourlicense using Online Activation:1.Start PyroSim. If the installation of PyroSim is not currently licensed, the Licensing andActivation dialog will automatically appear and you can skip to step 3.2.On the Help menu, click License...3.Select the Online Activation option.4.Enter your Registration Key into the Key box shown in Figure 1.15.Click the Activatebutton.Figure 1.1. Licensing and Activation dialogTransferring a LicenseTo transfer your license to another computer:1.On the Help menu, click Remove License...2.Click OK to permanently remove your license.3.A dialog indicating the license has been successfully removed will be displayed. Copy theConfirmation code and contact Thunderhead for a replacement license for the next computer.PyroSim will exit when you close the Remove License dialog.Updating PyroSimTo update your version of PyroSim, simply run the installer for the updated version. Your appli-cation files will be replaced and your license will remain intact.If you purchased a perpetual license for PyroSim and your maintenance period has expired, newversions of PyroSim will not function with your old license and it will be necessary to reinstallthe old version of PyroSim or purchase an updated license.Installing a Floating LicenseA floating (network) license allows multiple users to run PyroSim from a central server. ThePyroSim License Manager is required for floating (network) licenses of PyroSim. The licensemanager maintains a pool of licenses that can be checked out from copies of PyroSim installedanywhere on the network. The license manager must be installed onto one computer that willact as a server for the floating licenses. Multiple PyroSim installations can then be configuredto use the floating license server.Install the Floating License ManagerThe Floating License Manager should be installed on the computer that will act as the server forthe floating licenses. To install the PyroSim License Manager:1.Download the PyroSim License Manager installer (PyroSimLicenseMgr-setup.exe). This filecan be downloaded from the PyroSim download page.2.Log in using an account with administrative privileges.3.Run the PyroSim License Manager installer.This will install the main license server (rlm.exe), a PyroSim-specific license server (theng.exe),and utilities for managing the server. To enable the floating license server, you must now installa license file.Install the License FileTo activate your floating license, you must install a license file. This license file is generatedby Thunderhead Engineering based on your server's Host Name and Host ID. To find your HostName and Host ID:1.On the Windows Start Menu, click All Programs/PyroSim License Manager/ServerHostID. A command window will appear that displays the server's Host Name and Host ID,Figure 1.2.2.Send your Host Name and Host ID to Thunderhead Engineering (). Also, include your purchasing information to help us knowwhat kind of license you need. Thunderhead Engineering will reply with a license file(pyrosim.lic).3.Copy the license file (pyrosim.lic) to the license manager installation folder, typically C:\Pro-gram Files\PyroSim License Manager.4.On the Windows Start Menu, click All Programs/PyroSim License Manager/Restart Li-cense Service. You must be an administrator to restart the license service. On Windows Vista,right-click the Restart License Service shortcut and select Run as administrator.Figure 1.2. Display of Host Name and Host ID包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、各类资格考试、文学作品欣赏、行业资料、高等教育、外语学习资料、生活休闲娱乐、pyrosim 说明文档39等内容。 
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