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出门在外也不愁麻烦帮我翻译成英文,不甚感激! - 已解决 - 搜狗问问
尊敬的各位老师:大家好! 我是学前教育本科班的xxx,我的毕业论文指导老师是xxx导师,我的毕业论文题目是《论活动中幼儿口语交际能力的培养》。本论文是在周老师的悉心指导下完成的,在此谨向xxx老师表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!下面我把论文选题背景、写作基本思路以及存在的不足向各位老师汇报如下: 当今社会,生活节奏不断加快,通讯工具也日益发达,口语在人们生活和生产中的运用越来越广泛和频繁,人们的表达也大多以口语为主。口语交际是人们生活中一项不可或缺的重要内容,它直接影响着整个民族前进的步伐。甚至可以说,一个人可以不会书面表达,但不能不会口语表达。要提高整个国家和民族的口语交际水平,就必须从幼儿抓起。但是,在现实生活当中,我发现目前幼儿的口语交际能力还不够理想,幼儿的语言表达令人大失所望。 据此,我就“活动中幼儿口语交际”问题进行了相关的调查与研究。通过调查了解当今社会幼儿口语交际能力的现状,比如学校是否经常开展口语训练活动;教师是否注重培养幼儿的口语交际能力;幼儿在口语交际能力培养过程中出现矛盾是否能解决。通过对存在的问题与不足的思考与剖析,我设想通过构建一种新的口语交际训练形式——口语交际活动。旨在让幼儿普遍喜爱的活动来为口语交际创造一个更为广阔的学习平台;让幼儿围绕着活动开展交际实践,在活动中比较系统、快捷、轻松地掌握口语交际的有关知识,提高相关技能。 全文共分五个部分,分别为引言、创设宽松的活动氛围,使孩子敢于交际、开创丰富的活动形式,使孩子乐于交际、进行切实际的活动指导,善于交际和结束语部分。 通过实践与探索中,我欣喜地看到,孩子的口头表达能力有了显著的提高。每次口语交际的语言都比较规范、丰富,和别人的交流能力、待人处事能力等都有了发展。实践证明:一年前,那些不爱与人沟通,羞于表达,交际有困难的孩子,如今已是口若悬河,大胆活泼了。但是我的研究还刚起步,必须坚持不懈地努力。孩子千差万别,必须因材施教,才能取得成效。我要积极地进行探索,认真研究幼儿和教材,经常进行教学反思,不断总结经验,同时善于吸收别人的成功经验,指导我的教学工作。请各位老师多多指教!
Dear teachers: hello!Preschool education of is me this regular professional training, XXX my graduation thesis guide teacher is XXX teacher, my graduation thesis on "on activities of oral communication ability training children". The present paper is in the weeks under the guidance of teachers with complete, in which wish to XXX the teacher say high respect and heartfelt thanks! Below I put the thesis writing background, basic thoughts and to all the shortcomings of the teacher reports as follows:In today's society, the pace of life to speed up, communication tools are also increasingly developed, speaking in people life and is used widely in production and frequent, people of expression of the mostly with oral English give priority to. Oral communication in people life is an indispensable important content, it directly affects the entire national progress. We can even say that a man can not written expression, but can't not oral English. To improve the whole country and national level of oral communication, we must start from the grab children. But, in real life, I find that the present children's oral communication ability also insufficient ideal, the child's language is disappointed.Accordingly, I will "activity children oral communication" problems related survey and research. In today's society by investigating the present situation of children's oral communication ability, such as whether the school often develop oral English Whether teachers of children's attention to the cultivation of oral c The children in oral communication ability training process whether can solve contradictory. Through to the existing problem and the limitations of the thinking and analysis, I imagine by constructing a new form of spoken language human relations training-oral communication activities. Aims to let children like generally for the activities of the oral communication create a br Let children around communication practice activities in the event, the comparison system, quick, easy to master the knowledge about the oral communication, ?The article is divided into five parts, respectively, to establish the loose activities introductions to the atmosphere, make the child dared to communication, and create a rich form of activity, make the child ready to communication, in the practical activity guidance, and be good at communication and closing part.Through the practice and exploration, I was delighted to see that children expression ability has improved significantly. Every time the oral communication language is more normative, rich, and other people's ability to communicate, wait for a person to have the ability of development. Practice proves: a year ago, those who do not love to communicate with people, to communicate, communication children who have difficulty, now already is eloquent, bold and lively. But my study also just starting out, must keep working. The child differ in thousands ways, must be in accordance with their aptitude, can obtain the result. I will actively explored, study and teaching children, often through teaching reflection, and constantly sum up experience, and good at absorbing the success of others experience, guide me teaching work. Please teachers comments!
Dear teachers: hello! I am the XXX, preschool education this regular professional training of my graduation thesis guide teacher is XXX tutor, my graduation thesis topic is &activities cultivate children oral communication ability. This paper is on the teachers under the guidance of the completion, the teacher said to XXX highest respect and heartfelt thanks! Under the background of my writing papers, basic thoughts and the shortcomings of the report to your teacher is as follows: In today's society, the pace of life, communication tools are also increasingly rich, oral English in people's life and production, and frequently used widely in the expression of most people are speaking. Oral communication is an indispensable important life content, it directly influences the entire national progress. Even a man can not written expression, but cannot not speaking. To improve the whole country and national level, the oral communication from kindergarten to grab. However, in real life, I found that children of oral communication ability is insufficient ideal, the child's language expression is disappointed. Accordingly, I would &activity cheeper oral communication& problems related to the investigation and study. Through the investigation about today's social status of preschool oral communication ability, such as schools are often develop oral training activities, Teachers are fostering children's oral communication ability, The children in oral communication ability training process whether can solve contradictory. Based on the existing problems and shortages of thinking and analysis, I imagined by constructing a new kind of oral communication forms of training, communicative activities. To let the infant universal love to create a broader oral communication platform of learning, Let children around the communicative practice activities in activities, comparative system, quick and easy to master relevant knowledge of oral communication, improve their skills. The article is divided into five parts, respectively, free activities citations atmosphere, make children communication, create rich form of activity, make the child to communication and practical activity, sociable and closing section. Through the exploration and practice, I was delighted to see that the child had significant oral communication ability. Each language of oral communication is rich, and others, the ability to communicate, others are the development ability, etc. Practice shows that a year ago, those who do not love to communicate with people, to communicate, communication is difficult child, is now eloquent, bold and lively. But I just started, the study also must unremitting efforts. Children can vary, must according to effective. I shall actively explored, study and teaching children, often for teaching reflection, constantly sum up experience, and the successful experience of absorbance others, guiding me teaching work. Please give your comments!
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