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Kidney Disease News and Events
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Diabetes is hard to manage. You can get a comprehensive understanding of the disease here and get
the information about the latest treatments and get professional advices.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a brand-new therapy based on traditional Chinese herbal medicines
dating back thousands of years ago. It combines the essences of herbal medicines
Hormonal therapy is commonly used to treat Kidney Disease in clinic. It refers to
use one or more than one hormone medicines to suppress the over-reactive immune reaction
Patients are suggested to treat kidney disease first before they get pregnant
If you are diagnosed with Kidney Disease, you should talk to your doctor about starting an exercise
Foods and Drinks play an important role in Kidney Disease patients
Kidney Disease News and Events
In every week, a famous experienced renal medicine specialist will be invited to help diagnose and evaluate inpatient's disease condition, offering detailed therapeutic schedule.
Kidney Disease News and Events
Read the latest news and research breakthroughs on kidney disease. Get more information about the renal disease.
I am diagnosed with Kidney Faislure.Can you suggest feasible therapy in Dubai who can treat by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?...
“12, March is the tenth international kidney disease day and its theme is for all patients’ health this year. There is clinic event “Chinese medicine can treat your potential disease and protect ...
In order to meet patient’s needs over Spring Festival, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital arranges the medical service just as usual. ...
Many people think that after kidney transplant, they can live a normal life. But in fact kidney disease may come back again. And then creatinine level and blood pressure increases, which may in turn ca...
Through years of clinical practice research and attacking the difficulties,Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital made a big break through recently,which brings the good news of rehabilitation for patien...
I was sentenced to death and also gave up hope to live, just waiting for death. However, the doctors in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital commute my death penalty and bring me back to lie with their...
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital held a special visit for the administrator of medical department in UAE Embassy. We are confident to do well in helping more and more CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) p...
Actually, this holiday is my first Christmas in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. There are many patients just like me in here. We all hope they can have a happy Christmas just like the other peopl...
When I live in this place I got improvement from your love besides your new treatments and therapies....
Here the article will introduce you to a new friend – Awat, a young boy from Iraq. Hope his real condition can raise your spirits to receive treatments actively, living a better life. ...
Kidney Disease:
Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney Failure
Nephrotic Syndrome
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Diabetic Nephropathy
Hypertensive Nephropathy
Lupus Nephritis
IgA Nephropathy
Alport Syndrome
Chronic Allograft Nephropathy
Horseshoe Kidney
HBV Kidney Disease
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Membranous Nephropathy
Medullary Sponge Kidney
Purpura Nephritis
Renal Amyloidosis
Uric Acid Nephropathy
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