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Celemony Melodyne Editor v2.1.2.2 (Mac OS X)&
R2R | 25.3.2014 | OSX 25.76 MB
Shape audio as never before&
Vocal polishing of the highest quality, the removal of wrong notes from piano recordings, incredible harmonic and rhythmic freedom: Melodyne editor is the most powerful edition of our one-track product family and offers you the entire spectrum of Melodyne's award-winning capabilities.
Unique and award winning&
Melodyne editor, with its Direct Note Access technology, makes possible what had previously been considered impossible: access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Correct wrong notes
change the chords in a guitar accompaniment after t refashion a sample lick. Only Melodyne editor gives you the freedom to work like this with audio. And allows you to do things you could only dream of doing before.&
Edit music and not just audio data&
With Melodyne editor you can edit your audio material in an intuitive and flexible way. Simply move an audio note to a different pitch or a different position. Make notes longer or shorter, louder or softer. Delete notes from chords or add new ones by copying. Use a multitude of scales, create your own or extract scales from audio recordings. Control the timing in detail and even the time course within notes. These functions for shaping audio will give you an experience you dont want to miss.&
Best sound, best reputation, best of company&
Melodyne editor is at home in all the great studios of the world and can be heard on countless productions. Leading producers are of one voice in praising the sound quality, flexibility, speed and reliability. Whether used as a problem solver in the hard day-to-day work of production or as a source of ideas and creative tool: Melodyne editor quickly becomes indispensible and inspires time and again.&
The future of audio&
Melodyne editor will change the way you work with audio. The note-based approach and intuitive operation of Melodyne editor will soon seem so natural to you and so much a matter of course that you will no longer regard audio as something fixed and given but quite simply as music. As music you can shape and refashion virtually at will. To correct and optimize or fully restructure in order to make new ideas reality. This is how we picture the future of audio editing. And with Melodyne editor, this future is yours already today.
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