wolfram mathematica 8 win7企业版激活密钥钥 ID: 6239-70245-57907win7企业版激活密钥钥和密码是什么?

1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
引用(rennchan @ -03, 12:03 AM) mac版的给点力哦,这么少源,这里吸血的人太多了吧mac版的怎么装啊~~~
[url=/file/clwe4 hbn]Mathematica_8.0.1_keygen[/url]mathematica破解Mathematica_8.0.1_keygen下载地址
引用(Heax @ -30, 07:32 PM) 引用(feng884619 @ -15, 04:23 PM) 引用(Heax @ -03, 11:07 PM) 楼主真棒~就是要linux的~~你Linux版的装上了?是啊,很久以前的事情咯。请问Linux下如何安装呢?能不能发个简单的教程到邮箱?谢谢!
Mathematica 8.0.1 keygen.rar/file/1204013 (/file/1204013)
引用(saintes @ -13, 05:12 PM) 引用(snowpine55 @ -11, 09:05 AM) Mathmatica 8.0 安装方法安装准备:由于杀毒软件报keygen.exe有木马(实际并不是木马!),因此keygen.exe与杀毒软件冲突,安装前先断开网络,关闭杀毒软件和360.安装完成后再运行杀毒软件的360,并接通网络!1 运行Mathematica_8.0.0_WIN_MachineSpecific.EXE2 安装结束,从开始菜单点“Wolfram Mathematica 8.0”运行软件,出现画面时点对话窗口下边沿处的“Other ways to actvate”钮,接着出现对话窗口,点窗口中部位置的“Manual Activation”钮,又出现窗口,从窗口中部位置找软件MathID号,例如-29913,然后关闭窗口。3 运行mathematica 7.0.1中的keygen.exe,并将刚才的ID号粘贴到keygen程序窗口中下部位置的“Please insert your MathID”字样处,再点该窗口下边沿处的“Generate”钮,等到紧挨“Generate”钮上方两小框出现序列号和密码时,记下它们,例如 L14-491-776
现在用记事本程序建立一个文本文件,文件名必须是mathpass 且记不能带扩展名txt 。文件内容共有6项,分别是:
用户名 单位名称后两项内容可任意,但中间三项内容绝对不可任意。例如内容如下布局IODINE -2-1-776 sxlg snowpine然后保存。4 最后将文件mathpass拷贝到
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mathematica\Licensing目录中。安装大功告成!
win 2008R2 在 C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\Mathematica\Licensing测试成功!如此甚好!
[quote name='aiguozhedaodan' date=', 08:56 AM' folder='69218']Mathematica 8.0.1 keygen.rar/file/1204013[/quote]非常感谢!!!!!!!!!!
谢谢资源 谢谢教程
引用(sincerepay @ -02, 10:35 PM) 出问题了!启动时出现This operation requires a printer to be installed. Please install a printer and try again.求助啊在桌面选中“我的电脑”,鼠标右键选择“管理”;
此时系统会尝试启动该服务。 如果本来就是打开的。那么去“设备和打印机”里看看默认打印机是否是Microsoft XPS Document Writer,如果不是,将其设为默认打印机。
mac 版和Linux版激活不了啊!!!
你好。我是win7系统,之前没有装过mathematica的,这次安装按照这个步骤已经得到Math ID,Password,License了,也写进文本文档放进了那个文件夹中,同时删除了后缀名。但是运行mathematica时还是要我注册。请问是怎么回事?谢谢你的解答~!
引用(snowpine55 @ -11, 09:05 AM) Mathmatica 8.0 安装方法安装准备:由于杀毒软件报keygen.exe有木马(实际并不是木马!),因此keygen.exe与杀毒软件冲突,安装前先断开网络,关闭杀毒软件和360.安装完成后再运行杀毒软件的360,并接通网络!1 运行Mathematica_8.0.0_WIN_MachineSpecific.EXE2 安装结束,从开始菜单点“Wolfram Mathematica 8.0”运行软件,出现画面时点对话窗口下边沿处的“Other ways to actvate”钮,接着出现对话窗口,点窗口中部位置的“Manual Activation”钮,又出现窗口,从窗口中部位置找软件MathID号,例如-29913,然后关闭窗口。3 运行mathematica 7.0.1中的keygen.exe,并将刚才的ID号粘贴到keygen程序窗口中下部位置的“Please insert your MathID”字样处,再点该窗口下边沿处的“Generate”钮,等到紧挨“Generate”钮上方两小框出现序列号和密码时,记下它们,例如 L14-491-776
现在用记事本程序建立一个文本文件,文件名必须是mathpass 且记不能带扩展名txt 。文件内容共有6项,分别是:
用户名 单位名称后两项内容可任意,但中间三项内容绝对不可任意。例如内容如下布局IODINE -2-1-776 sxlg snowpine然后保存。4 最后将文件mathpass拷贝到
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mathematica\Licensing目录中。安装大功告成!
引用(snowpine55 @ -11, 09:05 AM) Mathmatica 8.0 安装方法安装准备:由于杀毒软件报keygen.exe有木马(实际并不是木马!),因此keygen.exe与杀毒软件冲突,安装前先断开网络,关闭杀毒软件和360.安装完成后再运行杀毒软件的360,并接通网络!1 运行Mathematica_8.0.0_WIN_MachineSpecific.EXE2 安装结束,从开始菜单点“Wolfram Mathematica 8.0”运行软件,出现画面时点对话窗口下边沿处的“Other ways to actvate”钮,接着出现对话窗口,点窗口中部位置的“Manual Activation”钮,又出现窗口,从窗口中部位置找软件MathID号,例如-29913,然后关闭窗口。3 运行mathematica 7.0.1中的keygen.exe,并将刚才的ID号粘贴到keygen程序窗口中下部位置的“Please insert your MathID”字样处,再点该窗口下边沿处的“Generate”钮,等到紧挨“Generate”钮上方两小框出现序列号和密码时,记下它们,例如 L14-491-776
现在用记事本程序建立一个文本文件,文件名必须是mathpass 且记不能带扩展名txt 。文件内容共有6项,分别是:
用户名 单位名称后两项内容可任意,但中间三项内容绝对不可任意。例如内容如下布局IODINE -2-1-776 sxlg snowpine然后保存。4 最后将文件mathpass拷贝到
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mathematica\Licensing目录中。安装大功告成!
早些时间, 我在这里发了Mathematica 8 安装方法的帖子,其中的单位本来是“陕西理工学院”误打成了“陕西理式学院”。
龙姝明 QQ:
我安装Mathematica8.0的方法:1.安装完成后,运行Mathematica 8.0;2.出现画面时点击对话窗口下边沿处的“Other ways to activate”钮,接着出现新的对话窗口,在该窗口内点击“Manual Activation”按钮,从新窗口中部位置找出软件的MathID号,例如-73992,然后关闭窗口;3.运行mathematica_8_kg.exe,并将刚才获取的ID号粘贴到标志为“Math ID:”方框内,点击“Save mathpass”按钮,再点击“Exit”按钮,退出该软件;4.将刚保存的mathpass文件复制存入C:\ProgramData\Mathematica\Licensing内(Win 7),OK!武汉理工大学数学系
引用(snowpine55 @ -11, 09:05 AM) Mathmatica 8.0 安装方法安装准备:由于杀毒软件报keygen.exe有木马(实际并不是木马!),因此keygen.exe与杀毒软件冲突,安装前先断开网络,关闭杀毒软件和360.安装完成后再运行杀毒软件的360,并接通网络!1 运行Mathematica_8.0.0_WIN_MachineSpecific.EXE2 安装结束,从开始菜单点“Wolfram Mathematica 8.0”运行软件,出现画面时点对话窗口下边沿处的“Other ways to actvate”钮,接着出现对话窗口,点窗口中部位置的“Manual Activation”钮,又出现窗口,从窗口中部位置找软件MathID号,例如-29913,然后关闭窗口。3 运行mathematica 7.0.1中的keygen.exe,并将刚才的ID号粘贴到keygen程序窗口中下部位置的“Please insert your MathID”字样处,再点该窗口下边沿处的“Generate”钮,等到紧挨“Generate”钮上方两小框出现序列号和密码时,记下它们,例如 L14-491-776
现在用记事本程序建立一个文本文件,文件名必须是mathpass 且记不能带扩展名txt 。文件内容共有6项,分别是:
用户名 单位名称后两项内容可任意,但中间三项内容绝对不可任意。例如内容如下布局IODINE -2-1-776 sxlg snowpine然后保存。4 最后将文件mathpass拷贝到
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mathematica\Licensing目录中。安装大功告成!
引用(aiguozhedaodan @ -12, 08:56 AM) Mathematica 8.0.1 keygen.rar/file/1204013 (/file/1204013)果然可以下载,谢谢
用8.0的注册机比7.0的还简单,只要找到MathID, 和计算机名,输入,保存,就生成mathpass。放入liciense目录中,就成。
不知道在哪个地方下载楼主分享的mathematica 8呢
引用(chenxiaobaa123 @ -25, 11:40 PM) 唉,大家都不是在官网上付费注册的吗?我两个月前也用注册机注册了Mathematica8.0,这个软件不必说当然很好用,不过我上个星期把它删了。没别的,一直以来,都在用注册机注册的软件,看不花钱的电影。现在醒悟了,明白了这一切都是种种恶因,因果之报,毫厘不爽,无论在哪个世界,都是没有“便宜”可占的。前一阵子给Wolfram官网发了致歉信,信的内容和回信大家有耐心的话就看一下吧:Hello, I'm sorry for the late response as I was on vacation for a week and just got back in the office. I really appreciate what you are saying in your message, and I think the best way for you to comfort us is to purchase a legal copy of Mathematica license. I would like to let you know we currently have a special promotion for the students in China which enable you to get a Student Edition license at the cost of $50. If you are interested in it, please go to our webstore:/arrive.cgi?URI=/catalog/ By the way, I was wondering which school you are from.
Best regards, -- Shannon ChenInternational Business Development ExecutiveWolfram Research, Inc.100 Trade Center DriveChampaign, IL 61820, USAPhone: 1-217-398-0700 ext. 3228Fax: 1-217-398-0747Email:
& Excuse me but I used a keygen for activating,for it's so available on & the BT website of our university.The computerrooms of our school have & installed Matlab,but I don't like it.Now I feel very guilty and I'd & like to know if I can donate some money to your company to compensate & for your loss caused by my Immoral behavior.I really like & Mathematica,and I hope you can be more and more successful in the future.&&& Which best describes you?: student& First Name: 0& Last Name: 0& Email Address: & Phone Number: Include area/country code& Extension:& Country: China& State:&& Areas of Interest: Mathematics&& Organization: c& Job Title:& HTTP Referrer: &
Type: mathematica你确定你买了?学生版?
求linux版 安装方法 谢谢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·
如此NB的软件 可惜不是铜盘
引用(chenxiaobaa123 @ -25, 11:40 PM) 唉,大家都不是在官网上付费注册的吗?我两个月前也用注册机注册了Mathematica8.0,这个软件不必说当然很好用,不过我上个星期把它删了。没别的,一直以来,都在用注册机注册的软件,看不花钱的电影。现在醒悟了,明白了这一切都是种种恶因,因果之报,毫厘不爽,无论在哪个世界,都是没有“便宜”可占的。前一阵子给Wolfram官网发了致歉信,信的内容和回信大家有耐心的话就看一下吧:Hello, I'm sorry for the late response as I was on vacation for a week and just got back in the office. I really appreciate what you are saying in your message, and I think the best way for you to comfort us is to purchase a legal copy of Mathematica license. I would like to let you know we currently have a special promotion for the students in China which enable you to get a Student Edition license at the cost of $50. If you are interested in it, please go to our webstore:/arrive.cgi?URI=/catalog/ By the way, I was wondering which school you are from.
Best regards, -- Shannon ChenInternational Business Development ExecutiveWolfram Research, Inc.100 Trade Center DriveChampaign, IL 61820, USAPhone: 1-217-398-0700 ext. 3228Fax: 1-217-398-0747Email:
& Excuse me but I used a keygen for activating,for it's so available on & the BT website of our university.The computerrooms of our school have & installed Matlab,but I don't like it.Now I feel very guilty and I'd & like to know if I can donate some money to your company to compensate & for your loss caused by my Immoral behavior.I really like & Mathematica,and I hope you can be more and more successful in the future.&&& Which best describes you?: student& First Name: 0& Last Name: 0& Email Address: & Phone Number: Include area/country code& Extension:& Country: China& State:&& Areas of Interest: Mathematics&& Organization: c& Job Title:& HTTP Referrer: & /mathematica/how-to-...html& (/mathematica/how-to-buy/education/higher-education.html&) Type: mathematicaI kind of understand what you feel man. But $50 dollar is still a huge amount of money. And it is understandable for student to save some money by downloading the crack. The education softwares in the States are way too over-priced.
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Activating Mathematica
Once the installation of Mathematica is complete, upon first launching it you will be presented with the Wolfram Product Activation dialog. There are three methods to activate Mathematica: online activation, manual activation, and connecting to a license server running an appropriate version of MathLM. If you have not yet installed Mathematica, please see .
The default method of activation is online activation. The other activation methods are accessed via the Other ways to activate button.
Activation Key
Online and manual activation both require an activation key. When you purchase Mathematica, you are provided with this key. If you purchased a hard copy of the software, the activation key is provided with your license agreement card or the installation CD. If you downloaded the software online, the key is provided via email.
Alternatively, you may access keys for registered products through the Wolfram User Portal (). To access your activation key, begin by logging in with your Wolfram ID and Password.
Once logged in, navigate to the My Products and Services tab. In this section you will find a table that lists your Wolfram products.
Select the Mathematica product of interest from this table and you will be directed to a page that contains your activation key for this product.
Online Activation
This is the easiest and recommended way to activate Mathematica for most users. The only requirement is that your computer is connected to the internet.
In the field provided, enter your activation key and click the Activate button. The Wolfram System will then automatically generate a Math ID and retrieve a password online through a web service. This process is fully automated and upon successful activation Mathematica will launch.
Manual Activation
If the machine on which you are using Mathematica does not have an internet connection, or if you are experiencing problems with online activation, then you can activate Mathematica manually.
To begin manual activation, click the button Other ways to activate. Then select Manual Activation.
A Math ID number is issued for manual activation and is displayed in the resulting dialog. There are two main steps to activate manually:
&&&&Step 1:
Obtain your password
&&&&Step 2:
Enter the activation key and password
You can receive your password in one of two ways. In either case, you will need your activation key and Math ID number.
The first option is to contact Wolfram Research. Contact information can be found by clicking the &Wolfram Research& link.
The second way is to use the Wolfram User Portal to generate a password. This is accessed when you click on the link &online password generator&. Please note that you will need to sign in to the Wolfram User Portal to access this form. If you do not have a Portal account, you may create one on the Sign In page. On the &Password Generator& form, enter your activation key and Math ID number to generate a password.
Once you have obtained your password, just enter it along with your activation key into the Wolfram Product Activation dialog to activate Mathematica. Upon successful activation, Mathematica will launch.
Connect to a Network License Server
If your license is obtained from MathLM 9, use this method for activation. MathLM 9 must be installed on the license server and activated before client machines with Mathematica can be activated. Please see
for more information.
To begin, click the button Other ways to activate. Then select Connect to a Network License Server. In the resulting dialog, enter the name or IP address of the server on which MathLM is running and click the Activate button. Upon successful activation, Mathematica will launch.
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