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Billy Marks加入全新滑板鞋品牌Filament
Billy Marks加入全新滑板鞋品牌Filament
著名滑手Billy Marks离开Fallen转签新滑板鞋品牌Filament,一个由前Girl公司和DVS职业滑手Tim Gavin于2014年创办的全新滑板鞋品牌。目前除Billy Marks外,该品牌亦收编了Ben Nordberg和 Moose两位风格独特的年轻滑手。一起来看看Billy Marks为新东家拍摄的宣传片。
Filament, the shoe company former Girl pro and DVS/Podium dude Tim Gavin launched at the beginning of 2014, just added Billy Marks to the team. Billy, who's pro for Toy Machine, used to be on Fallen. And then he wasn't.
On Filament, he joins Ben Nordberg and Moose, among others. To mark his addition to the team, the company dropped a quick edit for the Gram and forth. Which means you get three tricks, a 360 flip lipslide at Bricktown included.
客服电话:2Billy Marks签约新滑板鞋品牌Filament Brand_土豆_高清视频在线观看}


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