
Troy Turner
There’s a reason why in-home treadmills often become a place to hang clothes rather than an exercise machine….they’re B-O-R-I-N-G! When you can’t run outside, this is the next best thing. The Voyager is a smart-treadmill that features a large screen and interactive system that together simulate the user’s favorite places to run. Pairing with your smartphone, you can even play games or challenge your friends in an endless library of programs and settings. Do want!
Designer: Il-Seop Yoon
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by Yanko Design
We want to
Add “Shopping mode” and take my money!
A fan would be nice, and does it tilt according to the terrain in the video?
So what’s with the roof and back wall. Falling would be nasty.
Link this up to Google maps.
This is awesome – nice sleek design and well integrated interface. Simple, elegant, and ripe for the market. Go put it
and I bet you will get $1,000,000 in funding in three days or less.
Falling on this would suck, you wouldn’t just roll off.
like Marvin implied I cant believe that a mother able to earn $8413 in 4 weeks on the computer. have you read this web link
I want one, it would be so cool, you could run the marathons, and have it speed synced so you could run past people, maybe link them and compete with your friends
I’m interested in the product and wondering who I should contact and how to buy.
the amount of effort people put into making machines that give you the experience of running outside without leaving the comfort of your home truly amazes me.
If i want the experience of running outside. i put my shoes on and run outside.
i would like to buy where can i see the price
wooww, so cool
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Treadmill desks might be the next office health trend
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至
Workers at the financial consulting firm Salo use their treadmill desks. (Agencies)
Will health-conscious office workers soon be skipping trips to the gym for an extended shift at the desk? It could be a healthy alternative, as some companies have begun experimenting with treadmill desks.
NPR's Patti Neighmond made a transition to the treadmill by first converting her sitting desk into a standing desk. After getting acclimated to standing, she installed a "discreet" treadmill, minus handrails, below the standing desk.
"I'm into my second week now and walking at a pretty slow, casual pace, about 1.4 miles an hour," Neighmond writes. "When I first started, I thought I'd simply hop on the treadmill and be off walking all day while working. But it turns out it's really hard to walk, talk, think and concentrate."
Last year, The New York Times reported on Salo, a Minnesota-based financial consulting company that tried a similar experiment with some of its employees. And so far, the results have been positive both for employee health and for the company's financial bottom line: During the six months that Salo took part in a Mayo Clinic treadmill desk study, the firm experienced record earnings.
"Remarkable," Salo director of operations Craig Dexheimer told NPR. "We didn't even go to a gym. We just went to work!" Dexheimer says he has lost 25 pounds since switching to the treadmill desk.
You can buy a treadmill desk, which typically costs several hundred dollars. Or, if you're in do-it-yourself mode, this website shows how to build your own treadmill desk for just $39, not including the cost of the treadmill.
Still, the doctor who headed up the Mayo Clinic study says you shouldn't jump right into running a minimarathon each day at work.
"There's a tendency to want to jump on the treadmill and walk for hours and hours a day," Dr. James Levine told NPR. "Don't do that. Certainly, at the absolute maximum, do half-hour on, half an hour off, for two to three hours a day."
(Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)
Salo公司的运营总监克雷格o德克斯海默告诉美国国家公共电台说:“效果显著。我们甚至都不用去健身馆了。我们只要去上班就可以锻炼了!” 德克斯海默说,他自从换了这种跑步机办公桌后,已经减了25磅体重。
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑:Julie)
treadmill: 跑步机
discreet: 朴素的,不显眼的
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Want to run like the wind but without the pesky, actual wind (and rain, sleet, snow, fog etc)?
A treadmill is the perfect solution!
Walk, run or jog, this machine will burn calories, improve your fitness, reduce cholesterol, increase your energy levels, improve your sleep patterns and even your sex life (oo-er).
Whether you’re training for a marathon or just taking your first steps towards fitness, the mechanical pavement of the treadmill is the ideal place to start. One foot in front of the other, bit by bit, you’ll be feeling like Paula Radcliffe in no time (minus the public peeing).
The treadmill is the most popular cardio machine in the gym for a reason and the range of treadmills we sell here at GymCompany are the best quality, most popular brands on the market, with all the latest features like interactive consoles and cushioned belts to reduce impact on your joints.
If your cohabitees aren’t quite as enthusiastic as you are about converting your entire house into a gym, we sell folding treadmills too, so your new fitness regime doesn’t have to invade your living space.
If you’re still not sure, take a look at our
which explains some of the different options and features to look out for when buying a new treadmill.
Whilst you’re at it, go ahead and take a look at the awesome
we give to our customers, including our
and no-questions-asked .
We are passionate about what we do at GymCompany and we want you to be just as excited about treadmills as we are.
If you’re not sure about ANYTHING – whether it’s trying to decide between a fixed or folding treadmill, trying to work out whether the treadmill of your dreams will fit in your spare room or even if you just want to discuss the pros and cons of different cardio machines, we love chatting to our customers and setting the gym world to rights, so call or email us today and we’ll soon set you off walking, jogging or running in the right direction.
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多功能跑步机家用电动折叠迷你康复功能特价 Treadmill
201 ~ 1000
"多功能跑步机家用电动折叠迷你康复功能特价 Treadmill"详细信息
跑步机的功能和特点1、有安全锁可以在发生意外时立刻暂停机器的运转。2、直流马达低噪音,显示面板带有凹糟空间可以放置水瓶、手机等物品很适合家庭的使用。3、造型稳重大方结构精细美观,4、采用超大LCD智能显示屏、蓝色背光、12种预设程序+3种运动模式,带有安全开关系统及MP3播放扬声器。5、带手握心跳和心跳控制功能,手把上设有方便的增减坡度和速度按键。6、跑板底部结构采用缓冲垫设计,6个跑板缓冲垫可降低噪声并减缓强大的冲击力。7、优质加厚的双层跑带并有防静电功能。8、可折叠减少占地空间,带有轮子让您在家中轻松移动机器。&温馨提示1、要绝对避免跑步机在潮湿、电压不稳定、无接地保护电源、超负荷、长期阳光直射灰尘大的情况下使用;2、禁止疾病患者使用、禁止拆卸、修理和改装,使用前请仔细检查及时维修3、使用前后应对跑步机的皮带、工作台都必须尽可能地清理干净,避免使用任何酸性清洁剂;4、每次开机前先站立在跑台边条上,待设备开始运转后再踏入开始运动;5、家庭用户正常情况下每季度对跑板进行一次润滑(商用客户一月一次),应使用专用硅油,在停机状态下掀起跑带尽量滴入跑板中间部位硅油5-10毫升(先将跑步板灰尘清除);6、建议家庭用户每年一次对跑步机马达盖内部进行清洁,在拔出电源状态下使用工具打开马达盖后用小型吸尘器排除内部积尘;7、每次使用后都应将电源拔除。跑步运动的好处&&&& 人们生活水平的提高,现代社会工作节奏加快和竞争加剧,对人的健康和体质提出了更高的要求。人们的健身意识大大增强了。  到大自然中进行锻炼,对人的身心健康是很好的。但是,由于工作、生活及气候、场地等客观条件的限制,人们不可能随时到室外进行锻炼,而在家或者到健身房用健身器材锻炼身体不但很方便,而且会增添新的乐趣。跑步机是最受人们欢迎的健身器材之一。&&&& 跑步是锻炼效率最高的一种运动,能在短时间内让你大汗淋漓。跑步是最简单、最方便的有氧锻炼方式之一。它可以调节心情克服惰性,促进血液循环,增强心肺功能,提高肌肉力量,保持体型健美。千百年来,跑步运动一直受到人们的喜爱。其他产品介绍跑步机 JL-8809跑步机 JL-8806足疗机 JL-FT01健腹椅 JL-AK01美腿器 JL-CG01&&& 永康九玲工贸有限公司是一家集设计、研发、生产销售于一体的现代化企业,主要生产产品有:门上健身器、挺腰器、健腹器、美腿器、扭腰器、甩脂机、哑铃、跳床等。&&&& 公司位于浙江省永康市下里溪工业区,本公司拥有雄厚的技术力量、先进的生产设备、科学的生产工艺和现代化的管理模式;公司长期注重科技进步和科学管理,诚邀了各类优秀管理人才和专业技术人才加盟,已通过ISO国际质量体系及CE、CB等认证,我司以努力营造&和谐诚信&,&互惠互利&的商业平台,努力创造最好的产品和服务满足广大客户的最大需求为宗旨,产品畅销于西欧、南美、东南亚、中东等三十多个国家和地区,并深受广大客户的好评!&&&& 竭诚欢迎海内外客户前来考察,洽谈业务,携手共赢互利。&联系人:祝冬平(销售部)Tel:Fax: 8Q Q:E-mail:
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以下供应商也提供类似产品,建议您将询盘信息一并发送给他们From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For historic usage, see .
For other uses, see .
A treadmill is a device generally for walking or running while staying in the same place. Treadmills were introduced before the development of powered , to harness the power of animals or humans to do work, often a type of
that was operated by a person or animal treading steps of a
to grind grain. In later times treadmills were used as punishment devices for people sentenced to
in prisons. The terms treadmill and treadwheel were used interchangeably for the power and punishment mechanisms.
More recently treadmills are not used to harness power, but as
for running or walking in one place. Rather than the user powering the mill, the machine provides a moving platform with a wide
driven by an
or a . The belt moves to the rear requiring the user to walk or run at a speed matching that of the belt. The rate at which the belt moves is the rate of walking or running. Thus, the speed of running may be controlled and measured. The more expensive, heavy-duty versions are motor-driven (usually by an electric motor). The simpler, lighter, and less expensive versions passively resist the motion, moving only when walkers push the belt with their feet. The latter are known as manual treadmills.
The first consumer treadmill for home use was developed by , a mechanical engineer. Staub developed his treadmill after reading the 1968 book, Aerobics, by Dr. . Cooper's book noted that individuals who ran for eight minutes four-to-five times a week would be in better physical condition. Staub noticed that there were no affordable household treadmills at the time and decided to develop a treadmill for his own use during the late 1960s. He called his first treadmill the PaceMaster 600. Once finished, Staub sent his prototype treadmill to Cooper, who found the machine's first customers, which included sellers of fitness equipment.
Staub began producing the first home treadmills at his plant in , before moving production to .
A human-powered treadmill for grinding grain
Horses powering a
This section requires . (February 2012)
Treadmills as power sources originated in antiquity. These ancient machines came in three major designs. The first was to have a horizontal bar jutting out of a vertical shaft. It rotated around a vertical axis, driven by an
or other animal walking in a circle pushing the bar. Even humans were used to power them. The second design was a vertical wheel that was powered through climbing in place instead of walking in circles. This is similar to what we know today as the . The third design also required climbing but used a sloped, moving platform instead.
Treadmills as muscle powered engines originated roughly 4,000 years ago. Their primary use was to lift buckets of water. This same technology was later adapted to create rotary grain mills and the . It was also used to pump water and power dough-kneading machines and bellows.
This section requires . (February 2012)
Treadmill used to punish prisoners at Breakwater Prison,
Treadmills were invented in 1818 by an English engineer named Sir , son of a miller. Noting idle prisoners at
gaol, he proposed using their muscle power to both cure their idleness and produce useful work.
Cubitt's treadmills for punishment usually rotated around a horizontal axis, requiring the user to step upwards, like walking up an endless staircase. Those punished walked around the outside the wheel holding a horizontal handrail for stability. Earlier
include either horizontal or inclined-axis devices designed for a single user as well as a horizontal-axis design with the user inside and using the shaft as a handrail, in a manner similar to the familiar toys for small pet animals such as .
They remained in use until the second half of the 19 they were like twenty-foot long paddle wheels with twenty-four steps around a six-foot cylinder. Several prisoners stood side-by-side on a wheel, and had to work six or more hours a day, effectively climbing 5,000 to 14,000 vertical feet. While the purpose was mainly punitive, the most infamous mill at
was installed in 1821 and used to grind grain to supplement an existing windmill which Cubitt had previously installed nearby. It gained notoriety both for the
with which it was used which then became a popular
The machines could also be used to pump water or power ventilators in mines.
Over 100 years ago, there was an US patent of treadmill "training machine" (#1,064,968) issued on June 17, 1913.
The forerunner of exercise treadmills was designed to diagnose heart and lung disease, and was invented by
at the University of Washington in 1952.
research on the benefits of aerobic exercise, published in 1968, provided a medical argument to support the commercial development of the home treadmill and exercise bike.
Treadmill test at the medical center of the
Among the users of treadmills today are medical facilities (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, medical and physiotherapy clinics, institutes of higher education), sports clubs, Biomechanics Institute, orthopedic shoe shops, running shops, Olympic training centers, universities, fire-training centers, NASA, test facilities and training rooms of police and army, gyms and even home users.
Treadmill ergometers are now mainly motor driven. Most treadmills have a running table with sliding plate. Before and after the race table, there are two shafts. The running belt is stretched between the shafts and the running deck. Safety standards for treadmills are the IEC EN 957-1 and IEC EN 957-6.
For medical treadmills applicable norms, standards and guidelines are the Medical Device Directive (MDD), European Guideline 93/42 EEC, European Guideline 2007/47 EEC, IEC EN 60601-1, EN 62304, EN 14971 and the machinery directive 2006/42/EC.
Medical treadmills are class IIb active therapeutic devices and also active devices for diagnosis. With their very powerful (e.g. 3.3 kW = 4.5 HP) electric motor powered drive system treadmills deliver mechanical energy to the human body through the moving running belt of the treadmill. The subject is not changing his horizontal position and is passively moved and forced to catch up with the running belt underneath his feet. The subject can also be fixed in safety harnesses, unweighting systems, various supports or even fixed in and moved with a robotic orthotic system utilizing the treadmill.
Medical treadmills are also active measuring devices. When connected through an interface with , ,
(BPM), or , they become a new medical system (e.g., stress test system or cardiopulmonary rehabilitation system) and can also be equipped to measure
and various other vital functions.
Most treadmills have a “cardio mode”, where a target heart rate is defined and the speed and elevation (load) is controlled automatically until the subject is in “heart rate steady state”. So the treadmill is delivering mechanical energy to the human body based on the vital function (heart rate) of the subject.
A medical treadmill which is also used for ergometry and cardiopulmonary stress test as well as performance diagnostics is always a class IIb medical device either when used as stand-alone device in a medical environment or when used in connection with an ECG, EMG, ergospirometry, or blood pressure monitoring device.
On the running deck the subject is moving, who adapts to the adjustable speed of the belt. The running deck is usually mounted on damping elements, so the running deck has shock absorbing characteristics. By a lifting element, the entire frame including treadmill running deck will be raised and thus simulates a pitch angle for uphill running. Some treadmills also have the reversing of a running belt for the purpose of downhill loads. Most treadmills for professionals in the fitness area, run for table sizes of about 150 cm long and 50 cm width, a speed range of about 0 ... 20 km/h and slope angle of 0 ... 20%.
For athletes, larger and more stable treadmills are necessary. Sprinters reach with some weight relief temporarily speeds of up to 45 km/h must therefore run on a large deck of up to 300 cm in length and have up to 100 cm width. At high physical exertion and increased risk of falling a fall stop unit is required to prevent a fall of the subjects or patients. This fall stop device is usually implemented by a safety arch on which a rope is attached to an electrical switch. A harness bears the subject preventing from falling and shuts down the running belt.
In some offices, employees are provided with
so that employees can walk while working on a computer or speaking on the phone.
In treatment centers treadmills are used with built-in seats left and right for therapists, for example, so the therapists then can move the legs of a stroke patient in order to simulate walking movements and learn to walk again. This is called manual locomotion therapy.
Oversized treadmills are also used for cycling at speeds up to 80 km/h, for wheelchair users and in special applications with thick running belt for cross-country skiing and biathlon, where athletes perform training and testing exercise with roller ski on a running deck of up to sizes of 450 x 300 cm.
Enable the user to set up an exercise regime that can be adhered to irrespective of the weather.
Cushioned tread can provide slightly lower impact training than running on outdoor surfaces. Although cushioned belts have mostly been deprecated out of use and cushioned replacement belts may be hard to find, many treadmills have rubber or urethane deck elastomers (cushions) which are superior in cushioning and last longer than cushioned belts. There were for a time banana shaped flexible decks that were among the very best as far as cushioning that were priced at a midrange level, but currently these are not being sold, perhaps because of the increased manufacturing cost of making the flexible deck. Cushioned belts also don't last as long as regular belts due to their construction out of weaker materials. For calorie burning, incline can be used to significantly reduce impact for a given rate of energy use.
Incline setting can allow for consistent "uphill" training that is not possible when relying on natural features.
Rate settings force a consistent pace.
Some treadmills have programmes such that the user can simulate terrains, e.g. rolling hills, to provide accurate, programmed, exercise periods.
The user can watch TV whilst using the machine thus preventing TV from being a sedentary activity.
User progress such as distance, calories burned, and heart rate can be tracked.
As a cardiovascular exercise:
Some treadmill runners develop bad running habits that become apparent when they return to outdoor running. In particular a short, upright, bouncy gait may result from having no wind resistance and trying to avoid kicking the motor covering with the front of the foot.
Imposes a strict pace on runners, giving an unnatural feel to running which can cause a runner to lose balance.
Treadmill running is not specific to any sport, i.e., there is no competitive sport that actually utilizes treadmill running. For example, a competitive runner would be far better off running outdoors through space since it is more specific and realistic to his/her event.
As an indoor activity:
Many users find treadmills monotonous and lose interest after a period.
Treadmills do not offer the psychological satisfaction some runners get from running in new locations away from the distractions of home.
As a machine:
May cause personal injury if not used properly. Of particular concern are children who reach into the treadmill belt while it is running and suffer severe friction burns that may require multiple skin grafts and result in lasting disability. Injury to children can be avoided by removing the safety key when the treadmill is not in use, without which, the treadmill belt will not start.
Costs of purchase, electrical costs, and possible repair are significantly greater than those of running outside.
Takes up space in homes.
Steers on a treadmill
As it is basically a , the treadmill can be used for activities other than running. If
are being tested (especially in jockey racing) they will be put on a specially constructed treadmill. Large treadmills can also accommodate cars. Treadmills can also be used to exercise dogs that are accustomed to r however tying the leash to the treadmill should be avoided as it can cause serious injury.
Donkey powered well hoist
Dog/Pet and underwater pet treatment treadmills are available for both home and clinical use. A variety of makes and models are available, but key features of treadmills designed for pet use include a longer running surface, open front and back entries and side rails to prevent the pet from falling off the treadmill. None are designed to be used without human supervision. Many veterinary and animal rehabilitation clinics also offer underwater treadmill therapy as part of their services provided to clients' pets.
Main article:
Advanced applications are so called omnidirectional treadmills. They are designed to move in two dimensions and are intended as the base for a "". There are several solutions which were proposed and research continues because some issues remain unsolved, such as large size, noise and vibration. There are parallel developments being conducted by researchers working on projects sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs to create virtual reality environments for a
in order to promote therapeutic exercise.
- Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill (COLBERT)
(Anti-Gravity Treadmill)
(training treadmill for skiers and snowboarders)
Brown, Steven (). . [Treadmill Consumers].
Major, Kenneth (1980). .
. University of Illinois at Chicago. Archived from
Vogel, Steven (March 2002). .
Cassie Arnold. . Mental Floss, Inc (USA).
Thompson, Irene (2008). . Book Guild Publishing. p. 134.  .
Cleveland Holt, Thomas (1992). . JHU Press. p. 106.  .
Peyman, Brooke (March 31, 2011). . .
. Beauty Tips Hub.
Bavro, Gian. .
Luff, Christine (September 6, 2009). .
Parker-Pope, Tara (May 27, 2009). .
. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 39 (6): 627–634. November–December 2002.
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