求あい☆きゃん下卷求sprd 640中文字幕幕

1楼 10:14&|来自
Cristiano Ronaldo - Never Give UpDear hard work, I used to hate you. When you called my name, I heard but I ran away from you. When I knew you were coming, I used to hide from you. When you influenced others to talk to me, I quickly made excuses to get away from you. Afraid of the pain because I didn’t want to get hurt. Afraid to fail, so I didn’t even tried. And afraid of your name, because of what you’ve done to others. Who do you think you are, making me so afraid of who you are? Reflection in the mirror, shadow behind me. I take one step and you’re still ahead of me, sweat on my face, tears in my eyes. I keep on going, I heard you tell no lies, you turn the Quater rich, (F to A?). Is there anything that you can’t do? Now look at me, you made me who I am today. Because of you, I have this never losing, never giving up attitude. Quitting? That’s not my vocabulary. When they quit, I keep on going, when they sleep, I work harder, when they say that I can’t and count me out, I show them that I can. When I tell them about my dreams and they laugh, I make sure I laugh last. I’m a dream chaser, that means I chase my dream, and no one else’s. Only I can defeat me, it’s me against what you put on me. There’s no losing, I will not lose. I came this far, and I’m not stopping now. 是要这种吗?(括号里面是没听清的。。。(抱歉技术不够好。。。
2楼 18:57&|
Cristiano Ronaldo - Never Give UpDear hard work, I used to hate you. When you called my name, I heard but I ran away from you. When I knew you were coming, I used to hide from you. When you influenced others to talk to me, I quickly made excuses to get away from you. Afraid of the pain because I didn’t want to get hurt. Afraid to fail, so I didn’t even tried. And afraid of your name, because of what you’ve done to others. Who do you think you are, making me so afraid of who you are? Reflection in the mirror, shadow behind me. I take one step and you’re still ahead of me, sweat on my face, tears in my eyes. I keep on going, I heard you tell no lies, you turn the Quater rich, F to As. Is there anything that you can’t do? Now look at me, you made me who I am today. Because of you, I have this never losing, never giving up attitude. Quitting? That’s not my vocabulary. When they quit, I keep on going, when they sleep, I work harder, when they say that I can’t and count me out, I show them that I can. When I tell them about my dreams and they laugh, I make sure I laugh last. I’m a dream chaser, that means I chase my dream, and no one else’s. Only I can defeat me, it’s me against what you put on me. There’s no losing, I will not lose. I came this far, and I’m not stopping now. I need you to take a second, that I wanted to apologize to anybody that I’m gonna let down last night. This is kinda hard to understand but sometimes you can try so hard for something, sometimes you can be so prepared but you still fail. But every time you fail, it’s painful, causes sadness, especially I saw last night it caused disappointment. I’ve often said a man’s character's not judged after he celebrate his victory but by what he does when his back’s against the wall. So no matter how great the set back, how sever the failure, you never give up. You never give up, you pick yourself up, you brush yourself up, you push forward, you move on, you adapt, you on the top, that’s what I believe.
-Every year, your numbers keep going up, every year Lionel Messi’s numbers keep going up. I think you guys are like aliens, OK? I’ll be honest with you, like extraterrestrials, the numbers you have every year. How tired though, are you being compared with Messi everyday? Well, sometimes it make me tired, for him, too, because, you know, they compare each other all the time, which is... you know, it’s different, you can not compare. We beat us on records so it’s amazing and I think we push each other sometimes in the competition. This is why the competition is so high, this is why Madrid and Barcelona is the best teams in the world. -So you’re better than him now in this season?Some people say I’m better, the others say it’s him. But, you know, there will be a day, they’re gonna decide who’s the best player in the moment, which is I’m thinking it’s me. 其实还是有两三个地方不是很确定。但是我按照他的中文字幕翻译过来,改了一两个词,语意连贯是没问题的。哦对了,最后采访那个地方,语法有问题的不是我是C罗。。。
收起回复3楼 19:44&|
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