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近日我们发现有&&不法份子&对我们公司代理销售的产品恶意攻击,来故意蒙骗国内的诸多患者&,其影响恶劣。对此本司特作如下通告:&根据香港法例香港正品药物必须经注册,药盒上看不到香港注册号码(「HK-XXXXX」)或(「HKP-XXXXX」),字样后有5位数字的编号。未经注册而流入市面出售的药物,称为「假药」。假药:商标和包装刻意仿效在香港有知名度的正货药品,由于外观与正货药极为相似,容易令人混淆,消费者如对药品的包装、名称、制造商名称等其字体模糊不清等。目前市面上销售的没有注册号,其运输及贮存都没有严格控制,品质没有保证,故在药品上看不到香港注册号码,便不要买。若广大患者有质疑请直接拨打香港药品监督局检举。&  德国强力消石素&SINLANIL&  规格:&60粒/瓶&&&&&价格:&140元/瓶&  严正声明&  德国强力消石素&SINLANIL产品的疗效三十多年来一直深得各界人士所认同,本公司近年在市面上发现多种没有香港特别行政区政府注册的疑似产品。谨在此作出特别声明,请各消费者在购买时应清楚认明包装及香港特别行政区政府注册所发出的注册编号德国强力消石素&SINLANIL:HKP-15637。如有任何查询,可致电总代理鸿运药业有限公司。&  &  说明:&  德国强力消石素(SINLANIL)是专为患上胆结石,膀胱结石,肾结石等症侯,研制&  的治疗保健剂。西法治疗结石需施行外科手术,但当结石未致严重&  体积较小时,可用化结利导方法,把结石从体内排放出外。根据该医&  学论据,本厂经多年研究化验,选取多种天然草本药精化,科学调配&  而成;具功效及保健的&德国强力消石素&  成份:&  herba&Lysimachiae&28.10%&&  foulium&phrrosiae&5.60%&  medicago&sativa&13.10%&&  radix&semiaquilegiae&9.40%&  gelatine&9.20%&&  caulis&lonicerae&9.40%&  rhizoma&alismatis&5.60%&&  zea&mays&14.00%&  spora&lygodii&5.60%&  适应范围:&  胆石,肾石,膀胱结石(俗称为砂淋或石淋),膀胱炎,消化性失调,&  肝胆痉挛,肝炎,胆囊炎及胆管炎等症侯。&  服法:成人每日2次,每次1粒&  注意:&  1.戒烟,酒,肥腻或过咸的食物,多喝水。&  2.吃药30分钟後多跑跑跳跳,有利於结石溶解排出体外。&  分辨真伪:&  1.正货外盒是天蓝色,草绿色的全部是假货。&  2.正货的一次性防伪镭射标贴是椭圆形的贴撕开後,便出现&鸿运-正货&字样方为正货。&  3.外盒的一次性防伪镭射标贴撕开後会留下鸿运公司的logo,就是像&竹&字的图案。&  4.正货裏面含有防伪对照说明书一张为香港鸿运贸易公司严正声明。说明书正反2面方为正货&  5.说明书有代理公司电话与相关注册证号等信息。&  6.&生产厂家为:GERMANY&NATURAL&HERBALISTS&LAB.,PHARM&  7.二00七年四月起,每个盒内均附有&,方为正货.&  监制为:ROTTENDORF&PHARMA&GMBH&.,ENNIGELOH,GERMANY&  香港及东南亚总代理公司为:香港鸿运贸易(药业)有限公司(商标为是&竹&字的图案)&  8.德国强力消石素药品注册证号:&HKP-15637
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主要成份:Herba Lysimachiae -------94mg&&&&&Radix Curcumae -------26mgCortex Magmoliae Officinalis -----19mg&& Herba Artemisiae Scopariae------94mgFructus Auranth lmmaturus -------18.5mg&& Radix Et Rhizoma Rhei -------37.5mgSemen Arecae ------37.5mg&&&&&&&&&&&&& Radix Scutellariae ---- 26mgRadix Vladimiriae ------22.5mg
包装:每瓶60粒/150粒。&售价:<FONT color=#f元/258元
专售鸿运系列:鸿运牌安宫牛黄丸,鸿运牌燕窝珍珠乌鸡白凤丸,德国消石素,德国碎石素,德國利膽素,德国乙肝宝,德国强力浓缩化石灵,德国湿特疗,德国鸿运强力消石素,维骨力胶囊,德国强力利胆丸,德国强力肝灵,德国高效脉通,德国尿通胶囊,德国高效肝炎丸,德国利石素,德国强力白蝕灵,德国强力白蝕消,德国强力睛福眼丸 ,德国强力障目明眼丸,德国强力康肾疗,香港天喜堂天喜丸,德国强力糖可清,德国强力通尿灵,德国肾康宁,德国特效肾安定,德国特效肾灵,鸿运牌极品五鞭海狗丸,鸿运牌特效鼻敏感丸,鸿运牌乌蛇解养胶囊,鸿运牌骨节灵,鸿运特质燕窝疳积散,鸿运特质珍珠八宝惊风散,鸿运燕窩珠珀保婴丹,鸿运优质纯正珍珠末 ,鸿运珍珠琥珀猴枣散,鸿运珍珠琥珀七厘散,鸿运珍珠燕窝回春丹,酒仙,强力鼻舒灵,强力次骨灵胶囊,强力德国利胆灵,强力关节活络膏,强力新顺灵,德国强力鼻敏疗,治泻灵速效止泻丸,保胃康胶囊,胃能200,胃能400,保胃妥,超速效鼻克星,超速效气克星,超速效胃克星,德国特效尿通灵,风克星渗透活络止痛膏,鸿运牌秘制银翘解毒片,鸿运牌调经姑嫂丸,
风湿骨痛用药:美国活络神,日本塔牌坐骨神经痛丸,日本塔牌坐骨腰痛丸,日本塔牌风湿骨刺丹,香港公牛牌风湿骨刺丹,美国旗牌风湿骨刺丹, 日本塔牌腰痛大补丹, 日本塔牌特效疗痛灵, 德国汉堡灭湿痛胶囊, 香港欧化风湿克星, 德国强力风湿骨节宝, 德国强力风痛骨节灵,泰国风湿灵,泰国强骨力,同仁堂健步虎潜丸,香港乐信活络灵 ,公牛牌痛风灵,公牛牌风痛灵,香港礼士风湿克星,日本塔牌骨节丹,香港公牛牌强力浓缩坐骨腰痛丸,同仁堂大活络丹, 德国百痛敌胶囊,宝和堂追风透骨丸,超速效风湿剋星,香港马百良追风苏合丸,德国新方灭湿痛,德国新方活络灵追风透骨丸,德国痛立疗,永丰御用五藤素,美国痛立疗胶囊,疗湿痛胶囊,骨痛消胶襄,德国仙然骨络健灭湿胶囊,德国仙然百痛敌追风透骨丸,德国康速龙,香港公牛牌风湿骨痛灵,德國仙然痠痛寧健絡膠囊,德國仙然濕特療追風透骨丸,德國仙然療濕痛追風透骨丸,德國仙然活絡靈追風透骨丸,
特效药油类: 张权破痛油, 香港黄道益活络油, 斧标驱风油,陈日兴田七青竹草药油 , 日本安美露,香港保心安油,虎标万金油, 法国双飞人药水,香港和兴白花油, 星加坡金波士黑鬼油, 南洋星加坡正黑鬼油, 香港依马打四季平安油,香港依马打正红花油, 黄道益活络油,新加坡均隆驱风油, 金波士三蛇胆虎标活络油,金波士通关活络骨刺灵油,金波士特效救心油,金波士降龙十八虎蛇肩周劳损骨刺灵油,新加坡鸿威金波士降龙十八虎蛇腰颈椎坐骨痛特灵,百草堂四季平安油,日本无比滴,缅甸原装进口金鹿商标骨刺止痛水,金波士三蛇虎标青竹油,金波士海洋垃圾草油,金波士千里追风拳头油,百草堂十三蛇胆油,百草堂马鬃蛇油,百草堂活絡油,百草堂超級萬應回春油,百草堂百草油,香港便治文狮子油,金波士胡椒根镇痛祛湿油,星加坡金波士千斤藤射香风湿油,香港唐太宗活络油,星加坡鸿威金波士田七射香千里追风油,马来西亚五星牌千里追风油,星加坡银龙标特级千里追风油,金波士双童标特效射香千里追风油,百草堂金豹唛千里追风油,星加坡鸿威降龙十八虎蛇千里追风油, 香港八和堂华佗油
特效药膏类:德国蛇标辣椒风湿膏, 岭南万应止痛膏, 曼秀雷敦薄荷膏,香港邹健平安膏, 星加坡金波士纯正万应豆蔻膏, 日本娥罗纳英H软膏, 星加坡金波士青草膏,喜疗妥药膏,濟衆堂消痛活絡膏,白虎活络膏,脫苦海,泰国原装拳王膏,新加坡虎標鎮痛藥布,缅甸幸福无量风湿止痛药膏
排石利肝用药:德国华沙利石素, 德国华沙利胆丸,德国强力肝炎灵,德国强力考丽恩活肝灵, 德國柏林希斯強力利石素丸 ,華沙頑石靈,德国乐活可,德国乐治宁,德国慕尼强力消石素,德国强力考丽恩活肝宝,德国易善力健肝素,德国永丰利石素,德國康活強效化石靈 ,德國超力寶強力肝維健,德国汉堡强力消石素
妇科用药: 香港位元堂扶正养阴丸,香港天寿堂调经姑嫂丸,香港天喜堂天喜丸, 日本妇科千金丸, 香港澳美经痛灵.香港余仁生金牌白凤丸,百草堂白凤丸,百草堂姑嫂調經丸,
五官科用药: 济众堂速效鼻敏感丸, 日本塔牌鼻炎灵, 香港美加康大佛水, 德国强力鼻敏清,美国妙莲3号泪水配方眼药水,蓝晶宁眼药水,德國特效鼻必寧,德国强力活眼素,公牛牌超速效鼻炎灵
止咳平喘用药: 香港太和洞久咳丸, 香港澳美喉炎灵.大佛喉露,非洲海底椰标止咳露,香港百草堂克疗痰,香港百草堂补气定喘丸,香港潘高寿川贝枇杷露,香港礼士超速效安喘通,泰国五蜈蚣标止咳丸,北京同仁堂银翘解毒片,同仁堂顺气止咳化痰丸,百草堂肺特灵,德国强力气通灵丸,德国强力浓缩咳喘灵
胃肠道用药:钓鱼牌李万山肚痛健胃整肠丸,香港李众氏堂保济丸,日本喇叭牌正露丸, 日本救胃胶囊,香港马世良堂保胃丹,香港蚬壳胃散,日本胃仙U, 泰国五塔牌行军散,西藏胃圣,胃舒靈,特效胃必治,
婴幼儿用药:香港余仁生保婴丹, 香港马百良万应保婴丹,香港马百良珠珀猴枣散,香港马百良珠珀七厘散,正安堂小儿健胃宝,马百良八宝鹽蛇散,北京同仁堂保婴丹,香港宝和堂保婴丹,
增肥补肾用药: 香港马百良海狗丸,香港太和洞肾亏丸,香港济众堂前列康丸,香港宝和堂增肥丸,香港宝和堂海狗丸,香港宝和堂健肾王,香港宝和堂五鞭海狗丸,宝和堂冬虫草鹿尾羓鞭丸.济众堂极品金装海狗丸,德國漢實特效舒腺寶,百草堂金裝健賢王,百草堂海狗丸,
营养保健用药:香港位堂仙草灵芝孢子,百草堂「雲芝精華」, 香港宝和堂虫草王,香港宝和堂灵芝王,美国阿拉斯加深海鱼油,余仁生特效全靈芝破壁孢子,芝草脑必通,百草堂贞芪丸,香港百草堂千鼎雲芝,德国仙威黄金H-3健康营养丸,
其它用药: 日本塔牌新一 代脚癣灵 (香港脚特效药), 新加坡鹦鹉牌牙痛灵, 新加坡鸚鵡牌牙痛水,日本青松血治消胶囊,曼秀雷敦伤风通,德国秀碧除疤膏,德国汉堡强力白蚀灵丸,北京同仁堂灌香正气片,泰国中成药水鸭牌苦丸,缅甸原装进口帆船牌感冒止痛散,魚鱗蘚特效藥,
备注﹕产品全是经香港寄到深圳,再由深圳发货到全国 ,全国各地均可货到付款 !!!!
友情提醒:为保障您的利益,降低您的风险,建议优先选择商机宝付费会员的产品和服务。& Doppelherz 海外本土 德国双心维骨素关节保健胶囊(德国直邮专线)
运费参考:欧洲仓极速直达商品总价满500元免邮;不满500元首重66元/ kg,续重45元/ kg
Tips:Overseas goods,not domestic import version (海外本土商品,非国内进口版)
推荐搭配 Recommended
Doppel herz/双心
跨境高端母婴购 Cross-border High-end Maternal-child Shopping
Purchasing commodities via International Mommy is the process of overseas shopping for you. The native commodities are delivered to each and every user in the original package on cross-border air and you can fully enjoy the cross-border and sci-tech shopping in the high-end maternal-child shopping mall.
全球国际物流通关体验 Experience of Global International Logistics and Clearance
International Mommy provides various ways of direct mails for your experience and its loyal users continues to increase in quantitative terms. Each and every international direct mail can deliver you the same high-end maternal-child commodities.
售后服务 After-sale service
International Mommy grows in the midst of endless problems and thanks very much for the users who raised questions and problems which will be treated carefully. To view problems from a positive perspective embodies the growth and development of International Mommy.
&&&&We appreciate your choosing International Mommy. As the professional cross-border high-end maternal-child E-business, we integrate the professional, scientific, cross-border and overseas shopping experience. Each and every user is the international front-runner who advocates science and technology and globalization. As the overseas maternal-child shopping mall, International Mommy specifically operates the overseas high-end maternal-child commodities. As the general manager in Greater China, International Mommy Ego Limited takes full responsibility for your commodities and solves all your worries if problems occur. We will keep building a high-quality team and sincerely provide you better assistance with our attentive service.
About the quality of commodities of International Mommy, are there fake commodities?
&&&&International Mommy possesses a lot of users and most of them are post-80’s high-end rational users, who have received higher education and gone abroad. Each and every mommy is also a baby who is incomparably important. Since inception, we have accumulated over 1 million members and never encounte the high-end users prefer the faith in logic. What we care about is your repeated purchase and your propelling of other mommies to continuously focus on and select International Mommy. Quality is our foundation and you don’t have to worry about the issue of fake commodities.
国际直邮 全球实时跟踪
答:私人直邮发货之日起一般15-30天左右到货,具体到货时间以每个国家以及海关的查验速度为准;批量直邮江浙沪、北京、天津、广东等2-3天左右到货。其他地区2-7个工作日左右不等;自贸区直邮10天左右到货。具体到货时间可以根据所在地址、订购品牌等咨询国际妈咪 在线客服或者直接拨打服务热线:400-006-1777.为您详细解答。
Q: How long the goods are sent out after payment?
A: Within 12 hours after the private direct mail is paid, the order will be delivered for overseas procurement with the procurement period of about 2-5 days (two-day days off at overseas), the goods are sent out immediately after the the goods via batch direct mail will be sent out on the same day when the payment is made by 1:00PM; the ordered goods will be transferred to Shanghai Free Trade Zone within 12 hours after the payment for the direct mail and sent out within around 3-5 days.
I haven’t received my ordered products and now don’t want them. Can I get a full refund?
A: If your order is via the private direct mail, your order will be transferred to overseas immediately you finish the payment, and you cannot cancel your order an if your products via batch direct mail have been delivered from storage by Hong Kong Company, we cannot intercept the products and you are obligated to pay the express fees arising from the process on your own account (including refusal to sign for other than the reason of quality, etc); as of the order via direct mail within free trade zones, 12 hours after payment is the time limit, when the 12 hours is exceeded, your order has been transferred to the Customs in free trade zones and cannot be cancelled, and you can refuse to sign for after the goods are delivered to you and you are obligated to pay the express fees arising from the process on your own account. But if you cancel the order within the valid period, the money will be automatically refunded to your member account within 12 hours. (a full refund)
Q: Why does my order show that my goods are sent from Shenzhen rather than from Hong Kong?
The goods are sent towards Hongkong for stock up via batch direct mail , transferred to Free Trade Zone for customs clearance ,and then distributed to customers by the national postal system. Express information start to show from different clearance point .So if your goods are delivered from Guangzhou Free Trade Zone,express information show Shenzhen at first.
Q: Why don’t I receive the invoices for the products I purchased?
A: The goods you order is purchased and sent out overseas, so there is no domestic invoice. The invoice in overseas developed countries is proforma invoice (P/I) and International Mommy can provide you the electronic shopping certificate. If you have any queries, you can log in the website of International Mommy at any time or call 400-006-1777. The customer service personnel of International Mommy are always at your service and in charge of your goods during the whole process .
Q: Why cannot the good via batch direct mail be sent by S.F. Express?
A: Milk powder is in powder form. S.F. Express can provide air transportation and land transportation. Powder articles cannot b and the timeliness of land transportation of S.F. Express is currently inferior to that of other expresses.
Q: How long can the goods reach me after successful order?
A: The goods via private direct mail can be delivered to you within 15-30 days as of the shipment date, and the specific arrival time shall be subject to the inspection speed of different countri the goods via batch direct mail will be delivered to you within 2-3 days in the regions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangdong, etc. the range of delivery time for other regions is about 2-7 the goods via direct mail in free trade zones can be reach you within 10 days or so. Regarding the concrete arrival time, you can consult the online customer service representatives or directly call the service hotline of 400-006-1777 for detailed information according to the shipment addresses, ordered brands, etc.
Q: For the same kind of products, why are they different in packages/formulas received in different time?
All the products of International Mommy are produced by overseas supermarkets, and packing specifications are subject to the actual situation of the overseas supermarkets. The overseas product departments irregularly change the packing and product specifications and formula contents, etc. So, the products customers purchase and receive in different time will be different in package (or different from the reference in the website). All the products customers buy from International Mommy are the commodities International Mommy procure from overseas supermarket at first time, so they are brand-new in date and package. The package on the webpage is updated a little slowly and just for reference, and the specific package is subject to the actual goods you receive.
Q: The milk powder was suitable for my baby and my baby liked having it. But after having the milk powder with the same brand and same formula stage bought later, why does my baby develop eczema and diarrhea?
A: The formulas of overseas commodities are often perfected and modified. Goods produced in different batches will also be different. Besides, the formulas of milk powders are partially confidential. Babies under 2 years old have imperfect and vulnerable intestines and stomachs, which are different from those of adults. So, when they have milk powders produced in different batches, the details of the formulas have changed and babies’ acceptance
hence, the babies will get diarrhea. And when the protein content of the milk powder in some batch happen to be slightly in uptrend, the babies’ acceptance process to the milk powder with high protein content is rather slow and will get slight eczema due to the excessive protein content. When facing such situations, many fathers and mothers will firstly doubt whether is milk powders in the batch have problem of quality. The truth is that the quality of the milk power has no problem, and just babies have different intestines and stomachs and have different acceptance results. If other babies have the milk powder in the same kind, maybe the similar situation will not happen. Furthermore, there are more nutrient elements in overseas milk powder and the babies are not acclimatized in the very beginning. So when you encounter such a similar situation, do not rush into changing another kind of milk powder for babies, you can try to add some trace probiotics in the milk powder and add the water by properly 2-3ml. This can firstly adjust babies’ intestines and stomachs and secondly dilute the protein content in the milk powder. After a period of time, babies will become on the mend. If you have any questions, please directly call the customer service hotline of International Mommy by 400-006-1777 for the more detailed information.
What are the differences among the private direct mail, batch direct mail and direct mail in free trade zones ?
A: All the products are procured from overseas supermarkets and with same quality. The private direct mail means that goods are directly delivered to customers and the delivery time is relatively long (the minimum quantity of order is 1 FCL); the process of batch direct mail refers to that the goods are in unified small-quantity procured and sent towards Hong Kong Headquarter, transferred to free trade zones(FTZ) for customs clearance and then distributed to customers, and can generally be delivered to customers within one week (without quantity limitation); when the overseas procurement is up to certain amount, the goods will be sent directly to Shanghai Free Trade Zone via FTA direct mail, transferred to EMS after the Customs’ clearance and inspection and then distributed to customers (limited within 2 cans per paid order), and the delivery time is about 10 days.
Why is the milk powder separated from water after the milk powder is mixed with water for a while ?
A: In terms of physics, fat is commonly known as oil. Oil and water have different specific gravity, so when they mix together, it is common for them to separate with each other for a while and this is normal physical property. The fat contents of milk powder in different brands or the same kind of milk powder in different batch will be slightly different. So, that milk powder separates with water just proves that the milk powder in different brands or the same kind of milk powder in different batch has high fat content and pure density. Please be reassured using. If they are not separated, it does not mean that the milk powder in the brand or the kind of milk powder in the batch has low fat content and it is physical property occurred in the natural condition of milk powder, and has nothing to do with the quality. Please be reassured using.
Note: Since European Union (EU) adopts the environmental-friendly package, the paper cans and tinfoil are easily damaged in the course of transportation. International Mommy promises to you: “compensate for all goods with damaged package, provide worry-free services”. Please ensure to examine the goods at the moment of delivery. Once you discover the package has been damaged and the goods cannot be used normally, be sure to contact us immediately and refuse to sign for the goods. But if you discover the goods are damaged after you have signed for the goods, we cannot decide whether the problem is caused by shipment or logistics. So, please do examine and check the goods. Thank you for your understanding and support of our work!
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