求 LL的lovelive无损合集音乐合集

├&黎明-1991 我的感觉[韩胶]&
├&黎明-1992 I LOVE YOU
├&黎明-1992 但愿不只是朋友[香港]&
├&黎明-1992 倾城之最[香港]&
├&黎明-1992 堆积情感[深飞港版]&
├&黎明-1993 夏日傾情[香港]&
├&黎明-1993 夏日烧着了EP[香港]&
├&黎明-1993 我的另一半 精选[香港]&
├&黎明-1993 梦幻古堡[香港]&
├&黎明-1993 深秋的黎明[香港]&
├&黎明-1993 黎明一夜倾情演唱会2CD[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 不可推搪EP[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 为我停留[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 天地情缘[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 情缘新歌+精选[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 我的真心献给你[香港]&
├&黎明-1994 火舞艳阳[香港]&
├&黎明-1995 天地豪情[香港]&
├&黎明-1995 梦追踪[香港]&
├&黎明-1995 爱难求[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 Perhaps[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 为何你不是我的未来[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 宝丽金88极品音色系列[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 情深精选[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 感应[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 畅快随意 EP[香港]&
├&黎明-1996 黎明九五演唱会 Neon Leon Live
├&黎明-1997 DNA出錯[台湾]&
├&黎明-1997 If[香港]&
├&黎明-1997 Leon Sound[香港]&
├&黎明-1997 Leon's…[香港]&
├&黎明-1997 口不对心[香港]&
├&黎明-1998 -我這樣愛你[香港]&
├&黎明-1998 你爱不爱精选2[香港]&
├&黎明-1998 你爱不爱精选[香港首版]&
├&黎明-1998 如果可以再見你[香港]&
├&黎明-1998 玻璃之城CD(電影原聲大碟)[香港]&
├&黎明-1999 If I Can See You
├&黎明-1999 Leon Now[香港]&
├&黎明-1999 眼睛想旅行[香港]&
├&黎明-1999 非我莫属[香港]&
├&黎明-2000 Leon Club Sandwich
├&黎明-2000 北京站[香港]&
├&黎明-2000 新城Leon Live
├&黎明-2001 LEON sport of music
├&黎明-2001 The Red Shoes[香港]&
├&黎明-2006 LookinG[香港]&
├&黎明-2007 4 In
│&├01 相逢在雨中
│&├02 失恋广告
│&├03 无名份的浪漫
│&├04 恋火
│&├05 一生比我好
│&├06 情是我所有
│&├07 赤色黎明
│&├08 真挚
│&├09 夏日方程式
│&└10 飞渡烟雨间
├&黎明-1991 亲近你[T113-02银圈]&
│&├01 亲近你
│&├02 末世纪之恋
│&├03 Sarah不要爱他
│&├04 不恋你
│&├05 伤心的背后
│&├06 人在边缘
│&├07 我终失去你
│&├08 特别的歌给特别的你
│&├09 如果这是情
│&└10 倾心爱一次
├&黎明-1991 今夜你会不会来[台湾]&
│&├01 今夜妳會不會來
│&├02 說再見以前
│&├03 朋友好久不見
│&├04 夢無盡
│&├05 愛還是不要說的好
│&├06 我的心不再流浪
│&├07 又忘了該說愛妳
│&├08 讓我陪妳一段
│&├09 It's all set
│&├10 風雲塵煙
│&└11 聲音的迴響
├&黎明-1991 我的感觉[韩胶]&
│&├01 夜变得精彩
│&├02 永相依
│&├03 今夜你会不会来
│&├04 不羁舞台
│&├05 我的感觉
│&├06 两心知
│&├07 你令我着迷
│&├08 真爱在明天
│&├09 邂逅、偶遇、散步、对望
│&└10 爱永不变
├&黎明-1991 是爱是缘[银圈]&
│&├01 对不起、我爱你
│&├02 为什么我们只是朋友
│&├03 醉舞
│&├04 OH!夜
│&├05 危险的她
│&├06 夜夜梦中见
│&├07 人在黎明
│&├08 是爱是缘
│&├09 午夜梦回
│&└10 柔情冷看千夫指
├&黎明-1992 I LOVE YOU OK[香港]&
│&├01 I Love You Ok_
│&├02 情難自控
│&├03 我愛I Chi Ban
│&├04 但願我瀟灑
│&├05 雙雙對對
│&├06 我的感覺是場夢
│&├07 夢中相擁
│&├08 傻痴痴
│&├09 黎明前的浪漫
│&└10 追趕太陽
├&黎明-1992 但愿不只是朋友[香港]&
│&├01 我会像你一样傻
│&├02 我来自北京
│&├03 但愿不只是朋友
│&├04 我的灰姑娘
│&├05 你是否天使
│&├06 情归落泊
│&├07 对得起自己
│&├08 天才白痴往日情
│&├09 梦工场
│&└10 因你在此(给黎明FUN舍)
├&黎明-1992 倾城之最[香港]&
│&├01 我的親愛
│&├02 一夜傾情
│&├03 今夜妳會不會來
│&├04 對不起,我愛你
│&├05 我的感覺
│&├06 人在黎明
│&├07 OH!夜
│&├08 我來自北京(Remix)
│&├09 如果這是情
│&├10 夜夜夢中見
│&├11 兩心知
│&├12 相逢在雨中
│&├13 人在邊緣
│&└14 是愛是緣
├&黎明-1992 堆积情感[深飞港版]&
│&├01 堆积情感
│&├02 最近我有没有说过我爱你
│&├03 今生相爱、来生再相聚
│&├04 跟我远走
│&├05 等待能有一天被爱
│&├06 我只有这么多
│&├07 OH!夜(国)
│&├08 我等不到你
│&├09 明白我的爱
│&└10 我来自北京(国)
├&黎明-1993 夏日傾情[香港]&
│&├01 夏日燒著了
│&├02 孤單的人孤單的我
│&├03 YA YA YA
│&├04 我的情人
│&├05 不羈的感情
│&├06 夏日傾情
│&├07 歡笑末世紀
│&├08 痴情何須說前程
│&├09 美麗的開始
│&└10 戀愛日記
├&黎明-1993 夏日烧着了EP[香港]&
│&├1 夏日烧着了Remix
│&├2 对不起,我爱你
│&├3 愿你今夜别离去
│&└4 我的亲爱
├&黎明-1993 我的另一半 精选[香港]&
│&├01 願你今夜別離去
│&├02 真的愛情定可到未來
│&├03 我的另一半
│&├04 内疚
│&├05 兩心知
│&├06 人在邊緣
│&├07 真愛在明天
│&├08 不羈舞台
│&├09 人在黎明
│&├10 對不起,我愛你
│&├11 情歸落泊
│&└12 柔情冷看千夫指
├&黎明-1993 梦幻古堡[香港]&
│&├01 不可推搪
│&├02 心爱
│&├03 寂寞的古堡
│&├04 爱情影画戏
│&├05 Honey Honey
│&├06 情像雨飘泊
│&├07 春夏秋冬
│&├08 热舞一族
│&├09 愿你清楚我的心
│&└10 一生最爱
├&黎明-1993 深秋的黎明[香港]&
│&├01 深秋的黎明
│&├02 我用深情与你相约
│&├03 我爱 Ichi Ban
│&├04 爱的任性
│&├05 莎哟娜啦
│&├06 偷走我的爱
│&├07 给你一生用不完的爱
│&├08 探探我的忧愁
│&├09 留给我一盏灯火
│&└10 谁领我的心靠岸
├&黎明-1993 黎明一夜倾情演唱会2CD[香港]&
│&│&├01 梦工场
│&│&├02 不羁舞台
│&│&├03 但愿不只是朋友
│&│&├04 无名分的浪漫
│&│&├05 永相依
│&│&├06 相逢在雨中
│&│&├07 对不起 我爱你
│&│&├08 我的灰姑娘
│&│&├09 明日天涯
│&│&├10 明星
│&│&├11 梦
│&│&├12 午夜梦回
│&│&└13 一夜倾情
│&& &├01
│&& &├02
│&& &├03
│&& &├04
│&& &├05
│&& &├06
│&& &├07
│&& &├08
│&& &├09
│&& &└10
├&黎明-1994 不可推搪EP[香港]&
│&├1 不可推搪 (Remix)
│&├2 如果这是情
│&├3 但愿不只是朋友
│&└4 两心知
├&黎明-1994 为我停留[香港]&
│&├01 爲我停留
│&├02 對你的愛永遠多一點
│&├03 別讓夢醒太早
│&├04 只好逃避
│&├05 別讓我等
│&├06 寧願時光倒轉
│&├07 等你點頭
│&├08 YA YA YA
│&├09 最怕聼你哭著說再見
│&├10 情深怕緣淺
│&└11 最後的戀愛
├&黎明-1994 天地情缘[香港]&
│&├01 那有一天不想你
│&├02 不醉舞夜
│&├03 蓝色街灯
│&├04 Goodbye My Love
│&├05 最后的恋爱
│&├06 一段盟誓
│&├07 献出激情
│&├08 不该再让你孤单
│&├09 晨曦
│&└10 我的亲爱还是你
├&黎明-1994 情缘新歌+精选[香港]&
│&├01 阳光 ( 电视剧 '' 阿Sir早晨 '' 主题曲 )
│&├02 情缘 ( 电视剧 '' 阿Sir早晨 '' 插曲 )
│&├03 那有一天不想你 ( Mexico Remix )
│&├04 最后的恋爱 ( New Mexico Mix )
│&├05 不醉舞夜
│&├06 不可推搪
│&├07 爱情影画戏
│&├08 心爱
│&├09 夏日烧着了
│&├10 夏日倾情
│&├11 我的情人
│&└12 YA YA YA
├&黎明-1994 我的真心献给你[香港]&
│&├01 我的真心献给你
│&├02 火一样的爱
│&├03 归还
│&├04 舞在你的笑容里
│&├05 那有一天不想你
│&├06 时间情缘
│&├07 让爱随你走
│&├08 谁的眼神
│&├09 两个人一颗心
│&└10 陈旧的伤痛
├&黎明-1994 火舞艳阳[香港]&
│&├01 火舞艳阳
│&├02 送你一瓣的雪花
│&├03 夜摇遥
│&├04 如果...
│&├05 伴你同行
│&├06 一天情深一点情感
│&├07 别再流泪
│&├08 草戒指
│&├09 天使的诱惑
│&└10 我没有爱错
├&黎明-1995 天地豪情[香港]&
│&├01 一生最爱就是你
│&├02 明日世界更漂亮
│&├03 请你留在我身边
│&├04 月亮下求你一吻
│&├05 醉温馨
│&├06 Just For Fun
│&├07 十字天使
│&├08 梦想成真
│&├09 飘
│&└10 温暖人间
├&黎明-1995 梦追踪[香港]&
│&├01 危情追踪
│&├02 告诉我你会在梦境中等我
│&├03 有意无意
│&├04 没名字的歌,无名字的你
│&├05 梦境
│&├06 原谅我
│&├07 刹那心情
│&├08 最真一吻
│&├09 让我爱你
│&└10 好朋友
├&黎明-1995 爱难求[香港]&
│&├01 一生痴心
│&├02 如果我们不再相爱
│&├03 在爱里迷路的人
│&├04 永远放在我心中
│&├05 深深恋你
│&├06 我为你而来
│&├07 真爱一生难求
│&├08 明知故爱
│&├09 难以分办
│&└10 情歌森林
├&黎明-1996 Perhaps[香港]&
│&├01 情深说话未曾讲
│&├02 微风之前(离别之后)
│&├03 色.情男女
│&├04 你我
│&├05 或许…未必…不过…
│&├06 不思议的梦
│&├07 甜蜜蜜
│&├08 非一般的晚上
│&├09 女友的男友
│&└10 今天不是偶然
├&黎明-1996 为何你不是我的未来[香港]&
│&├01 也好
│&├02 为何你不是我的未来
│&├03 男人要偶尔孤独
│&├04 一意孤行
│&├05 爱不释手
│&├06 有情天地
│&├07 听过我的心事吗
│&├08 原谅我
│&├09 海市蜃楼
│&└10 俘虏
├&黎明-1996 宝丽金88极品音色系列[香港]&
│&├01 没名字的歌、无名字的你
│&├02 那有一天不想你
│&├03 对不起、我爱你
│&├04 但愿不只是朋友
│&├05 无名份的浪漫
│&├06 愿你今夜别离去
│&├07 爱情影画戏
│&├08 今夜你会不会来
│&├09 送你一瓣的雪花
│&├10 蓝色街灯
│&├11 一生最爱就是你
│&├12 夏日倾情
│&├13 如果这是情
│&├14 OH! 夜
│&├15 我没有爱错
│&├16 我会像你一样傻
│&└17 孤单的人孤单的我
├&黎明-1996 情深精选[香港]&
│&├01 情深说话未曾讲
│&├02 微风之前(离别之后)
│&├03 或许...未必...不过(Free as a chimpanzee)
│&├04 极地无限
│&├05 非一般的晚上(Technova mix)
│&├06 没名字的歌,无名字的你
│&├07 原谅我
│&├08 送你一瓣的雪花
│&├09 告诉我你会在梦境中等我
│&├10 十字天使
│&├11 一生最爱
│&├12 夜摇遥
│&├13 一段盟誓
│&├14 别再流泪
│&├15 请你留在我身边
│&└16 明日世界更漂亮
├&黎明-1996 感应[香港]&
│&├01 我走来走去
│&├02 感应
│&├03 忏悔者
│&├04 杂念
│&├05 开放
│&├06 原来恋爱
│&├07 时间, 时间
│&├08 一封给朋友的信
│&├09 过来人
│&└10 你是谁
├&黎明-1996 畅快随意 EP[香港]&
│&├1 为何你不是我的未来
│&├2 但愿不只是朋友
│&└3 为何你不是我的未来(卡拉OK版)
├&黎明-1996 黎明九五演唱会 Neon Leon Live
│&│&├01 Just For Fun
│&│&├02 夜搖遙
│&│&├03 一生最愛就是你
│&│&├04 深秋的黎明
│&│&├05 如果我們不再相愛
│&│&├06 Medley_明日世界更漂亮_不醉舞夜
│&│&├07 無名份的浪漫
│&│&├08 告訴我你會在夢境中等我
│&│&├09 如果這是情
│&│&├10 愛情影畫戯
│&│&├11 夢想成真
│&│&├12 危情追蹤
│&│&└13 醉溫馨
│&& &├01
│&& &├02
│&& &├03
│&& &├04
│&& &├05
│&& &├06
│&& &├07
│&& &├08
│&& &├09
│&& &├10
│&& &└11
├&黎明-1997 DNA出錯[台湾]&
│&├01 DNA出錯
│&├02 旅途愉快
│&├03 遲到
│&├04 還是跟媽媽說
│&├05 假如今夜你在我的家
│&├06 談談情跳跳舞
│&├07 你讓我忘
│&├08 最後一分鐘
│&├09 便當
│&└10 煙火背後
├&黎明-1997 If[香港]&
│&├01 爱加深
│&├02 只要为我爱一天
│&├03 世界之最
│&├04 也不够
│&├05 向孩子学习
│&├06 传情达意
│&├07 自然
│&├08 全戚直觉
│&├09 烟花背后
│&└10 只要为我爱一天
├&黎明-1997 Leon Sound[香港]&
│&├01 旧约
│&├02 招呼你朋友
│&├03 贪新旧爱
│&├04 可否忘记他
│&├05 黎明与我
│&├06 阖家欢时间
│&├07 曝光
│&├08 你这刹那在何方(黎明雷颂德合唱)
│&├09 扮幼稚
│&└10 你令爱了不起
├&黎明-1997 Leon's…[香港]&
│&├1 100樣可能
│&├2 電梯
│&├3 奇遇
│&└4 重復動作
├&黎明-1997 口不对心[香港]&
│&├01 口不对心
│&├02 情深说话未曾讲(国语版)
│&├03 今天的天气很好
│&├04 贪恋
│&├05 反正事情就这样
│&├06 甜蜜蜜
│&├07 我祈祷
│&├08 你不请我进去吗?
│&├09 想
│&├10 你爱的就是我
│&├11 想飞就飞吧
│&└12 你知道吗?
├&黎明-1998 -我這樣愛你[香港]&
│&├1 愛你_不愛你
│&├2 不要講兩次
│&├3 少見多掛
│&├4 我這樣愛你
│&├5 從過去到永遠
│&└6 心在跳
├&黎明-1998 你爱不爱精选2[香港]&
│&├01 一生最爱就是你
│&├02 微风之前(离别之后)
│&├03 没名字的歌无名字的你
│&├04 送你
│&├05 孤单的人孤单一个
│&├06 阳光
│&├07 愿你今夜别离去
│&├08 Oh! 夜
│&├09 我来自北京
│&├10 我会像你一样傻
│&├11 如果这是情
│&├12 我的感觉
│&├13 但愿不只是朋友
│&├14 亲近你
│&├15 人在黎明
│&└16 相逢在雨中
├&黎明-1998 你爱不爱精选[香港首版]&
│&├01 你令爱了不起
│&├02 100样可能
│&├03 只要为我爱一天
│&├04 世界之最
│&├05 传情达意
│&├06 原来恋爱
│&├07 感应
│&├08 情深说话未曾讲
│&├09 或许…未必…不过
│&├10 那有一天不想你
│&├11 DNA出错
│&├12 今夜你会不会来
│&├13 爱情影画戏
│&├14 对不起我爱你
│&├15 蓝色街灯
│&└16 无名份的浪漫
├&黎明-1998 如果可以再見你[香港]&
│&├01 Love Theme One (interlude)
│&├02 神經質女主角
│&├03 飛時期
│&├04 如果可以再見你
│&├05 一個你,一個我
│&├06 Eve Were Practising 心里有數 (interlude)
│&├07 心里有數
│&├08 Love Theme Two (interlude)
│&├09 心算
│&├10 Police Station Rap_ Black vs Yellow
│&├11 Happy 2000
│&├12 神經質男主角 (interlude)
│&├13 對不起,我愛誰
│&├14 會客室
│&├15 大綱與細節
│&├16 我沒有騙你
│&├17 AHHHHH!!!
│&└18 A Story (interlude)
├&黎明-1998 玻璃之城CD(電影原聲大碟)[香港]&
│&├01 今生不再
│&├06 自戀影院
│&├08 HK TANGO
│&├11 VIVIAN
│&├12 FLYING
│&├13 THE CAL
│&└14 等到天昏天暗(今生不再-國語版)
├&黎明-1999 If I Can See You
│&├01 Love Theme One Interlude
│&├02 神经质女主角
│&├03 飞时期
│&├04 如果可以再见你
│&├05 一个你,一个我
│&├06 Eve Were Practicing 心里有数 Interlude
│&├07 心里有数
│&├08 Love Theme Two Interlude
│&├09 心算
│&├10 Police Station Rap_Black vs Yellow
│&├11 Happy 2000
│&├12 神经质男主角 Interlude
│&├13 对不起,我爱谁
│&├14 会客室
│&├15 大网与细节
│&├16 我没有骗你
│&├17 Ahhhh!!!
│&└18 今生(日语)
├&黎明-1999 Leon Now[香港]&
│&├01 Sugar In The Marmalade
│&├02 Prima-Donna
│&├03 我愛花香不愛花
│&├04 從今開始
│&├05 Be My Girl
│&├06 酸
│&├07 透明
│&├08 珍惜
│&├09 Ellie
│&├10 知道,不知道
│&├11 Dawn
│&└12 Sugar In The Marmalade(國)
├&黎明-1999 眼睛想旅行[香港]&
│&├1 眼睛想旅行
│&├2 妄想非非
│&├3 That's Life
│&├4 Before the Party (interlude)
│&├5 有空请爱我
│&├6 You Are My Friend
│&├7 Happy 2000
│&├8 Sugar in the Marmalade
│&└9 You Are My Friend (instrumental)
├&黎明-1999 非我莫属[香港]&
│&├01 非我莫属
│&├02 我不是谁
│&├03 客串
│&├04 我把自己交给你
│&├05 Sugar In The Marmalade
│&├06 小心陌生人
│&├07 不怕你不爱我
│&├08 多久没有
│&├09 不会让你哭
│&├10 坐着看
│&├11 交换心情
│&├12 Happy 2000
│&├13 心在跳(我这样爱你-国语版)
│&├14 种类
│&├15 想着她
│&└16 Love Theme
├&黎明-2000 Leon Club Sandwich
│&│&├01 听身睇唱歌
│&│&├02 尽情地爱
│&│&├03 梦想成真
│&│&├04 Sugar in the
│&│&├05 Prima-Donna
│&│&├06 全日爱
│&│&├07 越夜越有机
│&│&├08 两位一体
│&│&├09 眼晴旅行
│&│&├10 That's Life
│&│&├11 有空请爱我
│&│&├12 爱你不爱你
│&│&├13 Happy 2000
│&│&├14 对不起我爱谁
│&│&├15 Can't take my eyes off
│&│&└16 呼吸不说慌
│&& &├01
│&& &├02
│&& &├03
│&& &├04
│&& &├05
│&& &├06
│&& &├07
│&& &├08 Be my
│&& &├09
│&& &├10
│&& &├11
│&& &├12 You are
│&& &├13 爱比我重要
│&& &├14 大纲与细节
│&& &├15 如果可以再见你
│&& &└16 从今开始
├&黎明-2000 北京站[香港]&
│&├01 Dream of U (Interlude)
│&├02 Can't Take My Eyes off U
│&├03 兩位一體
│&├04 全日愛
│&├05 越夜越有機
│&├06 Mi -II
│&├07 Room 201 (Interlude)
│&├08 及時擁抱
│&├09 記憶花園
│&├10 Fly Me To The Moon
│&├11 擁抱大世界
│&├12 一秒鐘兩個世界
│&├13 愛天愛地
│&├14 Sausalito
│&├15 提提我
│&└16 Sausalito (Instrumental)
├&黎明-2000 新城Leon Live
│&├01 如何可以再见你
│&├02 神经质女主角
│&├03 飞时期
│&├04 爱你不爱你
│&├05 对不起我爱谁
│&├06 从今开始
│&├07 酸
│&├08 妄想非非
│&├09 有空请爱我
│&├10 眼睛想旅行
│&├11 Sugar in the Marmalade
│&├12 Prima-Donna
│&├13 今生不再
│&├14 You Are My Friend
│&├15 大纲与细节
│&├16 我这样爱你
│&├17 That's Life
│&└18 Happy 2000
├&黎明-2001 LEON sport of music
│&├01 Intro
│&├02 心情好
│&├03 喜
│&├04 不规则
│&├05 Home alone
│&├06 你很爱我
│&├07 与你同行
│&├08 趁高兴
│&├09 眼神骗不过
│&├10 Our x'mas
│&├11 指日可待
│&├12 Love instrumental你很爱我
│&├13 你都不爱我
│&└14& 别框我
├&黎明-2001 The Red Shoes[香港]&
│&├01 純粹誤會
│&├02 重愛輕友
│&├03 看上她
│&├04 愛要去那裡_
│&├05 玩笑
│&├06 中毒的愛情
│&├07 不說不愛
│&├08 Don't Know What To Say
│&├09 D.I.Y
│&└10 那天前那天後
├&黎明-2001 真经典[环球唱片]&
│&├01 相逢在雨中
│&├02 如果這是情
│&├03 對不起, 我愛你
│&├04 今夜你會不會來
│&├05 我的親愛
│&├06 我愛 Ichi ban
│&├07 願你今夜別離去
│&├08 孤單的人孤單的我
│&├09 夏日傾情
│&├10 那有一天不想你
│&├11 一生最愛就是你
│&├12 危情追蹤
│&├13 沒名字的歌無名字的你
│&├14 情深說話未曾講
│&├15 只要為我愛一天
│&└16 你令愛了不起
├&黎明-2002 Homework[香港]&
│&├01 你要懂得欺骗自己
│&├02 BA BA
│&├03 巴香水印
│&├04 米乱谂
│&├05 最好你走
│&├06 好像在我耳旁 (Theme from the motion picture
│&├07 信你恋爱观
│&├08 近在眼前 (凤凰卫视 '永远的三峡' 主题曲)
│&├09 芝士人
│&├10 别怕生疏
│&└11 BA BA (国语)
├&黎明-2006 LookinG[香港]&
│&├1 無事常相見 (Piano Version)
│&├2 愛是傻得起
│&├3 蠢蠢欲動
│&├4 無事常相見
│&├5 你有本事
│&├6 電殛
│&└7 I'll Never Fall in Love Again
├&黎明-2007 4 In Love[香港]&
│&├01 爱不完
│&├02 对你爱不完
│&├03 每天爱你多一些
│&├04 那有一天不想你
│&├05 长夜多浪漫
│&├06 我是不是该安静的走开
│&├07 情已逝
│&├08 愿你今夜别离去
│&├09 情感的禁区
│&├10 我为何让你走
│&├11 分手总要在雨天
│&├12 对不起 我爱你
│&├13 忘情水
│&├14 爱的呼唤
│&├15 蓝雨
│&└16 我的感觉
└&黎明-2008 是我EP[香港]&
& &├1 是我(國語)
& &├2 你懂我的愛(國語)
& &├3 事過境遷
& &├4 回來說愛著我
& &├5 日光甦醒時
& &└6 想你們
1、Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing.ape
i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile
while you are sleeping while you're far away and dreaming i could spend my life
in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment
spent with you is a moment i treasure i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep cause i'll miss you babe
and i don't wanna miss a thing cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do i still miss you babe
and i don't wanna miss a thing laying close to you feeling your heart beating
and i'm wondering what you're dreaming wondering
if it's me you're seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we're together
i just want to stay with you in this moment forever i don't wanna miss one smile
i don't wanna miss one kiss i just wanna be with you right here with you
just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine
and just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time...
2、Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All.ape
it's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
without saying a word you can light up the dark
try as i may i could never explain
what i hear when you don't say a thing
the smile on your face
lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes
sayin' you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand
says you'll catch me if ever i fall
you say it best when you say nothing at all
all day long i can hear people talking out loud
but when you hold me near
you drown out the crowd
old mr. webster could never define
what's being said between your heart and mine
the smile on your face
lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes
sayin' you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand
says you'll catch me if ever i fall
you say it best when you say nothing at all
the smile on your face
lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes
sayin' you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand
says you'll catch me if ever i fall
you say it best when you say nothing at all
3、Amy Diamond - Fast Forward.ape
(Baby when you're gone)
It's like a bomb
Set off in my heart, in my heart
(Baby when you're gone)
I'm holding on
To love in my heart, in my heart
(Baby when you're gone)
I won't wait
So impatient for you to be with me
And time is running so slow
I just want you to know
(Ooh Ooh Ooh)
Cause baby I know it's crazy
How it's been lately
I just wanna fast forward to you
I know it's been raining
But we can make it
I just wanna fast forward to you
to, to you, aaah
to, to you, aaah
to, to you
(Baby when you're gone)
There is no one
Replacing your heart, your heart
(Baby when you're gone)
I come undone
I just fall apart, fall apart
I won't wait
So impatient for you to be with me
And time is running so slow
I just want you to know
Cause baby I know it's crazy
How it's been lately
I just wanna fast forward to you
I know it's been raining
But we can make it
I just wanna fast forward to you
To, to you, haaah
To, to you, haaah
To, to you
Haaah, to, to you, haaah
To, to you, haaah
To, to you
Cause baby I know it's crazy
How it's been lately
I just wanna fast forward to you
I know it's been raining
But we can make it
I just wanna fast forward
I just wanna fast forward to you
Fast forward to you
To, to you, haaah
To, to you, haaah
To, to you
Haaah, to, to you, haaah
To, to you, haaah
To, to you
4、amy diamond - heartbeats.ape
I can't figure out
Is it meant to be this way
Easy words so hard to say
I can't live without
Knowing how you feel
Know if this is real
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
I can't understand
How it's making sense
That we put up such defense
When all you need to know
No matter what you do
I'm just as scared as you
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
5、Avril Lavigne - Complicated (Tom Lord-Alge Mix).ape
uh huh, life's like this
uh huh, uh huh,
that's the way it is
cause life's like this
uh huh, uh huh
that's the way it is
chill out watcha yelling' for?
lay back it's all been done before
and if you could only let it be
you will see
i like you the way you are
when we're drivin' in your car
and you're talking to me one on one
but you've become
somebody else round everyone else
you're watching your back
like you can't relax
you're tryin' to be cool
you look like a fool to me
why you have to go and
make things so complicated?
i see the way you're
acting like you're somebody else
gets me frustrated
life's like this you
fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get
and you turn it into honesty
promise me i'm never gonna
find you fake it
you come over unannounced
dressed up like you're somethin' else
where you are ain't where it's at you see
you're making me
laugh out when you strike your pose
take off all your preppy clothes
you know you're not fooling anyone
when you've become
somebody else round everyone else
watching your back,
like you can't relax
trying to be cool you look like a fool to me
why you have to go and make things so complicated?
i see the way you're
acting like you're somebody else
gets me frustrated
life's like this you
and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get
and you turn it into
promise me i'm never gonna
find you fake it
no no no no no no
chill out watcha yelling for?
lay back, it's all been done before
and if you could only let it be
you will see
somebody else round everyone else
you're watching your back,
like you can't relax
you're trying to be cool,
you look like a fool to me
why you have to go and
make things so complicated?
i see the way you're
acting like you're somebody else
gets me frustrated
life's like this you
and you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get
and you turn it into
promise me i'm never gonna
find you fake it
why you have to go and
make things so complicated?
i see the way you're
acting like your somebody else
gets me frustrated
life's like this you
you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get
and you turn it into honesty
promise me i'm never gonna
find you fake it
6、Avril Lavigne - I Don't Give.ape
every time you go away
it actually kinda makes my day
every time you leave, you slam the door
you pick your words so carefully
you hate to think you're hurtin' me
you leave me laughing on the floor,'cuz-
i don't give it up,
i don't give a damn what you say about that
i don't give it up
i don't give a damn what you say about that
i'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
a guy who thinks he's all that
i thought we were just hangin' out (hangin' out)
so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?
you thought the way you taste would get me high-(oh)
you went to all your friends to brag (to brag)
guys are always such a drag (a drag)
don't you know the reason the reason that i kissed you was to say good-bye?
'cuz i don't give it up
i don't give a damn what you say about that
i don't give it up
i don't give a damn what you say about that
i'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
a guy who thinks he's all that
hangin', hangin' i am simply
hangin', hangin' i am simply
hangin'... so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?(why'd you kiss me)
don't you know that i-
i don't give a damn about you
i won't give it up, not for you
i don't give a damn about you
i won't give it up, not for you
i'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
a guy who thinks he's all that
i don't give it up
i don't give a damn (i don't give it up)
what you say about that (i don't give a damn)
i don't give it up (i don't give it up)
i don't give a damn ( i don't give a damn)
what you say about that (i- i- what you say)
7、Avril Lavigne - I Will Be.ape
there's nothing i could say to you
nothing i could ever do to make you see
what you mean to me
all the pain, the tears i cried
still you never said goodbye
and now i know how far you'd go
i know i let you down
but it's not like that now
this time i'll never let you go
i will be all that you want
and get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
all my life
i'll be with you forever
to get you through the day
and make everything okay
i thought that i had everything
i didn't know what life could bring
but now i see, honestly
you're the one thing i got right
the only one i let inside
now i can breathe
'cus you're here with me
and if i let you down
i'll turn it all around
'cus i will never let you go
i will be all that you want
and get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
all my life
i'll be with you forever
to get you through the day
and make everything okay
'cus without you i can't sleep
i'm not gonna ever ever let you leave
you're all i've got
you're all i want
and without you
i don't know what i'd do
i could never ever live a day without you
here with me do ya see
you're all i need
and i will be all that you want
and get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
all my life (my life)
i'll be with you forever (forever)
to get you through the day
and make everything okay (okay)
i will be (i'll be)
all that you want
and get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
all my life
i'll be with you forever
to get you through the day
and make everything okay
8、Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home.ape
nobody's home
i couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
she felt it everyday.
and i couldn't help her,
i just watched her make the same mistakes again.
what's wrong, what's wrong now?
too many, too many problems.
don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
she wants to go home, but nobody's home.
it's where she lies, broken inside.
with no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.
broken inside.
open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
you've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
be strong, be strong now.
too many, too many problems.
don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
chorusher feelings she hides.
her dreams she can't find.
she's losing her mind.
she's fallen behind.
she can't find her place.
she's losing her faith.
she's fallen from grace.
she's all over the place.
chorusshe's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
she's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah
9、Avril Lavigne - Why.ape
why, do you always do this to me?
why, couldnt you just see through me?
how come, you act like this
like you just dont care at all
do you expect me to believe i was the only one to fall?
i could feel i could feel you near me, even though youre far away
i could feel i could feel you baby, why
its not supposed to feel this way
i need you, i need you
more and more each day
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you, i need you
tell me, are you and me still together?
tell me, do you think we could last forever?
tell me, why
hey, listen to what were not saying
lets play, a different game than what were playing
try, to look at me and really see my heart
do you expect me to believe im gonna let us fall apart?
i could feel i could feel you near me, even when youre far away
i could feel i could feel you baby, why
its not supposed to feel this way
i need you, i need you
more and more each day
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you, i need you
tell me, are you and me still together?
tell me, you think we could last forever?
tell me, why
so go and think about whatever you need to think about
go ahead and dream about whatever you need to dream about
and come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel
i could feel i could feel you near me, even though youre far away
i could feel i could feel you baby, why
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you
more and more each day
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you, i need you
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you
more and more each day
its not supposed to hurt this way
i need you, i need you, i need you
tell me, are you and me still together?
tell me, do you think we could last forever?
tell me, why
10、Avril Lavigne艾薇儿 - Complicated.ape
11、Boss香水广告曲 - 印度之花.ape
12、Cascada - Miracle.ape
boy meets girl
you were my dream,my world
but i was blind
you cheated on me from behind
so, on my own, i feel so all alone
though i know, it's true,
i'm still in love with you!
i need a miracle i wanna be your girl
give me a chance to see,
that you were made for me!
i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,
one day you'll see, it can happen to me!
i need a miracle,i wanna be your girl
give me a chance to see,
that you are made for me!
i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!
one day you'll see,it can happen to me,
can happen to me!
musical break
(miracle)- echo
musical break
day and night,
i'm always by your side
cause i know, for sure,
my love is real, my feelings pure,
so take, a try, no need to ask me why!
cause i know, it's true,
i'm still in love with you!
i need a miracle, i wanna be your girl
give me a chance to see,
that you are made for me!
i need a miracle, please let me be your girl,
one day you'll see, it can happen to me!
i need a miracle, i wanna be your girl
give me a chance to see,
that you were made for me!
i need a miracle, please let me be your girl!
one day you'll see,
it can happen to me, it can happen to me!
13、Degauss - walking in the sun.APE
walking in the sun in around and around
i can believe love is in around
walking in the sun in around and around and around
walking in the sun in around sun in around and around
and the lander or chorer check to want a stair
how too fun the better place
every boys and girls are looking for a chance
and the music starts to play
oh........get to be this way
oh........you are one for me
walking in the sun in around and around
i can believe love at is around
walking in the sun in around and around and around
look at try for me
walking in the sun in around and around
walking in the sun in around and around
walking in the sun in around sun in around and around...
with two changes together body in the sex
bady you need tell know me
every boys and girls are looking for a manner
to remember everyday
oh........get to be this way
oh........you are one for me
walking in the sun in around and around
i can believe love at is around
walking in the sun in around and around and around
look at try for me
walking in the sun in around and around
i can believe love at is around
walking in the sun in around and around and around
look at try for me
walking in the sun in around and around
walking in the sun in around and around
walking in the sun in around and around
walking in the sun in around sun in around and around
14、Faith Hill - There You'll Be 有你相依.ape
when i think back on these times,
and the dreams we left behind
i'll be glad cause i was blessed to get,
to have you in my life
when i look back on these days,
i'll look and see your face
you're right there for me
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be
and everywhere i am there you'll be
well, you showed me how it feels,
to feel the sky within my reach
and i always will remember all,
the strength you gave to me
your love made me make it through, oh, i owe so much to you
you were right there for me
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be
cause i always saw in you my life, my strength
and i wanna thank you now for all the ways,
you were right there for me
you were right there for me, oh, yeah
in my dreams i'll always see you soar above the skies
in my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life
i'll keep a part of you with me,
and everywhere i am there you'll be
and everywhere i am there you'll be
there you'll be
15、Fort Minor - Remember The Name (Feat.styles Of Beyond).ape
you ready? lets go!
yeah, for those of you that want to know what we're all about
it's like this y'all c'mon
it's just ten percent luck
twenty percent skill
fifteen percent concentrated power of will
five percent pleasure
fifty percent pain
and a hundred percent reason to remember the name
he doesn't need his name up in lights
he just wants to be heard whether it's the beat or the mic
he feels so unlike everybody else, alone
in spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
but fuck em'
he knows the code
it's not about the salary
it's about reality and makin' some noise
makin' the story
makin' sure his clique stays up
that means when he puts it down tak's pickin' it up
who the hell is he anyway?
he never really talks much
never concerned with status but still leavin' them star struck
humbled through opportunities given to him despite the fact
that many misjudge him because he makes a livin' from writin raps
put it together himself, now the picture connects
never askin for someone's help, to get some respect
he's only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach
and now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist
it's just twenty percent skill
eighty percent fear
be one hundred percent clear 'cause ryu is ill
who would've thought that he'd be the one to set the west in flames
and i heard him wreckin' with the crystal method, name of the game
came back dropped megadef, took 'em to
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