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谢谢 另外。老公是败家子类型的,如果拆迁的房子仍然在他父母名下,没写到老公名下,是不是我的孩子以后还是什么都继承不到?或者我可不可以要求他父母写个什么书面的协议...
一套自建房2层3间,当时入户时有我父亲、叔叔、奶奶3人。由于某些原因分家,协议上写明奶奶和叔叔去后建的房子居住,自建房给我父亲,叔叔婶婶,我父亲母亲,4人签字同意。 3岁时父亲去世,母亲带我改嫁,户口迁出。现在我长大成人后,要把户口迁入老宅,当地相关部门不同意,理由是:我长大成人后,不接收。现在土地证写的是奶奶名字,她一个人居住。我想咨询:1.如果这个房子拆迁,在我现在不做任何事的情况下,房子有没有我的名份。2.如果房子快要拆迁,我现在能做些什么,让这...
由于姑姑对爷爷不好,爷爷去世前将房子卖给了我,现在两证上都是我的名字,请问姑姑现在还有继承权吗?如果姑姑强行要搬到房子里去又无法协商解决,我应该怎么保护自己的权益?求Beautyleg sara 全套26套图的种子, 在这里谢谢了~_百度知道
求Beautyleg sara 全套26套图的种子, 在这里谢谢了~
文章标题:Sara Stone作品QVOD快播全集番号,Sara Stone文章等级:★★★★★文章作者:BAT本站地址:文章来源:网络收集文章标签:Sara&Stone作品QVOD快播全集番号
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& 网友 (IP:222.212.23.* 河北石家庄) 说:&&&&&&& 这是哪啊?过年好像还是很热的地方。。。。& 网友 (IP:116.25.125.* 广东深圳) 说:&&&&&&& 是不是啊,我看看,分享下& 猪哥亮88 (IP:166.53.44.* 云南红河州) 说:&&&&&&& 绝版啊,顶了!& 小陶子 (IP:52.168.247.* 北京) 说:&&&&&& 太精彩了,完整的不好找啊,太好了,谢谢.我收藏了
Sara Stone,美国,日出生,身高163cm,体重52KG,三围36DD-24-34。
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简介: 因硬盘容量有限故先撤下以下资源,若无源,请在下面留言,我会及时补源代码John.Williams.-.[爱国者.-.The.Patriot].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[大地雄心.-.Far.And.Away].专辑.(APE).apeJohn.Williams.-.[断锁怒潮.-.Amistad].专辑.(APE).cueJohn.Williams.-.[哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒.-.Harry.Potter.and.The.Prisoner.of.Azkaban].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[尼克松.-.Nixon].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[情归巴黎.-Sabrina].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[天使的孩子.-.Angela's.Ashes.-.Promotional].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[天使的孩子.-.Angela's.Ashes].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[星球大战:前转I-魅影危机.-.STAR.WARS.-.Episode.I.The.Phantom.Menace.Ultimate.Edition.CD1].专.rarJohn.Williams.-.[星球大战:前转I-魅影危机.-.STAR.WARS.-.Episode.I.The.Phantom.Menace.Ultimate.Edition.CD2].专.rarJohn.Williams.-.[侏罗纪公园.-.Jurassic.Park].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[侏罗纪公园II-失落的世界.-.The.Lost.World].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[断锁怒潮.-.Amistad].专辑.(APE).apeJohn.Williams.-.[小鬼当家2:纽约迷途记.-.Home.Alone.2.Lost.in.New.York.-.The.DeLuxe.Edition.2CD].专辑.(APE).rarJohn.Williams.-.[拯救大兵瑞恩.-.Saving.Private.Ryan].专辑.(FLAC).rar作者资料: 约翰·威廉姆斯(John Williams)是美国历史上名气最大、获奖最多、商业上最为成功的作曲家之一。提起他,就很容易让人想到约翰·菲利普·苏萨、阿伦·科波兰或是列昂纳多·伯恩斯坦,因为他再次诠释了美国作曲家时代的内涵。迄今为止,约翰·威廉姆斯先后45次获奥斯卡提名,捧回5座奥斯卡奖杯,20余次黄金及白金唱片奖,2次艾美奖,4次金球奖,20次格莱美奖,6次土星奖,7项英国电影和电视艺术学院奖等,毫无疑问是全世界最受人尊重的作曲家之一。 威廉姆斯先后出任过无数国家及世界级管弦乐队的指挥,其中最著名的是年期间,担任波士顿通俗交响乐团第19任指挥,率领乐团在美国和日本等地举办过3场大规模的通俗音乐巡演。目前,威廉姆斯担任该交响乐团的名誉指挥。他还为和1996年的夏季奥运会、2002年的冬季奥运会谱写过主题曲。 威廉姆斯于日生于纽约长岛,父亲是哥伦比亚电台的一名打击乐器手,从小在音乐环境里长大。15岁那年,决心成为一名可以在音乐会上表演的钢琴家;1948年,搬迁到洛杉矶居住,成为一名年轻的钢琴家,自己组建了一个爵士乐队;19岁举办了自己原创曲子及钢琴奏鸣曲的音乐会。
青少年时代的威廉姆斯曾就读于加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校和洛杉矶城市大学,在米高梅电影公司音乐人罗伯特·万·艾普斯手下学谱曲和指挥,同时在课外向作曲家马里奥·卡斯特诺沃·特德斯科求教作曲真谛。大学毕业后,威廉姆斯在美国空军里呆了三年,负责军乐队指挥。后来又师从钢琴教师罗西娜·莱维妮,磨练表演技巧。这时候,他靠在爵士乐俱乐部打工挣学费,罗西娜鼓励他把主要精力放在作曲上面。于是,威廉姆斯重新返回洛杉矶,做好进军好莱坞的各种准备。到洛杉矶后,先是到制片公司当钢琴演奏员,为一系列电视剧配乐,并和伯纳德·赫尔曼结成了朋友。 24岁的威廉姆斯正式加盟哥伦比亚电影公司,后来到了20世纪福克斯公司,为阿尔弗雷德·纽曼、弗朗兹·瓦克斯曼等知名音乐人谱写乐曲。威廉姆斯同时也参加流行音乐的表演和筹划,这时候他向女演员兼歌手的芭芭拉·瑞克(Barbara Ruick)求婚,两人后来结了婚,直到1974年芭芭拉去世。两人生育有3个孩子:女儿现在是医生,两个儿子都是摇滚音乐人。 60年代,威廉姆斯为许多知名电视作品谱曲,他还在大剧院举办个人原创音乐会。70年代,威廉姆斯得到了一个“灾难唱片之王”的称号,相继为《海神号历险记》(The Poseidon Adventure)、《大地震》(Earthquake)和《火烧摩天楼》(The Towering Inferno)三部讲述灾难故事影片创作音乐唱片。1972年,威廉姆斯为影片《幻像》(Images)创作了一首心理乐曲,至今仍然是世界音乐史上最具创新精神的音乐作品。他为《流氓好汉》(The Reivers)(1969)谱写的主题曲,吸引了好莱坞名导史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格的注意,此后两人开始合作,实现了强强联手。斯皮尔伯格还把威廉姆斯推荐给另外一位好莱坞大导演乔治·卢卡斯。虽然好莱坞影坛风雨变幻,但威廉姆斯依然保持着旺盛的创作激情,创作了大量电影音乐。 拍摄于80年代初的科幻片《E·T》为威廉姆斯赢得第三座奥斯卡奖杯。这一时期,他重返电视界,为NBC的“晚间新闻”等创作了很多音乐作品。这一时期,他和斯皮尔伯格的合作大大减少。威廉姆斯于1980年被任命为波士顿通俗交响乐团第19任指挥,自1993年退休至今任该团名誉指挥。同时他还担任波士顿交响乐团坦格尔伍德音乐节的驻会艺术家。 进入90年代之后,打算退休的威廉姆斯作品逐渐减少,尤其是在《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)和《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler's List)这两部影片之后更是如此。短暂的休整之后,威廉姆斯耐不住内心对音乐的渴望和激情,重新回到音乐创作上来。先后为《刺杀肯尼迪》(JFK)、《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)等10多部电影创作音乐或担任音乐总监。 进入21世纪后,威廉姆斯并没有放慢事业的脚步。他继续与斯皮尔伯格和卢卡斯进行合作,作品包括《人工智能》(Artificial Intelligence: AI)、《星战前传》、《少数派报告》(Minority Report)等。威廉姆斯把更多的精力放在了音乐会方面,为迪斯尼音乐大厅创作主题曲、谱写轻歌剧等。另外,他的音乐魔力在和2004年所拍摄的《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)魔幻电影中也有明确的体现。如今,世界各地的人们都会哼唱威廉姆斯的曲子,在音乐会大厅里,在散步的小路上,音乐专辑收藏者的书架上,体育竞技场上,游行队伍中,到处都有他创作的音乐的影子。 年岁已高的威廉姆斯在05年的一阵创作高峰期后又沉寂了下来,一直没有新作的他也让更多的乐迷为他的身体感到了担忧,只是希望他在推出更多优秀作品的同时保重身体~
在电影音乐工作者中,大概很难再找到一个如同约翰威廉斯般,跨越古典与流行,电影界与音乐界的多元化作曲家,如果没有了约翰威廉斯的音乐,我们又怎能想象这世上竟然有这样一颗心,它可以容得下这两款截然不同的曲风缪斯;你或许更难想像这位鼎鼎大名的作曲家,从来都不愿读剧本,他只相信眼睛看到的,因为他独具慧眼,不但可以看到影片风情,还可以读出电影无法捕捉到的爱…… Film Scores2008年作品印第安纳发·琼斯之水晶骷髅王国 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE)专辑曲目:1. Raiders March (5:06) 2. Call of the Crystal (3:49) 3. The Adventures of Mutt (3:12) 4. Irina's Theme (2:26) 5. The Snake Pit (3:15) 6. The Spell of the Skull (4:24) 7. The Journey to Akator (3:07) 8. A Whirl Through Academe (3:34) 9. "Return" (3:12) 10. The Jungle Chase (4:23) 11. Orellana's Cradle (4:22) 12. Grave Robbers (2:29) 13. Hidden Treasure and the City of Gold (5:14) 14. Secret Doors and Scorpions (2:17) 15. Oxley's Dilemma (4:46) 16. Ants! (4:14) 17. Temple Ruins and the Secret Revealed (5:51) 18. The Departure (2:27) 19. Finale (9:20) 2005年作品慕尼黑惨案 Munich发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/munich_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Munich, ) 2. The Attack at Olympic Village (3:00) 3. Hatikvah (The Hope) (2:02)* 4. Remembering Munich (4:38) 5. Letter Bombs (2:48) 6. A Prayer for Peace (3:51) 7. Bearing the Burden (8:11) 8. Avner and Daphna (4:02) 9. The Tarmac at Munich (3:59) 10. Avner's Theme (3:07) 11. Stalking Carl (4:24) 12. Bonding (1:57) 13. Encounter in London / Bomb Malfunctions (3:37) 14. Discovering Hans (2:47) 15. The Raid in Tarifa (2:03) 16. Thoughts of Home (4:03) 17. Hiding the Family (1:25) 18. End Credits (4:06)★II.complete score 33 cues(mp3) /008__m.jpg 专辑曲目:空艺伎回忆录 Memoirs of a Geisha发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/geisha_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Sayuri's Theme (1:31) 2. The Journey to the Hanamachi (4:06) 3. Going to School (2:42) 4. Brush on Silk (2:31) 5. Chiyo's Prayer (3:36) 6. Becoming a Geisha (4:52) 7. Finding Satu (3:44) 8. The Chairman's Waltz (2:39) 9. The Rooftops of the Hanamachi (3:49) 10. The Garden Meeting (2:44) 11. Dr. Crab's Prize (2:18) 12. Destiny's Path (3:20) 13. A New Name ... A New Life (3:33) 14. The Fire Scene and the Coming of War (6:48) 15. As the Water... (2:01) 16. Confluence (3:42) 17. A Dream Discarded (2:00) 18. Sayuri's Theme and End Credits (5:06)世界大战 War of the Worlds发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/war_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Prologue* (2:52)2. The Ferry (5:49)3. Reaching the Country (3:24)4. The Intersection Scene (4:13)5. Ray and Rachel (2:41)6. Escape from the City (3:49)7. Probing the Basement (4:12)8. Refugee Status (3:50)9. The Attack on the Car (2:44)10. The Separation of the Family (2:36)11. The Confrontation with Ogilvy (4:34)12. The Return to Boston (4:29)13. Escape from the Basket (9:21)14. The Reunion* (3:16)15. Epilogue (3:11)★II.Complete Score(mp3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/wotwcs_01.jpg 专辑曲目:Disc101. Prologue (without narration)02. Aphasia - Flatline (source)03. After the Storm04. The Intersection Scene05. Ashes06. Escape from the City07. The Crash Site08. Tripod Footage09. Floating Corpses10. Refugees (sfx)11. Taking Shelter in the Diner (sfx)12. Tony Bennett - If I Ruled the World (source)13. The Sirens14. The Ferry Scene15. Falling Clothes & Running Up the Hill (sfx)16. The Separation of the Family - The Basement17. Ray Talks with Ogilvy (sfx)18. Probing the Basement, part I19. Probing the Basement, part II20. Probing the Basement, part III21. Aliens Search the Basement22. Ray Kills Ogilvy (sfx)Disc201. Caught02. Escape from the Basket03. The Return to Boston04. The Dying Alien Appears05. The Reunion - End Credits06. Prologue (with narration)07. Escape from the Basket Segment (unused)08. The Intersection Scene (album version)09. Ray and Rachel (unused)10. The Attack on the Car (unused)11. Refugee Status (unused)12. Probing the Basement Segment (unused)13. Hushabye Mountain (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) (source)14. Seperation of the Family Segment (unused)15. The Reunion (album version)16. Epilogue (album version)★星战前传3:西斯的复仇 STAR WARS - Episode III Revenge of the Sith发行日期:日I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/epi3_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Star Wars and The Revenge Of The Sith (7:31) 2. Anakin's Dream (4:46) 3. Battle Of The Heroes (3:42) 4. Anakin's Betrayal (4:04) 5. General Grievous (4:07) 6. Palpatine's Teachings (5:25) 7. Grievous and the Droids (3:28) 8. Padme's Ruminations (3:17) 9. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan (3:57) 10. Anakin's Dark Deeds (4:05) 11. Enter Lord Vader (4:14) 12. The Immolation Scene (2:42) 13. Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious (2:49) 14. The Birth Of The Twins and Padme's Destiny (3:37) 15. A New Hope and End Credits (13:06) ★II.Complete Score (with little SFX)(mp3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/epi3_cs_01.jpg 专辑曲目:Disc101. 20th Century Fox Fanfare02. Star Wars Main Title03. The Battle Over Coruscant04. The Elevator Scene05. Count Dooku's Enterance06. Grievous And The Droids07. Another Happy Landing08. Grievous Travels To Palpatine09. Scenes And Dreams10. Council Meeting11. Palpatine's TV Set12. Palpatine's Big Pitch13. Good-bye, Old Friend14. Going To Utapau15. Riding The Lizard16. Obi-Wan Fares Droids17. Drawing Swords - Good Guys Arrive18. Palpatine's Seduction19. Rolling With Grievous20. Fighting With Grievous21. Dialogue With MaceDisc201. Padmé's Ruminations02. I Am The Senate03. Palpatine Instructs Anakin04. Lament05. Bail's Escape - Swimming - Droids06. News Of The Attack07. Moving Things Along08. Anakin's Dark Deeds09. It Can't Be10. A Moody Trip11. Padmé's Visit12. Heroes Collide - Yoda Falls13. The Boys Continue14. Revenge Of The Sith (Film Version Edit)15. The Immolation Scene16. Anakin Crawling17. The Brith Of The Twins18. Death Of Padmé19. Plans For The Twins20. A Home For The Twins - End Credits2004年作品幸福终点站 The Terminal发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/terminal_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. The Tale Of Viktor Navorski (4:12)2. Dinner With Amelia (8:02)3. A Legend Is Born (3:16)4. Viktor And His Friends (4:43)5. The Fountain Scene (5:33)6. The Wedding Of Officer Torres (5:01)7. Jazz Autographs* (3:45)8. Refusing To Escape (3:01)9. Krakozhia National Anthem And Homesickness (1:49)10. Looking For Work (3:17)11. Gupta's Deliverance (3:18)12. Finding Coins And Learning To Read (4:02)13. "Destiny" ... "Canneloni" ... And The Tale Of Viktor Navorski (Reprise) (5:05)14. A Happy Navorski Ending! (2:47)哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban发行日期:日I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/harry3_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) (1:37)2. Aunt Marge's Waltz (2:15)3. The Knight Bus (2:52)4. Apparition on the Train (2:15)5. Double Trouble (1:37)6. Buckbeak's Flight (2:08)7. A Window to the Past (3:54)8. The Whomping Willow and The Snowball Fight (2:22)9. Secrets of the Castle (2:32)10. The Portrait Gallery (2:05)11. Hagrid the Professor (1:59)12. Monster Books and Boggarts! (2:26)13. Quidditch, Third Year (3:47)14. Lupin's Transformation and Chasing Scabbers (3:01)15. The Patronus Light (1:12)16. The Werewolf Scene (4:25)17. Saving Buckbeak (6:39)18. Forward to Time Past (2:33)19. The Dementors Converge (3:12)20. Finale (3:24)21. Mischief Managed! (12:15)2002年作品逍遥法外 Catch Me If You Can发行日期:日★I.Original Release(FLAC) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/catch_1.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Catch Me If You Can (2:41) 2. The "Float" (4:56) 3. "Come Fly With Me" (3:19) - Frank Sinatra4. Recollections (The Father's Theme) (5:16)5. The Airport Scene (2:26) 6. "The Girl Form Ipanema" (5:15) - Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto feat. Antonio Carlos Jobim 7. Learning the Ropes (8:44)8. Father and Son (3:15)9. "Embraceable You" (2:50) - Judy Garland 10. The Flash Comics Clue (1:47)11. Deadheading (2:25)12. "The Christmas Song" (3:10) - Nat King Cole 13. A Broken Home (4:25) 14. Doctor, Lawyer, Lutheran (3:12) 15. "The Look Of Love" (3:31) - Dusty Springfield 16. Catch Me If You Can (Reprise and End Credits) (5:14)哈利·波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/harry_secrets_01.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Prologue: Book II and The Escape from the Dursleys (3:31) 2. Fawkes the Phoenix (3:45) 3. The Chamber of Secrets (3:49) 4. Gilderoy Lockhart (2:05) 5. The Flying Car (4:08) 6. Knockturn Alley (1:47) 7. Introducing Colin (1:49) 8. The Dueling Club (4:08) 9. Dobby the House Elf (3:27) 10. The Spiders (4:32) 11. Moaning Myrtle (2:05) 12. Meeting Aragog (3:18) 13. Fawkes is Reborn (3:19) 14. Meeting Tom Riddle (3:38) 15. Cornish Pixies (2:13) 16. Polyjuice Potion (3:52) 17. Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle (3:30) 18. Dueling the Basilisk (5:02) 19. Reunion of Friends (5:08) 20. Harry's Wondrous World (5:02) 少数派报告 Minority Report发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/minority_1.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Minority Report (6:29) 2. "Can You See?" (2:12) 3. Pre-Crime to the Rescue (5:48) 4. Sean and Lara (4:46) 5. Spyders (4:33) 6. The Greenhouse Effect (5:09) 7. Eye-Dentiscan (4:48) 8. Everybody Runs (3:10) 9. Sean's Theme (1:57) 10. Anderton's Great Escape (6:47) 11. Dr. Eddie and Miss Van Eych (3:08) 12. Visions of Anne Lively (3:27) 13. Leo Crow... The Confrontation (5:55) 14. "Sean" by Agatha (4:59) 15. Psychic Truth and Finale (7:10) 16. A New Beginning (3:29) 星球大战:前转II STAR WARS - Episode II发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/aotc_1.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Star Wars Main Title and Ambush On Coruscant (3:46) 2. Across The Stars (Love Theme from Attack of the Clones) (5:33) 3. Zam the Assassin and the Chase Through Coruscant (11:07) 4. Yoda And The Younglings (3:55) 5. Departing Coruscant (1:44) 6. Anakin and Padme (3:57) 7. Jango's Escape (3:48) 8. The Meadow Picnic (4:14) 9. Bounty Hunter's Pursuit (3:23) 10. Return to Tatooine (6:57) 11. The Tusken Camp and The Homestead (5:54) 12. Love Pledge and The Arena (8:29) 13. Confrontation With Count Dooku and Finale (10:45) 14. On The Conveyor Belt (3:02)*★II.Complete Score 2 Cd - Dvd Bootleg(mp3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/aotc_rip1.jpg 专辑曲目:Disc101. Fox Fanfare02. Main Title03. Ambush On Coruscant04 The Councils Confer05. Old Friends06. Unrequited Love07. Jango And Zam08. Setting A Trap09. Zam's Probe Droid10. Zam The Assassin - The Chase Through Coruscant (Film Version)11. Zam The Assassin And The Chase Through Coruscant12. The Greatest Of All Jedi13. Growing Up (New)14. Growing Up15. Departing Coruscant16. Dex's Diner17. The Jedi Archives18. Forbidden Love & Yoda And The Younglings19. Entering Theed And Royal Counsel20. Arrival At Kamino (New)21. Arrival At Kamino22. Audience With Taun We23. Padmé's Island Retreat24. Clone Army Revealed25. The Meadow Picnic26. Kamino Storm (New)27. Kamino Storm28. An Interview With Jango29. Anakin And Padmé30. Dark Mysteries (New)31. Dark Mysteries32. Anakin's Resolution33. Jango's Escape - Return To Tatooine34. A Visit With Watto35. Bounty Hunter's Pursuit36. Secret Landing37. The Lars Homestead - The Search MontageDisc201. Spying On The Separatists02. The Tusken Camp - The Homestead03. The Dark Side Takes Root04. Shmi's Funeral - Crisis On Geonosis05. Emergency Powers06. Count Dooku's Offer07. Count Dooku's Offer (New)08. New Authority09. Going To Rescue Obi-Wan10. Going To Rescue Obi-Wan (New)11. The Droids Follow12. On The Conveyor Belt13. Captured14. Love Pledge - The Arena15. This Party's Over - Jedi Rescues - Impossibly Outnumbered - Battle Droid Advance (New)16. Jedi Vs Droid - Stolen Chariot - The Battle Continues (New)17. Count Dooku And Bob React - C3P0 Down - Agressive Negociations - The Acklay (New)18. This Is Such A Drag! - Surrounded (New)19. Imminent Execution - Send In The Clones - A Most Peculiar Dream (New)20. Boba Mourns (New)21. Republic Gunships - Spider Walkers - Attack Those Fede Battleships - Reporting To Yoda (New)22. The Ultimate Weapon (New)23. Wheel Tank (New)24. The Battle Of Geonosis25. Going After Dooku26. Confrontation With Count Dooku27. Yoda Strikes Back28. The Conspirators Escape (New)29. Lord Tyranus Returns - Finale30. Lord Tyrannus Returns - Finale (Edited)31. End Titles2001年作品哈利·波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/harry1.jpg 专辑曲目:1. Prologue (2:31)2. Harry's Wondrous World (5:21)3. The Arrival of Baby Harry (4:26)4. Visit to the Zoo and Letters from Hogwarts (3:23)5. Diagon Alley and The Gringotts Vault (4:07)6. Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters and The Journey to Hogwarts (3:15)7. Entry Into The Great Hall and The Banquet (3:46)8. Mr. Longbottom Flies (3:36)9. Hogwarts Forever! and The Moving Stairs (3:47)10. The Norwegian Ridgeback and A Change of Season (2:48)11. The Quidditch Match (8:29)12. Christmas at Hogwarts (2:57)13. The Invisibility Cloak and The Library Scene (3:16)14. Fluffy's Harp (2:39)15. In the Devil's Snare and The Flying Keys (2:21)16. The Chess Game (3:49)17. The Face of Voldemort (6:11)18. Leaving Hogwarts (2:14)19. Hedwig's Theme (5:10)★II.Expanded Score 36 cues(mp3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/harry1_exp_1.jpg 曲目列表Disc101. Opening Logo & The Arrival Of Baby Harry01. The Philosopher's Stone02. The Norwegian Ridgeback02. Visit To The ZOO03. 'Who'd Be Writting To You'03. Dark Forest04. Fluffy's Harp04. Owls And Letters05. Diagon Alley05. In The Devil's Snare06. Diagon Alley (alternate version)06. The Flying Keys07. Chess Game07. The Gringotts Bank & Vault08. Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters08. The Face Of Voldemort09. Chocolate Frog09. There Are Ways & The Power Of Love10. Leaving Hogwarts10. The Journey To Hogwarts11. End Credits (film version)11. The Sorting12. Prologue (album edit)12. The Banquet13. Harry's Wondrous World (album edit)13. Mr. Longbottom Flies14. Harry vs. Malfoy14. Hedwig's Theme (album edit)15. Hedwig's Theme (alternate version)15. Hogwarts Forever! (unused)16. The Moving Stairs17. Nimbus 2000 & The Quidditch Match18. 'Who's Nicholas Flamel' & Christmas Tree19. Chistmas at Hogwart20. Invisible Cloak & Mirror Of Erised21. A Change Of SesonsDisc201. The Philosopher's Stone02. The Norwegian Ridgeback03. Dark Forest04. Fluffy's Harp05. In The Devil's Snare06. The Flying Keys07. Chess Game08. The Face Of Voldemort09. There Are Ways & The Power Of Love10. Leaving Hogwarts11. End Credits (film version)12. Prologue (album edit)13. Harry's Wondrous World (album edit)14. Hedwig's Theme (album edit)15. Hedwig's Theme (alternate version)人工智能 Artificial Intelligence发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/ai.jpg 曲目列表1. The Mecha World (6:23) 2. Abandoned In The Woods (3:07) 3. Replicas (5:58) 4. Hide And Seek (3:08) 5. For Always+ (4:42) Performed by Lara Fabian 6. Cybertronics (3:30) 7. The Moon Rising (4:26) 8. Stored Memories And Monica's Theme* (10:56) 9. Where Dreams Are Born* (4:23) 10. Rouge City (4:56) 11. The Search For The Blue Fairy* (6:52) 12. The Reunion (7:45) 13. For Always+ (4:41)★II.Complete score 55 cues(mp3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/ai_kyer.jpg 曲目列表Disc 101) Cybertronics - (3:28) 02) The Arrival of David - (2:42) 03) A Few Simple Procedures - (2:37) 04) Hide and Seek - (3:23) 05) Imprinting Protocol - (3:59) 06) A New Life - Teddy, The Super-Toy - (4:10) 07) Martin Returns - (2:01) 08) A Bird - (2:14) 09) Bedtime Stories - (1:31) 10) The Dinner - (0:58) 11) The Haircut - (3:45) 12) The Pool - (1:39) 13) A Hard Decision - (3:26) 14) I Have to Leave you Here - (1:51) 15) Abandoned in the Woods (Film) - (2:00) 16) The Moon Rising - (3:25) 17) Shake Down, Shabby Town - (0:49) 18) Capturing Meca - (1:41) 19) Pictures of David - (2:17) 20) Joe's Expertise - (0:43) 21) All Roads Lead to Rouge - (0:23) 22) To Rouge City - (3:30) 23) Rouge City (Source) - (1:45) 24) Dr Know (Source) - (1:45) 25) Come Away of Human Child (Unused) - (1:27) 26) They Hate Us - (2:06) Disc 2(58:47) 01) This is Not A Toy - (0:31) 02) Man-Hatten - (5:14) 03) Lets Be Friends - (6:28) 04) Replicas - (5:56) 05) Search for the Blue Fairy (Album) - (6:12) 06) City Under Ice (Film) - (4:35)07) Stored Memories (Partial Alternate) - (4:35) 08) The Blue Fairy (Film Alternate) - (7:07) 09) David and the Supermeca - (3:59) 10) The Reunion (Film) - (7:46) 11) End Credits - (4:23) 12) For Always (Solo) - (4:44) Disc 3 (68:27)01) AI Trailer Music - (1:41) 02) For Always (Live) - (5:48) 03) Sleeping Beauty Waltz (Source) - (3:54) 04) Martin Returns (Alternate) - (1:27) 05) Abandoned in the Woods (Album) - (3:07) 06) I Only Have Eyes For You (Joe Source) - (1:36) 07) City Music (Source) - (1:29) 08) Guys and Dolls (Joe Source) - (2:54) 09) What About Us? (Source) - (5:52) 10) Cheeck to Cheek (Joe Source) - (3:05) 11) Der Rosenkavalier I - Con motto aditato - (6:46)12) Der Rosenkavalier II - Tampo di Valse - (5:23)13) Der Rosenkavalier III - Sempre pui lento - (5:33)14) Der Rosenkavalier IV - Quick Waltz - (2:19)15) Search for the Blue Fairy (Film) - (5:44) 16) The Reunion (Alternate) - (7:00) 17) For Always (Duet) - (4:36)爱国者 The Patriot发行日期:日★I.Original Release (CD)(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/patriot.gif 曲目列表1. The Patriot (6:42) 2. The Family Farm (3:04) 3. To Charleston (2:16) 4. The Colonial Cause (3:16) 5. Redcoats at the Farm and The Death of Thomas (5:00) 6. Ann Recruits the Parishoners (3:09) 7. Preparing for Battle (5:50) 8. Ann & Gabriel (4:35) 9. The First Ambush and Remembering the Wilderness (4:00) 10. Tavington's Trap (4:10) 11. The Burning of the Plantation (4:56) 12. Facing the British Lines (3:05) 13. The Parish Church Aflame (3:05) 14. Susan Speaks (3:17) 15. Martin vs. Tavington (3:07) 16. Yorktown & the Return Home (5:20) 17. The Patriot (Reprise) (7:39) 1999年作品天使的孩子 Angela's Ashes发行日期:日★I.Decca Release without narration(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/angela_nn.jpg 曲目列表1. Theme from Angela's Ashes (6:18)2. My Story (2:19)3. Angela's Prayer (4:47)4. My Dad's Stories (1:55)5. Lord, Why Do You Want The Wee Children? (4:03)6. Plenty of Fish and Chips in Heaven (3:41)7. The Dipsy Doodle - Performed by Nat Gonella & His Georgians (1:30)8. The Lanes of Limerick (3:37)9. Looking for Work (3:31)10. Pennies from Heaven - Performed by Billie Holiday (2:11) 11. My Mother Begging (3:46)12. If I Were in America (2:34)13. Delivering Telegrams (2:23)14. I Think of Theresa (1:50)15. Angels Never Cough (2:38)16. Watching the Eclipse (3:00)17. Back to America (2:38)18. Angela's Ashes Reprise (6:16)星球大战:前传I-魅影危机 STAR WARS - Episode I The Phantom Menace发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/episode1.gif 曲目列表1. Star Wars Main Title and The Arrival at Naboo (2:55)2. Duel of the Fates (4:14)3. Anakin's Theme (3:09)4. Jar Jar's Introduction and The Swim to Otoh Gunga (5:07)5. The Sith Spacecraft and The Droid Battle (2:37)6. The Trip to the Naboo Temple and The Audience with Boss Nass (4:07)7. The Arrival at Tatooine and The Flag Parade (4:04)8. He Is the Chosen One (3:53)9. Anakin Defeats Sebulba (4:24)10. Passage Through the Planet Core (4:48)11. Watto's Deal and Kids at Play (4:57)12. Panaka and the Queen's Protectors (3:24)13. Queen Amidala and The Naboo Palace (4:51)14. The Droid Invasion and The Appearance of Darth Maul (5:14)15. Qui-Gon's Noble End (3:48)16. The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral (3:09)17. Augie's Municipal Band and End Credits (9:37)星球大战:前传I-魅影危机 STAR WARS - Episode I The Phantom Menace Ultimate Edition发行日期:日★II.The Ultimate Edition 2 CD(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/episode1ue.jpg 曲目列表Disc 1 (57:27)01. Fox Fanfare (0:23)Treachery Within the Federation - The Invasion of Naboo 02. Star Wars Main Title (1:24)03. Boarding the Federation Battleship (2:31)04. Death Warrant for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (1:19)05. Fighting the Destroyer Droids (1:45)06. Queen Amidala Warns the Federation (2:23)07. The Droid Invasion (1:01)Underwater Adventure 08. Swimming to Otoh Gunga (0:57)09. Inside the Bubble City (3:05)10. Attack of the Giant Fish (1:38)Darth Sidious and the Passage Through the Planet Core 11. Darth Sidious (1:05)On to Naboo and the Rescue of the Queen12. The Giant Squid and the Attack on Theed (1:18)13. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Rescue the Queen (2:09)14. Fighting the Guards (1:43)15. Escape from Naboo (2:04)16. Enter Darth Maul (1:08)Destination Tatooine, Home of Anakin Skywalker 17. Arrival at Tatooine (2:28)18. Street Band of Mos Espa (1:17)19. Padmé Meets Anakin (1:12)20. Desert Winds (1:28)21. Jar Jar's Run-In with Sebulba (1:18)22. Anakin's Home and the Introduction to Threepio (2:42)The Dark Forces Plot 23. Darth Sidious and Darth Maul (1:12)Qui-Gon Bets on Anakin 24. Talk of Podracing (3:00)Anakin Closes In On His Destiny 25. Watto's Deal / Shmi and Qui-Gon Talk (2:24)26. Anakin, Podracer Mechanic (1:38)27. The Racer Roars to Life / Anakin's Midi-Chlorian Count (1:24)28. Darth Maul and the Sith Spacecraft (1:00)29. Mos Espa Arena Band (0:53)30. Watto's Roll of the Die (1:59)31. The Flag Parade (1:14)32. Sebulba's Dirty Hand / Qui-Gon's Pep Talk (1:38)Anakin's Victory 33. Anakin Defeats Sebulba (2:18)The Cheering Crowd 34. Hail to the Winner, Anakin Skywalker (1:14)Mos Espa Folk Song 35. The Street Singer (1:14)Disc 2(67:04)To Coruscant and to Palpatine and the Senate 01. Anakin is Free (5:04)02. Qui-Gon and Darth Maul Meet (1:48)03. Anakin and Group to Coruscant (4:11)Palpatine's Treachery 04. The Queen and Palpatine (0:43)Qui-Gon Goes Before Yoda 05. High Council Meeting (2:36)War Clouds and an Alliance with Boss Nass and the Gungans 06. The Senate (1:12)07. Anakin's Test (3:42)08. Qui-Gon's Mission / Obi-Wan's Warning (3:48)09. Nute and Rune Confer with Darth Sidious (0:29)10. The Queen and Group Land on Naboo (2:20)11. Jar Jar Leads Group to the Gungans (2:26)12. War Plans (2:31)Prelude to War 13. Darth Sidious Receives News of the Gungan Army (0:25)14. The Gungans March (0:57)The Great Battle Begins 15. The Queen and Her Group Sneak Back to the Palace (0:19)16. The Battle Begins (0:24)17. The Republic Pilots Take Off Into Space (1:26)The Battle Continues 18. Activate the Droids (0:44)19. The Gungans Fight Back (0:24)20. The Duel Begins (0:51)21. Anakin Takes Off In Spaceship (0:48)22. The Duel Continues (1:00)23. The Battle Rages On (1:59)24. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul Continue Battle (1:22)The War At Its Darkest 25. Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, and the Invisible Wall (0:14)26. The Gungans Retreat and the Queen Surrenders (2:18)27. The Death of Qui-Gon and the Surrender of the Gungans (2:29)Good Triumphs Over Evil 28. The Tide Turns / The Death of Darth Maul (3:24)The Wrap-Up 29. The Queen Confronts Nute and Rune (1:48)30. The Funeral of Qui-Gon (1:18)Victory Parade 31. The Parade (1:24)Titles 32. End Credits (8:15)33. Duel of the Fates (Dialogue Version) (4:21)1998年作品拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan发行日期:日★I. Original Release(FLAC) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/ryan.gif 曲目列表1. Hymn to the Fallen (6:10) 2. Revisiting Normandy (4:06) 3. Omaha Beach (9:15) 4. Finding Private Ryan (4:37) 5. Approaching The Enemy (4:31) 6. Defense Preparations (5:54) 7. Wade’s Death (4:30) 8. High School Teacher (11:03) 9. The Last Battle (7:57) 10. Hymn to the Fallen (Reprise) (6:10)1997年作品断锁怒潮 Amistad发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/amistad.gif 曲目列表1. Dry Your Tears, Afrika* (4:18) 2. Sierra Leone, 1839 and The Capture Of Cinque* (3:39) 3. Crossing the Atlantic* (3:21) 4. Cinque's Theme (4:12) 5. Cinque's Memories Of Home (2:35) 6. Middle Passage (5:18) 7. The Long Road To Justice (3:16) 8. July 4, ) 9. Mr. Adams Takes The Case (7:15) 10. La Amistad Remembered (5:08) 11. The Liberation Of Lomboko (4:09) 12. Adams' Summation (2:55) 13. Going Home* (2:02) 14. Dry Your Tears, Afrika (Reprise)* (3:37) * Mezzo Soprano: Pamella Dillard Cello Solos by Yo-Yo Ma侏罗纪公园II:失落的世界 Jurassic ParkII:The Lost World发行日期:日★I.Original Release(APE)曲目列表:1. The Lost World (3:33) 2. The Island Prologue (5:03) 3. Malcolm's Journey (5:44) 4. The Hunt (3:30) 5. The Trek (5:23) 6. Finding Camp Jurassic (3:03) 7. Rescuing Sarah (4:01) 8. Hammond's Plan (4:30) 9. The Raptors Appear (3:43) 10. The Compys Dine (5:07) 11. The Stegosaurus (5:20) 12. Ludlow's Demise (4:27) 13. Visitor in San Diego (7:37) 14. Finale and Jurassic Park Theme (7:54) 侏罗纪公园II:失落的世界 Jurassic ParkII:The Lost World发行日期:日★II.The Complete Score&Film Edit(MP3) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/lostworld_kyer.jpg 曲目列表:The Lost World (complete bootleg 2cd)Disc 101 Universal Logo02 Island Prologue03 Exploring the Beach04 Lost World Found05 Hammonds Plan06 Malcolms Journey07 The Stegosaurs08 Cant Not Touch09 Protecting Their Baby10 Stowaway Revealed11 Team B Arrives12 The Hunt (Unused)13 The Fallen.mp314 Team B Basecamp15 Rampage (Unused)16 The Baby Rex17 Someplace High18 Saving Sarah19 Eddie Delivers20 Attack on the Trailer (Fin)21 Velociraptors22 The Trek (Unused)23 The Compys Appear24 Deiters Demise25 Surrounded26 Compys Dine27 What They Didnt Like (Film)28 Crashing The Sleepover (Film)29 Don't Move30 The Long Grass31 Finding Camp JurassicDisc 201 The Raptors Appear02 Raptor Attack I03 Raptor Attack II04 Raptor Attack III (Partial)05 Saved06 Company of Death07 S S Venture08 The King Arrives09 Secure Facility10 Benjamins Nightlight11 Taking the Kid12 Follow the Screams13 Ludlows Demise14 Finale15 Theme From Jurassic Park16 End Credits17 Theme From The Lost World (Album)18 The Hunt (Percussion)19 The Lost World Teaser Trailer20 The Lost World Trailer21 Beethoven Pathetique (Source)22 Mozart Sonata in A minor (source)23 Compsognathus (SFX)24 Stegosaurus (SFX)25 Parasaurolophus (SFX)26 Pachysepholosaurus (SFX)27 Gallimimus (SFX)28 Triceratops (SFX)29 Tyrannosaurs Rex (SFX)30 Velociraptor (SFX)31 What They Didn't Like (Alternate)32 Crashing the Sleepover (Alternate)33 Theme from The Lost World (Alternate Orchestration)The Lost World (complete film edit 2cd)Disc 1 (64:58)01) Universal Logo — 0:2402) Island Prologue and Lost World Found — 3:2903) Hammond’s Plan — 2:0904) The Mission Begins — 3:2905) The Stegosaurus — 2:1706) Protecting Their Babies — 2:2607) Stowaway Revealed — 1:0008) Team B Arrives — 5:0409) The Fallen — 1:0310) Rampage — 3:4011) Someplace High — 1:0512) The Trailer Scene — 9:0913) Movable Feast — 3:3814) The Compies Appear — 0:4115) Surrounded — 1:3516) What they Didn’t Like — 3:4817) Don’t Move — 4:3818) The Long Grass — 4:5419) Raptors Appear — 3:2720) Raptor Attack I — 1:2021) Raptor Attack II — 0:5922) Raptor Attack III — 1:1123) Saved — 0:1924) S. S.Venture — 3:03Disc 2 (78:03)01) The King Arrives — 2:1802) Taking the Kid — 3:0503) Unlucky Bastard - Jumping Ship — 3:4604) Ludlows Demise — 1:4205) The End Credits — 9:3106) Theme from The Lost World — 3:3307) Team B Arrives (IOA) — 2:1508) The Hunt (Unused Alternate - IOA) —2:1509) The Hunt (Unused) — 3:3010) The Hunt (Percussion - IOA) — 2:5311) Team B Basecamp (IOA) — 4:13 12) Eddie Delivers (IOA) — 2:1313) The Trek (Album Alternate) — 5:2314) The Compies Dine (Album) — 5:0715) Saved (Alternate) — 2:1016) S. S. Venture Arrives (IOA) — 2:0217) Visitor in San Diego (Album) — 7:3718) Ludlows Demise (Alternate) — 2:5219) Finale and End Credits (Album) — 7:5420) Theme from The Lost World (Alt Intro) — 3:301996年作品沉睡者 Sleepers发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/sleepers.gif 曲目列表:1. Sleepers at Wilkinson2. Hell's Kitchen 3. The Football Game 4. Saying the Rosary 5. The Trip to Wilkinson6. Time in Solitary 7. Revenge 8. Michael's Witness 9. Learning the Hard Way10. Last Night at Wilkinson 11. Father Bobby's Decision 12. Reliving the Past 13. Reunion and Finale1995年作品尼克松 Nixon发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) 曲目列表:1. The 1960's: The Turbulent Years (5:02) 2. Main Title... The White House Gate (4:15) 3. Growing Up In Whittier (2:41) 4. The Ellsberg Break-In and Watergate (2:41) 5. Love Field: Dallas, November ) 6. Losing A Brother (3:15) 7. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic (1:02) Written by William Steffe and Julia Ward Howe 8. Making A Comeback (2:19) 9. Track 2 and The Bay Of Pigs (4:43) 10. The Miami Convention, ) 11. The Meeting With Mao (3:07) 12. "I Am That Sacrifice" (4:48) 13. The Farewell Scene (5:01) 情归巴黎 Sabrina发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE)曲目列表:1. Theme From Sabrina (4:30) 2. Moonlight (5:20) Written by John Williams and Alan & Marylin Bergman, Performed By Sting 3. Linus' New Life (2:45) 4. Growing Up In Paris (3:02) 5. (In The) Moonlight (2:59) 6. Sabrina Remembers/La Vie En Rose (1:42) 7. Sabrina Comes Home (4:14) 8. Nantucket Visit (2:31) 9. The Party Sequence (10:53) When Joanna Loved Me/The Shadow Of Your Smile/Call Me Irresponsible/Stella By Stairlight 10. Sabrina and Linus Date (2:40) 11. How Can I Remember? (2:50) Written by John Williams and Alan & Marylin Bergman, Performed By Michael Dees 12. Sabrina's Return To Paris (2:22) 13. Theme From Sabrina- Reprise (5:23) 1993年作品辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List发行日期:日I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/schindler.gif 曲目列表:01 theme from schindler's list 02 jewish town 03 immolation 04 remembrances 05 schinder's workforce 06 oyf'n prippetshok and nachtaktion 07 I could have done more 08 auschwitz 09 stolen memories 10 making the list 11 give me your names 12 yeroushalaim chel zanav 13 remembrances 14 theme from schinder's list reper 侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/jurassic.gif 曲目列表:1. Opening Titles (0:33) 2. Theme From Jurassic Park (3:27) 3. Incident At Isla Nublar (5:20) 4. Journey To The Island (8:51) 5. The Raptor Attack (2:49) 6. Hatching Baby Raptor (3:21) 7. Welcome To Jurassic Park (7:55) 8. My Friend, The Brachiosaurus (4:16) 9. Dennis Steals The Embryo (4:56) 10. A Tree For My Bed (2:12) 11. High-Wire Stunts (4:08) 12. Remembering Petticoat Lane (2:48) 13. Jurassic Park Gate (2:04) 14. Eye To Eye (6:32) 15. T-Rex Rescue and Finale (7:40) 16. End Credits (3:25)发行日期:2000年★II. Complete 3CD(MP3)专辑介绍:侏罗纪公公园3CD版本曲目列表:Disk 1 (1:13:56)Film Edit01) Opening Titles ?0:3002) Incident at Isla Nublar ?2:2103) Mining for Bones & Amber ?1:1204) Hammonds Proposition ?0:4605) Que Milagros Chaparrita ?2:0406) Journey to the Island ?8:5707) Mr. DNA ?2:3208) Hatching Baby Raptors ?2:0009) You抳e Bred Raptors ?0:3110) Timmy & Lex ?1:2911) Jurassic Park Gate ?2:0312) Sick Triceratops ?1:5713) Storm Clouds ?1:1914) Dennis Steals the Embryos ?4:5815) Bring Back my Grandchildren ?1:1016) Between a Truck and a Long Fall ?1:0217) Finding Dr. Malcolm (Intro to? ?2:0018) The Great T-Rex Chase ?1:1119) A Tree For my Bed ?2:1220) Remembering Petticoat Lane - My Friend the Brachiosaurus ?4:2721) Broken Eggshells ?1:2022) System Ready ?0:4323) To the Shed ?4:0924) High Wire Stunts ?3:0525) Raptors in the Shed ?0:5726) Clever Girl ?1:0827) Raptors in the Kitchen ?2:0028) Frozen Raptor - Control Room ?4:1129) T-Rex Rescue and Finale ?3:3030) Looking Back and End Credits ?7:57Disk 2 (39:25)01) Jurassic Park Theme (Concert Version) ?5:2802) Jurassic Park Teaser Trailer ?1:3503) Jurassic Park Trailer Music I ?2:4104) Jurassic Park Trailer Music II ?1:14?SFX Library ?05) Brachiosaurus (SFX) ?1:4506) Parasaurolophus (SFX) ?0:1407) Velociraptors (SFX) ?2:2008) Triceratops (SFX) ?0:1409) Dilophosaurs (SFX) ?0:5210) Gallimimus (SFX) ?0:3911) Tyrannosaurs Rex (SFX) ?2:3212) Jurassic Park Theme (John Williams 40 Years) ?6:0513) My Friend the Brachiosaurus (Concert Version) ?4:3914) Burn it All -Hans Zimmer (Backdraft) ?5:!615) Jurassic Park Overture (Hollywood Fantasy) ?5:4916) Jurassic Park: The Ride ?2:3817) Jurassic Ambiance I ?0:4018) Jurassic Ambiance II ?0:2019) Jurassic Ambiance III ?0:5220) The Dinosaurs (Alternate) ?3:30 Disk 3 (1:17:31)01) Opening Titles (1m1a) ?0:3702) The Island Incident (1m1b) ?2:2103) The Encased Mosquito (1m2) ?1:1204) The Entrance of Mr. Hammond (2m1) ?1:0005) To the Island (2m3) ?3:1706) Intro To (3m1) ?1:2107) The Dinosaurs (3m2) ?3:1308) The Entrance to the Park (3m2a) ?1:2009) Cartoon Display (3m3) ?2:3210) Hatching Baby Raptors (4m1) ?2:0011) You抳e Bred Raptors (4m2) ?0:3112) The History Lesson (5m1) ?1:2913) Jurassic Park Gate (5m2) ?2:0314) Goat Bait (5m3) ?2:2215) An Ailing Monster (6m1) ?2:3416) The Storm is Coming (6m2) ?1:1917) Dennis Steals the Embryos (7m1) ?4:5818) The Trouble with Dennis (8m1) ?1:1019) The Falling Car (9m1) ?3:0620) The T-rex Chase (9m2) ?1:3421) A Tree for my Bed (9m3a) ?2:!222) Remembering Petticoat Lane (10m1) ?2:4823) My Friend the Brachiosaurus (10m2) ?1:4824) Eggs in the Forest (10m3) ?1:2225) System Ready (11m1) ?0:4326) Preparing to Meet the Monster (11m2) ?4:1127) High Wire Stunts (11m3 - 12m1) ?2:4928) Hungry Raptor (12m2) ?4:1129) Into the Kitchen (12m3-13m1) ?2:4930) March Past the Kitchen Utensils (13m2) ?4:1131) T-rex to the Rescue (13m1 - 14m1) ?3:3032) End Credits Part I (14m2) ?4:3233) End Credits Part II (14m2) ?3:241992年作品大地雄心 Far And Away发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/far.jpg 曲目列表:1. County Galway, June ) 2. The Fighting Donellys (2:18) 3. Joe Sr.'s Passing/The Duel Scene (4:41) 4. Leaving Home (1:55) 5. Burning the Manor House (2:43) 6. Blowing Off Steam (1:31) 7. Fighting for Dough (2:02) 8. Am I Beautiful? (3:38) 9. The Big Match (5:56) 10. Inside the Mansion (4:24) 11. Shannon is Shot (4:06) 12. Joseph's Dream (3:08) 13. The Reunion (3:50) 14. Oklahoma Territory (2:12) 15. The Land Race (4:56) 16. Settling with Steven/The Race to the River (4:08) 17. Joseph and Shannon (3:14) 18. Book of Days (2:53) Composed and Performed by Enya 19. End Credits (6:35)小鬼当家2:纽约迷途记 Home Alone 2:Lost in New York发行日期:日★I. The DeLuxe Edition(APE)曲目列表:Disc 1 (46:40)1. Home Alone (Main Title) (2:07) 2. This Year’s Wish* (1:47)3. We Overslept Again / Holiday Flight** (3:19)4. Separate Vacations* (1:58) 5. Arrival in New York** (2:59)6. The Thieves Return (3:28) 7. Plaza Hotel** (3:04) 8. Concierge** (1:31)9. Distant Goodnights (Christmas Star) (2:05)(Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse) 10. A Day in the City* (:59) 11. Duncan’s Toy Store** (2:41)12. Turtle Doves* (1:29) 13. To the Plaza, Presto** (3:27)14. Race to the Room/Hot Pursuit** (4:08) 15. Haunted Brownstone (3:02)16. Appearance of the Pigeon Lady (3:21) 17. Christmas at Carnegie Hall (5:15)(O Come, All Ye Faithful/O Little Town of Bethlehem/Silent Night) Disc 2 (53:09)1. Christmas Star - Preparing the Trap (4:22)(Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse)2. Another Christmas in the Trenches** (2:33)3. Running Through Town (1:16) 4. Luring the Thieves* (4:02)5. Kevin’s Booby Traps** (7:23) 6. Down the Rope/Into the Park (5:06) 7. Reunion at Rockefeller Center/It’s Christmas** (5:21) 8. Finale** (2:00) 9. We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Traditional) andMerry Christmas, Merry Christmas (Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse) (2:51)10. End Title* (1:32) Bonus Tracks: 11. Holiday Flight* (alternate) (2:32)12. Suite from “Angels with Filthy Souls II”* (:56)Christmas Carols and Songs: 13. Somewhere in My Memory (Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse) (3:57) 14. Star of Bethlehem (Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse) (3:32)15. Christmas Star (Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse) (3:23)16. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas** (orchestra) (2:23)*Previously unreleased **Contains previously unreleased material1991年作品刺杀肯尼迪 JFK发行日期:日★I. Original Release (APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/jfk.jpg 曲目列表:1. Prologue * (4:00) 2. The Motorcade * (5:14) 3. Drummer's Salute (2:55) Performed by The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards4. Theme from JFK * (2:23) 5. Eternal Father, Strong to Save (For Those in Peril on the Sea) (1:19) Music Conducted and Produced by John Williams6. Garisson's Obsession * (2:33) 7. On the Sunny Side of the Street (4:23) Performed by Sidney Bechet8. The Conspirators * (4:04) 9. The Death of David Ferrie * (2:47) 10. Maybe September (4:03) Performed by Tony Bennett11. Garrison Family Theme * (2:14) 12. Ode to Buckwheat (3:54) Performed by Brent Lewis13. El Watusi (2:41) Performed by Ray Barretto14. The Witnesses * (2:46) 15. Concerto #2 for Horn and Orchestra, K. 417:1 Allegro Maestoso (6:29) Performed by Dale Clevenger, Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Janos Rolla, Leader16. Arlington * (6:29) 17. Finale * (3:14) 18. Theme from JFK (Reprise) * (2:23) 虎克船长 Hook发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/hook.jpg 曲目列表:1. Prologue (1:30) 2. We Don't Want to Grow Up (1:50) 3. Banning Back Home (2:22) 4. Granny Wendy (2:57) 5. Hook-Napped (3:56) 6. The Arrival of Tink and the Flight to Neverland (5:55) 7. Presenting the Hook (2:58) 8. From Mermaids to Lost Boys (4:24) 9. The Lost Boy Chase (3:31) 10. Smee's Plan (1:44) 11. The Banquet (3:07) 12. The Never-Feast (4:39) 13. Remembering Childhood (11:02) 14. You are the Pan (3:59) 15. When You're Alone (3:13) 16. The Ultimate War (7:53) 17. Farewell Neverland (10:16) Lyrics by Leslie BricusseAcademy Award Nomination for Best Song: When You're Alone发行日期:日★II. Concorde Edition(APE)曲目列表:Disc 11. Prologue 2. Banning Back Home 3. Granny Wendy 4. The Nursery 5.Wendy Tells Bedroom Storise6.The Watch7.The Dog Barks Hook8.HookNapped 9.The Police Leave10.Wendy Tells Peter The Truth11.Tinkerbell Arrives - Flight To Neverland12.Presenting The Hook13.Pirates!14.Peter Falls Hook's Test15.Mermaids16.Home To The Lost Boys17.The Lost Boy Chase18.You Are Peter19.Hook's Blues20.Smee's Plan21.Pan Is Challenged22.Hook Gives The Children Lessons23.The Banquet24.The Never-Feast25.Hook's MadnessDisc 21.Remembering Childhood - You Are The Pan2.Tinkerbell Big! - Final Battle3.Death Of The Lost boy - Death Of The Lost Boy4.Return Home And Finale - End Credits5.Exit Music (Cut From the Film)6.Wendy Tells Peter The Truth - Wendy Tells Peter The Truth7.Tinkerbell Arrives - Flight To Neverland (Unused Version)8.Tinkerbell Arrives - Flight To Neverland (Second Unused Version)9.The Never - Feast (Second Unused Long Version)10.The Never - Feast (Final Film Version)1990年作品小鬼当家 Home Alone发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/home.jpg 曲目列表:1. Home Alone Main Title ("Somewhere In My Memory") (4:53) Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse2. Holiday Flight (0:59) 3. The House (2:27) 4. Star Of Bethlehem (2:51) 5. Man Of The House (4:33) 6. White Christmas (2:40) Performed by The Drifters7. Scammed By A Kindergartner (3:55) 8. Please Come Home For Christmas (2:41) Performed by Southside Johnny Lyon9. Follow That Kid! (2:03) 10. Making The Plane (0:52) 11. O Holy Night (2:48) 12. Carol Of The Bells (1:25) 13. Star Of Bethlehem (2:59) Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse 14. Setting The Trap (2:16) 15. Somewhere In My Memory (1:04) 16. The Attack On The House (6:53) 17. Mom Returns And Finale (4:19) 18. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (3:05) Performed by Mel Torme19. We Wish You A Merry Christmas/End Title (4:15) Academy Award Nomination for Best Original ScoreAcademy Award Nomination for Best Song: Somewhere In My Memory1989年作品直到永远 Always发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/alwayscd.jpg 曲目列表:1. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (2:51) Perfomed by J.D. Souter 2. Boomerang Love (5:19) Perfomed by Jimmy Buffett 3. Cowboy Man (2:51) Perfomed by Lyle Lovett 4. Give Me Your Heart (3:54) Perfomed by Denete Hoover and Sherwood Ball 5. A Fool In Love (4:09) Perfomed by Michael Smotherman 6. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (2:38) Perfomed by The Platters 7. Among the Clouds* (8:34) 8. Follow Me* (1:14) 9. Pete in Heaven* (6:41) 10. Saying Goodbye* (3:13) 11. Pete and Dorinda* (3:18) 12. The Return* (2:29) 13. The Rescue Operation* (5:14) 14. Seeing Dorinda* (3:33) 15. Intimate Conversation* (1:26) 16. Promise to Hap* (2:29) 17. The Old Timer's Shack* (4:52) 18. Dorinda Solo Flight* (3:16)*Original Music Score Composed, Conducted and Produced by JOHN WILLIAMS印第安那·琼斯之圣战奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/indy3.jpg 曲目列表:1. Indy's Very First Adventure (8:11) 2. X Marks the Spot (3:07) 3. Scherzo For Motorcyle and Orchestra (3:49) 4. Ah, Rats!!! (3:36) 5. Escape from Venice (4:21) 6. No Ticket (2:42) 7. The Keeper of the Grail (3:21) 8. Keeping Up with the Joneses (3:35) 9. Brother of the Cruciform Sword (1:53) 10. Belly of the Steel Beast (5:26) 11. The Canyon of the Crescent Moon (4:16) 12. The Penitent Man Will Pass (3:23) 13. End Credits (Raiders March) (10:36) 发行日期:不祥★II. Unreleased Edition(APE)曲目列表:01. The Manuscript02. The Portugese Coast03. Packet From Dad04. Inscription on the Rock05. Into The Catecombs06. Nazi Stringhold07. Papa Jones08. Put Down the Gun09. Escape in the Truck10. The Jones' Tied Up11. Blasphemy - Berlin12. Death of the Messenger From Gold13. Papa Jones Shot14. The Wrong Chalice - Papa Jones is Healed15. Flight to Austria16. Ransacked House17. Main Theme from Amazing Stories18~28. The Mission Suite From TV Series1988年作品意外的旅客 The Accidental Tourist发行日期:日★I. Original Release(APE) http://www.mahawa.jw-music.net/images/tourist_cd_1.jpg 曲目列表:1. Main Title (02:31) 2. Macon Alone (04:41) 3. Trip To London (01:52) 4. The Healing Process (05:09) 5. Fixing The Plumbing on a Rainy Afternoon (03:13) 6. A Second Chance (03:10) 7. Wedding Scene (02:49) 8. Back With Sara (04:03) 9. Bedroom Conversation (04:36) 10. Rose And Julian (02:08) 11. A New Beginning (03:26) 12. End Credits (A Second Chance) (03:10) 供源备注:标有★的表示自己作源,并且该源除去硬盘损坏等无法排除问题之外,永不撤源本人周末24小时在线,工作日少量时间在线,请喜欢的同志们帮忙下载分流,谢谢 感谢gujun grandia_15以及辛苦帮我修改格式却不小心被我恢复的陈寂版主和所有在我困难的时候支持我的朋友外加提供JW资源的外国朋友,没有你们就没有这个帖子,谢谢你们~}


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