
TED演讲中的最精彩的句子,记下它们,给你一个不一样的20151. [谈对人生的热情] It was an achievement worthy of Mahatma Gandhi, conducted with the shrewdness of a lawyer and the idealism of a saint. 他带来的效应堪比圣雄甘地,兼具律师的机智和圣贤的理想主义。 “It’s okay. It was all so beautiful. Whenever you hear this, I will be there.”情况没你想得那么糟,世界多么美好!每当你听到这首曲子的时候,我都在你的身边。The secret of their extraordinary success lay precisely in that insatiable curiosity, that irrepressible desire to know, no matter what the subject and no matter what the cost. 他们取得非凡成就的秘密,是他们永不满足的好奇心和难以遏制的求知欲,以及对任何事物不计代价的付出。 “Live each day as if it is your last,” (Gandhi) “learn as if you’ll live forever.” This is what I’m passionate about. It is this inextinguishable, undaunted appetite for lea no matter how risible, no matter how esoteric, no matter how seditious it might seem. 要活就要像明天你就会死去一样活着(甘地),要学习就要像你将会永生一样学习。这就是我的热情所在,一种对知识和经验的坚定无畏的渴望,而不管这些知识多么荒唐,抑或神秘,或看上去别有用心。2. [安静!保持听力健康的八大法则]Each of you an individual chord, for one definition of health may be that chord is in complete harmony. 每个人都是一个独立的和弦。健康的定义之一是令这种和弦保持一种和谐状态。Reductive listening is to reduce everything down to what’s relevant, and discard everything that’s not relevant. (men)删减性的倾听是有选择的听,只关注想知道的东西而忽略无关紧要的内容(通常男士)。Expansive listening – get no destination in mind. It’s just enjoying the journey (women typically).扩展性的倾听——无明确目标的倾听,只是享受听的过程(通常女士)。Three quick tips to protect your ears: 三种保护听力的简单方法:① Professional hearing protectors 专业听力保护器② Headphones of the best kind you can afford 买你能买得起的最好耳机③ When in bad sound, put your fingers in your ears or just move away from it. 听到噪音时,最好用手指护住耳朵,或者远离噪音;Wind, water, birds – natural sound – all very healthy because all of it that we evolved to over the years.风声,水声,鸟声——大自然的声音对健康很有好处,因为这些都是我们进化过程中陪伴我们的语言。Language as decorated silence. 语言即经修饰过的宁静。To design soundscapes just like words of art, that has a foreground, a background, all in beautiful proportion. 去设计如艺术品一般的声音氛围,有前景,有背景,并且比例协调。Just listen to the music is good for you, if it’s music made with good intention, made with love, generally. 听音乐也好,只要它的创作动机是好的,是有爱的音乐就可以。3. [从机器人那里学来的四课]– Always question assumptions. 总是质疑“想当然”的结论。– When in doubt, improvise. 纠结时,即兴来。– When your path is blocked, pivot. 前路受阻时,围绕中心迂回前进。– Practice, practice, practice (if you want to do it well) 没有什么能替代实践,实践,再实践。Many of our technological innovations, the devices we dream about, can inspire us to be better humans. 我们有许多技术革新,和正在研发的设备可以激励我们变得更好。Little things, done right, matter. 无论多小的事情,做对了就会有大用。Well-designed moments can build brands. 精心设计的细节很容易产生品牌效应。4. [你为何不会成就伟业]Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent. 能帮助你成就自己才华的最好的一样东西,就是热忱。You really think it’s appropriate that you should actually take children and use them as a shield? 你真的以为拿小孩当挡箭牌合适吗?5. [温和的成功哲学]For good or for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us. 无论好坏,我们创造了关于周遭世界的绝妙故事,而世界也转过身来,令我们大吃一惊。A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are. 势利的人以一小部分的你来判别你的全部价值。I don’t think we are particularly materialistic. I think we live in a society which has simply pegged certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods. It’s not the material goods we want, it’s the rewards we want. And that’s a new way of looking at luxury goods. The next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari, don’t think “This is somebody who is greedy”, think “this is somebody who is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love.” In other words, feel sympathy, rather than contempt. 我并不认为我们特别看重物质,而是生活在一个物质能带来大量情感反馈的时代。我们想要的不是物质,而是背后的情感反馈。这赋予奢侈品一个崭新的含意。下次你看到那些开着法拉利跑车的人,不要去想“这个人很贪婪”,而应想:“这是一个无比脆弱且渴望爱的人。”也就是说,同情他们,不要鄙视他们。The closer two people are, in age, in background, in the process of identification, the more there is a danger of envy. 越是两个年龄背景相近的人,越容易陷入嫉妒的苦海。(What do you do?) And according to how you answer that question, people are either incredibly delighted to see you, or look at their watch and make their excuses. (你做什么工作?)你对这个问题的答案,将决定对方接下来的反应。对方可能表示深感荣幸认识你,或是开始看表,然后想个借口离开。Most people make a strict correlation between how much time and if you like, love – not romantic love, though that may be something – but love in general, respect they are willing to accord us, that will be strictly defined by our position in the social hierarchy. 大部分世人决定要花费多少时间给予多少爱(不一定是浪漫的爱情,虽然那也包括在内)他们所愿意给我们的关爱,尊重取决于我们的社会地位。The idea that we will make a society where literally everybody is graded, the good at the top, and the bad at the bottom, and it’s exactly done as it should be, is impossible. There are simply too we’ll never get to grade them. Hold your horses when you’re coming to judge people. You don’t necessarily know someone’s true value is. That’s an unknown part of them. 那种能创造出一个好人在上,坏人在下,中无任何差错的社会的观点,是不现实的。这世上有太多偶然的契机,我们却无从将这些因素分级。在开口评论他人之前,请千万三思而后行。你很有可能不知道他人的真正价值,那是他人的不可测部分。You cannot be successful at everything. So any vision of success has to admit what it’s losing out on, where the element of loss is. 你不可能在所有事情上都成功,所有成功实例必须承认它们同时也失去了一些东西,放弃了一些东西。There is going to be an element where we are not succeeding. It’s bad enough not getting what we want, but it’s even worse to have an idea of what it is you want and find out at the end of a journey that it isn’t, in fact, what you wanted all along. 总是有些什么是我们得不到的。得不到自己想要的已经够糟糕了,更糟糕的是,在你人生旅程的终点,发觉你所追求的,从来不是你真正想要的。6. [精神病测试的另类答案]He decided to fake madness to get out of a prison sentence. 他决定装疯,以此逃过牢狱之灾。Capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.冷酷无情的资本主义正是精神疾病的物质表现。So I changed tack. 于是我改变了策略。7. [音乐的力量]The most miserable and tragic thing about poverty is not the lack of bread or roof, but the feeling of being no-one, the feeling of not being anyone, the lack of identification, the lack of public esteem.关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情,并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,而是根本没有自我意识,缺乏存在感,缺乏自我认同,不被公众尊重。I have come to know the mutability of all human relations and have learned to isolate myself from heat and cold so that the temperature balance is fairly well assured.
–Elbert Einstein我已熟悉一切人际关系的变幻无常,也学会漠视这种世态炎凉,以保证我的心态平衡。——爱因斯坦Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. –the Golden Rule你们愿意人怎样对待你们,你们也要怎样待人。——耶稣的黄金法则The road to success is lined with many tempting parking spaces.通向成功的路旁充斥着许多诱人的休息区。It’s going to be a society that’s way in advance of our own. We’re not inevitably doomed to self-destruction. 一定存在一个比我们的社会先进很多的另一个社会,我们并不是不可避免地走向自我毁灭。8. [我们真的需要月亮吗?]When the Earth is spinning very fast, it was very stable. But as it slows down, it will be lose its stability and start to wobble had it not been for the moon. 地球在快速转动时,状态十分稳定。但它放慢速度后就会失去稳定性,开始晃动。如果没有月亮,情况就会是这样。The angle of earth’s spin is constant only because the moon’s gravitational pull.地球的自转角度能够保持不变,完全是因为有了月球的引力拉动。We piece together the fragment of memory to create the idea of future. 我们靠收集记忆碎片去创造未来的想象。It seems that a lot of unconscious brain activities going on that are shaping on your decision, and your consciousness comes in very late stage of the decisions. 似乎有大量的无意识大脑活动在塑造你的决定,而你的意识在决定中表现得很滞后。9. [如何实现生活与工作的平衡]And the reality of the society that we’re in is there are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.现实社会的情况是:成千上万的人们都在平静的绝望中煎熬。他们夜以继日地从事他们痛恨的职业,目的是为了购买无用的商品,以博得无关痛痒的邻人的艳羡。If you don’t design your life, someone else will design it for you, and you may just not like their idea of balance. –To take control and responsibility for the type of lives that we want to lead by ourselves.如果你不规划自己的生活,那么别人就会为你规划,而他们对平衡的处理,你往往并不认同。所以,要自己承担起选择自己生活轨迹的重任。10. [美妙生活的三个秘诀]Living with a sense of awareness of the world around you.主动感知你周遭的世界Embracing your inner three year-old and seeing the tiny joys that make life so sweet.拥抱内心中那个三岁的自己,意识到让生活美好的那些小小快乐。Being authentic to yourself-being you and being cool with that. 做真实的自己,心安理得做自己。Letting your heart lead you and putting yourself in experiences that satisfy you.顺从自己的心意,让自己置身于能让你快乐的事务中。11. [抑郁,我们各自隐藏的秘密]I hope that 50 years hence people will hear about my treatment and be appalled that anyone endured such primitive science. 我希望50年后人们听到我接受的治疗方法后,会震惊于竟然有人愿意忍受如此原始简单的科学。Depression is the flaw in love. If you were married to someone and thought: “Well, if my wife dies, I’ll find another one.” It wouldn’t be love as we know it. There is no such thing as love without the anticipation of loss, and that specter of despair can be the engine of intimacy. 抑郁是爱的缺陷。如果你跟一个人结婚后想的是:“如果我的妻子去世了我会再找一个。”据我所知,这不叫爱。没有哪种爱情,是可以只感受幸福而不体验失去的。这种绝望的幽灵,会成为亲密关系的动力。Romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth. 爱情的确是世界上最让人成瘾的东西。They didn’t take people out in the sunshine where you
they didn’t play drum or music to get people love going, they didn’t involve they didn’t externalize the depression a instead what they did was they took people one at a time into dingy little rooms, and had them talk for an hour about bad things that had happened to them. 他们不会让人去阳光下活动,虽然这会让人感觉舒服;他们不使用音乐或打鼓的方式激发人们的情绪,他们不会让整个社区参与其中,他们也没有将抑郁外显为一种恶灵进行驱逐;相反,他们把那些抑郁的人单独地带到一个昏暗的小房间,花一个小时让他们回忆发生在他们身上的悲惨的事情。12. [真正的成功]The good Lord in his infinite wisdom didn’t create us all equal as far as intel any more than we’re equal for size, appearance. Not everybody could earn an A or a B.有着无穷智慧的可敬的上帝并没有把我们人类在智力上制造成一模一样的,就像身高体重和相貌的不同。不是每一个人都能够拿到“优秀”或“良好”的分数。Never cease trying to be the best you can be—that’s under your control. If you get too engrossed and involved and concerned in regard to the things over which you have no control, it will adversely affect the things over which you have control. 永远不要停止尽你所能以达到最佳的努力——这是你所能控制的事。如果你太沉迷于自己无法控制的一些事情之中,陷入其中,为之而烦恼,就会反过来影响那些你自己能控制的东西。At God’s footstool to confess, a poor soul knelt, and bowed his head. “I failed!” He cried. The Master said, “Thou didst thy best, that’s success.”一个可怜的灵魂,跪在台阶上向上帝忏悔,低垂着头,“我失败了”,他痛哭着说。上帝说:“你尽了全力,这就是成功。”I always tried to make the youngsters feel that they’re there to get an education, No. 1; basketball was second, because it
and they do need a little time for social activities, but you let social activities take a little precedence over the other two and you’re not going to have any very long. 我一直尽量让年青人觉得他们是来受教育的,这应放在第一位。篮球是第二位的,毕竟这是经济来源。他们的确需要一点时间来社交,但是如果你让社交活动比另外两个优先哪怕一点点,你将在不久之后什么都没有。We win or lose within ourselves. The shining trophies on our shelves can never win tomorrow’s game. There’s always a chance to win the crown. But when we fail to give our best, we simply haven’t met the test, of giving all and saving none until th of showing w of playing thro of playing through, not letting up… For who can ask more of a man than giving all within his span?...That’s what really matters: if you make effort to do the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be. Not necessary to what you would want them to be, but they will be ab and only you will know whether you can do that. 我们胜利或者失败都根源于我们自己。架子上光闪闪的奖品不能让我们赢得未来的比赛。永远都有机会去赢得桂冠。但是当我们没有竭尽全力,我们就没有通过这个人生测试,这个测试需要全力付出毫无保留,直到在比赛中胜出;需要表现什么是坚忍不拔,需要在别人退出的时候还继续奋斗;需要战斗下去,决不放弃。……因为谁能向一个已经全力以赴的人要求更多?……真正重要的是:如果你经常努力去尽你所能做到做好,结果就会是它们所应当成为的样子,虽然不一定能达到你所希望的状态,但是会大约是它们理应变成的状态,而且,是否能达到这个境界,只有你自己最清楚(别人无法帮助你做任何判断)。13. [我们为什么做我们正在做的事?]I believe that the invisible force of internal drive, activated is the most important in the world. I’m here because I believe emotion is the force of life… If we get the right emotion, we can get ourselves to do anything. If you’re creative enough, playful enough, fun enough, can you get through to anybody? Yes or No? If you don’t have the money, but you’re creative and determined enough, you will find the way. So this is the ultimate resource. But this is not the story that people tell us…If decisions shape destiny, what determines it is three decisions:What am I going to focus on?What does it mean?What are you going to do?我相信激发内在驱动的无形力量是世界上最重要的事。我之所以站在这里,是因为我相信情绪是生命的力量。……如果我们处于对的情绪状态,我们能让自己做成任何事。如果你够创意,够幽默,够有趣,你能否和任何人沟通?能还是不能?如果你没有钱,但你有足够的创意和决心,你就会找到方法。这就是终极资源——但人们告诉我们往往是天花乱坠的另一回事。……如果决定塑造我们的命运,左右我们资源的则是三个决定:我把注意力放在什么地方?这个重心有何意义?下一步行动将是什么?Psychological strength, that’s the difference in human beings.精神力量,就是人与人之间最关键的差别。14. [全球幸福指数Happy Planet Index]Think of a deer. A deer freezes very, very still, poised to run away. And I think that’s what we’re doing when we’re asking people to engage with our agenda around environmental degradation and climate change. People are freezing and running away. Because we are using fear. 想象一只鹿。一只鹿会停下来一动不动,做好逃跑的准备。我想这就是我们所做的,当我们要求人们加入到我们的环境破坏和气候改变的计划的时候,人们停下来,然后准备逃跑。因为我们采取了恐惧策略。To the top right of the graph are countries which are doing reasonably well and producing well-being, but they’re using a lot of planet to get there. They’re the U.S.A., other Western countries going across in those triangles and a few Gulf states in there actually. Conversely, at the bottom left of the graph, are countries that are not producing much well-being—typically, sub-Saharan Africa. In Hobbesian terms, life is short and brutish there. The average life expectancy in many of these countries is only 40 years…The country on its own up at the top is Costa Rica, with an average life expectancy is 78-and-a-half years, which is the happiest nation on this planet.在这个图的右上角是一些提供幸福生活上做得比较好的国家,但代价是他们用了地球很多的资源。包括美国,其他一些在那些三角形上的西方国家,还有几个波斯湾的国家。相反地,在这个图的左下方,是那么没有提供多少幸福生活的国家——典型的便是非洲撒哈拉以南的国家,照托马斯霍布斯的说法,那里的生活是短暂而又粗野的。在很多这些国家的人均寿命只有40岁。在图的上方独占鳌头的国家是哥斯达黎加,人均寿命是78.5岁。这就是地球上最快乐的国家。What five positive actions can you do to improve well-being in your life?--To connect. Keep building your social relationships, which are the most important cornerstones of your life. --To be active—the fastest way out of a bad mood. --To take notice. Do you notice what’s bubbling up for you and trying to emerge?--To keep learning. Older people who keep learning and are curious have much better health outcomes than those who start to close down. --To give. Hardwired to the reward mechanism in our brain. 你可以做哪五件积极的事来让你的生命更幸福?——与人保持联系,你的社会关系是你生命的基石。——保持活跃——摆脱坏心情的最快方法。——关心周围。注意身边哪些东西在酝酿中,而且快要发生。——不断学习。坚持学习的老人的健康状况比那些闭塞的老人要好得多。——学会付出。天生与人脑内的奖励机制直接相连。随手点赞!——TED演讲敬上-------「国馆·文化中国」 赞助 -------心怀敬畏的人,值得这瓶好酒。了解更多关注“国馆酒”微信号:guoguanjiu   ↓↓↓点击【阅读原文】,进入免费预约通道。 
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科比对魔兽说“软蛋,来试试!(Try me, soft)”
  都说说话是门艺术,在NBA说好垃圾话也是艺术。  骂街不是艺术,那是人身攻击,不在本文讨论范围之列。好的垃圾话,可以达到提振自己挤垮对手的目的,更好的垃圾话,可以成为传奇佳话,流传千古,比如拉里-伯德当年参加三分大赛前在更衣室跟对手说的那句:“你们今天谁准备拿第二了?”那叫一个气势,想想都很带劲儿。  我曾跟很多美国同行聊起垃圾话的起源,没人有确切的说法,不过他们无一例外都提到了拳王阿里的名句。  事情还要追溯到1964年11月,阿里和索尼-里斯顿的重量级拳王争霸战计划在波士顿举行,由于卫冕冠军阿里临时受伤,比赛被迫推迟,后来因为经纪人办赛证件丢失,比赛又被迫换地,直到次年5月25日,比赛才得以在一个不知名的小镇举行,场地是一个只能容纳2434人的小馆,那至今仍是拳王冠军战观众人数的最低纪录。实际上,拳赛开始时,镇上的居民大多都要或者将要进入梦乡。  拳赛第一轮,阿里就将里斯顿击倒在地,按当时比赛规则,他应该回到自己的角落,等对方站起来再战。不过阿里没这么做,他走到里斯顿身边,身体探到对方正上方,挥舞着手臂,张开口露出了牙套,表情严肃,然后吼出一句:  “Git up and fight, sucka。”(起来打啊,你这烂人)   这不是阿里第一次用言语羞辱对手,但却成为了最出名的一句。当时守在拳台外阿里正前方的,是《体育画报》摄影师尼尔-雷夫,他用手中的摄影相机完美地拍下了这一瞬间,那张照片至今仍是体育摄影历史上最伟大的照片之一。最重要的是,事后没人批评阿里“没有职业道德”。  “从那个时候开始,垃圾话就成了体育运动的标签,逐渐成为一种潮流,”资深体育记者肖恩-鲍威尔说。  NBA无疑是垃圾话潮流的主阵地。那帮从小看着阿里拳赛长大的球员,包括拉里-伯德、迈克尔-乔丹、查尔斯-巴克利、加里-佩顿们,都成为了NBA垃圾话的先行者,而这其中,“篮球之神”无疑是集大成者,几乎每个对手都是受害者。  斯蒂夫-史密斯曾跟乔丹无数次交手,他印象最深的乔丹垃圾话是一串数字:“‘40、38、35……’MJ一直在我耳边数着数,我一开始不明白他在说什么,打到最后数字变成0时我才恍然大悟,他是在数自己的得分,倒着来的!”  克里斯-韦伯也有同样的记忆,那是某一次去芝加哥打客场:“我们抵达球馆刚下大巴,迎面一俩法拉利开过来停在我们面前,迈克尔叼着一根雪茄下了车,他走到我们面前问,‘你们今晚谁防我?’我们谁也不敢站出来,然后一致把手指向了凯尔文-切尼,切尼看着我们一下傻眼了。”  垃圾话实际上也有门槛。刚入联盟的菜鸟,不可能对着老将一通乱吼,那就是不敬,即使话说得再好也不会被当成佳话传颂,只会成为笑柄;另外垃圾话说出来,得有实力和能力去支撑,一旦支撑不了就变成了空话,最终也只能成为笑柄。  总结下来就是,说垃圾话是一种挣来的权利,这也是好垃圾话往往都来自巨星的原因。科比对魔兽说“软蛋,来试试!(Try me, soft)”这话要是搁另一前队友来说,效果就要打折,或许双方就直接打架了。   传奇射手雷吉-米勒也是垃圾话高手,他的厉害之处在于编垃圾话,也就是说自己会凭空捏造一些东西,比如对手明明没说过今晚要投晕他,可他却把这话按在对方头上。  “我职业生涯有很多自己编造出来的故事,”米勒说,“这么做有两个目的,一个是激励自己拿出好状态,另一个是把对手激怒,他心态失衡了对我肯定有利。”  垃圾话除了场上球员相互说,场下球迷有时也会跟球员说,尤其是在对方罚球的时候,以达到干扰对方的效果。  现勇士主帅斯蒂夫-科尔作为球员曾在公牛和马刺等队效力,他印象最深的一句垃圾话就来自球迷。  “我当时在圣安东尼奥打球,有次回芝加哥打客场,我们队凯文-威利斯上罚球线,他那会儿应该都42岁了吧(威利斯至今仍保持着NBA球场年龄最大&44&的球员纪录),底线有个球迷突然朝他吼,‘嘿,威利斯,还单身呢吧?我奶奶很喜欢你!’这句话把我们板凳席上的球员都给乐晕了!”  被问起自己说过的最棒的垃圾话,科尔摇了摇头:“我知道自己水平在哪儿,我就听着。”  能不能说?什么时候说?怎么去说?说什么?这就是NBA垃圾话的艺术。  (黎双富)  推荐:下载新浪体育APP,订阅黎双富专栏:更深的篮
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