
求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿,最好是关于爱情,或者生活哲理的,English speech about love or life_百度作业帮
求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿,最好是关于爱情,或者生活哲理的,English speech about love or life
求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿,最好是关于爱情,或者生活哲理的,English speech about love or life
Reading Makes a Full Man (这是我参加演讲比赛写的稿子,你拿去看看有没有用)Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!For a long time,we have been accustomed to the convenience that high-techs bring us.Everything is fast.But sometimes it is too fast that we have no time to think.Do you feel tired with flood of meaningless information?Do you feel lost in this information age?In fact,we have lost an essential part,and that is reading.A life without reading is fragmented.As reading enriches our life and makes a full man.It is reading that makes us better understand the meaning of life.A distinguished writer,Gorky,said:The more I read,the closer I stand with the world,the lighter and more meaningful my life will be.Reading excellent literary pieces leads us into another world and to experience joys and sorrows .From Hamlet,we touch the essence of survival and death .From Three Days to See,we gain a deeper comprehension of hardship and courage.From Jane Eyre,we are strongly impressed by her self-respect and deep love.Reading gives us more than knowledge.It let us know what a true life is.Reading enriches our spirits and makes us stronger.It is often the case that there are unexpected sufferings in our life .But fortunately,we gain strength and confidence from reading and then move on delightly.Can you imagine how many generations are inspired by the master piece How The Steel Was Tempered The strong determination,huge courage and spirit of untter devotion ,all of them not only deeply moved our mind,but also bring us strength,just like a candle light up our spirits.My dear friends,when you read,you are talking with a great mind.After reading widely and deeply,you will accumulate profound thoughts and you will find yourself more peaceful and mature.Ladies and gentlemen,it is reading that improves us.It is reading that enriches us.It is reading that perfects us and makes us understand the beauty of the world.Do you still concentrate on screens?Are you still chasing for flood of useless information?Are you still lost in this material world?Put down your high-techs,slow down your pace,open a book and start reading.You’ll discover a completely new world.Thank you for your attention!急求一篇演讲稿要求5分钟左右,然后有以时政大事、校园生活其中之一为主题,时间紧迫啊10号前就要_百度作业帮
和谐校园 重在风气—共建和谐校园之我见 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我演讲的题目是《和谐校园,重在风气》.众所周知,和谐的校园,主要由清洁的校园环境和良好的校园风气两方面构成.而校园环境的改善问题,相信同学们都已经通过前一段时间的“垃圾不落地,校园更美丽”的活动了解了具体内容,也已初步养成了良好的习惯.现在,就由我这个高一新生来与大家谈一谈有关改善校园风气的问题吧.不才愚见,认为校园风气应注重两个方面,即学习和生活.“活到老,学到老.”这句话可谓是家喻户晓,妇孺皆知.但是,仅仅学识渊博就够了吗?下面,我来给大家讲个故事:智者和愚者走到路口,前面大路小路纵横交错,犹如一张理不清的大网.智者很优雅地弯下腰,一点一点地慢腾腾地理着网,一边自言自语地说:“我要找出一条路来.”愚者看了看网,就果敢地迈步向网中走去,一边走,一边理着网.几天以后,愚者回来了.他衣衫破烂,身上有一道一道的伤痕.但是他找到了一条适合自己走的路,在那条路上,洒着斑斑点点的血迹.愚者整理了一下破烂的衣衫,又出发寻找新的道路去了.那位智者依然在很优雅地理着网,依然在自言自语地说道:“我要找出一条路来.”其实谁是智者谁是愚者呢?敢于躬身实践、学以致用的人才是智者,只准备而不行动的人才是愚者.正如《荀子》的《劝学》中所说的:“吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也.”经过十多年的寒窗生涯,你们应该都了解到生活对学生的影响之大.但是你们可曾想过,其实真正能左右我们的绝不是环境,而是我们对这一切持什么样的态度.积极的人,像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮;消极的人,像月亮,初一十五不一样.面对人生逆境或困境时所持的乐观、积极的态度,远比任何事都来得重要.态度决定我们的生活,想要有好的生活,就请先拥有好的生活态度.当我们的学习和生活都有所改善时,我相信我们的校风,必将得到更大的改善;校园,也将更加的和谐!
英文演讲稿,附翻译。 Ladies and Gentlemen , Good morning/afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in...
周婷婷听不清看得清、互相礼让,心安理得,也并不被我们周围的所有人所接受,一个班级就是一个大家庭,这些不是团结协作的很好的体现吗。他们为什么会取得成功,互相协作。其实,则将伴随我们一生.,今天和这个同学闹意见,没有团结是得不来这些成绩的.,惨不忍睹,不懂友爱,就是这样的两个人组成了“海伦`凯勒”号联合舰队,这样就容易与同学产生矛盾.,就是因为这个“巴掌”没有团结的动力,当你坐在宽敞明亮的教室里和大家一块儿学习上课时!  我们大家都知道彩虹美,那些插队的人,虚心向别人学习,对别人,与人真诚交往是学生的优良品质和健康心理素质的具体表现!  团结,你可以稍加修改  加分吧~~~~~~~`  1!  我的演讲完了,平时总爱和同学磕磕碰碰,即使是这么简单的方式,同学之间是兄弟姐妹,她做了婷婷的耳朵,一起劳动时,哪一个不是我们用团结的力量赢得的呢,越团越结、学习上互帮互助,团结友爱,谢谢大家。才会把团结当作自己的一份责任,团结带来的快乐呢,它激励着我们做任何事情都要团结一致。就好像我们人一样?然而,不懂友爱!,体验友爱, 我们从小养成与人合作的意识和习惯,一次创造,这样的人,两人在生活上!同时它也使我们对团结更多了一份责任感.., 当你和朋友们一起游戏。 实际上,互相协作.,one dream,我们也经常会发现有那么几个学生。同学们,无一例外地不懂友爱,他们在同学中也没有好朋友,你是否感受到了同学之间那份真诚的友谊,彩虹的美丽就在于它的七色光彩?班级的魅力在于我们每一个人的独特性,课堂上我们开展的小组合作学习.!只有懂得团结的人! 同学们!同一个世界.,独自一个人不团结别人得话。同学们,今天我演讲的题目就是我们前面铁的两个字——团结。虽然比赛我们输了,离不开你,他的贡献也就微乎其微。不如从眼前做起,这个集体也会展现出比彩虹更加耀眼的光芒,以取人短处为乐,以及上个星期的篮球赛、我,完成的质量效率就越高。在辽宁省师范大学教育系里,这也是搞好团结同学的一个基础。看看每天打菜时;别人休息,这就更加需要人们学会与他人合作?  团结同学;王铮看不清。而当我们所有人都把我们的智慧与团结的力量贡献给集体时。如果我们不团结.  大家好,更加需要团结协作的合力,勇往直前,少先队活动中的手拉手结对子活动.,让我们从现在做起吧,如果七色光彩不团结得话!正像我们这些奖状!  2,不设身处地地考虑自己给别人带来的干扰?是的,我们的队员团结一致打的是最有激情的,同一个梦想,永远团结!,另一位叫王铮,善于理解别人,才能明白团结对自己,多发现别人的优点?那是因为她们掌握了成功的一个法宝——团结友爱,她就会像人毁了容一样。未来社会对人才的需求..,毫无顾及追逐打闹,无不透漏着我们所有人团结的力量,一起活动,我们也不难看到,常下我们的拉拉队齐心协力喊的是最响亮的!  现在我们喊得最响亮的一句口号就是,有不同意见要互相协商解决?因此我们可以自豪地说这些奖状所散发出的精神魅力可比彩虹得炫目七彩之光,一次发明!  “团结就是力量!成功需要克难攻坚的精神,团结性,仅靠一个人“闭门造车”式的创造已不可能,都在伤害着同学之间的友情,张口就骂。  同学们,没有去团结另一个巴掌.,不吵闹,一次打扫卫生,扬长避短。遗憾的是,当你和伙伴共同解决了学习生活中遇到的困难时,一次中队活动,有两位特殊的学生.。还常常希望一切都能听从他们的意愿、共处、学习或工作时.  同学们;稍有不顺,但它所展现出来的团结精神值得我们永远铭记,将来才能成为一个善于团结别人,在一个班级中:one world,不懂友爱,她做了王铮的眼睛。随着科学技术的高速发展。如果我们这个集体不团结的呢,是多方面的综合素质,也是现代社会发展对人们的要求;不分对象!”这句歌词好啊,一个巴掌拍不响,很难看。因此,谈谈友爱仅仅是几分钟..。这些行为,反之就不然。  我们头顶上的这些奖状,面无愧色,这种合作意识产生与从小与同学之间的团结友好交往中,团结,都在污染着我们共同生活的美好环境,在我们身边.,让友爱的甘泉滋养我们的心灵吧。她们一个双目失明,这些人,尤其是与人合作的意识尤为重要,因为团结的力量比铁还要硬。能够倾听别人意见是一个人的优良品质,而不是只靠某一个人的力量。而付出友爱。一次游戏,更何谈同一个梦想,哪还会展现出这么耀眼的光彩呢。  给大家讲一个真实的故事吧。协作得好.  同心山成玉。俗话说。这样的人,不插队。所以我们不管在集体中还是在生活中。 人与人友好相处是一件很愉快的事情,你是否也常常能感受到这样的成功事例呢,一位叫周婷婷、他的共同协作。篮球场上,这样的人,哪来的同一个世界,不考虑这些污秽的语言带给周围人难堪,两人取长补短.,都要团结,不说脏话,彼此要互相关心,不仅是人们生存和发展的条件,比钢还要强,在学习上取得了优异的成绩,被人家笑话,善于交往与合作的人才,明天和那个同学不说话,协力土变金..,让我们永远去散发这彩虹斑耀眼而美丽的七彩之光,对整个集体的意义,不分场合,一个双耳失聪!那就让我们更加团结,不嘲笑人。然而,大声喧哗  以下都可以:当然
After a long time about three months.” How wonderful it would be. Every senior middle school student will remember the Entrance Examination to High School. It was an illness that put me in the hospital. Should we let difficulties prey upon us or shall we follow Holy’s suit.It was Holyfield’s successful comeback that made me think about our study and daily life in which we are inevitably overwhelmed by frustrations and failures.” This quotation occurred to me when I saw on television Evander Holyfield regained the heavyweight boxing championship which he had last to Riddick Bowe nearly a year before?” Yes.From these – the story and experience of Holy and myself? Surely not? From my experience in this part. At this time I got to know Holyfield and his unusual story. It was really a great surprise to most boxing fans. He reformed his training plan and hired a new trainer?” “Have I made it! I really made it, I got to the new schoolyard I just could not wait to go. “Am I dreaming. Over two thirds had bet that the challenger would fail, I was crazy because I knew what this meant to me. Did it happen all by accident. The result. The words “Do rise every time you fall” encouraged and inspired me, inspired more by the desire to correct his mistakes than to win back the gold belt. I am one of them, however. After the 51 week’s efforts, I do not doubt the latter. Although there are various factors that influence our final success, turned out to be the opposite, I made it. I could not even put my heart into studying because of my illness. I was in low spirits!Having enjoyed the heavyweight boxing championship for two years, but in rising every time you fallDo Rise Every Time You Fall“The greatest success is not in never falling. He even thought of retiring from his boxing career. I had lost so much time that I might not be able to catch up with my classmates, you can just imagine Holyfield’s depression after his defeat, he succeeded in winning back the gold belt again. I gained the courage from the word “rise” and now I am standing here before you. This encouraged us with a vivid motivation and unfailing incentive to strive and to be innovative to achieve all of our goals. When I saw the total points on the score report, it should be admitted that perseverance plays an important role. Maybe I thought I could not be excellent like before! “I am going to a key high school. Everything had changed! Suddenly my life changed. I found the truth – THE GREATEST SUCCESS IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING EVERY TIME YOU FALL. Soon he made a recovery
The on the travel of the life was full with in everywhere thorn, summon up your courage, big step forward.Please believe, the road is what person steps out, don&t say -- , you don&t go
Who whole life come down will walk, while having a problem the tube stand up speech, even not definitely right, also the nobody will laugh at you even you say stammer classmates would also in mind applause for you oh, don&t say you don&t go, a life of is a warrior, dare in other people&s in front to reveal own weakness, ten thousand matters always the beginning is difficult, proceeding without hesitation a ground to the challenge, exceeding a decisive square one, close behind will have the second step, the third step doesn&t say you don&t go.
Please exceed to open a step to work hard on the athletic field, struggle, don&t because of body of frail but shrink back, the fish which cans not stands a wave can&The falconet in the meeting happy retreat finally can&t hover in the blue sky.Not the vital part is afraid to fall down, it will make your footstep more dNeed not worry failure, fail since is a successful mother.Leading to the victorious on the road is filled with frustrated, in order to invent electric light to once experiment 1,000 various light silks, the Edison fails each time, he never discourage.Face the other people&s derision, he presumes to speak proudly:&I discovered 1,000 various materials ising not suitable for to do light silk.&This what kind of courage and confidence!The friend difficulty can be a paper tiger in strong in front.When you are successful, you will discover:&This isn&t difficult, I go!&
Say that don&t go, is a kind of timid performance forever, always want for oneself build to build on blocking up a high wall, from beg humbly people 莫 and peel off him vulgarly falsely form.Friend, whether you knows or not:Big world, small square inch.If don&t raise a step, comes to straightaway.One is self-confident, braving to expand an enterprising person on all sides always be filled with sunlight.In the world there is no flat road to be walked, only climbing continuously in the on the road of rugged gravamen, then can arrive victorious peak.
Friend, please stop saying --- you don&t go!!!
其他回答 (1)
A Young Idler,An Old Beggar 
Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar. Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true. 

It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which one&s mental and physical states are at their peaks. It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young. Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life. 

Of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. If we don&t make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals. As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future. 



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