
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我英语是小学学的 以后初中开始就学的是日语 虽然在日企工作,但工作中难免会出现英语的单词或是句子,不会读,听丢人的,现在想利用业务时间从基础开始学习英语,达到普通水平(单词,英语文章能读下来,掌握基本的单词,语法就行)目前把音标的读法掌握了,接下来是报个补习班还是买一套教材自学的好?
楼主发言:8次 发图:0张
  @吃货大脸喵 1楼   当然是要补习班哒,自学你抓不到重点哒。上补习班还可以和其他人交流啊。  -----------------------------  在另一个版块发了相同的帖子 有说让我自学+网上辅导
  把新概念2或者3背下来。。。就能达到一个大学英语4级的水平。。  据说新概念3的后半本书是六级水平。。  我是高一的时候背的前半本。。。大一第一学期考四级,一次性过。。。
  ==========  网上怎么辅导,我out 了>_<  
  @haicong1000 3楼   把新概念2或者3背下来。。。就能达到一个大学英语4级的水平。。  据说新概念3的后半本书是六级水平。。  我是高一的时候背的前半本。。。大一第一学期考四级,一次性过。。。  -----------------------------  最初的目标是出现一个英语单词以及句子,文章我能会读
  楼主你教我日语!我教你英文>_< !
  @披风小马甲酱 7楼   楼主你教我日语!我教你英文>_< !  -----------------------------  我和你也见不着 怎么互相学习
  @糖1986 6楼   赖世雄美语从头学!!!从音标开始的!!!而且有讲课!!!讲得非常好且很幽默!!!!!  -----------------------------  是不是就买一套这个教材,在家自学 不需要上培训吗?
  你把新概念2背下来就可以了  想学好一点就背3  想考专业8级就把4背下来
  每天看美剧,看TED,听英文歌,营造英文的氛围,培养语感。  然后去学新概念2.把2吃透你的基本语法和词汇就没什么问题了。同时你要练口语。发音问题的话就去模仿新概念2的磁带。原版磁带是英音,不过也有美音版的。看你想学哪一种。但是发音好的话你面对老外还是很难说出口。这时候你就去找有没有老外可以和你聊天啊什么的。反正得要多练。  有空再去背一下四六级词汇,就没什么问题了。  话说我前几天去新东方才看到那里有成人新概念。。可以考虑一下呢。
  如果有个到初中的英文程度,完全可以自学。主要是得坚持的下来。毕竟学习的过程是无趣枯燥的,并且一时半会还看不到效果。就是说你或许很努力学习一年,但是效果可能还没有一个岁的美国小孩说的好。想快速是不行的。  如果完全是零,最好还是有人教你。
  @运动就胖 14楼   如果有个到初中的英文程度,完全可以自学。主要是得坚持的下来。毕竟学习的过程是无趣枯燥的,并且一时半会还看不到效果。就是说你或许很努力学习一年,但是效果可能还没有一个岁的美国小孩说的好。想快速是不行的。  如果完全是零,最好还是有人教你。  -----------------------------  我现在是自己学完了音标 接下来不知道是该买套教材自学好 还是报个培训班 我对英语的目标就是会读单词,句子,文章,会简单的英文语法,就这样的程度
  马克  -----  
  反正万变不离其宗  你就拼命背就是了  背单词,背句子,背文章  不管有用没用的 先背上个一两本书的  英语水平就好了  哈
  请教下 为什么新概念一不用看呢  
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规舒淇 甄子丹,美女让蛇往自己逼立钻,夜班的福伯取钥匙,哪知道值班的福伯早已不
夜班的福伯取钥匙,哪知道值班的福伯早已不见人影了。 弄起来。
只好先回公司了,她回身再走回大楼e;时富馗率胰ナ嵯匆环搅诵挛挪棵徘叭捶⑾置攀巧纤模凰闳フ抑狄拱嗟母2≡砍祝闹乐蛋嗟母2缫巡患擞傲恕 &&&&弄起来。 &&&&
深夜十二点菁玉刚刚报完X线夜报,下了主播台;同事们约他去吃宵夜,她拒绝了;表示已www.510dd经很累了要回家睡觉,大家觉得她刚跟男友闹矛盾心情不好;便不勉强她了,一群同事舒淇们便相约吃宵夜去了。 &&&&
友情链接:How to Create a jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement
Continuing on our quest for building customizable alternatives for browser’s controls, this week we are building a cross-browser, custom confirm dialog in the form of an easy to use jQuery plugin. You can choose the text, buttons, and actions that will be executed when they are clicked.
Although we are mainly concentrating on the confirmation dialog, lets first say a few words about the page on which we are going to use it. If you are eager to see the plugin’s source code, you can skip this step and scroll down to the jQuery part of the tutorial.
&!DOCTYPE html&
&meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/ charset=utf-8" /&
&title&A jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement with CSS3 | Tutorialzine Demo&/title&
&!-- Including the Cuprum font with @font-face from Google's webfont API
&link href='/css?family=Cuprum&subset=latin' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'&
&link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css" /&
&link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.confirm/jquery.confirm.css" /&
&div id="page"&
&div class="item"&
&a href="/?p=1274"&
&img src="/img/featured/1274.jpg" title="Coding a Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery" alt="Coding a Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery" width="620" height="340" /&
&div class="delete"&&/div&
&!-- Other "item" divs --&
&!-- Including jQuery and our jQuery Confirm plugin --&
&script src="/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"&&/script&
&script src="jquery.confirm/jquery.confirm.js"&&/script&
&script src="js/script.js"&&/script&
In the head section of the document, I am including the Cuprum font from , jquery.confirm.css, which is the stylesheet for the confirm dialog, and styles.css, which styles the example page.
At the bottom of the body section, I’ve included the jQuery library, jquery.confirm.js, which is the main plugin file, and script.js, which listens for the click event on the example page uses fires up the plugin. These last two files are discussed in the final step of this tutorial.
To include the confirm dialog in your website, you need to copy the jquery.confirm folder from the zip download, and include jquery.confirm.css in the head, and jquery.confirm.js before the closing body tag of your pages, along with the jQuery library.
The dialog box itself is nothing more than a few lines of HTML. Bellow you can see the code that is inserted by the plugin to display the confirm window.
Example code for the dialog
&div id="confirmOverlay"&
&div id="confirmBox"&
&h1&Title of the confirm dialog&/h1&
&p&Description of what is about to happen&/p&
&div id="confirmButtons"&
&a class="button blue" href="#"&Yes&span&&/span&&/a&
&a class="button gray" href="#"&No&span&&/span&&/a&
This code is appended to the body of the document. The confirmOverlay is displayed over the rest of the page, preventing any interactions with it while the dialog is visible (modal behavior). The h1, p and the confirmButtons div are populated according to the arguments you pass to the plugin. You will read more on that later on in this article.
jQuery Confirm Dialog Box with CSS3
The styling of the confirm dialog is contained in jquery.confirm.css. This makes it easier to include into an existing project, and it is built in such a way, that you can be sure it will not clash with the rest of your page styles.
background: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(11,11,11,0.1), rgba(11,11,11,0.6)) repeat-x rgba(11,11,11,0.2);
background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(rgba(11,11,11,0.1)), to(rgba(11,11,11,0.6))) repeat-x rgba(11,11,11,0.2);
background:url('body_bg.jpg') repeat-x left bottom #e5e5e5;
margin:-130px 0 0 -230
border: 1px solid rgba(33, 33, 33, 0.6);
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)
box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)
#confirmBox h1,
#confirmBox p{
font:26px/1 'Cuprum','Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-
background:url('header_bg.jpg') repeat-x left bottom #f5f5f5;
padding: 18px 25
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
#confirmBox h1{
#confirmBox p{
padding-top: 35
padding:15px 0 25
#confirmBox .button{
background:url('buttons.png') no-
height: 33
font:17px/33px 'Cuprum','Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-
margin-right: 15
padding: 0 35px 0 40
#confirmBox .button:last-child{ margin-right:0;}
#confirmBox .button span{
background:url('buttons.png') no-
#confirmBox .blue{
background-position:text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #5889a2;}
#confirmBox .blue span{
background-position:-195px 0;}
#confirmBox .blue:hover{
#confirmBox .blue:hover span{ background-position:-195}
#confirmBox .gray{
background-position:-200text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #707070;}
#confirmBox .gray span{
background-position:-395px 0;}
#confirmBox .gray:hover{
#confirmBox .gray:hover span{ background-position:-395}
A handful of CSS3 declarations are used. In the #confirmOverlay definition, we are using CSS3 gradients (only available in Firefox, Safari and Chrome for now), with a transparent PNG fallback for the rest.
Later, in the #confirmBox, which is , I’ve added an inset box-shadow, which is in effect a highlight (think of Photoshop’s inner glow). Also I’ve used the Cuprum font, which was included from Google’s Font Directory.
Along with some text shadows, you can see the styling of the buttons. They are built using the sliding doors technique. Currently two designs are available – blue and gray. You can add a new button color by specifying additional declarations.
Before moving to the source code of the plugin, lets first see what we are after. In script.js you can see how the plugin is called.
$('.item .delete').click(function(){
var elem = $(this).closest('.item');
: 'Delete Confirmation',
'message' : 'You are about to delete this item. &br /&It cannot be restored at a later time! Continue?',
'buttons' : {
'class' : 'blue',
'action': function(){
'class' : 'gray',
'action': function(){} // Nothing to do in this case. You can as well omit the action property.
When the .delete div is clicked in our example page, the script is executes the $.confirm function,
defined by our plugin. It then passes the title of the dialog, the description, and an object with the buttons. Each button takes the name of a CSS class and an action property. This action is the function that is going to be executed when the button is clicked.
Now lets move to the interesting part. In jquery.confirm.js you can see the source code of our confirm dialog alternative.
$.confirm = function(params){
// A confirm is already shown on the page:
var buttonHTML = '';
// Generating the markup for the buttons:
buttonHTML += '&a href="#" class="button '+obj['class']+'"&'+name+'&span&&/span&&/a&';
obj.action = function(){};
var markup = [
'&div id="confirmOverlay"&',
'&div id="confirmBox"&',
'&div id="confirmButtons"&',
var buttons = $('#confirmBox .button'),
// Calling the action attribute when a
// click occurs, and hiding the confirm.
$.confirm.hide = function(){
Our plugin defines the $.confirm() method. What it does, is read the arguments you’ve passed, construct the markup, and then add it to the page. As the #confirmOverlay div is assigned a
in its CSS declaration, we can leave it to the browser to center it on the screen and move it when the visitor scrolls the page.
After adding the markup, the script assigns event handlers for the click events, executing the action parameter for the respective button.
With this our jQuery-powered Confirm Dialog is complete!
Wrapping it up
You can customize the appearance of the dialog by modifying jquery.confirm.css. As the message attribute of the dialog takes HTML text, you can further customize it by displaying images and icons in the confirm window.
You can even alternatively use this plugin as an alert dialog – you will just need to pass a single button with no action attribute.
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The A to Z Guide to a Rich Life
A is for Adventure, and B is for Bravery. But a rich life is mostly brought to you by the letter C, for the Choice is yours to make it happen.
This A to Z guide is a slippery slide down the letters of the alphabet. It is not a ride for the faint-hearted or for the superficial money-hungry beasts who preach gobbledygook. Instead, it&s for people who want to make a difference with their lives. If that describes you, then you&re in the right place.
So, buckle up and jump in. We&ve got a long way to go.
A is for Adventure
Life is an adventure. Or to be more precise: your adventure.
But where will I go? I hear you ask. What you&re really asking for is a map. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each one of us carries our own map of where we want to go and what we want to do. You need to look within yourself and ask:
Where do I want to go?
Why do I want to go there?
What is it about this mission that makes me feel excited and alive?
If you&re getting butterflies, then go. If not, explore more options.
It doesn&t matter if you travel alone or with someone else as long as you move forward on your quest. New adventures lead to more experiences. There is no such thing as a bad adventure. Remember, the adventure begins when you leave the village.
If you&re stuck, don&t despair. Remember this dialogue from Alice in Wonderland:
&Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?&
&That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.&
&I don&t much care where &&
&Then it doesn&t matter which way you go.&
D Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland
What stops you from embarking on your adventure? Maybe letter B will be of some help.
B is for Bravery
Here&s a promise: you&ll face obstacles, challenges and people who will try to bring you down. Be ready for this. They don&t want you to live your adventure because they&re not happy with theirs.
You can safely ignore these people. Learn to stand up for yourself and your mission without a moment&s hesitation. This is your adventure, remember? Don&t let anyone take that away from you.
Have the courage to live a life that&s true to yourself.& Dare to be brave: you have nothing to fear. If you&re looking for inspiration, find comfort in these words:
&B everyone else is already taken.& D Oscar Wilde
C is for Choice
Yes, this is the most important letter of the alphabet. It decides whether you&re going to live a fun and meaningful life or a boring and mediocre one.
It boils down to choice. For every living moment, you have a choice about how you will respond. No one expresses the value of choice better than writer and Holocaust survivor Viktor E Frankl:
&Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms&to choose one&s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one&s own way.&
Yes, you always have a choice. If you can&t change a situation, you can always change yourself. I told you it wasn&t easy, but it can still be done with some help from letter D.
D is for Discipline
It can be difficult to follow through on some of your decisions. Procrastination and self-doubt too easily distract you from your path. But that&s why you need discipline.
No, I don&t mean military discipline. That&s too violent and scary for me. I&m talking about the kind of self-discipline that artists, athletes and scientists use to practice their craft and to stay committed to the task at hand. It&s willpower. It&s grit. It&s the discipline to make and keep a promise to yourself.
Indeed, discipline is hard because you&re competing against yourself. You are your own worst enemy. Don&t let this internal struggle bog you down. With a bit of discipline, you can pave the way for your adventure. It&s not sexy, but it works. Think of it this way:
&Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.& D Jim Rohn
Of course, sometimes there&s a gap between what you know and what you need to know. That&s when letter E comes to the rescue.
E is for Education
A rich life is shaped by education. When you stop learning, you cease to truly live.
There&s always more to learn about the world and the people and animals that live in it. If you feel ambitious, there&s always the universe to keep you busy. But let&s not go there today. It makes my head spin.
By all means, read more books, listen to more songs, and watch more movies. Talk to people and learn from them. Keep exploring.
&Education is not just preparation for life, but part of life itself & a continuous art.& D Henry Ford
If your experience of education is anything like mine, it has involved several moments of fear and self-doubt, which brings us to the dreaded letter F.
F is for Fear
Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of looking dumb. You can&t escape your fears, but at least you&re not alone in having them.
So, what to do? Try to befriend your fear. Invite him over for dinner, share a glass of wine, but skip the small talk (your guest is very good at that). Instead do the unexpected and act in spite of your fear. See how quickly he leaves the room!
&Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.& D Karl Augustus Menninger
Remember: when you face your fear, you change your path. And when you change your path, you change yourself.
G is for Generosity
Do you want to know the secret to a rich life? L I need to whisper this: Generosity. I know it sounds counterintuitive at first, but consider this saying:
&There was a man, the more he gave, the more he had.&
D John Bunyan
Allow that to sink in for a moment. Then answer this question: do you fear giving away too much?
Many people do. They live their life according to a scarcity model: the belief that there isn&t enough resources for everyone. They fear sharing (not to mention giving!) because that means there will be less over for them. In short, they have a fixed mindset. They think: If I win, you lose. In his book Enchantment, Guy Kawasaki calls these people eaters. They do whatever they can to finish the pie first.
The fixed mindset is heavy, frustrating, and annoying to carry around. It makes you anxious and grumpy. Keep it at your own cost.
Luckily, there is an alternative. Kawasaki calls these people bakers. They want to make a bigger pie. This growth mindset drastically changes their approach to life. They operate from an abundance model&in other words, the belief that there is enough for everyone to get by.
What stops you from adopting a growth mindset?&
Tip: Read Mindset by Standford psychologist Carol S Dweck for a more extensive explanation on the differences between a growth and a fixed mindset. You won&t be disappointed.
Bottom line: Choose your mindset carefully or it will affect your health.
H is for Health
Your body is your holy temple, and you&ll want to treat it with respect.
Prevention is the best medicine. So, eat well. Sleep tight. Exercise often. Meet more friends. There&s no excuse to ignore your health.
&To keep the body in good health is a duty& Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.& D Buddha
Remember: your health is the biggest sign of your wealth. It grants you another day, another chance. The rest you can leave to the imagination.
I is for Imagination
Your imagination helps you plan and see your life in vivid detail. If I didn&t know better, I&d almost call it magic. Use your imagination to reach your goals more effectively. Remember to engage all your senses in this important enterprise.
There&s only one downside to your imagination&without your actual input, it becomes worthless. So, act play with it, have fun with it, and get ready to be surprised. But don&t take my word for it. Here&s what the genius himself, Albert Einstein, has to say about the subject:
&Imagination is more important than knowledge.& D Albert Einstein
Well, who am I to disagree with a genius? Open up to your imagination and let it bring you joy.
J is for Joy
Don&t take yourself too seriously. What makes you laugh and smile? Do more of that.
Joy lasts longer if you let it seep into the depths of your being. Let it fill you up. Be grateful about the simple joys in life.
&Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home& it&s your responsibility to love it, or change it.& D Chuck Palahniuk
K is for Kindness
A rich life starts with cultivating a sense of kindness and friendship towards yourself and others. Remember to be brave: extend kindness to strangers, enemies, and people you find difficult. It makes a big difference.
Everyone makes mistakes, but it&s part of the journey. Save yourself the grief. Learn to forgive rather than to condemn. When you&re struggling, remember this quote:
&T to forgive, divine.& D Alexander Pope
L is for Love
Love is the social glue that binds us all together. To a well-trained eye, love pops up in the most unlikely places. You just need to know where to look.
Everyone deserves love. The opposite of love is not hatred. The opposite of love is indifference. Love means that you care. When you stop loving, you stop caring. Your senses become numb and violence and injustice can take over. Now we can&t have that.
The more you love, the richer you become. It really is that simple.
&Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.& D Lao Tzu
M is for Mindfulness
It&s difficult to spend time with your thoughts, worries and feelings. Either you escape them or you get lost inside of them.
Mindfulness invites you to tune into your mind. This is a difficult but rewarding practice because it teaches you the art of listening to yourself. So, please take your time. Hurry slowly.
Sit down. Close your eyes. Breathe.
&The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.&
D Pema Ch&dr&n, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
Remember: Listen more to yourself. After all, you have two ears and one mouth.
N is for Narrative
Everyone loves a good story. What we often forget is that we tell stories all the time: about who we are, what we do, and who we want to be.
You can&t always change what happens to you, but you can always change the story you tell yourself. In short, own the story line and tell a better story.
Ask yourself: Can I tell myself a different story? Then remember this quote from Stephen R Covey:
&The way you see the problem is the problem.& D Stephen R. Covey
Change the story line and you change the way you see the problem. And that&s how you turn a problem into an opportunity.
O is for Opportunity
Knock, knock.
Who&s there?
Don&t be silly&opportunity doesn&t knock twice!
Do you make the most of the opportunities that come your way?
P is for Principles
A rich life is guided by principles. Think of them as your internal compass. When you feel lost and astray, they&ll be there to pick you up.
Proactivity, honesty, integrity&these principles stand the test of time because they work. They also allow you to enjoy your success and not to feel guilty for cheating your way to the top.
&Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles.& D Jawaharlal Nehru
Q is for Questioning
Feed your curiosity and never stop asking questions. One of Rudyard Kipling&s famous poems demonstrates this quality well:
I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who
Questions often lead to more questions, which lead to some useful answers. So, start questioning.
R is for Relationships
Relationships enrich every tenet of our lives. Family, friends and partners support and unite us in our daily struggles. They make life more fun, meaningful and worthwhile.
New relationships mean new responsibilities. Do you remember the first time when you became a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or an uncle? These roles gave your life a new meaning, a sense of purpose that wasn&t there before.
Without relationships, life becomes futile. Create lasting relationships with others. It&s the most important investment you can make.
&I&ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.& D Maya Angelou
S is for Spirit
Spirit has many different meanings. The word itself derives from the Latin word spiritus and means &breath&. It suggests that there is a part of us that outlives our death.
Whether you&re religious or not, people leave a legacy after they&re gone. We remember them through their actions, words and deeds. A part of them stays with us. What is important is the legacy they leave behind.
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
&Ever not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?&& D Henry David Thoreau
Letter T helps you build the lasting legacy that you deserve.
T is for Teaching
Teaching enriches both your life and your student&s. When you share your knowledge and experiences, you pass on a part of yourself and you allow that knowledge to spread. Others can share your story and learn from it.
Teaching helps others avoid costly, dumb and painful mistakes. It&s your duty to pay it forward. As Oscar Wilde points out:
&I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.&
U is for Uncertainty
Your adventure is always going to be uncertain. That&s OK because uncertainty is part of the deal. Embrace it. Never let the fear of the unknown scare you into a corner.
You fear uncertainty because you believe you don&t have what it takes to recover from it. Imagine your worst case scenario in vivid detail. What&s the worst possible thing that can happen to you? But don&t just stop there. Now write an equally clear plan on how you&re going to recover from it. Once you do, you&ll realize that you can recover from just about anything.
&Waves are inspiring not because they rise and fall. But because each time they fall& They never fail to rise again.&
V is for Values
What do you stand for? What do you find unacceptable? Speak up for your values. Let them walk by your side and guide you to do the right thing.
&Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.&
D Mahatma Gandhi
W is for Win-Win
It&s clear that a rich life does not come from a win-lose mindset. Always think about what others can gain from your actions. This is what Stephen R. Covey aptly calls creating &win-win& situations. No one is a loser. There are only winners.
How does that change your outlook on life? And more important, how does it change your actions?
&The Law of Win/Win says, &Let&s not do i let&s do it the best way.& D Greg Anderson
X is for Xylatomy
Say what? Well, you try to find a good word that starts with X. There aren&t that many out there. So, why did I choose this particular word?
Because it&s fun to say and I want to reward you for your efforts! You&ve come this far down the alphabet with me, the least I can do is to teach you a new word. Xylatomy can be defined as:
&Preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study.&
Bet you didn&t know that one! So, what does xylatomy got to do with a rich life? Well, I believe it teaches us to find the joy in the small things. What&s your interpretation?
Y is for Yes
Yes is my favorite word. It says: &Let&s do this!& and it also requires you to take responsibility for your actions.
A word of caution though: don&t say yes to everything. Believe me, I&ve been there. Only say yes if the answer is: &I cannot not do it&. Don&t be afraid to say no to the rest.
&Learn to say &no& to the good so you can say &yes& to the best.&& D John C. Maxwell
Z is for Zest
Have a zest for life! Stop talking, start doing. Go out there and make the most of it! Don&t be discouraged by the ups and downs. This is part of the journey itself, and there&s nothing you can do about it but to choose your response.
&True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.& D Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Start your adventure today
Wow, that was quite the ride! What a mouthful of inspiration and advice you&ve taken in! I hope you didn&t get motion sick.
It&s time to unbuckle your seatbelt, jump out the car, and get started on your new adventure. But relax. Remember the wisdom of letter C: Choice. Choose to act on one of these letters and you&re well on your way to a richer life.
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