谁知道那样网站el gamma表演的我们的地球背景音乐

&& &&& 什么视频引发了各省市环保局刷屏?出自亚洲…
近日,一段被誉为“环保题材中最有创意”的人体投影表演走红网络,截至记者发稿,这段不到三分钟的视频最高转发量已超过6万次,获得包括多省市环保厅(局)官方微博在内的网友转发点赞。在这段视频中,表演者依靠光影效果营造不同的场景,将猎人盗取犀牛角、游客污染海洋环境、洪水肆虐等画面轮番投射在幕布上,故事结构完整流畅,最终以人类认识到环保的重要性落幕。节目赢得了现场观众的阵阵掌声和欢呼,评委也被感动到流泪。这段表演在中国社交媒体上引发关注,尤其是在环保领域内引发刷屏。重庆市环保局官方微博转发时称,用创新的形式表达环保的意识,太赞!江苏省环保厅官方微博亦称其“用创意表达环保”。武汉市环保局官方微博转发时则称赞:“好有内涵!请珍惜,保护我们的家园。”除了环保领域,一些大V也不惜溢美之词。李开复转发时竖起大拇指,大喊“厉害”。也有网友赞其“创意很好,题材很好,表演很好,很感动!”澎湃新闻检索发现,这是菲律宾舞团El Gamma Penumbra在第一季《亚洲达人秀》(Asia's Got Talent)中获得冠军的表演。5月14日,第一季《亚洲达人秀》总决赛由AXN频道播出,冠军通过观众投选而定,13人组成的菲律宾舞团El Gamma Penumbra凭借以环保为主题的表演战胜蒙古乐团,赢得桂冠。El Gamma Penumbra于海选时直接“保送”进半决赛,他们的表演常以亲情、反战等人文气息浓厚的领域为主题,节目中,舞团成员介绍他们的灵感来自于日常生活和社区,由于一直在支持慈善团体,因此经常和老人有接触,“他们激励着我们”,成员说道,“我们的表演是为了娱乐,并为别人带来希望和鼓舞,我们希望向观众传播正能量”。比赛冠军可获10万美元奖金,团员在赛前表示,如果真能赢得冠军,他们会用奖金去做慈善。早在2011年,El Gamma Penumbra便参加了菲律宾达人秀,凭借投影表演在菲律宾走红,Choose Philippines网站曾让该舞团为其歌曲《Piliin Mo Ang Pilipinas》拍摄MV,用人体投影来展现菲律宾的人文及旅游胜地,作为国家宣传片播放。来源:澎湃新闻本期责编:赵雯转载务必注明来源“扬子晚报微信号yzwb”,违者必究!
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京ICP备号-2&&&&京公网安备34Reduction of Abeta levels in the Sprague Dawley rat after oral administration of the functional gamma-secretase inhibitor, DAPT: a novel non-transg...
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):671-6.Reduction of Abeta levels in the Sprague Dawley rat after oral administration of the functional gamma-secretase inhibitor, DAPT: a novel non-transgenic model for Abeta production inhibitors.1, , , .1Johnson & Johnson Pharma-ceutical Research & Development, Division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium. mmercken@AbstractConsiderable effort has been made to develop drugs that delay or prevent neurodegeneration. These include inhibitors of Abeta-generating proteases for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Testing the amyloid hypothesis in vivo requires molecules that are capable of entering the CNS and that produce a substantial reduction in brain Abeta levels. Plaque-developing APP transgenic mice are currently widely used as an in vivo model of choice as these animals produce readily measurable amounts of human Abeta. They are very useful in the testing of a variety of amyloid-lowering approaches but their use for compound screening is often limited by their cost. Transgenic animals also require extensive, time-consuming breeding programs and can show high inter-animal differences in the expression level of the transgene. Hence, we considered it important to develop and characterize a new and simple non-transgenic animal model for testing Abeta modulation. For this purpose, Wild-type adult Sprague Dawley rats were treated with DAPT, a functional gamma-secretase inhibitor, and the Abeta40 and Abeta42 levels in brain-tissue and body fluids were assessed. We showed that DAPT, given orally, significantly lowered Abeta40 and Abeta42 peptide levels in brain extract, CSF, and the plasma dose- and time-dependently. We can conclude that our data establish the usefulness of the wild-type rat model for testing small-molecule inhibitors of Abeta production.PMID:
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