一分半钟的演讲稿 关于我的学习方法演讲稿

Describe an important historic site (in your country) that you visited.)写一篇关于这个题目的大概一分半钟的演讲稿!_百度作业帮
Describe an important historic site (in your country) that you visited.)写一篇关于这个题目的大概一分半钟的演讲稿!
Describe an important historic site (in your country) that you visited.)写一篇关于这个题目的大概一分半钟的演讲稿!
The Summer Palace This is a beautiful spot with exuberant wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts of Beijing.From the Ming Dynasty on,many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place.In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated themselves to the environment of the palaces,they built great imperial gardens there.The Summer Palace that has survived calamities in history is one of those architectural masterpieces.This is a marvellous conception of a paradise on the earth.The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons.They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture.With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight,the lake and mountains become a lively whole.The West Hill and the pagoda on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense.Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful,the summer is leisurely exuberant,the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober,tranquil and clean.I think the Summer Palace is a great historic site in our country.
Do it yourself!三分钟演讲
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求大神一篇英语演讲稿 ————环境对英语学习的重要性大约演讲一分半钟到2分钟即可 ,拜托各位英语大神了
求大神一篇英语演讲稿 ————环境对英语学习的重要性大约演讲一分半钟到2分钟即可 ,拜托各位英语大神了
Love is sacred and mysterious.It has no class distinction.It is not based on money.It is neither bought nor sold.True love is a perfect,priceless gem.One should not marry without love.A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other.But they cannot talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love.In a marriage,they may take other things into consideration,but they always regard love as the most important thing.This type of marriage usually brings happiness.Many couples live a happy life because their marriage is based on true love.On the contrary,some people marry for the sake of money only,and their marriage is destined to be a failure.The proportion of people who never marry has been increasing.Many people,including gay man and lesbians,no longer feel that they must marry.Many things in this world find neither an answer nor a proper explanation.For example,why should two become a couple among the billions of people on earth?Why don't they love each other even though they live together everyday,and yet one of them falls in love with someone else at the first sight?Why do the members of a family quarrel daily but still stay unhappily together?Why can't they get married in spite of the fact that they are a perfect match to each other?Why should one toil so much for the other?Why should the love-infatuated always be deserted by the heartless?.People remain puzzled in spite of their great effort to understand the endless questions,so they invented the all-embracing word---鈥減redestination鈥?In order to be more precise,different combinations were derived from it:love predestination,sinful predestination,evil predestination,and kind predestination etc.,hence we have the sayings like:鈥淧redestination will definitely bring you together despite the great distance while without predestination,you'll never know each other even though you are standing fact to face鈥 鈥淎 distant couple is tied up with the thread of predestination鈥 and even the phrases and expressions like 鈥渢he god of marriage鈥?鈥減redestination without luck鈥?鈥渓uck without predestination鈥?鈥淐oming across each other is a kind of predestination鈥?鈥淓nemies are bound to meet on a narrow road鈥?鈥淭hey shall not marry each other unless they are predestined lovers鈥?If people still can not find answers,they turn to 鈥渞eincarnation鈥 for help.Lin Daiyu is always in tears just for repaying for the water Jia Baoyu had given her when she was a plant in her previous life in A Dream of the Red Mansions .In fact,the so-called 鈥減redestination鈥 is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter,even a kind of accident.If you don't meet this person,you'll surely meet some one else.But people insist on adding some colors of emotions or superstition,thus generating various religious factions,the main theories of which are no more than that of 鈥渞eincarnation鈥?鈥渉eaven and hell鈥 and 鈥渢he ever-lasting soul鈥 etc.But does anyone know anything about his previous life or his after life?What could he do even if he knew them?If he can't grasp the present life,what's the benefit of commenting on the visionary after life?Giving up today is the same as giving up tomorrow,for they are closely connected.How absurd it is to work like the horse or cattle in the present life in order to be above others in the next life.Have you ever seen emperor Qinshihuang reincarnate?Have you ever heard of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty going into another life?Where is now Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty (What we know is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda)?Where is the Monkey King (The Flower and Fruit Mountain does exist,though)?And where can we find those great emperors such as Yao ,Shun Yu and the influential philosophers like Confucius,Laozi and Zhuangzi?How many heavens do we find?Are they also divided into the oriental and the occidental world?Is God a Chinese or westerner?Which is the greatest religion among Buddhism,Daoism,Christianity,Catholicity and Islamism?All religions advocate doing good deeds and not killing,but why do they keep contending against each other,even fighting and killing among themselves?Is the paradise the same one in all religions?There's only one sun in the sky,and there should be only one emperor in a country,but do all religions believe in the same God,or do they have different gods of their own?If all of us expected God's help,wouldn't God be too busy and too tired?Does God respect science?If not,why does he allow computers and telecommunications to run rampant?If it is God who created human beings,then doesn't He feel out of control of what the human being are doing now (the nuclear weapons and bio-chemical weapons,etc.We human beings have an origin,and is it the same with God?Does God get married?Is God hereditary,or is it the same ever-lasting one?We have all those questions but who can answer them?.Predestination ne friendship
good will needs us to treasure and future needs us to create.There is no Savior,nor Goddess of Mercy who once saved people in the past but cannot do anything to help the people at the present.The world is developing too fast.People have to work together and associate with each other.Talking about predestination,it's just a kind of explanation about what has happened,and I'm afraid nobody can predict it before hand.From ancient times till the 1980' s,once getting married,the couple had to stick to each other for their whole life.Can we say it is because of their life-long predestination?It is just because of the marriage system.In the western countries,life-long marriage is rare.Can we say it is because their predestination makes it so?It is actually the result of human nature.The color of love could be attached to predestination,but not the color of superstition.Predestination is a lovely word which we should treasure and respect.In the present world,we should always follow the win-win or multi-win policy,instead of being single-handed.In order to achieve success,we must gain mass support instead of indulging in self-admiration.We might as well call the communication,the cooperation,the common concerns and the common aspirations of human beings 鈥減redestination鈥?Translated by Zhang Baodan
Brainstorm your qualities and accomplishments. For an interview introduction, briefly cover your major
and , such as .仔细想想自己都有哪些特点,取得过哪些成就。面试自我介绍,需要简单提及自己取得过的重大成就,以及获得的主要资质,比如某个证书。
Choose a personal
that illustrates your personality in a creative way. Employers want to hear about your accomplishments, and a personalized story helps you stand out. The story should take about 20 seconds to complete.用有趣的方式讲一个能体现个人特点的故事。雇主想要听的是你取得的成绩,个性化的故事能帮助你脱颖而出。个人故事的时间最好控制在20秒内。
Practice your speech with a timer to make sure it is less than a minute. Read it to family and friends and
suggestions. Record and review your speech using a video camera. Pay attention to your
and projection of your voice. Smile and speak clearly.做一次计时的面试自我介绍演练,确保你的讲话不会超过1分钟。向你的家人朋友做一次模拟练习,并收集反馈意见。用摄像机拍下你做面试自我介绍的过程,注意自己讲话是不是够礼貌,说话的声音是不是合适。记得微笑,还要吐字清晰。
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