
After we exposed Ontario Travel in our
article and wrote the , many of you might have decided to stop entering voting contests, or at least started looking at them with much more suspicion than before. Well, like one of our readers (Doodle741) said, as much as we might despise voting contests, we often can’t resist entering them, as they offer such great prizes! In addition, some voting contests are programmed smart – made so that it would be really hard to cheat at them. If you see that the number of votes participants are getting is reasonable, you could try your luck at winning it.
Therefore, to those of you who will be entering voting contests despite anything, we decided to help. Here is a list of 100 ideas where you could ask for votes. Use them all, and you might be the winner! Good luck.
Vote Request Forums
Note: Make sure to read contest rules carefully, as some contests forbid vote exchange – you don’t want to disqualify yourself.
1. Post on
forum thread
2. Post on
forum thread
3. Post on
forum thread
4. Post on
forum thread
5. Post on
forum thread
6. Post on
forum thread
7. Post on
8. Create a thread on
forum, asking for votes
9. Create a thread on
forum, asking for votes
10. Create a thread on
forum, asking for votes
11. Create a thread on
forum, asking for votes
12. Put your vote request in your forum signatures, in forums that you are a member of (not necessarily contest forums – could be anything)
Vote Request Websites
13. Register for
14. Register for
15. Post on
16. Post your vote request on
board – don’t forget to return the favor
17. Post your vote request on
Questions-Answers Websites
17. Post on , asking for votes
18. Post on , asking for votes (don’t use “vote for me”, but instead, “How do I get votes”)
19. Post on , asking how to get votes, and give a link
20. Post on , asking how to get votes, and give a link
21. Post on , asking how to get votes, and give a link
22. Post on , asking how to get votes, and give a link
23. Reply to vote requests on
– vote for them, and ask for votes in exchange
24. Add vote request to your Twitter profile description
25. Tweet, asking for votes
26. Send direct messages on Twitter, asking for votes. Send daily reminders to those who like to vote for you
27. Follow celebrities with many followers on Twitter, and ask them to re-tweet your vote request
28. Run a Twitter Party, offer a small giveaway, to get votes
29. Post on your Facebook wall, asking for votes
30. Create a Facebook Group (like ), with a catchy name, like “Help me beat the Canadians!” and encourage people who join to invite their friends. Update the group daily, with yours and competitors statistics, to make it more interesting for group members to participate.
31. Use Facebook application
to send other players gifts, and ask for votes
32. Use Facebook application
to send other players gifts, and ask for votes
33. Post on
wall on Facebook
34. Post on
wall on Facebook
35. Post on
wall on Facebook
36. Post on
wall on Facebook
37. Post on
wall on Facebook
Facebook group
Facebook group
Note: Use Facebook search to find more vote exchange groups, using keyword ‘Vote’.
40. Post the vote request on your blog
41. Create a giveaway of your own, asking to vote in exchange for a chance to win the prize
42. Search for blogs or websites, who wrote about this contest, and put your request in the comments
43. If you have email subscribers for your blog, send them a newsletter, and ask for votes somewhere in it
44. Google for blog posts asking for vote requests, vote for them, and ask for vote in exchange, in comments
45. Start a blog/website for vote swapping
46. Create a
lens with your vote request
47. Offer to write a guest blog post, in exchange for being able to ask for votes at the end of your post ( offers a deal like that)
48. Promote your vote request on 404 pages of your site
We have another 52 Ideas for you – Read .
Other Interesting Posts:
About the Author,
Paulina is an avid contest lover. Winning interesting contest prizes changed her life. She dared snowboarding after she won a snowboard from Wonder. When she won another one, she and her husband hit the mountains. She loves extreme sports and all things outdoors.
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