
跪求犀利的英文翻译大仙一枚!毕业论文摘要你懂的:(本文通过对农产品冷链物流需求预测的指标选取,分别运用一次指数平滑与二次指数平滑法对福建省各类鲜活农产品的市场需求进行预测分析,并阐述了福建省农产品冷链物流的发展现状.采用模糊层次分析法对影响生鲜农产品冷链物流的因素进行定量分析,明确界定这些影响因素的重要性和权重,并就这些问题有针对性、有重点地提出了发展对策.)= =不要贴有道啊金山啊什么的随便翻译翻译,求大神手动.追加财富300!
By selecting indexes for demand forecast on the cold chain logistics of agricultural products, this article forecasted and analyzed the market demand for various live & fresh agricultural products in Fujian Province respectively in the single exponential smoothing and double exponential smoothing methods, and expounded the current situation of the cold chain logistics development of Fujian Province agricultural products. It made a quantitative analysis of the factors affecting the cold-chain logistics of live & fresh agricultural products in the fuzzy AHP method, clearly defined the importance and weighting of these factors, and proposed development countermeasures with targets and emphasis pertinent to these issues.冷链物流外文文献27-第2页
while a high albedo container see its internal temperature increase to only 38 °C under the same conditions.The refrigeration unit of a reefer requires an electric power source during transportation and at a container yard. Regular containerships have 10 to 20% of their slots adapted to carry reefers, with some ships having up to 25% of their slots being dedicated. It is important to underline that the refrigeration units are designed to maintain the temperature within a prefixed range, not to cool it down. This implies that the shipment must be brought to the required temperature before being loaded into a reefer, which requires specializedwarehousing and loading / unloading facilities. A new generation of reefers is coming online, which are equipped with an array of sensors monitoring effectively the temperature and shutting the cooling plant when unnecessary. This enables to improve the reliability of temperature control and well as extend the autonomy of the reefer.The growth of the intermodal transportation of reefers has increasingly required transport terminals, namely ports, to dedicate a part of their storage yards to reefers. This accounts between 1% to 5% of the total terminal capacity, but can be higher for transshipment hubs. The stacking requirements simply involve having an adjacent power outlet, but the task is more labor intensive as each container must be plugged and unplugged manually and the temperature to be monitored regularly as it is the responsibility of the terminal operator to insure that the reefers keep their temperature within preset ranges. This may also forbid the usage of an overhead gantry crane implying that the reefer stacking area can be serviced by different equipment. Even if reefers involve higher terminal costs, they are very profitable due to the high value commodities they transport.4. The Setting and Organization of Cold ChainsMoving a shipment across the supply chain without suffering any setbacks or temperature anomalies requires the establishment of a comprehensive logistical process the maintain the shipment integrity. This process concerns several phases ranging from the preparation of the shipments to final verification of the integrity of the shipment at the delivery point: ? Shipment preparation. When a temperature sensitive product is being moved, it is vital to first assess its characteristics. A key issue concerns the temperature conditioning of the shipment, which should be already at the desired temperature. Cold chain devices arecommonly designed to keep a temperature constant, but not to bring a shipment to this temperature, so they would be unable to perform adequately if a shipment is not prepared and conditioned. Other concerns include the destination of the shipment and the weather conditions for those regions, such as if the shipment will be exposed to extreme cold or heat along the transport route.? Modal choice. Several key factors play into how the shipment will be moved. Distance between the origin and the final destination (which often includes a set of intermediary locations), the size and weight of the shipment, the required exterior temperatureenvironment and any time restrictions of the product all effect the available transportation options. Short distances can be handled with a van or truck, while a longer trip may require an airplane or a container ship.? Custom procedures. If the freight crosses boundaries, custom procedures can become very important, since cold chain products tend to be time sensitive and more subject to inspection than regular freight (e.g. pharmaceuticals and biological samples). Thedifficulty of this task differs depending on the nation (or economic bloc) and the gateway since there are variations in procedures and delays.? The &Last Mile&. The last stage is the actual delivery of the shipment to its destination, which in logistics is often known as the “last mile”. Key considerations when arranging a final delivery concern not only the destination, but the timing. Trucks and vans, theprimary modes of transportation for this stage, must meet the specifications necessary to transfer the cold chain shipment. Also important is the final transfer of the shipment into the storage facilities as there is potential for a breach of integrity.? Integrity and quality assurance. After the shipment has been delivered, anytemperature recording devices or known temperature anomalies must be recorded and made known. This is the step of the logistical process that creates trust and accountability, particularly if liability for a damaged shipment is incurred. If problems or anomalies that compromise a shipment do occur, an effort must be made to identify the source and find corrective actions.Therefore, the setting and operation of cold chains is dependent on the concerned supply chains since each cargo unit to be carried has different requirements in terms of demand, load integrity and transport integrity.5. Food TransportationThere is a variety of methods for the transport of food products with the banana accounting for the world's most significant commodity transported in the food cold chain with 20% of all seaborne reefers trade. Land, sea and air modes all have different structures for keeping food fresh throughout the transport chain. Innovations in packaging, fruit and vegetable coatings, bioengineering (controlled ripening), and other techniques reducing the deterioration of food products have helped shippers extend the reach of perishable products. For food products such as fruits and vegetables, time has a direct impact on their shelf life and therefore on the potential revenue a consignment may generate. Concomitantly, new transport technologies have permitted the shipment of perishable products over longer distances. For instance,improved roads and intermodal connections along the African coast reduced transport time for food to European markets from 10 days to 4 days.Certain domestic or transnational supply chains may only require one transportation mode, but many times ground shipments are one link in a combination of transport modes. Thismakes intermodal transfer critical for the cold chain. Intermodal shipments typically use either 20 or 40 footers refrigerated containers that are capable of holding up to 26 tons of food. The container makes loading and unloading periods shorter and less susceptible to experiencing damage. The environments in these containers are currently controlled electronically by either plugging into a generator or power source on the ship or truck, but early food shipments would cycle air from stores of wet or dry ice to keep the food refrigerated. The efficiency of cold chain logistics permitted the consolidation of cold storage facilities.Moving away from ice refrigeration has allowed for much greater distances to be traveled and has greatly increased the size of the global food market, enabling many developing countries to capture new opportunities. Another efficient mode for transporting foodstuffs is air travel. While this is a preferred form of travel for highly perishable and valuable goods due to its ability to move much faster over longer distances, it does lack the environment control and transfer ease of the ground and sea transports. Also, during the flight the cargo is stored in a 15°C C 20°C environment, but close to 80% of the time the package is exposed to exterior weather while waiting to be loaded onto the plane or being moved to and from the airfield. This is troubling considering the value of the food and the importance placed behind qualityand freshness. In order for this form of food transport to experience growth among market users, more uncompromising strategies and regulations will have to be embraced and enacted. Food transportation is an industry that has fully adapted to the cold chain and can, despite the problems with air transport, be considered the most resilient, particularly since a large majority of food products have a better tolerance to temporary variations of transporttemperatures. As a result, small errors can be compounded without the concern of irreversible damage. For instance, for the transportation of produces, for every hour of delay in the pre-cooling of shipments, an equivalent one day loss of shelf life must be accounted. The usage of refrigerated containers has particularly helped, since they account for more than 50% of all the refrigerated cargo transported in the world. Source loading can be an important factor extending the shelf life of a cold chain product since it is loaded in a reefer directly at the place of production without additional handling. For instance, source loading into a reefer can expand the shelf life of chilled meat by about 25 days (from 30-35 days to 55-60 days) from conventional methods and thus considerably expand the market potential of the product. The efficiency and reliability of temperature controlled transportation has reached a point which allows the food industry to take advantage of global seasonable variations, meaning that during the winter the southern hemisphere can export perishable goods to the northern hemisphere while an opposite trade, generally of smaller scale, takes place during the summer. Countries such as Chile have substantially benefited from this and have developed an active agricultural and food transformation industry mainly servicing the North American market during the winter, but also with several niche markets such as wine. A similar issue concerns some African countries such as Kenya that have developed a fresh produce and flowerindustries catering the European market. The fast food industry is also an active user of cold chain logistics as every outlet can be considered as a factory, with dozens of workers with schedules and shifts, inventory management and the supply chain of components (many of which are temperature sensitive), and which are assembly lines producing quality-controlled and high-volume products. 附录B冷链及其物流作者:Jean-Paul Rodriguez 博士 和 Theo Notteboom 博士1.概观虽然全球化使世界小得多的地区之间的相对距离,这些地区的物理分离仍是一个非常重要的现实。更大的物理分离,更可能的货运可以在一个复杂的运输业务涉及损坏。有些货物可能会被损坏受到冲击,而有些人可以不让的温度变化而损坏。对于易腐物品,特别是食品标示的商品的范围,他们的质量下降,因为他们保持率可大多较低温度下减轻化学反应随着时间的推移。这需要时间的协调,有效地移动货物,每延迟可以产生消极后果,特别是如果这是易腐货物。以确保货物不会成为损坏或破坏整个过程中,在制药,医疗,食品等行业的企业正越来越多地依靠冷链技术。冷链是指温度敏感产品的运输,以及通过热和冷藏包装方法的供应链和后勤规划,以保护这些货物的完整性。专业化,导致许多企业不仅依靠重要的航运服务提供商,如美国联合包裹服务公司(UPS)和联邦快递,但也更集中的行业专家已经开发出一个利基周围的温度敏感产品的运输后勤专长的潜力,以了解当地的规则,海关和环境条件,以及估计的长度和时间的分布路线,使它们在全球贸易中的重要因素。因此,物流业经历了几个潜在的利基市场,在全球商品链中的冷链运输的专业化和分割的增长水平。整个分销业的新的细分市场一直很活跃,以优势的双重发展空间扩展的供应链全球化和各种货物流通的重要支持。从经济发展的角度,的冷链使许多发展中国家采取易腐产品在全球市场的一部分。从地理的角度,冷链有下列影响:?全球。专业化的农业功能,允许对温度敏感的食品运送到遥远的市场。使疫苗和其他药品或生物制品的分销。?区域。可以支持的功能和规模经济,如专门的实验室,专业化的。?地方。及时分发到最终消费者,即杂货店和餐馆。2.冷链物流的兴起虽然全球商品链是相当现代的扩张,在交通运输行业的冷藏温度敏感货物运动是一种实践,可以追溯到1797时,英国渔民使用天然冰,以保护鱼类桩。这个过程也被看作从农村到城市的消费市场,即乳制品食品运动在19世纪末期。冷库也是一个殖民国家和他们的殖民地之间的食品贸易的重要组成部分。例如,在19世纪70年代末和包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、文学作品欣赏、各类资格考试、高等教育、应用写作文书、冷链物流外文文献27等内容。 
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