
【图】水木熙 主题生态瓶 苔藓微景观 创意礼品 创意绿植 狮子王 小辛巴 - 美丽说
&水木熙 主题生态瓶 苔藓微景观 创意礼品 创意绿植 狮子王 小辛巴&
Copyright (C) &&& 京ICP备号& 京公网安备&客服邮箱:&&客服电话:& 文明办网文明上网举报电话:010- &&51狮子王电影中英文对白2014-第6页
彭彭? Pumbaa?
彭彭 Pumbaa彭彭… Pumbaa...彭彭,出了什么事?Pumbaa Hey,what's going on?他打算要吃我She's going to eat me!老天啊 为什么我每次都得救你Jeez,why do I always have to save your...别担心,彭彭 我就在你身边Don't worry,buddy. I'm here for you.一切都会没事的Everything's going to be OK.咬他…咬他的头Get her! Bite her head!看我的 咬他大动脉Go for the jugular! The jugular!你看吧,我早说过他会有用的 See,I told you he'd come in handy.娜娜? Nala?真的是你吗? Is it really you?你是谁呀? Who are you?是我呀!辛巴 It's me... Simba.辛巴? Simba?你怎么了? - How did you...是呀,是呀! 你怎么会…-26页-- But how did you...你是从哪里来的?- Wow! - Where did you come from?我真的好高兴见到你This is... it's great to see you!我见到你才高兴呢! 这到底怎么回事? - Hey,what's goin' on here?你到这儿来干什么?- What are you doing here?你这话什么意思? What do you mean?你怎么会在这里呢? What are you doing here?这到底怎么回事?Hey! What's goin' on here?丁满,这位是娜娜 Timon,this is Nala.她是我最要好的朋友 She's my best friend.朋友? - Friend?
是啊 - Yeah.喂!彭彭 Hey,Pumbaa,快过来come over here.娜娜,这位是彭彭 Nala,this is Pumbaa.彭彭,她是娜娜 Pumbaa,Nala.很高兴认识你Pleased to make your acquaintance.这是我的荣幸 不客气- The pleasure's all mine. - How do you do?暂停!我先把事情搞清楚Whoa,whoa! Time out! Let me get this straight.你认识他 他认识你You know her,she knows you.但是她想要吃掉他But she wants to eat him,而大家好像都没什么意见 and everybody's OK with this?我说错了什么没有? - Did I miss something?丁满,别激动嘛! - Relax,Timon.要是大家知道 你一直都在这里的话Wait till everyone finds out you've been here all this time.还有你妈妈… And your mother...她会怎么想呢? what will she think?她没有必要知道She doesn't have to know.谁都没必要知道 Nobody has to know.他们当然要知道 大家以为你死了Well,of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead.是吗? They do?是啊 刀疤告诉我们动物狂奔Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede.是吗? He did?他还跟你们说了什么? What else did he tell you?那些并不重要 你还活着呀 What else matters? You're alive...-27页- 而这就表示… and that means你是国王you're the king.国王? King?小姐 你有没有搞错对象啊?Lady,have you got your lions crossed.国王? King?哎哟!我的国王 我匍匐在你脚前 Your majesty,I gravel at your feet.不要闹了 Stop it.少笨了,别傻了 搞什么?It's not &gravel,& it's &grovel,& and don't!他才不是国王呢! He's not the king.你是吗? 不是 Are you? - No.
辛巴 - Simba!不是,我不是国王 No,I'm not the king.或许我以前可能会是国王 Maybe I was gonna be...但是…那是很久以前的事了 but that was a long time ago.让我把事情搞清楚 Let me get this straight.你是国王You're the king?而你从没告诉我们 And you never told us?我还是原来的我呀- Look,I'm still the same guy.但更有权势 - But with power.麻烦你们俩位 先回避一下好吗?Could you guys excuse us for a few minutes?不管她说什么 都可以在我们面前说Hey,whatever she has to say... she can say in front of us对不对?辛巴 right,Simba?你们还是离开吧Maybe you'd better go.开始了吧 It starts.我还以为我了解他呢 You think you know a guy.丁满跟彭彭Timon and Pumbaa...你慢慢会喜欢他们的 you learn to love 'em.怎么了? What?你怎么了? What is it?这就像你从死里复活一样It's like you're back from the dead.你不知道 这对大家的意义有多大You don't know how much this will mean to everyone...还有对我…what it means to me.嘿!没事的 Hey,it's OK.我真的很想念你 I've really missed you.我也想你呀-28页-I've missed you,too.彭彭,搞什么? I tell you,Pumbaa.恶不恶心 This stinks.对不起 Oh,sorry.不是你,是他们 Not you,them!他、她…在一起 Him,her,alone.那有什么不对?What's wrong with that?事实放在眼前- I can see what's happening什么? - What?你不必再犹豫- And they don't have a clue谁呀? - Who?把眼睛闭起都会看出来They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line他们俩是一对Our trio's down to two
哦 Oh美丽纯洁的爱情Ze sweet caress of twilight这夜晚多么美There's magic everywhere让浪漫温馨充满每一处And with all this romantic atmosphere到处散发着爱 Disaster's in the air这夜晚爱情到来Can you feel the love tonight?充满美丽温馨The peace the evening brings?所有万物也同样感受到The world,for once In perfect harmony显得如此平静With all its living things我想要说声爱你So many things to tell her不知该怎么说But how to make her see只有在心中告诉亲爱的 The truth about my past你是我唯一所爱lmpossible,she'd turn away from me不要害怕说爱我He's holding back,he's hiding我心正在等待But what,I can't decide从你的双眼我看出来 你是我唯一所爱Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside这夜晚爱情到来Can you feel the love tonight?充满美丽温馨The peace the evening brings?所有万物也同样感受到The world,for once In perfect harmony显得如此平静With all its living things这夜晚爱情到来Can you feel the love tonight?充满美丽温馨You needn't look too far Stealing through这一刻快闭上眼睛-29页-The night's uncertainties享受着平静Love is where they are从今以后剩我们俩 请你不要哭And if he falls in love tonight It can be assumed在我心底你是我朋友 从今直到永远His carefree days With us are history In short,our pal Is doomed你觉得这里怎么样? Isn't this a great place?这里好美哦 It is beautiful,但是有一件事我不了解but I don't understand something.你既然一直都还活着You've been alive all this time.你为什么不回去呢?Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock?这…我只是想靠自己站起来Well,I just needed to get out on my own,过自己的生活 live my own life.我这么做了 真的很棒 And I did,and it's great.可是那边真的很需要你We've really needed you at home.没有人需要我 No one needs me.不!我们需要 Yes,we do.你是国王You're the king.能不能不要再提了 我不是国王Nala,we've been through this. I'm not the king.刀疤才是 Scar is.辛巴,他让那些土狼 接管了得意之地Simba,he let the hyenas take over the pride lands.什么? - What?所有的一切都毁了 - Everything's destroyed.没有食物、没有水There's no food,no water.辛巴,如果你不想办法 每个人都会挨饿 Simba,if you don't do something soon... everyone will starve.我不能回去 - I can't go back.为什么? - Why?你不了解的- You wouldn't understand.我不了解什么?- What wouldn't I understand?不…这些都不重要 HAKUNAMATATANo,no,no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna matata.什么? - What?是我在这儿学到的HAKUNAMATATA - Hakuna matata.有的时候 会发生一些不好的事情 It's something I learned out here.辛巴 而你根本就无能为力and there's nothing you can do about it,所以你干嘛担心呢? so why worry?你不认为那是你的责任吗? Because it's your responsibility.-30页-那么你呢?你也离开了Well,what about you? You left.我是为了要求救 I left to find help,而我找到了你 你还不明白吗?and I found you. Don't you understand?你是我们唯一的希望 You're our only hope.抱歉! Sorry.你到底是怎么了?What's happened to you?你不再是我记忆中的辛巴了 You're not the Simba I remember.你说的对 You're right.我不是 现在你满意了吗? I'm not. Now are you satisfied?不!我只是觉得失望 No,just disappointed.你知道吗? 你说话开始像我爸爸了You know,you're starting to sound like my father.很好!至少我们有人像他 Good. At least one of us does.
娜娜 Nala你以为你的出现 就能改变我现在的生活吗?Listen,you think you can just show up... and tell me how to live my life?你根本不知道我经历了什么You don't even know what I've been through.如果你肯告诉我 我愿意… I would,if you'd just tell me.
算了- Forget it!包含各类专业文献、专业论文、中学教育、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、51狮子王电影中英文对白2014等内容。 
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