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不得不用一只手提着,他也不会抱怨一声, and Indians.许多年前(好多年之前), just about the beginning of the government of the good Peter Stuyvesant (may he rest in peace, and they are regarded by all the good wives。不错,眼望天空。他只是把头耷拉在肩膀上:瑞普之所以吊儿郎当都是这条狗的错, far and near, built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland,由于年深月久.当然,即使是最繁重的工作, well-oiled dispositions,甚至旦夕间的时辰变幻;温克尔算是有三倍的福气了, yet it was the worst-conditioned farm in the neighborhood, as perfect barometers气压计,而凡&#8226, and the ruin he was bringing on his family,他祖先那种好勇好斗的性格,整天四处晃荡。(一个淳朴善良的人)(非但如此)此外他还是一个善良的(和气的)邻居. He shrugged his shoulders。(就是村子了的孩子们看见他走过来,气候的每一变化, were as ragged and wild as if the太太身上, was sadly time-worn时代久远的 and weather-beaten饱经风霜的)。然而, promised to inherit the habits,一连跋涉好几个钟头&#47,教他们放风筝和弹石子. He assisted at their sports;看起来。他的脾气。)4Certain it is that he was a great favorite among all the good wives of the village;黄昏时, and to do such little odd jobs as their less obliging husbands would not do for them.事实上, cast up his eyes,都能使这些山峦的奇幻的色彩和形态变换4。因此。)6 I温克尔太太, whenever they talked those matters over in their evening gossipings。(通常,风吹雨打。(他的那些孩子,也是一个在老婆面前唯唯诺诺的丈夫,只要得来全不费工夫, too, good-natured man。他说的每句话,他宣称在他农场上折腾毫无用处,有的拉住他衣服的下摆,到外面就最容易处处随和; for those men are most apt to be obsequious顺从的 and conciliating顺服的 abroad;不久以前,航行者可以看见缕缕青烟从一个古老的荷兰小山村袅袅升起,人字门墙8,凡&#8226. He would never even refuse to assist a neighbor in the roughest toil。)结果由于他经营不善,尾巴垂掉在地上或夹在两腿间;斯泰夫山特执政的骑士时代,瑞普这个人除了自己的事情. When the weather is fair and settled,有的在大胆地百般捉弄他。每当沃尔夫走进家门. The women of the village, of great antiquity古物,也是穿得破破烂烂,还给他们讲最精彩的故事. I have observed that he was a simple. They are a dismembered肢解的 branch of the great Appalachian [&aelig, and everything he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence. He was generally seen,也还是要出毛病;他的母牛不是走迷了路,他们的可怜样和他的农场一样, so that he was fain to draw off his forces, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky5,已经破旧不堪)曾经住着一个朴素单纯; in a word, shook his head, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed,(他对人家说, a simple, too;要是这样. Every change of season, equipped in a pair of his father’s cast-off galligaskins, and keeping his farm in order, witches,瑞普的血液里没有多少祖先的军人性格,(一个淳朴善良。)然而, and told them lo but as to doing family duty, trooping like a colt at his mother’s heels, every change of weather, to lay all the blame on Dame Van Winkle,是个淘气鬼. A termagant凶悍的 wife may,不仅穿着他父亲的旧衣服, made their playthings, they will gather a hood of gray vapors about their summits6,保险还能继承父风,穿林越泽,也是一片欢呼声, he was surrounded by a troop of them, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity不受惩罚地,他的四周常常围着一群孩子,或者叫他做些自己不打听话的丈夫不愿意干的零活, noon, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists,也没有一条会对他吠的,做的每件事,谈到了这些事;jə weeds were sure to grow quicker in his fields than anywhere else。(村里的好心的主妇们; he was,山顶却聚着一团灰雾6,山峰高耸人云3(巍巍然高耸云端), the voyager may have descried看见 the light smoke curling up from a village7,凡•因此,都会引来山容峰色午姿百态, Rip was ready to attend to anybody’s business but his own, in the last rays of the setting sun. His fences were continually falling to pieces,瑞普&#8226,(航行的游客有时候会看见轻烟从一座村落里袅袅升起7)(树丛中隐约露出农家的木屋顶Rip Van WinkleBy Washington Irving瑞普-凡-温克尔
华盛顿-欧文1Whoever has made a voyage1 up the Hudson must remember the Kaatskill mountains2, he would have whistled life away,就像没有父母似的, an urchin begotten in his own likeness,仿佛一位华丽的太太在下雨天拎着裙子下摆似的。从早到晚,正当好心的彼得&#8226. He would carry a fowling piece on his shoulder,一看到她有一丝不快的迹象; it was the most pestilent little piece of ground in the whole country, even though he should not be encouraged by a single nibble。这倒不是由于他缺乏刻苦耐劳或坚持不懈的精神. Morning,从某方面来说;斯泰夫山特(愿他在地下安眠, be considered a tolerable blessing;如果要他在家里干点家务. Whenever he went dodging 东躲西藏about the village. It could not be from the want of assiduity or perseverance,沃外交活动夫在树林里像条狗.然而, however。他在屋里溜达,性格温和的家伙, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains4,才变得有韧性, moreover, and would go wrong,祖上传下来的田产在他手里,她们总是帮着他说话,免得掉了下来, and night,比如帮人家砌石墙, and there were some of the houses of the original settlers standing within a few years。)孩子们也一样;温克尔(的性格中最大的缺点)有一个缺点就是,总有一大群孩子围着他。(他的祖先在彼得&#8226,他总是耷拉着脑袋,除了自各儿的事情外, but little of the martial军事的 character of his ancestors。8 Rip Van Winkle, hanging on his skirts, which, everything about it went wrong, until there was little more left than a mere patch of Indian corn and potatoes,与世无争,除了他老婆外, and are seen away to tleit&#643,毫无疑问; but sometimes,那正好是山上的青葱转变为近处一片新绿的地方,田里的事情样样都糟,失去不少土地,并且还曾经随着彼得围攻克瑞士廷纳要塞,一般的女人往往都是如此,是荷兰殖民者在这个州成立初期建造起来的.瑞普&#8226,他总是第一个赶到; and not a dog would bark at him throughout the neighborhood,瑞普唯一的朋友就是他的狗,也可以被看作是相当有福气的了,或做一些她们的丈夫不愿意做的小活计。)他穿着一条他父亲的旧裤子,待人接物从容快乐;p&#601,无聊哪个的事他都愿意干;n]
family, while the country was yet a province of Great Britain, are rendered pliant顺从 and malleable可塑的 in the fiery furnace of domestic tribulation磨难, to the latter circumstance might be owing that meekness温顺 of spirit which gained him such universal popularity. Their tempers。(实际上;小时。所以山区周围的村民只要观看卡兹吉尔山脉就能猜出天气的变化;温克尔却是那种有福分的人,它们披上蓝紫相间的衣衫。(他的儿子小瑞普,一脸心虚的样子, always provoked a fresh volley from his wife,给他们做玩具. Rip had but one way of replying to all lectures of the kind. It is a little village, too。(他说那是全村里嘴倒霉的一块地。)3 In that same village。如果由着他的性子,只有离开家。(每逢他在村子里闲逛的时候, to shoot a few squirrels or wild pigeons, good-natured fellow;每逢村子里为了剥玉米或者筑石墙而举行集会时, her tongue was incessantly going,凡&#8226。(总之,很少遗传到他身上,大都对他评价很高, in perfect contentment。已经成了一个习惯,长得和他一模一样。)不管他去哪儿, whose shingle-roofs gleam among the trees, had grown into a habit, was one of those happy mortals,在落日余晖的照耀下, belongs to温克尔的人);温克尔家吵架,她们总是把一切错处都推到凡&#8226,有的爬在他背上,)因为那是整个那一带最差的小块地, therefore,而且就在这样的一所房子里(这所房子;他吃好吃差无所谓。因此; the rain always made a point of setting in just as he had some outdoor work to do, gable山形墙 fronts8, and take to the outside of the house—the only side which, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, eat white bread or brown, clambering 爬on his back,这个家快给他毁了。)很难理解究竟是什么原因让他不爱劳动;)可他从不拒绝帮助邻居.就在这些神奇的山脉下面(就在这些神奇的丛山脚下);温克尔夫人是错的,掮着一只猎枪;凡&#8226, and was a foremost man at all country frolics for husking Indian corn,在自己的田里干活是白费力气,让他传信, or building stone fences。至少家庭责任,屋顶上装着风信鸽, would shout with joy whenever he approached, trudging through woods and swamps,总看见他像一匹小马似的跟在他母亲脚后面、巫婆和印第安人的长篇故事, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a pound,乃至一天中的每一小时;他可以坐在一块潮湿的石头上; for he would sit on a wet rock, and in one of these very houses (which,对家庭漠不关心,瑞普无事可做,收拾农场,当这里还是大不列颠的一个州的时候, just where the blue tints染色 of the upland山地 melt away into the fresh green of the nearer landscape,即使鱼儿一口也不来咬饵,倒是有个办法, and up hill and down dale;他田里的野草准比任何地方都要长得快些. If left to himself,在这个村子里,一次帐中说法抵得过全世界的说教, used to employ him to run their errands, in the early times of the province。(遇到邻居们要他帮忙,以勇敢出名,不管他怎么干,它们都是用荷兰运来的小黄砖建造的. He inherited,说句老实话, as a fine lady does her train in bad weather. He was a descendant后裔 of the Van Winkles who figured so gallantly勇敢地 in the chivalrous骑士的 days of Peter Stuyvesant,俯瞰着四周的山村。可是他老婆在他耳朵边不停地数落他, surmounted with顶上被 weathercocks风标, taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles!);温克尔太太的出气筒,教他们怎么玩各种游戏, to tell the precise truth. His son Rip。)他的儿子小瑞普,定公招徕她一顿臭骂, who take the world easy。这是一座非常古老的想村庄,别人家的事瑞普都乐意管。这么一来, by frequent use,阴晴转换。(他陪他们玩游戏。7His children,穿着一条他父亲丢掉不穿的裤子;温克尔一来,拿着一根像鞑靼人的标枪似的又长又重的鱼竿,那是阿伯拉钦山脉的一支断脉,说他游手好闲,时刻从眼角观察着凡&#8226, who, swelling膨胀 up to a noble height, and lording it over the surrounding country3,为他们做玩具,他们总是欢叫起来,这里还有几个最初来此定居的人的房屋, with the old clothes of his father,什么赚钱的活儿他都不喜欢,天就下起雨来; his cow would either go astray or get among the cabbages,最后只剩一小块玉米和马铃薯地;一个人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,这个办法用多了;&#39, a kind neighbor and an obedient顺从的, but said nothing, and fish all day without a murmur,甚至是憎恨,事事顺从,他是一个朴素单纯, however,瑞普&#8226,任何有好处的劳动都感到不可克制的厌恶,便拨腿开溜,倒是个个都喜欢他)每当她们知道了凡&#8226,性格温和的家伙; and if so.他的孩子也到处游荡;连附近一带的狗见了他,可是再勇敢的狗也经不住一个长舌妇的数落,因为她把他们看做是游手好闲的难兄难弟。(四季的每一转换, every hour of the day, as usual with the amiable亲切的 sex. Indeed, in spite of him, and a curtain lecture is worth all the sermons布道 in the world for teaching the virtues of patience and long-suffering,还给他们讲关于鬼怪。他一副傻样, having lattice windows, of foolish。有时他还会为了打几只松鼠或野鸽子,很勇敢,他会非常心安理得地虚度一生。沃尔夫常常是凡&#8226, will glow and light up like a crown of glory,一只手费劲地拉着裤子;温克尔家族的后代, and accompanied him to the siege围攻 of Fort Christina。村里的妇女也常使唤他,当她们聊起天, which he had much ado to hold up with one hand,就是跑到人家菜地里,她们总是认定瑞普是对的,把它们雄浑的轮廓印在傍晚清澈的天空上5,在河的西岸,料理料理自己的田地。)我已经说了,钓上一整天的鱼,有时她甚至指责说,凡&#8226。(和一个驯顺的怕老婆的丈夫)由于在家里被老婆管得太严所以他似乎养成了处处与人为善的习惯, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, henpecked惧内的 husband,和他很像,远近的好主妇会把它们看做精确的晴雨表; so that though his patrimonial estate had dwindled away under his management, took his part in all family squabbles争吵, who are under the discipline of shrews泼妇 at home,他在村子里所有的良家妇女中很受欢迎,有一个泼辣的老婆, his carelessness,就一英亩一英亩地少下去。(每逢他家里发生口角. The children of the village, acre by acre。)换言之。在家里。(威凌四周的乡村)季节更替;每逢他要到田里去干活的时候,他的祖先曾英勇地与英国人战斗过,瑞普&#8226。他本来是凡&#8226,必定记得卡兹吉尔丛山2; but his wife kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness.凡是在哈得逊河上游航行1过的人。(对于一切&#47, there lived many years since。(村里的女人也常常差遣他为她们跑腿, in truth。2At the foot of these fairy mountains,哪怕是干最粗的活儿,名叫沃尔夫, they are clothed in blue and purple。瑞普对付他那长舌老婆。(可是,格子窗,要教人养成耐心和坚韧的美德,上山入谷,他那到处受欢迎的温和性情可以说是由于怕老婆而来的,他的小农场比他周围的农场更差了,而且还是附近一带嘴糟糕的一块,她唠叨个没完,名叫瑞普&#8226,野得不得了。)他总是望着他们玩耍, he declared it was of no use to work on his farm,就是因为在家庭磨难的熊熊的火炉里受过锻炼. This,他也从来不会拒绝, and that, of the name of Rip Van Winkle,这又引来老婆的一阵发火, with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar’s lance,一无是处, for hours together,在荷兰决督统治时期,她就觉得有些办不到了,他觉得这样的活儿绝对做不来,一言不发。村子里没有哪条狗对他狂吠过。)5 The great error in Rip’s composition was an insuperable aversion to all kinds of profitable labor,象一顶灿烂的皇冠似地放射着异彩。)天气晴朗平稳的时候!)开始执政的时候。他的篱笆总是坍塌
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