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Saltwater pools have become increasingly popular, particularly in the desert southwest. In areas like Phoenix the sun and heat tend to cause rapid evaporation of chlorine. Sal&twater generators are a great option for this hot climate. Nine out of ten new pools are saltwater systems, and the process to maintain these systems is far different from their older chlorine counterparts. If you are a new owner of a saltwater pool you'll need to know how to properly care for your system. Here is how to maintain a new saltwater pool.Whether you've had your saltwater pool for a while or you are a new owner, it is always a good idea to keep your pump filter clean. The method used to clean the filter will vary a bit depending on whether it's a sand filter, grid system, cartridge system, or a diatomaceous earth filtration system.In order to avoid problems with your pool water it is important to maintain the salt levels. Each system has a minimum level of salt that is needed for the automatic chlorine generator to function properly. If the salt levels fall below the minimum level needed for your particular system, no chlorine will be produced leading to water issues within your pool.Saltwater pools need to have a higher pH level than a normal chlorine pool. For the saltwater pools the pH should be between 7.4 and 7.8. If the pH balance falls below this level, add enough muriatic acid to bring the levels back into balance. You should be testing the pH balance in your saltwater pool once or twice a week.As the filter runs chlorine is being added to the pool water. Chlorine is needed to keep algae from becoming a problem in your saltwater pool. Don't skimp on the filter run time.When talking about the stabilizer it is important to understand that it is necessary to protect the chlorine from the sun. Also known as the conditioner, the stabilizer needs to be checked every couple of months. Your pool's cyanuric acid, or stabilizer levels, should be maintained between 20-60 ppm, or parts per million. The right amount of stabilizer will help keep the chlorine levels at the right level to sanitize the pool.The salt chlorinator cell needs to remain clean in order for your system to function properly. If it is not properly cleaned, the salt cell will stop producing the proper amount of chlorine. This results in your pool not being properly sanitized. Regularly check the cell for signs of calcium build up and clean as recommended by the manufacturer of your system.Every day you need to take the time to clean out any debris that has found itself lodged in the skimmer baskets and filters. Any kind of debris that is left in the pool can change the pH balance of the water. This in turn will lead to having to make adjustments to the pH balance more often. You will likely need to clean the baskets more often in the warmer months in areas of the southwest such as Phoenix due to pollen.Don't forget to check the alkalinity of the water regularly. This is something that you'll want to do about once a week. Your pool's alkalinity should be remain in the range of 80 to 100. To maintain this range you may need to add muriatic acid from time to time. In some areas soda ash will be used.Every week you should test the levels of the free chlorine in your saltwater pool. You should find the results to be between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm. If you find that your levels are outside of these ranges, you can adjust your chlorine generator to run for a longer period of time.With saltwater pools you don't have the inconvenience of having everything smell like chlorine. With this added bonus it's no wonder saltwater pools are becoming increasingly popular. With more people choosing an alternative to chemical chlorine, it is important to be aware of how to properly maintain a saltwater pool. While there is some maintenance that goes along with a saltwater pool, there is a bit less you have to do to keep your pool maintained.Saltwater pools are an eco-friendly alternative to the harsh chemical contents of the traditional chlorine pools. The generator present in a saltwater pool system takes the salt that is added to the pool and converts it to a less harsh chlorine that works
keeping it clean, clear and free of algae.
Phoenix, Arizona attractions span a wide range of interests and opportunities. While Phoenix may be famous for its outdoor activities and art exhibits, it also has some fantas&tic attractions for the more scientifically minded. These attractions include the famed Arizona Science Center and various other science events. This article will provide basic information on getting the most out of a science-based visit to Phoenix.The Arizona Science Center alone hosts a wide variety of exhibits and information. Exhibit displays are very detailed, and there are over 300 main ones throughout the entire facility. In addition to this, tourists can visit the Desert Botanical Garden, the Children's Museum of Phoenix, and the Arizona Challenger Space Center. This is just a sample of the many different opportunities travelers and residents can explore that are related to science. To hit everything, you would need longer than just a weekend trip.There are dozens of different fairs and festivals throughout Phoenix. Science fairs like the Da Vinci Faire and Scitech Festival run at least once a year for an in-depth exploration of science. Many times, these fairs and festivals require registration to ensure that there is adequate accommodation for all involved. Travelers can find relevant information at the Arizona Science Center, which includes updates on the various events.Many of these activities are highly interactive. At the Children's Museum of Phoenix, just about everything allows some form of hands-on interaction. The Arizona Challenger Space Center lets visitors participate in the development and implementation of the mission. While lectures and traditional tours are available at most locations, these form only a small component of the many activities offered.Each location is different. Travelers need to make sure that they call ahead to ensure that pictures are allowed. Sometimes, locations such as the Arizona Science Center permit cameras in their general exhibits, but they may not permit them in other particular exhibits for various reasons. Calling ahead is the only way to ensure that people do not have to lug their cameras around when they can't use them.Phoenix, Arizona has many different activities for people of all ages and interests. While it is rightfully famous for its outdoor activities and art exhibits, Phoenix also boasts a wide variety of science-based activities. Starting with the eminent Arizona Science Center with over 300 exhibits, science enthusiasts can participate in a wide variety of Phoenix activities all related to their passion. This is in addition to the various science fairs and festivals that visitors can also attend. These events often require registration, but they are a great deal of fun for all science lovers.The Arizona Science Center alone hosts a wide variety of exhibits and information. Exhibit displays are very detailed, and there are over 300 main ones throughout the entire facility. In addition to this, tourists can visit the Desert Botanical Garden, the Children's Museum of Phoenix, and the Arizona Challenger Space Center.
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