
其他回答 (1)
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语学习   
’t be needing it? 麦克:史密斯先生,今天下午你准备用割草机吗? 史密斯先生:是的。 麦克:太好了。既然您不用网球拍,那我可以借用一下吗?JOKEPIER ……
[阅读数:888] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST Q: Dear editor:我很喜欢陈冠希,因此当我发现第193期头版介绍的是陈冠希时,我非常高兴,从头到尾仔细地看了一遍,但在陈冠希说到原来的唱片公司时,他有...叫final say?吉林,小美A: 亲爱的小美:这句话的意思是:他们(指原来的唱片公司) 对我应该做什么样的音乐总是有最终发言权。这个final say字面意思是"最终发言权",可以理解为"决定权",say ……
[阅读数:2400] - 日 -
为二战胜利纪念日。)4. disarmament: n. 解除武装,裁军,"armament":军备,武器,常用作复数"armaments"例句:Nuclear disarmament... ceremony in a former German officers' casino in Berlin on May 8, 1945. (日深夜,盟军在前柏林一家德国军官娱乐 ……
[阅读数:2892] - 日 -
除了网球,女单冠军扬科维奇还有哪些爱好?Meet a top tennis star 除了网球,女单冠军扬科维奇还有哪些爱好? 词数 213 建议阅读时间 7分钟 WORLD number two Jelena Jankovic from... Q&A with Jelena.Q: What kind of exercises do you do?A: I like doing workouts (训练) for my back ……
[阅读数:1856] - 日 -
team. She is good at free kicks (任意球). She won2 the championship (冠军) of women’s soccer in the 2006... make different training plans for different opponents (对手). It sounds boring3, but I love soccer. Q ……
[阅读数:1104] - 日 -
Clear it up 21ST QDear editor,我是一个体育赛事的狂热爱好者,我很喜欢看Teens上的体育报道。在这里,我有一个问题请你们帮我解答。我想知道冠军、亚军和季军在英语里怎么说?AllanADear Allan,在英语里,当我们要表示获得前三名时可以说 win the first, second, third place,但要表达冠军、亚军和季军时,我们 ……
[阅读数:2103] - 日 -
World's youngest director 21ST 最年轻的游乐总监Sam Pointon is 6. He lives in England. He got a job1 as a director of fun (游乐总监). How did he get it?His dad read a piece of news2 in a newspaper. It was about ……
[阅读数:1361] - 日 -
Pleasant 21ST SINGAPOREAN singer J.J. Lam is the music director (音乐总监) for the movie Love You You... pleasant.Love You You will be in theaters on September 30. 21STPleasant adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的。林俊杰首次担任电影音乐总 ……
[阅读数:1132] - 日 -
Clearing it up 21ST Q: What does "cultish" mean in the sentence "A story line that appeals..." are a group of people who especially love the film (狂热的影迷).Q: Could you tell me what the meaning ……
[阅读数:4507] - 日 -
theatrical production (奢华的娱乐表演). In Chinese, the sentence is "但是,劳动节和解放日是最盛大的节日,大规模的奢华游行以群众性的体操表演为主".Q...Clearing it up 21ST Q: How can I interpret "Why am I supposed to tip the barber for cutting my hair ……
[阅读数:3864] - 日 -
’s soccer team. She is good at free kicks (任意球). She won2 the championship (冠军) of women’s soccer... soccer. Q&AQ: When did you start playing soccer?A: I started playing soccer when I was 7 years old. Q ……
[阅读数:1402] - 日 -
questions:Q: What is the CPI?A: It measures the prices of a range of basic goods..., transportation, communications, entertainment (娱乐), and education. The food price makes up one-third ……
[阅读数:1627] - 日 -
Net to help everyone 21ST 伯纳斯?李用网络把世界联为一体,让现代人享受网上冲浪的便捷与乐趣。SURFING the Internet is cool... University, he built his own working electronic computer out of spare (备用的) parts and a TV.One would ……
[阅读数:4070] - 日 -
Clearing it up 21ST Q: What are "masterful serving performance", "ace" and "poise" in "The 203rd..., being calm. In Chinese, the sentence is "这个世界排名第203位的选手击败了卫冕冠军。比赛中,他表现了良好的发球技术,18次发球得分。比赛结束时,他还 ……
[阅读数:3933] - 日 -
银行服务差是众所周知的。为了提高服务质量、使顾客感到愉悦,日本大垣共立银行在自动提款机上安装了轮盘赌游戏。顾客只要使用了该行的ATM自动取款机,常规服务结束后,屏幕上就会自动“跳出”赌盘,供客户进行博彩娱乐,一旦 ……
[阅读数:2646] - 日 -
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