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iPad mini2和air到底有没有GPS?技术参数里的Assisted GPS到底是什么?
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首先,要搞清楚GPS,GLONASS,Assisted GPS三者之间的区别。GPS和GLONASS是正儿八经靠天上卫星信号定位的,同样靠卫星的还包括中国的北斗(CNSS)和欧洲的GALILEO。
Assisted GPS是一种辅助GPS技术,设计初衷是为上述四种GPS服务的,用以提高GPS卫星定位系统的性能。&/blockquote&&/div&&div class=&blockcode&&&blockquote&&div class=&blockcode&&&blockquote&Assisted GPS原理:A-GPS基本思想是通过在卫星信号接收效果较好的位置上设置若干参考GPS接收机,并利用AGPS服务器通过与终端的交互获得终端的粗位置,然后通过移动网络将该终端需要的星历和时钟等辅助数据发送给终端,由终端进行GPS定位测量。测量结束后,终端可自行计算位置结果或者将测量结果发回到AGPS服务器,服务器进行计算并将结果发回给终端。同时后台SP可获取位置信息为其它服务应用。复制代码
其次,我们再来看看mini2和air除了Assisted GPS还有没有正儿八经靠卫星的GPS?
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19:00 上传
ipad1,2代用的Assisted GPS,之后的3,4代和mini换成俄罗斯GLONASS,到air和mini2又换回Assisted GPS了。
可能有人会说,你看这不正说明了Assisted GPS跟GLONASS是一样的么?apple能出这种疏漏么?
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19:00 上传
看到差别了吗?如果Assisted GPS跟GLONASS是一样的,那就是Cooker脑子烧了,5s太精贵,GPS模块还要搞冗余。。。
从iPhone 5s的配置上,恰恰说明了Assisted GPS的实际功能,正如最初所说,为卫星GPS提供辅助。
结论:air和mini2的Cellular版,并没有实际意义上的卫星GPS,只提供了Assisted GPS。这样可以保证一定程度的定位,但精度一定弱于Assisted GPS+卫星GPS的组合。
最后,为什么apple把GLONASS换回Assisted GPS?
个人猜测,一方面是apple的数据库日益健全完善,Assisted GPS相较ipad1,2代时,定位的精度提高了许多,基本可以满足简单民用需求。
PS:Assisted GPS定位精度是否跟移动运营商基站软硬件设置有关系?这个我也不知道,这个大家看运气吧。
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拙计啊 你知道GPS和格洛纳斯的区别么 一个是美帝一个是北极熊的 本质是一样的好么 aGPS是利用基站快速搜星的技术啊 还是GPS的啊 拙计啊回楼主zmdt于半小时前发表的:&&本帖最后由 zmdt 于
19:34 编辑
首先,要搞清楚GPS,GLONASS,Assisted GPS三者之间的区别。......
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拙计啊 你知道GPS和格洛纳斯的区别么 一个是美帝一个是北极熊的 本质是一样的好么 aGPS是利用基站快速搜星 ...
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拙计啊 你知道GPS和格洛纳斯的区别么 一个是美帝一个是北极熊的 本质是一样的好么 aGPS是利用基站快速搜星 ...
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iPad mini + i929
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iPhone确实同时用了老美的 ...
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Powered by Discuz!Assisted GPS and the iPhone | Ars Technica
Assisted GPS: why the iPhone 3G may need some GPS assistance of its own.
We know that the iPhone 3G will have &assisted GPS.& But what does that
mean? Unfortunately, there is no clear definition of this term, and of
course it&#039;s beneath Apple to provide meaningful . However, some understanding of how GPS works takes most of the guesswork out of it.
GPS provides its location information by determining the distance to at least three or four satellites. (.)
The part of the GPS system that allows for accurate location finding is
the transmission of a pseudo-random &C/A& code by each satellite that
repeats every millisecond. By determining the delay between the moment the
satellite sent the code and the moment it arrives at the receiver, the
receiver can measure its distance from the satellite. But there is a caveat:
because the code repeats 1,000 times per second, the result is ambiguous,
and can be off by increments of approximately 300 kilometers, the distance
that radio waves travel through vacuum in a millisecond.
In order to be able to use the C/A code, the GPS receiver must know
the exact locations of the satellites, and what the distance to at least three or four satellites is within 300 kilometers. The satellites broadcast information about the system as a whole (the almanac) and information about each individual satellite (the ephemeris). But, they do this at very low speed:
just 50 bits per second. Depending on how smart the receiver is and how
many concurrent channels it supports, a receiver may need seconds to
minutes to obtain the current and relevant almanac and ephemeris information. Only after it has learned the current information about the satellites, the receiver is able to use the C/A signal and come up with a location fix as well as a very accurate time.
This is where the &assisted& part in A-GPS comes in: by obtaining
information about the GPS satellites from a server and using approximate
location data learned through other means, an A-GPS receiver can provide a
location fix very quickly because it can skip the slow stuff and process the C/A information immediately. The iPhone almost certainly uses this type of assistance, and possibly others as well, such as offloading computation to a server or the reception of additional information to make the GPS calculations more precise.
This leaves two important questions. First of all, will the iPhone 3G be
able to function as a full-fledged GPS receiver when it can&#039;t connect to
the Internet? And will the iPhone support regular GPS functionality, such
as recording traces? That would be a big boon for projects like
/ Iljitsch is a contributing writer at Ars Technica, where he contributes articles about network protocols as well as Apple topics. He is currently finishing his Ph.D work at the telematics department at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in Spain.AGPS-position 定位基本原理浅析, (Assisted GPS,A- 网络辅助 技术结合了GPS GPS develop 238万源代码下载-
&文件名称: AGPS-position
& & & & &&]
&&开发工具: Visual C++
&&文件大小: 528 KB
&&下载次数: 12
&&提 供 者:
&详细说明:AGPS定位基本原理浅析,AGPS(Assisted GPS,A-GPS,网络辅助GPS)定位技术结合了GPS定位和蜂窝基站定位的优势,借助蜂窝网络的数据传输功能,可以达到很高的定位精度和很快的定位速度,在移动设备尤其是手机中被越来越广泛的使用。-AGPS positioning the basic principles of analysis, AGPS (Assisted GPS, A-GPS, network-assisted GPS) positioning technology combines GPS positioning and cellular base station location advantage, with data transmission function of the cellular network, can achieve high positioning accuracy and very fast positioning speed, especially in the mobile phone devices are more widely used.
&&AGPS positioning the basic principles of analysis.docx
&[] - 是关于GPS电离层模型的相关程序,对研究电离层模型很有用的
&[] - 这是一篇提高GPS网基线精度方法的探讨的文章
&[] - GPS 速度计算算法实现,并有实测数据,与汽车的码表相比,算法在40公里每小时比较准确
&[] - 技基于WIFI的室内定位项目解决方案.GPS室外定位,LBS室内定位. 但有一个缺点,就是不能进行精确定位于在某一个大厦的哪一个楼层的什么地方.而通过WIFI定位,则可以实现.
&[] - GPS信号跟踪程序,可以直接运行,卫星编号和参数都可以修改
&[] - 精密单点定位的研究,很详细。最后附带有编程代码,可以用于学习
&[] - GPS软件接收机基础知识,GPS学习和工作非常好的参考书籍,经典书籍
&[] - 自己写的关于AGPS的一个文章,介绍基本知识,和接收机原理
&[] - How to develop AGPS for your termination
&[] - A "Time To First Fix" duration evaluation (J2ME application) on Nokia S60gps定位器插SIM卡会不会扣费?-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> gps定位器插SIM卡会不会扣费?
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为了帮助网友解决“gps定位器插SIM卡会不会扣费?”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“gps定位器插SIM卡会不会扣费?”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:gps定位器插SIM卡会不会扣费?,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:肯定会扣费 SIM卡不用的话移动公司也会扣月租的 如果不算这个的话 那么如果你将这个卡号已经写入平台那么就会产生流量的费用 一般5块报30兆的流量一个月九够用了 如果不插SIM卡的话 那么这个定位器就是一个废品 呵呵解决方案2:xiexie通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:价格要看你要的是个人GPS定位器还是车载GPS定位器了。GPS定位器是一定要与平台结合使用的,不管是车载的还是个人的,都要交平台服务费。车载GPS定位器的平台服务费一个月60块,GPS定位器本身价格一般300左右,不过平台服务费也可以一次交终身的...===========================================问:比如绑在小孩手上,老人身上的,家人可以通过移动设备看到小孩,老人他...答:定位原理: 定位器获取卫星信号计算出经纬度, 然后通过网络把经纬度上传到服务器, 服务器解析出具体的位置, 人们通过手机或电脑向服务器查询定位器的位置; 如果没有sim卡,那么设备的经纬度就无法发出,大家也无法查询设备的位置,所以没有s...===========================================问:刚买了个GPS定位器,他说要装SIM卡,GPS定位器为什么要装手机SIM卡?答:因为GPS收集到的数据要通过SIM卡流量来传输数据到平台上,这样你才能在监控平台上看到你的车在哪里。希望三连星能帮到你。===========================================问:刚买了个GPS定位器,他说要装SIM卡,GPS定位器为什么要装手机SIM卡?答:要将装有手机卡的GPS定位追踪器固定在车上,首先是卡要能用的哟(要含通话费),用手机向装有手机卡的GPS定位器发送信息,或者呼叫那个号码,GPS定位器就会把它所在的地理位置的相关信息发送短信到您的手机上,您可以通过手机上网或者电脑查询到爱车的...===========================================问:问题类型:系统辅助答:费用根据各地运营商不同 价位不等===========================================问:问题类型:系统辅助答:不会的===========================================问:诺基亚E66自带OVI地图只有插上能用的SIM卡才能使用定位功能。用没钱的SI...答:E66是A-GPS A-GPS(AssistedGPS)是一种结合网络基站信息和GPS信息对移动台进行定位的技术,既利用全球卫星定位系统GPS,又利用移动基站,解决了GPS覆盖的问题,可以在2代的G、C网络和3G网络中使用。 需要上网的。===========================================问:车车上按装的gps防盗定位器欠费是怎么回事,我在定位器上面按装的SIM又...答:1、安装的定位器,如果你是用汽车在线平台的话,在上面看到欠费的情况,这个不是SIM卡欠费,而是平台费欠费了,需要向你卖家交纳平台使用费 2、这种情况一般是跟SIM卡无关的,SIM卡有话费跟网页上显示的欠费是两回事 希望可以帮到你===========================================肯定会扣费 SIM卡不用的话移动公司也会扣月租的 如果不算这个的话 那么如果你将这个... 会产生流量的费用 一般5块报30兆的流量一个月九够用了 如果不插SIM卡的话 那么这个...===========================================需要sim卡,不收费的。貌似不一定要绑定的卡,试试吧。===========================================GPS跟踪器是内置了GPS模块和移动通信模块的终端,用于将GPS模块获得的定位数据通过移动通信模块(移动通信,移动、电信、联通网络均可)传至Internet上的一台服务器上,从...===========================================你想激活用你的联通卡插上让后连接电脑就行了。。。他就是用你的电脑连接苹果的服务器来确认下身份。。你就算卡欠费了他也能激活。。肯定不收费===========================================便携路由器主要是在没有无线网络的环境下将3G信号扩展出无线网络,供具有wifi功能的设备使用无线上网。所以资费的话是一样的。不过什么业务都不办理的话很烧钱,按照实...===========================================当然不可能能这货本来就是收费的只有开能了上网就才,没钱他是锁死的也上不到,这就好比无线网卡.===========================================也免费玩过收费游戏,因为虽然插着SIM卡,只不过是把手机调成"离线"或"...不会扣你的钱的 。。。 我以前也这么玩的。不过 ,后来学聪明了,要是...===========================================是不是 WLAN 吧 只要你手机能进入系统 不装卡 有 WIFI 就能上网===========================================你如果这张卡还是在有效期内,那基本的月租他就当然还是会扣你的了,不可能说你卡不放进手机他就不扣吧???? 你手机没装SIM卡就相当没网络,收不到信息的啊===========================================没有手机卡也就没有wlan了,一般手机上使用wlan需要以手机卡为依托才行啊!你说的免费的不需要手机卡的应该是手机的无线网络wifi局域网,一般手机移动的wlan需要包月才能...===========================================
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用户还关注From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assisted GPS (abbreviated generally as A-GPS and less commonly as aGPS) is a system that is often able to significantly improve the startup performance, or
(TTFF), of a
satellite-based positioning system. A-GPS is extensively used with GPS-capable , as its development was accelerated by the U.S. 's
to make cell phone location data available to emergency call dispatchers.
units depend solely on information from . A-GPS augments that by using cell tower data to enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions. In exceptionally poor signal conditions, for example in urban areas, satellite signals may exhibit
where signals skip off structures, or are
by meteorological conditions or tree canopy. Some , when used in poor conditions, will be unable to fix a position because of satellite signal fracture and must wait for better satellite reception. A GPS unit may require as long as 12.5 minutes (the time needed to download the ) to resolve the problem and be able to provide a correct location.
An assisted GPS system can address these problems by using external data. Utilizing this system can come at a cost to the user. For billing purposes, network providers often count this as a data access, which can cost money depending on the plan.
To be more precise, "A-GPS" features are mostly dependent on an internet network and/or connection to an
(or CNP, in the case of CP/mobile-phone device linked to a Cellular Network Provider data service). A mobile (CellPhone/SmartPhone) device featured with "A-GPS" (no additional "S-GPS"/Standalone-GPS feature to be selected as alternative, or there is no "Hybrid GPS" as a complete A-GPS/S-GPS hybrid features in one device) can work only when there is an internet link/connection to an ISP/CNP - it is useless in areas with no coverage of internet link (or no BTS towers nearby, in the case on CNP service coverage area) to connect to those A-GPS servers (that are usually provided by CNPs). On the other hand, an "S-GPS" (including "Dedicated GPS") device/feature requires no connection to internet/network to obtain GPS data since it connects directly to GPS satellites overhead.
Assistance falls into two categories:
Mobile Station Based (MSB): Information used to acquire satellites more quickly.
It can supply
or almanac for the GPS satellites to the GPS receiver, enabling the GPS receiver to lock to the satellites more rapidly in some cases.
The network can provide precise time.
Mobile Station Assisted (MSA): Calculation of position by the server using information from the GPS receiver.
The device captures a snapshot of the GPS signal, with approximate time, for the server to later process into a position.
The assistance server has a good satellite signal, and plentiful computation power, so it can compare fragmentary signals relayed to it.
Accurate, surveyed coordinates for the
towers allow better knowledge of local
conditions and other conditions affecting the GPS signal than the GPS receiver alone, enabling more precise calculation of position.
As an additional benefit, in mobile station assisted implementations, the amount of processing and software required for a GPS receiver can be reduced by offloading most of the work onto the assistance server.
A typical A-GPS-enabled receiver will use a data connection (Internet or other) to contact the assistance server for aGPS information. If it also has functioning autonomous GPS, it may use standalone GPS, which is sometimes slower on , but does not depend on the network, and therefore can work beyond network range, and without incurring data usage fees. Some A-GPS devices do not have the option of falling back to standalone or autonomous GPS.
Many mobile phones combine A-GPS and other location services including
and sometimes a .
is an allied technology that addresses some of these issues in a way that does not require additional infrastructure. However, unlike some forms of A-GPS, high-sensitivity GPS cannot provide a fix instantaneously when the GPS receiver has been off for some time.
Standalone GPS provides first position in approximately 30–40 seconds. A standalone
needs orbital information of the satellites to calculate the current position. The data rate of the satellite signal is only 50 bit/s, so downloading orbital information like ephemerides and the almanac directly from satellites typically takes a long time, and if the satellite signals are lost during the acquisition of this information, it is discarded and the standalone system has to start from scratch. In A-GPS, the
deploys an A-GPS . These A-GPS servers download the orbital information from the satellite and store it in the database. An A-GPS capable device can connect to these servers and download this information using mobile network radio bearers such as , , ,
or even using other wireless radio bearers such as . Usually the data rate of these bearers is high, hence downloading orbital information takes less time.
A-GPS has two modes of operation:
Mobile Station Assisted (MSA)
In MSA mode A-GPS operation, the A-GPS capable device receives acquisition assistance, reference time and other optional assistance data from a mobile service provider. The mobile service provider continuously logs GPS information (mainly the ) from the GPS satellites using an A-GPS server in its system. With the help of the above data (the data received from the mobile device and the data already present in A-GPS server) the A-GPS server calculates the position and sends it back to the A-GPS device.
Mobile Station Based (MSB)
In MSB mode A-GPS operation, the A-GPS device receives ephemeris, reference location, reference time and other optional assistance data from the A-GPS server. With the help of the above data, the A-GPS device receives signals from the visible satellites and calculates the position.
A-GPS protocols are part of Positioning Protocol defined by two different standardization bodies,
Control Plane Protocol
It is defined by 3GPP for various generations of mobile phone system. These protocols are defined for
Networks. Following positioning protocol has been defined.
– 3GPP defined RRLP or Radio resource location protocol to support positioning protocol on GSM networks.
TIA 801 –
family defined this protocol for CDMA 2000 networks.
RRC position protocol – 3GPP defined this protocol as part of the
standard for
LPP – 3GPP defined LPP or LTE positioning protocol for
User Plane Protocol
It is defined by OMA to support positioning protocols in
Networks. Two generations of User plane Protocol have evolved.
. GPS World. March 1, 2002.
NavCen GPS User. 3.5.3 Almanac Collection
. CNET, August 2007
Hybrid system}


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