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京ICP备号-1 京公网安备02号美图秀秀 | 199IT互联网数据中心 | 中文互联网数据研究资讯中心-199IT美图秀秀宣布,截至 1月 下旬,美图秀秀移动端用户总数已经突破 1 亿。
这 1 亿用户的组成大概如下:
iPhone:3600 万
Android:6000 万
iPad:491 万
女性用户占了大多数,达 59%;而年龄则主要分布在 16-22 岁和 22-30 岁之间,其中 16-22 岁的用户比例超过了 60%,如果加上 22-30 岁之间近 26%的用户,16-30 岁之间的用户就占据了绝大多数。
同时美图秀秀也首次跟我们独家分享了移动端的日活跃用户数:560 万。用户每天通过美图秀秀移动端分享到社交平台的图片数量在 60 万左右。而在移动端的功能使用上,美容占到了 36.14%,美化功能占 34.18%,29.68%为其它功能。
从这几个数据可以看出,年轻女性仍然是美图类产品的主力用户,可谓得年轻女性者得天下。根据(简称 MXD)本月中旬发布的一份手机拍照调查数据,44% 的人已习惯在手机上处理照片,其中 73% 使用专门的图片处理软件。而在移动端的图片处理类应用中,“美图秀秀” 以压倒之势排名第一,占到同类软件 94% 的份额。
坐拥 1 亿用户之后,我想美图秀秀接下来可能会在商业化方面会有更多动作,因为纯工具类应用的进入门槛其实不高。目前像 Camera360 就开始走平台化和云端分享战略,比如推出,让应用开发者免费集成拍照 (滤镜)、图像处理等功能,其中可能会植入广告什么的。另一款拥有 5000 万用户的纯工具类应用墨迹天气也逐渐开始向其它领域如拍照方面扩展。
而随着 “” 的上线,美图秀秀也表示,未来在移动端可能会走向开放 SDK 这一步,但没有透露更多细节。原创文章,作者:JohnTian,如若转载,请注明出处:/p/200988.html“看完这篇还不够?如果你也在创业,并且希望自己的项目被报道,请告诉我们!”
分享到JohnTian编辑Done is better than perfect!创业者们,如果你或你的朋友想被36氪报道,请狠戳这里&&&&0 篇文章总数0 万总阅读量创业经历0投资案例0进入下一轮0成功退出关注领域投资阶段计划今年投资0计划投资额度投资案例0投资案例0入驻投资人机构成员
蓝魔 M7 手机曝光,将主打长续航据蓝魔官方微博爆料,公司在推出蓝魔 R9 后将再次推出一款新手机:蓝魔 M7,手机将主打长续航。目前这款手机已经现身工信部,工信部信息显示,蓝魔 M7 内置 5000mAh 电池,三围尺寸是142×70×9.6(mm),在其它配置方面,蓝魔M7采用5英寸720P屏幕,1.5GHz八核处理器,辅以2GB RAM+32GB ROM,摄像头组合为500万像素前置+1300万像素后置,网络方面支持GSM,TD-SCDMA,TD-LTE,LTE FDD和WCDMA。云存储公司Nutanix拟通过IPO融资2亿美元据Fortune消息,美国在线云存储服务供应商Nutanix近日提交了IPO文件,这份文件显示Nutanix计划通过此次IPO融资2亿美元,但尚未披露具体出售多少股票。Nutanix成立于2009年,主要致力于为企业开发服务器和存储信息,曾在2014年8月的私有融资中获得了20亿美元的估值,计划在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“NTNX”,高盛、摩根士丹利、摩根大通和瑞士信贷将担任其上市的承销商。目前Nutanix尚未盈利,最近一个财年营收为2.414亿美元,同比增长90%,在截至日的财年中,共亏损1.261亿美元,同比扩大了50%。据悉,Nutanix已经融资3.12亿美元,其主要股东包括光速创投(持股23%)和Khosla ventures(持股10.9%),公司联合创始人兼CEO Dheeraj Pandey持有9.2%的股份。Oculus VR 开始向开发者出货最终版 Rift 硬件和 SDK据国外科技媒体 engadget 消息,Oculus 表示已经开始向开发者出货 Rift VR 设备和 SDK 1.0。根据该公司的公告, Rift SDK 和运行时已经直接包含了消费级产品的功能,计划用这个设备玩游戏的用户,该公司建议还是继续使用 0.8 版本的 SDK。Oculus Rift 将于 2016年第一季度推出,公司尚未给出明确售价,但会高于 350 美元。另外在配置方面,公司建议最好使用高端PC,在今年 5 月,Oculus 建议至少使用酷睿i5-4590(及以上)处理器、至少8GB内存、NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon 290独显(兼容HDMI 1.3视频输出)、2个USB 3.0端口、以及Windows 7 SP1(及更新的)操作系统。太平洋汽车网收购4S上门保养平台酷养车近日,太平洋网络旗下太平洋汽车网收购了上门保养平台“酷养车”,酷养车成立于2015年,酷养车是由4S店售后服务团队提供品牌标准化服务,保养维修配件使用原厂件。除上门保养业务,酷养车还为车主提供到店的在线预约,部分城市开通了上门提车服务,通过系统设定车主可以远程掌握车辆保养进展。据悉,酷养车今年8月已在部分地区完成试点,将在全国各主要城市推出,产品最新版本也正在内测之中。功能增加违章查询和各种窝心的如保险、保养、年检到期提醒服务。未来“酷养车”还将以车主用车为导向提供车险续保、金融、二手车、代驾、用车答疑等用车全生命周期的各项服务。微软视频会议系统Surface Hub推迟发货并涨价据ZDNet消息,微软的巨屏视频会议系统Surface Hub再度推迟发货,且价格也有所上涨。今年八月微软曾表示,其推出的55英寸Surface Hub预计售价为6999美元,84英寸售价19999美元,但近日微软却在一份邮件声明中表示,这两款型号的产品售价将分别上调至8999美元和21999美元,已经预订了Surface Hub的用户不受此次价格变动影响,仍按上调前的价格付款。此前微软称首批Surface Hub将在日发货,比最初制定的9月1日发货晚了四个月,而现在微软又将该设备的发货日期推迟到了明年第一季度。微软该款视频会议系统于今年一月发布,预装了定制版Windows 10系统,支持定制化多点触控和数字墨水协作系统,配备了两支手写笔和一个无线键盘,可以运行Windows商店的通用应用,内置了定制版OneNote、Skype for Business和微软Office应用。Ciright One收购智能卡创业公司Stratos据The Verge消息,为了让智能卡业务继续运营,Stratos公司CEO Thiago Olson将公司出售给了Ciright One。Stratos主要提供卡片整合服务,在完成了Stratos和用户的信用卡、借记卡、门禁卡、会员卡、积分卡等的关联后,用户只需携带Stratos卡,便能实现每张卡的功能,如ATM取款、餐厅付费和加油站加油等。这张卡片如果远离用户的手机一段时间,那么卡片将会自动关闭,该公司表示这张卡使用了银行级加密技术。使用这一服务的话用户需要支付一年95美元或两年145美元的会员费,此前Stratos曾获得了超700万美元的风险投资。Stratos的CEO Thiago Olson称,目前Stratos的员工面临着一个不确定的未来,但公司希望这张智能卡片在搭载NFC技术后能有助于Stratos和苹果的Apple Pay以及谷歌的Android Pay之间的竞争。百度联手国金证券推出大数据量化基金据凤凰科技消息,百度今天与国金证券联合宣布,共同推出了“国金百度大数据基金”,这是百度继与中信银行、安联保险合作成立百信银行、百安保险后,在证券领域再次与传统金融机构合作。“国金百度大数据基金”的首期募资规模为5亿元,引入百度大数据后,该基金将使得量化模型中的传统因子进一步增强,国金证券将通过精准选股、动态捕捉套利机会、优化量化模型等方式来降低投资风险,从而提高投资收益。在双方的合作中,百度将主要发挥自身在数据资源、云计算基础架构和人工智能技术等方面的优势,通过大数据来分析网民的金融意图、了解股民情绪、预测行业走向,而国金证券则主要负责系统策略开发和资金募集,以此来为证券机构提供考量因子。据悉,现阶段双方合作将主要围绕优化投资策略模型展开。滴滴出行推接驾专线,驾乘双方无需公开手机号12月23日,滴滴出行正式推出“接驾专线”,打车过程中驾乘双方都无需再公开手机号码,只用通过这条专线来联系沟通,目前这个功能已经覆盖快车和专车服务,并在天津地区上线运行,预计明年春节时间在全国推广。据悉,驾乘专线是一组固定的 400 虚拟号码。滴滴快车、专车司机接单后,仅需点击“滴滴出行”APP内的“安全电话”按钮,即可向虚拟服务商发出呼叫需求。虚拟服务商接到需求后,会通过“接驾专线”转拨给乘客,然后乘客会接到一通来自“滴滴出行”的电话。同时,乘客也可点击APP内的“安全电话”按钮用“接驾专线”呼叫司机。新闻聚合应用 Zaker 成立区域融媒体12月22日下午,新闻聚合类应用 Zaker 宣布成立区域融媒体,该项目联合深圳晚报、楚天金报、江南都市报、华龙网、广东广播电视台、河南日报报业集团共 7 家媒体共同打造。据 Zaker CEO 李森表示,未来 Zaker 将以城市为中心,与当地主流媒体结合,力图打造覆盖资讯、线上话题社区、生活服务的新版本。据悉,今年8月Zaker 和深圳晚报合作推出深圳方面的项目,项目上线后 Zaker 和广告、政府公益等方面有一定合作,Zaker 表示以后会把传统媒体和新媒体相结合,呈现更多具有各城市本地特色的服务。 苹果进行董事会改革,股东持股3%将能够提名董事人选据华尔街日报报道,苹果于近日对公司董事会任命进行了改革。苹果将引入名为“proxy access”的代理参与机制,即普通投资人将通过集体参与,影响上市公司的董事会成员任命。苹果表示,苹果股东中持股3%及以上超过三年将可以给出公司董事的提名建议。据悉,苹果目前的董事会成员共有8人,依照每位股东最多可以提名20%董事的规定,有权提名的股东最多能够提名一位董事。据悉,proxy acess目前已经在多家国外企业被启用,其中包括高盛,麦当劳和可口可乐。Happy Home 获3500 万美元种子轮融资据国外科技媒体 Techcrunch 消息,美国家政服务公司 Happy Home 宣布获得3500 万美元种子轮融资。 Happy Home 今年刚成立,它运作的方式就像用户的“管家”,在家政服务方面可以全天24小时接听电话,为用户指派相应的人来提供服务,包括水管工、清洁工、电工、瓦工、园艺工等,公司提供免费咨询服务,会有专业人员指出维修问题,比如水龙头漏水、空调过滤器破损等等。接着,家政管家在征得顾客同意下,将仔细筛选并列出服务供应商清单。值得一提的是,Happy Home 的创始人兼 CEO 曾经成功创始过Hipster to AOL 公司,现在后者已经出售。Foursquare将完成新一轮融资,估值缩水过半据CNBC消息,基于用户地理位置信息(LBS)的社交网站Foursquare即将完成最新一轮融资,公司估值将达2.5亿美元,但与投资者两年前给出的估值相比,缩水过半。Foursquare于2009年创办,2013年曾获得了3500万美元的融资,当时公司估值为6.5亿美元。其服务可以让用户告诉朋友自己在哪家餐厅或是酒吧。消息称这家创业公司也在和潜在收购者接触,因而Foursquare也有可能在融资未完成的情况下直接出售,Foursquare本轮融资规模在2000万美元至4000万美元之间。此外,至少有一名新的投资者将参与到此轮投资当中,现有投资者包括DFJ Growth、微软、Silver Lake Partners、Spark Capital、Union Square Ventures和Andreessen Horowitz。据Foursquare CEO克罗利透露,这项服务已经有5000万活跃用户。亚马逊租用飞机自建物流体系据华尔街日报消息,随着圣诞临近,亚马逊正准备租用20架波音767喷气式飞机来服务自身的空运业务,此前亚马逊曾购买了几千辆卡车拖车,用于美国境内货物的配送,同时还推出了Amazon Prime和Amazon Flex服务,即无人机配送和卡车司机按需配送。这表明随着封装体积和物流成本的不断增加,亚马逊正计划构建自己的物流体系,而不再依赖于UPS。数据显示,亚马逊的物流成本在第三季度占其总收入的11.7%,同比增长10.4%,知情人士表示他们的木白哦是减少对于UPS这类物流运营商的依赖。一名UPS发言人就此事表示,UPS仍将与亚马逊保持密切合作,帮助他们减少成本,应对用户服务方面的挑战。亚马逊和UPS前任高管称,今年亚马逊支付给UPS的物流费用达10亿美元,较2005年增长了五倍。谷歌开始测试免密登录据国外科技媒体 Techcrunch 消息,Google 日前证实正在测试免密支付功能,这项功能类似 Yahoo 的 Account Key,具体来说用户需要使用只能手机来验证身份,用户需要登录手机推送的一条通知信息,在系统询问“是否需要免密登录”中选择“是”,然后就能实现 Google 账户非密码登录。Google 表示,这项功能的开发旨在帮助那些经常使用移动端登录 Google 和密码过于复杂的用户,另外,免密登录能起到密码保护的作用。类似地,Yahoo 的 Account Key 服务在今年 10 月登陆,Yahoo Account Key服务会向与该账号捆绑的智能手机发送一条消息。这时,用户可以通过选择“Yes”或“No”以允许或拒绝登录。iOS 9.1 验证通道关闭12月22日,iOS 9.1 的系统被苹果关闭,这意味着用户将无法通过 iTunes 降级到 iOS 9.1 系统,只能使用最新版本的 iOS 9.2 系统。iOS 9.2 发布已经 10 天,9.1的关闭也是是合情理的。另外,此次通道关闭不会影响越狱用户,因为目前最新的越狱工具仅支持 iOS 9.0-iOS 9.0.2 的系统版本越狱,但有消息爆出,iOS 9.2 的完美越狱正在开发中,可能于近期发布。iOS 9.2 的发布声称改变了 9.1 系统不流畅的情况,并且对Apple Music 进行了改进,用户可以在添加歌曲至播放列表时创建新播放列表,Apple News 新增 “热门报道” 板块,当天的重点新闻可以及时获悉等等。奇虎360或贷款34亿美元用于私有化交易融资据路透社消息,银行方面透露,中国安全软件生产商奇虎360目前正寻求34亿美元的贷款,用于为价值93亿美元的私有化交易融资。据悉,奇虎360的贷款将由账簿管理人中国招商银行以及牵头行全部包销,且中国招商银行已经邀请了中国另外两家银行一同参与奇虎360的贷款交易。奇虎360的贷款包括价值30亿美元的7年期贷款和价值4亿美元的过桥贷款,这起以人民币计价的贷款交易预计将于今年年底前在中国完成。今年六月份奇虎收到了来自CEO周鸿祎发出的私有化邀约,汤森路透的资料显示,包括奇虎360在内,今年美国上市的中概股因私有化交易贷款总额上升了至少74.5亿美元,也有消息人士透露,奇虎360的债务与Ebitda的比率不高于6倍。谷歌开发新移动聊天应用,采用人工智能技术据华尔街日报消息,谷歌目前正在开发一款新的移动聊天应用,这款应用采用了谷歌在人工智能领域的专利技术以及聊天机器人技术,谷歌试图在这一快速增长的领域赶超Facebook等竞争对手。知情人士称谷歌正计划在新服务中整合聊天机器人,这一机器人可以回答用户的问题,用户也可以向其发送文本信息,聊天机器人将搜索各个信息源来回答这些问题。据市场调研公司Portio Research的数据,目前聊天应用是全球最受欢迎的移动APP,拥有约20亿的用户,而谷歌所拥有的两个聊天应用Hangouts和Messenger的用户使用量远低于Facebook的WhatsApp和腾讯旗下的微信。目前尚不清楚谷歌将于何时推出这项服务,但在过去的一年内,谷歌高管Nick Fox一直带领团队在开发这项新服务。美团点评电影业务整合,将以猫眼电影为主据腾讯科技消息,22日,猫眼电影宣布完成与大众点评电影频道的整合,此次整合涉及业务部署、人事安排、产品技术等方面,整合后双方的产品、品牌将保持独立运营,后台数据将全部打通,并接入统一的数据平台。日后,包括美团电影频道、大众点评电影频道、猫眼电影在内的美团点评电影业务,将全部整合在猫眼电影公司内整体运作。另外,在产品界面上,猫眼电影APP、美团电影频道、大众点评电影频道,将会各自保持独立的产品、品牌运营。携程推出首款电视应用12月22日消息,携程旅行网发布了其品牌下的首款电视应用携程旅行,这款应用由酷开 TV 进行开发,也是携程布局电视应用市场的开端,22日起,酷开 TV 观众就能通过电视遥控器来预订携程的旅游产品。此外,用户还可以在电视上查看携程的相关产品并进行预订,产品会以综合文字、图片、价格的形式进行展示,观众在相中某个产品点击预订后,可用手机扫描相应的二维码进入订单填写界面并进行付款。携程表示,以后还会在多渠道上线这一应用,同时,携程还将在目前已有的酒店、门票两大板块的基础上陆续接入机票、旅游、当地玩乐等产品。考拉理财获 2000 万元 A 轮投资12月23日,理财平台考拉理财宣布获得 2000 万人民币 A 轮融资,此轮融资由伯藜创投领投,多为互联网、金融个人投资人跟投。据悉,考拉理财在今年 5 月11 日正式上线,上线后首先在国内推出适合懒人和小白的理财活期产品,随后推出活期和定期组合产品。考拉理财的 CEO 曾表示,考拉理财很重视投前环节,对平台和标的从五十多个维度进行评估,包括背景、leader、第三方的评估数据、实地考察情况等等。此外,还会对所投平台和标的进行大数据实时监测,建立风险预警机制。
聚集全球最优秀的创业者,项目融资率接近97%,领跑行业本文作者:Jay Kreps,linkedin公司首席工程师;文章来自于他在linkedin上的分享;原文标题:The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction。
请让我首先解释 一下“数据集成”是什么意思,还有为什么我觉得它很重要,之后我们再来看看它和日志有什么关系。
数据集成就是将数据组织起来,使得在与其有关的服务和系统中可以访问它们。“数据集成”(data integration)这个短语应该不止这么简单,但是我找不到一个更好的解释。而更常见的术语 ETL 通常只是覆盖了数据集成的一个有限子集(译注:ETL,Extraction-Transformation-Loading的缩写,即数据提取、转换和加载)——相对于关系型数据仓库。但我描述的东西很大程度上可以理解为,将ETL推广至实时系统和处理流程。
你一定不会听到数据集成就兴趣盎然屏住呼吸,并且天花乱坠的想到关于大数据的概念,不过,我相信世俗的问题“让数据可被访问” 是一个组织应该关注的有价值的事情。
对数据的高效使用遵循一种 马斯洛的需要层次理论 。金字塔的基础部分包括捕获所有相关数据,能够将它们全部放到适当的处理环境(那个环境应该是一个奇妙的实时查询系统,或者仅仅是文本文件和python脚本)。这些数据需要以统一的方式建模,这样就可以方便读取和数据处理。如果这种以统一的方式捕获数据的基本需求得到满足,那么就可以在基础设施上以若干种方法处理这些数据——映射化简(MapReduce),实时查询系统,等等。
第一个趋势是增长的事件数据(event data)。事件数据记录的是发生的事情,而不是存在的东西。在web系统中,这就意味着用户活动日志,还有为了可靠的操作以及监控数据中心的机器的目的,所需要记录的机器级别的事件和统计数字。人们倾向称它们为“日志数据”,因为它们经常被写到应用的日志中,但是这混淆了形式与功能。这种数据位于现代web的中心:归根结底,Google的资产是由这样一些建立在点击和映像基础之上的相关管道所生成的——那也就是事件。
第二个趋势来自于专门的数据系统的爆发,通常这些数据系统在最近的五年中开始变得流行,并且可以免费获得。专门的数据系统是为OLAP, 搜索, 简单 在线 存储, 批处理, 图像分析, 等 等 而存在的。
每个逻辑数据源都可以建模为它自己的日志。一个数据源可以是一个应用程序的事件日志(如点击量或者页面浏览量),或者是一个接受修改的数据库表。每个订阅消息的系统都尽可能快的从日志读取信息,将每条新的记录保存到自己的存储,并且提升其在日志中的地位。订阅方可以是任意一种数据系统 —— 一个缓存,Hadoop,另一个网站中的另一个数据库,一个搜索系统,等等。
“每个工作数据管道设计得就像是一个日志;每个损坏的数据管道以其自己的方式损坏。”—Count Leo Tolstoy (由作者翻译)
特别重要的是:目标系统只知道日志,不知道数据源系统的任何细节。消费方系统自身无需考虑数据到底是来自于一个RDBMS(关系型数据库管理系统Relational Database Management System),一种新型的键值存储,或者它不是由任何形式的实时查询系统所生成的。这似乎是一个小问题,但实际上是至关重要的。
在 LinkedIn(SNS社交网站)
Voldemort (键值存储)(译注:一种分布式数据库)
Espresso (文档存储)
Ingraphs (监控图表和指标服务)
这种使用日志作为数据流的思想,甚至在我到这里之前就已经与LinkedIn相伴了。我们开发的一个最早的基础设施之一,是一种称为databus 的服务,它在我们早期的Oracle表上提供了一种日志缓存抽象,可伸缩订阅数据库修改,这样我们就可以很好支持我们的社交网络和搜索索引。
我们本来计划是仅仅将数据从现存的Oracle数据仓库中剖离。但是我们首先发现将数据从Oracle中迅速取出是一种黑暗艺术。更糟的是,数据仓库的处理过程与我们为Hadoop而计划的批处理生产过程不适合——其大部分处理都是不可逆转的,并且与即将生成的报告具体相关。最终我们采取的办法是,避免使用数据仓库,直接访问源数据库和日志文件。最后,我们为了加载数据到键值存储 并生成结果,实现了另外一种管道。
古希腊时代的 ETL(提取转换加载Extract Transform and Load)。并没有太多变化。
首先,我们已建成的通道虽然有一些杂乱,但实质上它们是很有价值的。在采用诸如Hadoop的新的处理系统生成可用数据的过程,它开启了大量的可能性。 基于这些数据过去很难实现的计算,如今变为可能。 许多新的产品和分析技术都来源于把分片的数据放在一起,这些数据过被锁定在特定的系统中。
第二, 众所周知,可靠的数据加载需要数据通道的深度支持。如果我们可以捕获所有我们需要的结构,我就就可以使得Hadoop数据全自动的加载,这样就不需要额外的操作来增加新的数据源或者处理模式变更–数据就会自动的出现在HDFS,Hive表就会自动的生成对应于新数据源的恰当的列。
第三,我们的数据覆盖率仍然非常低。如果你查看存储于Hadoop中的可用的Linked 数据的全部百分比,它仍然是不完整的。花费大量的努力去使得各个新的数据源运转起来,使得数据覆盖度完整不是一件容易的事情。
在相当长的时间内,Kafka是独一无二的底层产品,它既不是数据库,也不是日志文件收集系统,更不是传统的消息系统。但是最近Amazon提供了非常类似Kafka的服务,称之为Kinesis.相似度包括了分片处理的方式,数据的保持,甚至包括在Kafka API中,有点特别的高端和低端消费者分类。我很开心看到这些,这表明了你已经创建了很好的底层协议,AWS已经把它作为服务提供。他们对此的期待与我所描述的吻合:通道联通了所有的分布式系统,诸如DynamoDB, RedShift, S3等,它同时作为使用EC2进行分布式流处理的基础。
在我看来,正是因为这个原因有了额外好处:使得数据仓库ETL更具了组织级的规模。数据仓库的精典问题是数据仓库负责收集和清洗组织中各个组所生成的全部数据。各组织的动机是不同的,数据的生产者并不知晓在数据仓库中数据的使用情况,最终产生的数据很难抽取,或者需要花费规模化的转化才可以转化为可用的形式。当然, 中心团队不可能恰到好处的掌握规模,使得这规模刚好与组织中其它团队相匹配,因此数据的覆盖率常常差别很大,数据流是脆弱的同时变更是缓慢的。
人们普遍认为分布式日志是缓慢的、重量经的概念(并且通常会把它仅仅与“原数据”类型的使用联系起来,对于这类使用Zookeeper可以适用)。但是深入实现并重点关注分类记录大规模的数据流,这种需求是不切实际的。在LinkedIn, 我们现在每天通过Kafka运行着超过600亿个不同的消息写入点(如果统计镜相与数据中心之间的写入,那么这个数字会是数千亿。)
Part Two: Data Integration
Let me first say what I mean by “data integration” and why I think it’s important, then we’ll see how it relates back to logs.
Data integration is making all the data an organization has available in all its services and systems.
This phrase “data integration” isn’t all that common, but I don’t know a better one. The more recognizable term ETL usually covers only a limited part of data integration—populating a relational data warehouse. But much of what I am describing can be thought of as ETL generalized to cover real-time systems and processing flows.
You don’t hear much about data integration in all the breathless interest and hype around the idea of big data, but nonetheless, I believe this mundane problem of “making the data available” is one of the more valuable things an organization can focus on.
Effective use of data follows a kind of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The base of the pyramid involves capturing all the relevant data, being able to put it together in an applicable processing environment (be that a fancy real-time query system or just text files and python scripts). This data needs to be modeled in a uniform way to make it easy to read and process. Once these basic needs of capturing data in a uniform way are taken care of it is reasonable to work on infrastructure to process this data in various ways—MapReduce, real-time query systems, etc.
It’s worth noting the obvious: without a reliable and complete data flow, a Hadoop cluster is little more than a very expensive and difficult to assemble space heater. Once data and processing are available, one can move concern on to more refined problems of good data models and consistent well understood semantics. Finally, concentration can shift to more sophisticated processing—better visualization, reporting, and algorithmic processing and prediction.
In my experience, most organizations have huge holes in the base of this pyramid—they lack reliable complete data flow—but want to jump directly to advanced data modeling techniques. This is completely backwards.
So the question is, how can we build reliable data flow throughout all the data systems in an organization?
Data Integration: Two complications
Two trends make data integration harder.
The event data firehose
The first trend is the rise of event data. Event data records things that happen rather than things that are. In web systems, this means user activity logging, but also the machine-level events and statistics required to reliably operate and monitor a data center’s worth of machines. People tend to call this “log data” since it is often written to application logs, but that confuses form with function. This data is at the heart of the modern web: Google’s fortune, after all, is generated by a relevance pipeline built on clicks and impressions—that is, events.
And this stuff isn’t limited to web companies, it’s just that web companies are already fully digital, so they are easier to instrument. Financial data has long been event-centric. RFID adds this kind of tracking to physical objects. I think this trend will continue with the digitization of traditional businesses and activities.
This type of event data records what happened, and tends to be several orders of magnitude larger than traditional database uses. This presents significant challenges for processing.
The explosion of specialized data systems
The second trend comes from the explosion of specialized data systems that have become popular and often freely available in the last five years. Specialized systems exist for OLAP, search, simple online storage, batch processing, graph analysis, and so on.
The combination of more data of more varieties and a desire to get this data into more systems leads to a huge data integration problem.
Log-structured data flow
The log is the natural data structure for handling data flow between systems. The recipe is very simple:
Take all the organization’s data and put it into a central log for real-time subscription.
Each logical data source can be modeled as its own log. A data source could be an application that logs out events (say clicks or page views), or a database table that accepts modifications. Each subscribing system reads from this log as quickly as it can, applies each new record to its own store, and advances its position in the log. Subscribers could be any kind of data system—a cache, Hadoop, another database in another site, a search system, etc.
For example, the log concept gives a logical clock for each change against which all subscribers can be measured. This makes reasoning about the state of the different subscriber systems with respect to one another far simpler, as each has a “point in time” they have read up to.
To make this more concrete, consider a simple case where there is a database and a collection of caching servers. The log provides a way to synchronize the updates to all these systems and reason about the point of time of each of these systems. Let’s say we write a record with log entry X and then need to do a read from the cache. If we want to guarantee we don’t see stale data, we just need to ensure we don’t read from any cache which has not replicated up to X.
The log also acts as a buffer that makes data production asynchronous from data consumption. This is important for a lot of reasons, but particularly when there are multiple subscribers that may consume at different rates. This means a subscribing system can crash or go down for maintenance and catch up when it comes back: the subscriber consumes at a pace it controls. A batch system such as Hadoop or a data warehouse may consume only hourly or daily, whereas a real-time query system may need to be up-to-the-second. Neither the originating data source nor the log has knowledge of the various data destination systems, so consumer systems can be added and removed with no change in the pipeline.
“Each working data pipeline is each broken data pipeline is broken in its own way.”—Count Leo Tolstoy (translation by the author)
Of particular importance: the destination system only knows about the log and not any details of the system of origin. The consumer system need not concern itself with whether the data came from an RDBMS, a new-fangled key-value store, or was generated without a real-time query system of any kind. This seems like a minor point, but is in fact critical.
I use the term “log” here instead of “messaging system” or “pub sub” because it is a lot more specific about semantics and a much closer description of what you need in a practical implementation to support data replication. I have found that “publish subscribe” doesn’t imply much more than indirect addressing of messages—if you compare any two messaging systems promising publish-subscribe, you find that they guarantee very different things, and most models are not useful in this domain. You can think of the log as acting as a kind of messaging system with durability guarantees and strong ordering semantics. In distributed systems, this model of communication sometimes goes by the (somewhat terrible) name of atomic broadcast.
It’s worth emphasizing that the log is still just the infrastructure. That isn’t the end of the story of mastering data flow: the rest of the story is around metadata, schemas, compatibility, and all the details of handling data structure and evolution. But until there is a reliable, general way of handling the mechanics of data flow, the semantic details are secondary.
At LinkedIn
I got to watch this data integration problem emerge in fast-forward as LinkedIn moved from a centralized relational database to a collection of distributed systems.
These days our major data systems include:
Social Graph
Voldemort (key-value store)
Espresso (document store)
Recommendation engine
OLAP query engine
Ingraphs (monitoring graphs and metrics services)
Each of these is a specialized distributed system that provides advanced functionality in its area of specialty.
This idea of using logs for data flow has been floating around LinkedIn since even before I got here. One of the earliest pieces of infrastructure we developed was a service called databus that provided a log caching abstraction on top of our early Oracle tables to scale subscription to database changes so we could feed our social graph and search indexes.
I’ll give a little bit of the history to provide context. My own involvement in this started around 2008 after we had shipped our key-value store. My next project was to try to get a working Hadoop setup going, and move some of our recommendation processes there. Having little experience in this area, we naturally budgeted a few weeks for getting data in and out, and the rest of our time for implementing fancy prediction algorithms. So began a long slog.
We originally planned to just scrape the data out of our existing Oracle data warehouse. The first discovery was that getting data out of Oracle quickly is something of a dark art. Worse, the data warehouse processing was not appropriate for the production batch processing we planned for Hadoop—much of the processing was non-reversable and specific to the reporting being done. We ended up avoiding the data warehouse and going directly to source databases and log files. Finally, we implemented another pipeline to load data into our key-value store for serving results.
This mundane data copying ended up being one of the dominate items for the original development. Worse, any time there was a problem in any of the pipelines, the Hadoop system was largely useless—running fancy algorithms on bad data just produces more bad data.
Although we had built things in a fairly generic way, each new data source required custom configuration to set up. It also proved to be the source of a huge number of errors and failures. The site features we had implemented on Hadoop became popular and we found ourselves with a long list of interested engineers. Each user had a list of systems they wanted integration with and a long list of new data feeds they wanted.
ETL in Ancient Greece. Not much has changed.
A few things slowly became clear to me.
First, the pipelines we had built, though a bit of a mess, were actually extremely valuable. Just the process of making data available in a new processing system (Hadoop) unlocked a lot of possibilities. New computation was possible on the data that would have been hard to do before. Many new products and analysis just came from putting together multiple pieces of data that had previously been locked up in specialized systems.
Second, it was clear that reliable data loads would require deep support from the data pipeline. If we captured all the structure we needed, we could make Hadoop data loads fully automatic, so that no manual effort was expanded adding new data sources or handling schema changes—data would just magically appear in HDFS and Hive tables would automatically be generated for new data sources with the appropriate columns.
Third, we still had very low data coverage. That is, if you looked at the overall percentage of the data LinkedIn had that was available in Hadoop, it was still very incomplete. And getting to completion was not going to be easy given the amount of effort required to operationalize each new data source.
The way we had been proceeding, building out custom data loads for each data source and destination, was clearly infeasible. We had dozens of data systems and data repositories. Connecting all of these would have lead to building custom piping between each pair of systems something like this:
As much as possible, we needed to isolate each consumer from the source of the data. They should ideally integrate with just a single data repository that would give them access to everything.
The idea is that adding a new data system—be it a data source or a data destination—should create integration work only to connect it to a single pipeline instead of each consumer of data.
This experience lead me to focus on building Kafka to combine what we had seen in messaging systems with the log concept popular in databases and distributed system internals. We wanted something to act as a central pipeline first for all activity data, and eventually for many other uses, including data deployment out of Hadoop, monitoring data, etc.
For a long time, Kafka was a little unique (some would say odd) as an infrastructure product—neither a database nor a log file collection system nor a traditional messaging system. But recently Amazon has offered a service that is very very similar to Kafka called Kinesis. The similarity goes right down to the way partitioning is handled, data is retained, and the fairly odd split in the Kafka API between high- and low-level consumers. I was pretty happy about this. A sign you’ve created a good infrastructure abstraction is that AWS offers it as a service! Their vision for this seems to be exactly similar to what I am describing: it is the piping that connects all their distributed systems—DynamoDB, RedShift, S3, etc.—as well as the basis for distributed stream processing using EC2.
Relationship to ETL and the Data Warehouse
Let’s talk data warehousing for a bit. The data warehouse is meant to be a repository of the clean, integrated data structured to support analysis. This is a great idea. For those not in the know, the data warehousing methodology involves periodically extracting data from source databases, munging it into some kind of understandable form, and loading it into a central data warehouse. Having this central location that contains a clean copy of all your data is a hugely valuable asset for data-intensive analysis and processing. At a high level, this methodology doesn’t change too much whether you use a traditional data warehouse like Oracle or Teradata or Hadoop, though you might switch up the order of loading and munging.
A data warehouse containing clean, integrated data is a phenomenal asset, but the mechanics of getting this are a bit out of date.
The key problem for a data-centric organization is coupling the clean integrated data to the data warehouse. A data warehouse is a piece of batch query infrastructure which is well suited to many kinds of reporting and ad hoc analysis, particularly when the queries involve simple counting, aggregation, and filtering. But having a batch system be the only repository of clean complete data means the data is unavailable for systems requiring a real-time feed—real-time processing, search indexing, monitoring systems, etc.
In my view, ETL is really two things. First, it is an extraction and data cleanup process—essentially liberating data locked up in a variety of systems in the organization and removing an system-specific non-sense. Secondly, that data is restructured for data warehousing queries (i.e. made to fit the type system of a relational DB, forced into a star or snowflake schema, perhaps broken up into a high performance column format, etc). Conflating these two things is a problem. The clean, integrated repository of data should be available in real-time as well for low-latency processing as well as indexing in other real-time storage systems.
I think this has the added benefit of making data warehousing ETL much more organizationally scalable. The classic problem of the data warehouse team is that they are responsible for collecting and cleaning all the data generated by every other team in the organization. The incentives are not aligned: data producers are often not very aware of the use of the data in the data warehouse and end up creating data that is hard to extract or requires heavy, hard to scale transformation to get into usable form. Of course, the central team never quite manages to scale to match the pace of the rest of the organization, so data coverage is always spotty, data flow is fragile, and changes are slow.
A better approach is to have a central pipeline, the log, with a well defined API for adding data. The responsibility of integrating with this pipeline and providing a clean, well-structured data feed lies with the producer of this data feed. This means that as part of their system design and implementation they must consider the problem of getting data out and into a well structured form for delivery to the central pipeline. The addition of new storage systems is of no consequence to the data warehouse team as they have a central point of integration. The data warehouse team handles only the simpler problem of loading structured feeds of data from the central log and carrying out transformation specific to their system.
This point about organizational scalability becomes particularly important when one considers adopting additional data systems beyond a traditional data warehouse. Say, for example, that one wishes to provide search capabilities over the complete data set of the organization. Or, say that one wants to provide sub-second monitoring of data streams with real-time trend graphs and alerting. In either of these cases, the infrastructure of the traditional data warehouse or even a Hadoop cluster is going to be inappropriate. Worse, the ETL processing pipeline built to support database loads is likely of no use for feeding these other systems, making bootstrapping these pieces of infrastructure as large an undertaking as adopting a data warehouse. This likely isn’t feasible and probably helps explain why most organizations do not have these capabilities easily available for all their data. By contrast, if the organization had built out feeds of uniform, well-structured data, getting any new system full access to all data requires only a single bit of integration plumbing to attach to the pipeline.
This architecture also raises a set of different options for where a particular cleanup or transformation can reside:
It can be done by the data producer prior to adding the data to the company wide log.
It can be done as a real-time transformation on the log (which in turn produces a new, transformed log)
It can be done as part of the load process into some destination data system
The best model is to have cleanup done prior to publishing the data to the log by the publisher of the data. This means ensuring the data is in a canonical form and doesn’t retain any hold-overs from the particular code that produced it or the storage system in which it may have been maintained. These details are best handled by the team that creates the data since they know the most about their own data. Any logic applied in this stage should be lossless and reversible.
Any kind of value-added transformation that can be done in real-time should be done as post-processing on the raw log feed produced. This would include things like sessionization of event data, or the addition of other derived fields that are of general interest. The original log is still available, but this real-time processing produces a derived log containing augmented data.
Finally, only aggregation that is specific to the destination system should be performed as part of the loading process. This might include transforming data into a particular star or snowflake schema for analysis and reporting in a data warehouse. Because this stage, which most naturally maps to the traditional ETL process, is now done on a far cleaner and more uniform set of streams, it should be much simplified.
Log Files and Events
Let’s talk a little bit about a side benefit of this architecture: it enables decoupled, event-driven systems.
The typical approach to activity data in the web industry is to log it out to text files where it can be scrapped into a data warehouse or into Hadoop for aggregation and querying. The problem with this is the same as the problem with all batch ETL: it couples the data flow to the data warehouse’s capabilities and processing schedule.
At LinkedIn, we have built our event data handling in a log-centric fashion. We are using Kafka as the central, multi-subscriber event log. We have defined several hundred event types, each capturing the unique attributes about a particular type of action. This covers everything from page views, ad impressions, and searches, to service invocations and application exceptions.
To understand the advantages of this, imagine a simple event—showing a job posting on the job page. The job page should contain only the logic required to display the job. However, in a fairly dynamic site, this could easily become larded up with additional logic unrelated to showing the job. For example let’s say we need to integrate the following systems:
We need to send this data to Hadoop and data warehouse for offline processing purposes
We need to count the view to ensure that the viewer is not attempting some kind of content scraping
We need to aggregate this view for display in the Job poster’s analytics page
We need to record the view to ensure we properly impression cap any job recommendations for that user (we don’t want to show the same thing over and over)
Our recommendation system may need to record the view to correctly track the popularity of that job
Pretty soon, the simple act of displaying a job has become quite complex. And as we add other places where jobs are displayed—mobile applications, and so on—this logic must be carried over and the complexity increases. Worse, the systems that we need to interface with are now somewhat intertwined—the person working on displaying jobs needs to know about many other systems and features and make sure they are integrated properly. This is just a toy version of the problem, any real application would be more, not less, complex.
The “event-driven” style provides an approach to simplifying this. The job display page now just shows a job and records the fact that a job was shown along with the relevant attributes of the job, the viewer, and any other useful facts about the display of the job. Each of the other interested systems—the recommendation system, the security system, the job poster analytics system, and the data warehouse—all just subscribe to the feed and do their processing. The display code need not be aware of these other systems, and needn’t be changed if a new data consumer is added.
Building a Scalable Log
Of course, separating publishers from subscribers is nothing new. But if you want to keep a commit log that acts as a multi-subscriber real-time journal of everything happening on a consumer-scale website, scalability will be a primary challenge. Using a log as a universal integration mechanism is never going to be more than an elegant fantasy if we can’t build a log that is fast, cheap, and scalable enough to make this practical at scale.
Systems people typically think of a distributed log as a slow, heavy-weight abstraction (and usually associate it only with the kind of “metadata” uses for which Zookeeper might be appropriate). But with a thoughtful implementation focused on journaling large data streams, this need not be true. At LinkedIn we are currently running over 60 billion unique message writes through Kafka per day (several hundred billion if you count the writes from mirroring between datacenters).
We used a few tricks in Kafka to support this kind of scale:
Partitioning the log
Optimizing throughput by batching reads and writes
Avoiding needless data copies
In order to allow horizontal scaling we chop up our log into partitions:
Each partition is a totally ordered log, but there is no global ordering between partitions (other than perhaps some wall-clock time you might include in your messages). The assignment of the messages to a particular partition is controllable by the writer, with most users choosing to partition by some kind of key (e.g. user id). Partitioning allows log appends to occur without co-ordination between shards and allows the throughput of the system to scale linearly with the Kafka cluster size.
Each partition is replicated across a configurable number of replicas, each of which has an identical copy of the partition’s log. At any time, a single one of them wi if the leader fails, one of the replicas will take over as leader.
Lack of a global order across partitions is a limitation, but we have not found it to be a major one. Indeed, interaction with the log typically comes from hundreds or thousands of distinct processes so it is not meaningful to talk about a total order over their behavior. Instead, the guarantees that we provide are that each partition is order preserving, and Kafka guarantees that appends to a particular partition from a single sender will be delivered in the order they are sent.
A log, like a filesystem, is easy to optimize for linear read and write patterns. The log can group small reads and writes together into larger, high-throughput operations. Kafka pursues this optimization aggressively. Batching occurs from client to server when sending data, in writes to disk, in replication between servers, in data transfer to consumers, and in acknowledging committed data.
Finally, Kafka uses a simple binary format that is maintained between in-memory log, on-disk log, and in network data transfers. This allows us to make use of numerous optimizations including zero-copy data transfer.
The cumulative effect of these optimizations is that you can usually write and read data at the rate supported by the disk or network, even while maintaining data sets that vastly exceed memory.
This write-up isn’t meant to be primarily about Kafka so I won’t go into further details. You can read a more detailed overview of LinkedIn’s approach here and a thorough overview of Kafka’s design here.
原文作者:Jay Kreps
译者:LitStone, super0555, 几点人, cmy00cmy, tnjin, , 黄劼等。来自:开源中国
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