
号 天下足球的最后一期  叫什么2008的 刚开头的时候节目中的那首英文歌的名字是什么 结尾的时候也放了的。
08-12-29 &匿名提问
Leave Out All the Rest Linkin Park I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失你恐惧万分 But no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意 After my dreaming, I woke with this fear: 梦醒了恐惧依然没有消散 What am I leaving when I'm done here? 我该怎么面对我所做的一切 So if you're asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, and leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Don't be afraid 不要害怕 I've taken my beating, I've shared what I've made I'm strong on the 我会面对挫折我们一起承担 surface, not all the way through I've never been perfect, but neither have you 表面上坚强的我并没有把一切做好其实我们永远都不会完美 So if you're asking me, I want you to know 当你问我时我只想让你明白 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时让我留在你的记忆中 Leave out all the rest 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Forgetting all the hurt inside that you've learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty 让我远离那些迷失的理由 请不要再怨恨我 Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 Leave out all the rest 让我留在你的记忆中 Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕,当作有人已经把我拯救 I can be who you are 我会为你而改变 I can be who you are. 我会为你而改变
CCTV5《天下足球》至今所有的片尾曲:1.离去的列车(e Train Qui S'en Va) 法国温婉天后Helene(伊莲)凭借《Je M'appelle Hélène(我的名字是伊莲)》一炮走红,但这首更是美妙,简洁而清新,淡淡的忧伤中除了有对过往的无奈,更有对前路的憧憬。CCTV-5《天下足球》在&齐达内专集&里送别这位一代巨星。 2.I Will Survive 美国Disco女王Gloria Gaynor的经典夜唱歌曲。开始是很舒缓轻柔的节奏,到后来整齐划一的合唱&La La La&时就不得不被它的节奏和气势所打动。 3.AllezlaFrance(前进 法国) 法国队歌,和那首《马赛曲》一样,节奏铿锵,鼓舞人心。 4.Vangelis Anthem 希腊电子音乐圣祖Vangelis(范吉利斯)为2002年世界杯精心打造的,动感十足。 5.Better Man 英国摇滚巨星Robbie Williams(罗比·威廉斯)本身是正宗的足球迷。《天下足球》里用这首歌告别巴乔。林忆莲翻唱过这首歌。 6.Day Of Your Beliefs 芬兰的著名乐队Death Metal的经典之作,《天下足球》曾用它做片尾曲。 7.Deutschland 德国歌手赫尔柏特·格罗内迈耶尔在06世界杯开幕式上演奏的德语版的《Time Of Our Lives》,也这届世界杯第二首主题曲,歌词意思很有趣,节奏欢跃,旋律动听。 8.Do I Have To Cry For You 美国歌手Nick Carter深情地在歌唱,难道你不为之打动吗?《天下足球》曾用它做片尾曲。 9.Don't Turn Off The Light 西班牙拉丁巨星Enrique Iglesias(安里奎·伊格莱希亚斯)十分好听的一首歌。《天下足球》曾用它做开片曲。 10.Dying In The Sun 来自爱尔兰的The Cranberries(小红莓乐队)的经典之作。主唱Dolores嗓音纯情如水。 11.Here I Am 加拿大男声天籁Bryan Adams(布莱恩·亚当斯)的成名之作。CCTV-5拿它做欧洲联赛新赛季宣传曲。 12.How Do You Feel Tonight 同样来自Bryan Adams,是《天下足球》&皮耶罗专集&背景音乐。 13.I Will Always Return 当英超老牌禁旅西汉姆联队不幸降级时,用Bryan Adams的这首歌祝福她相当贴切。 14.It's Your Love 《天下足球》献给冰王子的歌,来自美国乐队LMNT。 15.Masazumi Ozawa-Attraction 来自日本电子音乐手小沢正澄,被用来作进球集锦的背景音乐。 16.Moment of Glory 德国重金属乐队Scorpions(蝎子乐队)代表作。02世界杯背景音乐。 17.My lover's gone 英国歌手Dido的这首歌正好送别冰王子博格坎普。 18.Reasons To Leave 来自爱尔兰的女歌手Kate Purcell,告别战神巴蒂。 19.Ryan Giggs 曼联球迷献给吉格斯的歌。 20.Stand Up (Champions’Theme) 意大利歌星帕吉欧献给冠军的颂歌。在06世界杯意大利人举起奖杯后歌声萦绕全场。 21.Tuly Madly Deeply 来自澳洲Savage Garden(野人花园)组合,送别冰王子。 22.Silverado(雪佛兰) 由美国University of Massachusetts(麻省大学)的一支乐队演奏,从《足球之夜》创办以来一直是片头曲。 23.When You Believe 来自美国女歌星Mariah Carey,献给中国女足。 24.When You Say Nothing At All 《Notting Hill(诺丁山)》插曲,来自爱尔兰超红五人组BOYZONE。献给当时受伤的克雷斯波。 25.You Wanted More 来自挪威乐队A-Ha,片尾曲。 26.You'll Be In My Heart 电影《泰山(Tarzan)》片尾曲,来自Phill Collins,夺得2000年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。 27.You're The Inspiration 来自美国Chicago乐队,献给离开拜仁的巴拉克。《天下足球》是CCTV-5的一个以报道国际足坛最新赛事和新闻为主的栏目。该电视节目由段暄、马凡舒主持,每周一晚19:30—21:25在中央电视台体育频道播出,时长65分钟。类型:体育首播时间:日在线播放:央视网
1.离去的列车(e Train Qui S'en Va) 法国温婉天后Helene(伊莲)凭借《Je M'appelle Hélène(我的名字是伊莲)》一炮走红,但这首更是美妙,简洁而清新,淡淡的忧伤中除了有对过往的无奈,更有对前路的憧憬。CCTV-5《天下足球》在&齐达内专集&里送别这位一代巨星。
2.I Will Survive 美国Disco女王Gloria Gaynor的经典夜唱歌曲。开始是很舒缓轻柔的节奏,到后来整齐划一的合唱&La La La&时就不得不被它的节奏和气势所打动。
3.AllezlaFrance(前进 法国) 法国队歌,和那首《马赛曲》一样,节奏铿锵,鼓舞人心。
4.Vangelis Anthem 希腊电子音乐圣祖Vangelis(范吉利斯)为2002年世界杯精心打造的,动感十足。
5.Better Man 英国摇滚巨星Robbie Williams(罗比·威廉斯)本身是正宗的足球迷。《天下足球》里用这...
出门在外也不愁CCTV5 期 天下足球最后结尾曲是什么歌曲? 30悬赏!!!_百度知道
CCTV5 期 天下足球最后结尾曲是什么歌曲? 30悬赏!!!
ve learned to hide so well   遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕  Pretending someone else can come and save me from myself   当作总有别人能将我解救 I can&#39,但是你也一样   So if you've learned to hide so well   遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 retending someone else can come and save me from myself   当作总有别人能将我解救  I can&#39,   Don&#39, and when you&#39,剩下的一切都不用去考虑   Leave out all the rest   剩下的一切都不用去考虑   Forgetting all the hurt inside you'm done here, forget the wrong that I&#39, and when you&#39,I&#39, I woke with this fear   梦醒了林肯公园的《Leave out all the rest》 (抛下其他的一切)   I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared   我在梦中迷失自我;re feeling empty   请不要在怨恨我,恐惧依然没有消散   What am I leaving when I&#39,因为没有人在意   After my dreaming,忘记我所犯过的错  Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed   让我远离那迷失的理由, I want you to know   当你问我时;t be who you are   我无法变得和你(人类)一样   Wre feeling empty   请不要在怨恨我;ve done   当我逝去之时;t resent me,忘记我犯过的错   Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed   让我远离那些让我迷失的理由   Don've done   当我逝去之时,我们一起承当   I&#39, cause no one else cared   没有人倾听;ve shared what I made   我会面对挫折;ve done   当我逝去之时;vt be who you are   我无法成为你的谁(我无法成为你心中想要的那个人)   I can&#39,剩下的一切都不要考虑   Forgetting all the hurt inside that you&#39, leave out all the rest   让我留在你的记忆中, and when you&#39,忘记我所犯过的错 Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed   让我远离那些迷失的理由   And don&#39,当你觉得寂寞的时候   Keep me in your memory?   So if you&#39,我只想让你明白   Wt be afraid   不要害怕   I&#39, and leave out all the rest   让我留在你的记忆中剩下的一切都不要考虑   Leave out all the rest   剩下的一切都不要考虑   Don&#39,你恐惧万分   But no one would listen, forget the wrong that I&#39?   该怎么面对我所做的一切,当你寂寞时   Keep me in your memory, I want you to know   当你问我的时候;re asking me, not all the way through   表面上坚强的我并没有把一切做好   I&#39,只想让你明白   Wve taken my beating, forget the wrong that I&#39,当你觉得寂寞的时候   Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest   让我留在你的记忆中;m st resent me, but neither have you   我从未完美过;re feeling empty   请不要在怨恨我
68]There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03.48]And everyone wants to know they’re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[03.90] I’ll know it by the feeling
让我能够认出那个人[00:24:12:47:47.20]There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:21:06.97]So I’ll be holding my own breath.83]And dammit this feels too right.41]There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[01:29:08:27.40] could this be the end 能让世界在这美好的一刻结束吗 .19]There’s gotta be somebody for me:48:03.83]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有个人重视我跟我们的爱情[01, 我屏息以待[01.01]Me standing here with you 在你身边的我[01:21:55.49]There’s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01.81]There’s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03.15]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[01, (make sure you’re holding on) 因为你从不知道 它将何时出现 把握那时刻吧[03, whem you looking for a diamond in the rough 就像琢磨钻石 漫长艰辛 你不能放弃[02.46]There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[02:36.05][02.82][02:04.11]To find the one in this life.31]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[03.24]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[02?[01:59.19]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:41:33:25.95]There’s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02.12]The moment when we’re meeting.30]And everyone wants to know they’re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[02.82]Tonight:51.80][01.99]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[02:44, out in the moonlight 今晚 就在月光照耀的街道上[01, the one we all dream of 为了找到这一生 我们追求的那一个人[00.76]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
人们都希望能被珍惜[01.88]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:45:17.13]Nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:45:23, the one you&#39:12;t give up:15, right up ’til the end 我会柄持我的呼吸 直到结束[00:55:59.67]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[01.96]There’s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:25, 这就是那一刻吗 :40:35.07] I find the one that I’ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人[01:23:40:19.10]Is it that moment when:29.29]So I’ll be waiting for the real thing:00:33:30:31.18]You can&#39, 直到那一刻[00.97][01.72]Nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[03:48.80](Becuz You never know) The wind shows up.71]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[02;re waiting on 它将是你所期待的 [03.66][03:58:53.70]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[02.67]But dreams just aren’t enough 但只是幻想是不够的[00?[01.33] I find the one that I’ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人 [00, oh 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:32.11]Cause it could be the one, 所以我会耐心等待 等待它成真[00.45]Until that moment when, out on the street.87]And everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03.87]So I’ll be holding my own breath:10:48:04:53:00, 当我们相遇时[00:50:08:33.58]There’s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:17.37]will play out like a scene
会像电影情节一般结束[00.11] it’s just like deja vu 这场景仿佛似曾相识[01, 承认这感觉很美好吧[01gotta be somebodyThis time.35]Straight off the silver screen
从萤幕上退去[00, I wonder what it feels like 这一次 我想知道那是什麼感觉 ?[00.24]And everyone wants to know they’re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[01:52
Nickelback---Gotta Be Somebody
Linkin park的Leave Out All The Rest是原来的
现在的是Nickelback---Gotta Be Somebody !    歌词如下:   Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody
LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangThis time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I′ll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we′re meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin’ my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with'Cause nobody wants to be the last o...
Gotta Be Somebody - nickelback
gotta be somebody


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