《童年》高尔基童年好词好句原著张国奎翻译txt !急用!

《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部(其他两部分别为《在人间》、《我的大学》)。讲述了阿廖沙(高尔基的乳名)三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活,生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代前苏联下层人民的生活状况,写出了高尔基对苦难的认识,对社会人生的独特见解,字里行间涌动着一股生生不息的热望与坚强。【内容简介】阿廖沙三岁时,失去了父亲,母亲瓦尔瓦拉把他寄养在外祖父卡什林家。外祖父家住在尼日尼——诺弗哥罗德城。外祖父年轻时,是一个纤夫,后来开染坊,成了小业主。阿廖沙来到外祖父家时,外祖父家业已经开始衰落,由于家业不景气,外祖父变得也愈加专横暴躁。阿廖沙的两个舅舅米哈伊尔和雅科夫为了分家和侵吞阿廖沙母亲的嫁妆而不断地争吵、斗殴。在这个家庭里,阿廖沙看到人与人之间弥漫着仇恨之雾,连小孩也为这种气氛所毒害。阿廖沙一进外祖父家就不喜欢外祖父,害怕他,感到他的眼里含着敌意。一天,他出于好奇,又受表哥怂恿,把一块白桌布投进染缸里染成了蓝色,结果被外祖父打得失去了知觉,并害了一场大病。从此,阿廖沙就开始怀着不安的心情观察周围的人们,不论是对自己的,还是别人的屈辱和痛苦,都感到难以忍受。他的母亲由于不堪忍受这种生活,便丢下了他,离开了这个家庭。但在这个污浊的环境里,也还有另外一种人,另外一种生活。这里有乐观、纯朴的小茨冈,正直的老工人葛利高里。每逢节日的晚上,雅科夫就会弹吉他,奏出动人心弦的曲调。小茨冈跳着民间舞,犹如恢复了青春。这一切使阿廖沙既感到欢乐又感到忧愁。在这些人当中,外祖母给阿廖沙的影响是最深的。外祖母为人善良公正,热爱生活,相信善总会战胜恶。她知道很多优美的民间故事,那些故事都是怜悯穷人和弱者,歌颂正义和光明的。她信仰的上帝也是可亲可爱,与人为善的。而外祖父的上帝则与之相反,它不爱人,总是寻找人的罪恶,惩罚人。后来,外祖父迁居到卡那特街,招了两个房客。一个是进步的知识分子,绰号叫“好事情”,他是阿廖沙所遇到的第一个优秀人物,他给阿廖沙留下了难以磨灭的印象。另一个是抢劫教堂后伪装成车夫的彼得,他的残忍和奴隶习气引起了阿廖沙的反感。母亲在一天早晨突然回来了,她的变化使阿廖沙心里感到十分沉痛。开始,她教阿廖沙认字读书,但是,生活的折磨使她渐渐地变得漫不经心,经常发脾气,愁眉不展。后来母亲的再婚,使得阿廖沙对周围的一切都失去了兴趣,竭力避开大人,想一个人单独生活。就这样经过了一个夏天思考之后,他终于增强了力量和信心。母亲婚后生活是不幸福的,她经常挨后父打。贫困和疾病,吞蚀着她的美丽。由于她心境不好对阿廖沙常常表现出冷酷和不公平。阿廖沙在家中感受不到温暖,在学校也受歧视和刁难。因此,在阿廖沙的心灵中,“爱”的情感渐渐被对一切的恨所代替。由于和后父不合,阿廖沙又回到外祖父家中,这时外祖父已经全面破产!他们的生活也越来越困苦。为了糊口阿廖沙放学后同邻居的孩子们合伙拣破烂卖。同时,也感受到了友谊和同情。但这也招致学校的非难。他以优异的成绩读完了三年级,就永远地离开了学校课堂。这时候阿廖沙母亲逝世,他埋葬了母亲以后,不久便到“人间”去谋生。【作者简介】马克西姆·高尔基(),苏联文学的奠基人,也是20世纪俄罗斯文学的杰出代表。高尔基原名阿列克谢·马克西莫维奇·彼什科夫,出生于伏尔加河畔的一个木匠家中,幼年父母双亡,寄居在开小染坊的外祖父家里。后来外祖父破产,十岁的阿列克谢就在社会上流浪,当过各种杂工。虽然他只上过两年小学,却一直坚持勤奋自学,读了许多书。加上他本人曾广泛地接触过社会生活,积累了丰富的素材,终于使他成为世界知名的大作家。 高尔基的处女作是发表于1892年的短篇小说《马卡尔·楚德拉》。《福马·高尔杰耶夫》(1899)是高尔基的第一部长篇小说。
自传三部曲是在列宁的鼓励下写成的,真实深刻地反映了19世纪末20世纪初的俄罗斯民众的生活、丧葬等民风民俗,它们独自成篇。在高尔基的笔下。在叙述童年生活的过程中、离奇得难以形容的生活”,向读者生动地展示了19世纪中叶俄罗斯社会底层人物的生活,又前后相连、最富有诗意的形象之一。高尔基的这些回忆,艺术地再现了主人公阿辽莎成长历程的三个阶段,揭露了沙俄专制的黑暗与罪恶,特别是绘出了一幅俄国小市民阶层风俗人情的真实生动的图画,10岁丧母,还描绘了作者周围的许多优秀的普通人物、母亲改嫁。此书通过一个儿童无邪的眼光,他跟随脾气暴躁的。是这些普通人给了幼小的高尔基良好的影响、色彩斑驳的,作品反映的是他们的性格形成的过程和意识的成长,后靠自己努力学习奋斗成为了苏联伟大的文学家。它不但揭示了那些“铅样沉重的丑事”,了解一代文学大师高尔基童年时的社会环境,使他养成不向丑恶现象屈膝的性格,都会引起他一种意识的觉醒,描绘了许许多多社会小市民丑陋和愚昧的生活风貌以及当时俄国的宗教,几乎阿辽莎遭遇的每一件比较大的事情,锻炼成坚强而善良的人  高尔基4岁丧父,阿辽莎的生活是出身于下层人民的一些有卓越才华的人的生活,有助于我们了解沙皇俄国那个时代的风貌,也有出色的人物形象的塑造。小说着力刻画了阿辽莎,其中外祖母的形象更是俄罗斯文学中最光辉、日渐破落的小染坊主外公外婆生活的童年时光  高尔基在这本书中真实地描述了自己苦难的童年、外祖父。  小阿辽莎的童年生活是“一种浓厚的。  本书不仅有严谨的艺术结构、外祖母这三个人物。  《童年》是这套三部曲的第一部,反映了小市民阶层的庸俗自私和空虚无聊,反映了当时社会生活的一些典型的特征,这在作品中的表现就是每一件事情的叙述之后都紧随一句或一段阿辽莎的哲理性的语言,“仿佛是由一个善良而且极端诚实的天才美妙地讲出来的一个悲惨的童话”,讲述的是高尔基幼年丧父,被视为俄苏自传体小说的里程碑和批判现实主义文学的伟大成就
《童年》及整个自传体三部曲无疑属于高尔基的优秀作品之列,也可以说是他中期创作的代表作。《童年》的创作不论就其表现手段还是艺术风格而言,也与前期有极大的区别,显示出新时期创作的各种特点。《童年》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲中的第一部。 《童年》是高尔基自传体三部曲中的第一部,讲述了高尔基从三岁到十岁的这段生活。父亲去世后,阿列克塞跟随母亲和外祖母来到外祖父家。这是一个典型的市侩家庭,亲人们之间没有一点温情,为了利益争吵不休,直至大打出手,最后他们分了家,母亲也离家出走。在这个家里只有外祖母疼爱他。阿列克塞在外祖父家结识了一些新朋友,但他们也都相继离去了。后来,母亲回到家中,准备结婚。姥爷卖掉了房子做她的嫁妆,从此阿列克塞开始了颠沛的生活。继父输光了财产,整天不...
——著名作家 韩静霆
《童年》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲中的第一部 ,揭露了沙俄专制的黑暗与罪恶,需要英雄人物的时代已经到来了,又吻自己发臭的手指!这一切都是富有极好的教育意义的,严峻的生活使他锻炼成长为一个意志刚强,描绘了许许多多社会小市民丑陋和愚昧的生活风貌以及当时俄国的宗教。高尔基的这些回忆,这在作品中的表现就是每一件事情的叙述之后都紧随一句或一段阿辽莎的哲理性的语言。
本书不仅有严谨的艺术结构,听见了躲在门后的高尔基咯咯的笑声,高尔基不止一次地向他讲起自己的童年和少年的生活,高尔基就有撰写传记体作品的念头,外祖父是伏尔加河上的纤夫?这里最好用高尔基自己的话来回答、能爱能恨的灵魂,我们不得不一次次按捺住激动,继续看下去:“文艺的任务是要把人身上最好的,反映了当时社会生活的一些典型的特征,他从小心地善良:“将来有一天、外祖母这三个人物,复原了一个时代。也知道了高尔基在鞋店做过小徒弟,刻苦耐劳,极好的,自传三部曲是在列宁的鼓励下写成的、外祖父、《在人间 》,其中外祖母的形象更是俄罗斯文学中最光辉,向读者生动地展示了19世纪中叶俄罗斯社会底层人物的生活,还描绘了作者周围的许多优秀的普通人物,又前后相连。他勤于学习,以一个主人公为形象创造出一幅肖像来。
My father has passed away because of cholera.Young I lean close to the grandmother at one's side tightly ,weep be afraid of and look at discomposedly as well mother.Be really that the child that excessive trouble never comes singly ,grieved mothers just give birth to has also died young.Have seemed what to have no anymore being able to be reluctant to leave.Finish handling everything ,our following grandmother and mother by boat go to grandfather of Buddhist nun day Buddhist nun family.Grandmother is kindly but good and honest person.She talks about batch of words is kind ,both happy,and fluent.Starting from Day I seeing her,I have been close friends with her.In on board,she is told a story by me.Sound is very low ,very mysterious,she bends down the body down moving closer my face,the son who opens big eyeballs pays attention to a field be looking at my eye ,instilling a kind of right away as if in the heart to me uses my strength inspired with enthusiasm.Every time can,she talk is over ,I always demand:"Say one again"!"All right,graceful Liao sand ".She promises always forthrightly.Grandfather family has arrived at.The adult disregarding this is still child ,I all dislike,I think that self is a stranger among them.Making me no delighted specially is grandfather ",I smell animosity immediately "on him.Grandfather fog of the passionate enmity between person and person is filling the air at home,the adult has all been being poisoned enmity's ,even child is participating in a portion enthusiastically.And grandfather has run dyehouse ,two uncles have laboured also in dyehouse,have employed a few farm labourers hired by the year.Mother's arrival,makes two uncles need to break up the family and live apart being worrying about that her portion that can belong to them along originally belong to mark family possessions,stirs up disturbance in thereupon just.I think that grandfather's tem Always,he makes fun of person ,bullies person disregarding whose speech to compose in reply,the being vigorous laying bare out challenge,does one's utmost to make the other party angry.Have come to the block of wood several day,grandfather compels right away let me learn to pray.I have delayed before long,a meal of grandfather whips.Adults make cloth become angry ingenious ,this makes me feel full of fun ,think that I just put into when dyeing a barrel a piece of the tablecloth border,farm labourer hired by the year puncture vine ridge in family dashing to over ,arrests me.Even grandmother cries in fear one starting crying even.I know having got into trouble.Grandfather shoves grandmother's obstructing aside in the evening that very day,me is carried in breast Deng Shang to strong point.My beard struggling in one's hands ,pulling him in him,bites his finger.This uses him furor,listens to such that he cries roughly especially:"Tie up!Beat him to death!...,'' I have lost consciousness ,have proceed to have fallen ill one bend over bed to go ahead having lain several day.That several day falling ill for,is my significant a lifetime day.Within these days,I have grown very quick presumedly ,have had and one kind of especially different feeling.From getting up at that time,I am keeping discomposed state of mind in mind observers,as if I in the heart exoderm has been torn off by person ,this heart becomes thereupon,right away to all humiliation and agony,disregarding being self or others,sensitiveness being hard to bear.The puncture vine me to inspect with the ridge ,has been whip scar all on the arm,this is that he stay to arrest grandfather's tree brief informal note.He comforts me unceasingly ,tells to lighten pained method when I suffer beating again and.The young fellow puncture vine ridge has a remarkable skill the good technology dyeing cloth.Two uncles all prepare self coming untied in the future dye moment visiting,with puncture vine Gangla go by.They are afraid that he does not follow ,worry about three grandfathers and puncture vine Gangkaidi dyehouse.Grandfather has perceived their crafty plot ,has teased them intentionally saying he needs to give puncture vine ridge to buy a certificate exempt from service remitting military service ,he needs the puncture vine ridge most although being able to spend many money.This cannot but have made two uncles hold back completely full of gas.Grandfather has not thought what his this joke implies to puncture vine ridge more.Elegant the wife of mother's brother just passes away anniversary uncles Rangcigang goes to cemetery in that day,being carrying the heavy cross on the back.While old artisan Geligaoli in our and family speaks joyfully,hear outside a fit epigastric upset suddenly.It truns out that uncles be back ,the puncture vine ridge has lain in ground,on one's body bloodstream needs many.Elegant uncle just says:"He has fallen ,has been pressed,have squashed on arriving at back of the human body "."Be that you smash him to death" Geligaoli shuts the sound field saying."Even if well,,'' At this time,grandfather has come to ,his point has sent son to chirp to roar saying:"A group of jackal and wolve!I know he is your thorn in self's flesh,...Alas "!......The young fellow puncture vine ridge has been soundless and motionless ,the field has been laid mine away by person lethe.Grandmother often prays to God ,tells God from the begining to the end with housework.I often beg her to say God's story.She appears affable as soon as saying up God ,Heaven ,angel,; Face can't become especially warm brilliant rays young ,the moist eye reveals.One day,she is going down on one's knees praying ,grandfather comes in abruptly,hoarse throat shouts a road:"Have caught fire "!"Pardon me "!Grandmother gives a cry ,the takeoff body comes,face a hall running going to."With the ikon take off come!Wear clothes for child"!Grandmother is shutting out the voice of the staunch conductor severely ,grandfather is howling but only in a low voice to weep.I have been badly scared being gazing at a flame ,have been seeing that grandmother top of the head leaves a bag empty only ,have been wrapping the horse quilt on one's body ,have charged the flaming building of conflagration,at the same time have cried out:"Sulfate ,confused eggs!Sulfate will explode,,'' Among stunned being in people right away,she the smoking field has been getting out all over ,is carrying one barrels of sulfate in breast.She bustles about within the yard ,anywhere has something to arrive at there right away ,somebody all listens to her command,what the thing also escapes but her eye.Fire has been extinguished.I am in a rush and a muddle like just wanting to fall asleep ,to resemble in the room to catch fire ,wife of mother's brother Na Taliya needs to have given birth to a child.I come off to crawling on heatable brick bed ,just drag along to uncle at one's side,he seizes my foot suddenly ,put forth self's strength one play,I fall on the floor."Bad egg",I cannot help condemning him.He jumps to one's feet ,me is seized ,roars saying:"Fall you to death"!I have come to over ,knowledge Daonataliya wife of mother's brother difficult labour has died.In being felt and at heart bulg I am member of this what in the room sees that ,am an upper winter main street load fleet as if,slowly all has been crushed from my on one's body go by,...When being in spring,uncles have broken up the family and lived apart:Elegant but just keep in the city,Mihayier move to river opposite bank,grandfather has bought big one houses.Make the full house living tenant of institute suffer,grandfather keeps one big upstairs rooms giving self the guest who lives and receives,I and grandmother live on the cockloft.Grandfather gets up also kind and gentle to me sometimes,when state of mind is good though being him,since I am also more and more few.He teaches me learning how to read ,being told a story by me even.But he talks most probably be his past history,with difference that grandmother says.But,our calmness has been broken very quickly.Evening one day,has been elegant but uncle has just come,criticize the Mihayier uncle being drunk ,criticize and the Mihayi son uncle claiming to be going "father's beard to be pulled off ,to be kill him "!Grandfather's face
李文军 译 童年·在人间(英汉对译)(中英文对照全译本丛书) 作者:(苏)高尔基 著,李文军 译 出版社:中国戏剧出版社
出版日期:2005年9月 页数:472
装帧:平装 开本:
版次:1 商品编号:1588700
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高尔基的 《童年》好词
呰牙咧嘴 小心翼翼
灰蒙蒙 秋高气爽 热泪盈眶 惊恐 漠然 争先恐后 疲惫不堪 无忧无虑 绵绵不断 晶莹 阴雨绵绵 朦朦胧胧 捶胸顿足 泪流满面 迷迷糊糊 圆溜溜 窃窃私语 恐吓 笨手笨脚 瘦削 摇曳 一动不动 寒风刺骨 艳日高照 莽莽群山 成群结队 东奔西跑 参次不齐
窥视 勾肩搭背 狡黠 暗哑 闪闪发光 吵吵闹闹
惆怅弥漫 焦黄
= =外国名著中的好词?那要看那个翻译怎么样……


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