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&/&&/&Dojo Toolkit Script
Suggested Price:$6.99
Dojo Toolkit Script
Handy set of tools and commands for After Effects
Quick access to presets, effect stacks, rigs, and much more
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Product Description
Dojo Toolkit is an After Effects script that was originally developed for VinhSon Nguyen’s personal workflow and use. The script allows for easy access to pre-defined presets, rigs, effect stacks, and application commands via a slim and intuitive interface. As part of the Dojo community, you can grab the Dojo Toolkit and use it in your workflow as well.
Note that this script’s goal is not to cater towards other users and their needs, but a personal tool that was made available to the public.
Demo Video:
Add pre-configured effects such as color grading effect stacks, cinematic grain, animated Optical Flares, and more
Setup a camera rig for easy camera animations, including individual axis control, dolly control, HPB, and more
Execute various useful commands such as centering all selected layers, instantly sort project items into folders, and trim compositions to selected layers’ content
Quickly add customizable vignettes and letterboxing to your projects
Purge image caches, show and hide layer controls, and fit layers to comp size
[gdlr_accordion initial=+]
[gdlr_tab title=”View Changelog”]
v2.2 (8/12/15)
“Letterbox” preset now works as solid overlay instead of cropping
Minor tweaks to “Grain” preset (Intensity & Size)
Switched to temporary binary string images to prevent “invalid image data” error
Updated help window UI
Code cleanup
v2.1 (12/5/14)
Updated “Color Grade” feature to support Magic Bullet Look’s new matchname (2.5.2)
Added Hue/Saturation and a second Curves effect to “Color Grade” feature, along with effect stack re-ordering
“Center” feature now works properly with text layers (forces text to center justify first, before centering text layer)
Changed “Show/Hide Layer Controls” button from CTR to CTL
v2.0 (8/30/14)
Removed “Expressions” tab
Removed “Add New” section
Removed screenshot functionality (can now be found in its own script “Dojo Screenshot”)
Removed “Setup Folder” button
Added “Center Layers” button
Added “Fit to Comp” button
Added “Trim to Content” button
Added “Show Control Layers” button
Added “Sort Items” button
Added Vignette preset
Added Soft Blur preset
Optical Flares preset layer now defaults to “Screen” blending mode
Moved “Project Commands” section to front
New tabbed help menu with updated text
Added settings tab
Added Check for Updates feature
Added Fast Blur to Optical Flares preset
Changed Grain Intensity from 0.20 to 0.16
Changed Grain Size from 0.75 to 0.5
Updated UI to be responsive and compact
Help window has its own function now
New logo header image
Simplified UI for small buttons
Added additional preset buttons for quick effect applications (Element 3D)
Added “Add New” group to quickly add layers/effects
Added “Allow Access to Write Files & Network” check and prompt
Added new “Purge” button that purges all image caches
Fixed a serious bug that broke “Take Screenshot” in AE CC
Consolidated script for single-file distribution
Added helpful tooltips
Added fancy new help window
Cleaned up ScriptUI
Added header banner
Cleaned up ScriptUI for consistency
Corrected letterboxing for anamorphic ratio
Removed new marker option
Fixed a major ScriptUI bug in AE CC
Removed VideoHive Setup Structure, Wiggle, and Time Expressions
Added 3 new easing options from Ease & Wizz (Thanks to Ian Haigh)
Added new marker option
Added ‘About’ button
Cleaned up the UI
Updated script to utilize universal expressions that should work on all languages of AE
Updated camera rig controls to better match AE’s 3D space controls.
Initial release
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CategoriesFree Lightroom Presets
Free Presets
Camera Dojo Lightroom Essentials 2.0
(updated for Lightroom 4.0!)
The Essentials package contains a number of basic adjustment tools for simple one-click fixes for most problems such as over/under exposure and white balance fixes. We have also included a few extras such as our Bam series and Modern Aged which is a big favorite.
The following presets are included in the package:
Also check out this
Attempts to apply a number of automatic corrections to you image.
Modern Aged
This creates a image that has a rather modern vintage look but by kicking up some settings while slightly desaturating the colors.
Converts the image to grayscale and applies some automatic settings.
Adds a bit of warming to the image, great for portraits
A basic kick of Clarity, Vibrance, Sharpening , and other basic tools
Vignette: Dark
Adds a dark vignette to the image
Basic Bam 2
A few more tweaks than the Basic Bam
Vignette: Lite
Adds a bright vignette to the image
Basic Bam 3
Takes Bam even further than Basic Bam 2
Sets the white balance to Auto
Bumps the exposure by 1. stop
Sets the white balance to 4500k
Bumps the exposure by 1.5 stops
WB: Cooler
Sets the white balance to 3500k
Decreases the exposure by 1. stop
WB: Sun/Flash
Sets the white balance to 5500k
Decreases the exposure by 1.5 stops
Sets the white balance to 6500k
WB: Warmer
Sets the white balance to 7500k
Lightroom Essentials 2.0 [] – Right click on link and select “Save link as” or “Save target as”
Dojo Camera Tools
If you have ever been frustrated by Lightroom loading an image that looks just awesome only to have it switch over to a much blander image a few seconds later, than the Camera Dojo Camera Tools is a set of presets you are going to love. Adobe has created profiles for all the supported cameras and applying these calibration settings to your images will make them come right back to life. The best thing to do for most people is to use the Camera Standard preset during import to achieve a color calibrated workflow from your camera into Lightroom. The regular camera setting presets will work with most brands of cameras and there are some specifc presets just for Nikon cameras.
Camera Tools 2.0 [] – Right click on link and select “Save link as” or “Save target as”
Installing Presets
To install, extract the files into the Adobe Lightroom Preset folder, on Windows XP, this will be a folder such as this:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\Lightroom\Develop Presets
On a Macintosh copy the folder into the following directory:
Macintosh HD/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Develop Presets
On both Windows and Macintosh systems you can right click in the presets area and select the option to import presets and load them that way as well.
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Samurai II: Dojo
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More then million downloads ? ?★ Free survival mode pits the samurai against waves of enemies, giving players a score-attack mode to hone their skills. ★ Universal app - supports iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, and iPad. The game is optimized to take advantage of each device's strengths.★ Intuitive virtual joystick ensures you’re slicing up baddies, not swiping the screen.★ Dynamic camera finds the best perspective for each encounter, adding variety while keeping focused on the action.★ Tense, quick and gory battle sequences!- Battle hordes of on-screen enemies wielding new weapons and sporting unique abilities.- Stay nimble and plan your attacks – roll out of harm’s way and eliminate ranged enemies like the Samurai Archer before they can strike.★ RPG elements reward skilled players – upgrade the Samurai’s health, buy new attack combos and upgrade them to devastating levels.★ Runs at 60 frames per second on iPhone 4G, iPod 4G and iPad.★ Advanced AI system on par with console games. Goal Oriented Action Planning architecture is used in many PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 games.★ Samurai II is developed on the Unity 3D 3.0 engine, the latest technology available on mobile devices.★ Apple Game Center support, including Leaderboards and Achievements.★ Original soundtrack – in classic samurai movie style, soft music builds with the heat of battle.
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Samurai II: Dojo
开发商:MADFINGER Games, a.s.
Game Center
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? ? FULL GAME FOR FREE !!! ? ?? ? Show your friends how beautiful games you have on your iPhone! ? ?? ? Top 10 or Top 5 Free Apps in many countries, including USA, Japan, China !!!
Thank you very much !!!! ? ?? ?
More then million downloads ? ?★ Free survival mode pits the samurai against waves of enemies, giving players a score-attack mode to hone their skills. ★ Universal app - supports iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3G, and iPad. The game is optimized to take advantage of each device's strengths.★ Intuitive virtual joystick ensures you’re slicing up baddies, not swiping the screen.★ Dynamic camera finds the best perspective for each encounter, adding variety while keeping focused on the action.★ Tense, quick and gory battle sequences!- Battle hordes of on-screen enemies wielding new weapons and sporting unique abilities.- Stay nimble and plan your attacks – roll out of harm’s way and eliminate ranged enemies like the Samurai Archer before they can strike.★ RPG elements reward skilled players – upgrade the Samurai’s health, buy new attack combos and upgrade them to devastating levels.★ Runs at 60 frames per second on iPhone 4G, iPod 4G and iPad.★ Advanced AI system on par with console games. Goal Oriented Action Planning architecture is used in many PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 games.★ Samurai II is developed on the Unity 3D 3.0 engine, the latest technology available on mobile devices.★ Apple Game Center support, including Leaderboards and Achievements.★ Original soundtrack – in classic samurai movie style, soft music builds with the heat of battle.
版本 1.1 中的新功能
★ Easy mode is more easy !!!★ Removed iAd (no slowdowns on 3G) !!!★ Increased FPS ★ Optimized memory usage★ Build with latest Unity 3.2 release
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.1大小: 20.2 MB语言: 英语开发商: MADFINGER Games, a.s.偶尔/轻微的成人/性暗示题材频繁/强烈的卡通或幻想暴力频繁/强烈的现实暴力兼容性: 需要 iOS 3.1.3 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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热门 App 内购买项目
Thanks To Developers?6.00
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