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《极品飞车14》最新功能Autolog 随时追踪好友战绩
日 作者:暂无 来源:多玩单机游戏 评论:0条
  美商艺电近日宣布,《:热力追踪》即将在 11 月 16 日带来更紧张刺激的高速警匪追逐体验,由金牌《横冲直撞》系列的幕后推手 Criterion Games 开发, 这一次《:热力追踪》将推出最新功能 Autolog,让玩家可上传游戏中的比赛画面,同时比赛结果也可以动态模式更新在网站上,是一款兼具社交以及比赛的竞速游戏。
  【Autolog 功能介绍】
  美商艺电指出,Autolog 是《:热力追踪》的核心,也是每次进入海峰郡的旅程起点。Autolog 是一套智慧引擎,同时也是《极速快感》游戏的枢纽,让玩家无论在游戏内外都能够感受到飙车的悸动。
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  透过 Autolog,玩家将可追踪生涯和游戏统计资料,察看所有撷图及最新成就,Autolog 比较引擎将根据玩家的朋友在游戏中的表现推荐各种挑战。官方表示,玩家将可透过 Autolog 的功能让互相联系和较量。在开阔的道路上驾驶超跑,享受逃脱追击的快感。
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  玩家将可把这一切延伸至《热力追踪》网站。透过电脑玩家将可上传 Autolog 设定档照片,与朋友进行统计资料的详细比较,或是直接和游戏中的任何朋友做文字聊天,Autolog 甚至能够保留任何推荐资料供玩家下次进入游戏时参考。藉由这种方式,玩家若在查看网站时发现朋友将你踢下特定赛事冠军宝座,下次进入游戏时,系统绝对会安排一趟复仇之旅。而依据玩家的游戏表现以及偏爱的赛事类型,加上朋友在游戏中的作为,每次进入游戏 Autolog 比较引擎都会动态推荐新的游戏赛事。
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  《:热力追踪》即将在 11 月 16 日上市,官方将针对首批限量版本部分,分别推出战警特典版以及初回限量版。 &战警特典版&建议售价 Xbox 360 版本为新台币 1,590 元、PS3 版本为新台币 1,690 元、PC 版本为台币 1,190 元。&初回限量版&建议售价 Xbox 360 版本台币 1,490 元、PS3 版本新台币 1,590 元、PC 版本台币 1,090 元。
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。OALib Journal期刊
费用:600人民币/ 99美元
Effect of Autologus Platelet-Rich Plasma on IL-6, MMP-3 and MCP-1 Expression in Synoviocytes from Osteoarthritic Patients Knees
DOI: , PP. 64-72
Keywords: ,,,
Nowadays, some studies reported promising results of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). However, the effects of PRP on prevention of osteoarthritis in knee joints have been debated. The present study investigated the effects of PRP on osteoarthritis related inflammatory cytokines expressed in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) from osteoarthritic knees. The synovial tissues were harvested from eight osteoarthritic patients who had undertaken total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) and cultured in DMEM containing 10% FBS. Platelet-rich plasma releasate (PRPr) was made by clotting or activation of PRP by citrate. The levels of PDGF-AA and VEGF in PRPr and whole blood were measured with ELISA method. The FLS were isolated and cultured from osteoarthritic knees. The IL-1β stimulated FLS were cultivated with three different conditions (none, 1% and 10% of PRP). To determine the expression of IL-6, MMP-3, and MCP-1, we used reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The concentrations of platelet count in PRP were about 7 to 9 times higher than those of whole blood. The levels of PDGF-AA in PRPr were approximately 3 to 4 times higher than those of whole blood. The levels of VEGF in PRPr were also significantly 7 to 18 times higher than those of whole blood. Without induction of the FLS with IL-1β, 1% or 10% PRPr did not reduce expressions of inflammatory proteins (MMP-3, MCP-1), except for IL-6. However, with induction of the FLS with IL-1β, both concentrations (1% and 10%) of PRPr reduced significantly all inflammatory protein expressions (IL-6, MMP-3, MCP-1). PRPr diminished inflammatory IL-1β-mediated effects on human osteoarthritic fibroblast-like synoviocytes. These results suggest that platelet-rich plasma can be a good therapeutic option for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
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