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的看點不是R18內容嗎?.....你居然說好乾?我是来求书的不是求18x 的,除非能写到接近娶姐这种水平,不然有啥意思,纯18x系统上多的是--
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穿越之后我被巫女捡回家,准确的说这是一部仙侠,原著剧情并不是很多,不过写出了桔梗的神韵,而且剧情设计的很好,非常用心。文笔很不错, ...看了差不多二十章,感觉很不错,够粮草级了,比上面那本重生犬夜叉好多了,多谢~--
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看了差不多二十章,感觉很不错,够粮草级了,比上面那本重生犬夜叉好多了,多谢~--正在使用龙的天空APP V2   设备:M356&&...我投毒,居然沒毒死人....真是悲哀
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我记得有本无限狼神的书 用的是犬夜叉的背景 不过养着养着就忘记了现在都不知道些到哪了& &看到LZ帖子才记起的&&你可以去看看
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最新消息 写崩了&&不过还是有17W可看 背景是犬夜叉前传
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说到犬夜叉真为奈落感到不值多帅的男神啊可惜智商是硬伤啊被个初中小女孩和只智商情商都没超过平均线的弱智狗给整死了?犬夜 ...
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Powered by【心血】关于《犬夜叉》的一些经典文字_百度文库
&&& 我用生命等待的,无数光阴企盼的,甚至在我年轻的时候用热情去期待的犬夜叉完结了,如此的匆忙,如此简短的收场&&
&&& 而我所看见的就是一场漫长的祭祀!
&&& 画的三年,现实中的12年,我的4年就这样匆匆的画上了一个句号。
&&& 如此的茫然,在我没有回应的时候,原来全场观众只剩我一个人了,好吧,咎由自取,谁要我没有认真追漫画~
&&& 是的,我没有认真追漫画,从TV版完结那里开始,我就没有心情追了。只是偶尔略略的看几章。
&&& 可是看了风那张。
&&& 我悲惨与神乐的消逝,是的,消逝并不是死亡。
&&& 因为她是风,是这个世界里如此独特的存在。
&&& 她是风,又怎么会死亡?
&&& 她的形体是不在了,可是她却化为了风而无处不在。
&&& 也许会是初春里的第一缕春风,也许会是炎夏里的丝丝微风,也许更是深秋里萧瑟卷过秋叶的秋风,更可能是严冬里的凌厉寒风。
&&& 好吧,我再一次承认,如此抒情的描写怎么可能会是那个凌厉得如此是嗜魂的女子。
&&& 她在消逝之前,看到那熟悉得早已在三生石上铭刻的身影时是怎样的心情?又是以怎样的方式微笑说话&&乃至与告别?
&&& 告别,从今以后,我不再是现在的我。我会是真正自由的风,你虽然看不见我,但一定能感受得到,对吗?杀生丸&&
&&& 于是,黑白格子上的微笑凝固成永恒的悲伤,并且通过荧幕传播到我的空气中。
&&& 那时,空气微微的润湿,以及空气缓缓的震动。
&&& 一瞬间,我似乎可以看见空气震动的纹路,那分明是那个凌厉女子的不甘不舍。
&&& 不甘,陪在你最后的人,不是我。
&&& 不舍,我不可以陪你到最后,就算只是单方的厮守。
&&& 这样的想着你,神乐,你会不会倔强的从风中化型而出,狠狠的给我一下让我华丽穿越呢?呵呵~
浅谈佐助和鸣人的‘超越’Always feel sound and sasuke have to break the rules "ninja's consciousness, one is conscious of the unconscious, one is.Naruto = by breaking rules to compromise = beyondIn the class seven met the moment and live in solitude and not being recognized the naruto found his heart, want to be friend got by himself, much less, the heavy burden. Although along the way is bad, the feeling is really, growth is rapidly. Maybe that is the sound of happiness? Perhaps in a moment, he thought he would never, never, constantly transcend darkness - is a victory and overcome difficulties. And by him, and he also is tasted the loneliness of sasuke - although at that time, optimistic people never think of past carefully thought about sasuke is how of person.He has not lost one cavity warm blood and determination to others, so long as has the drive and determination, is what? Even then, the sasuke after his return will also. Even if is such damage, also want to be a fool. But, also should always be the world of good and evil, but both sides of the opposition, the ultimate justice prevail over evil. This fully open the heart of accidental first ninja vortex naruto is always break the rules a baptism is even, his ideas are constantly being accepted, be sure until the teacher to death and Penn.And this is the time of despair naruto, he may not aware of a good, not evil or to reality once. Facing the truth and the village people dead, he led him to a sense of collapse. Finally in the eighth tail, standing in the front fourteen, he received his answer, again examine himself, to stand up. And finally, this kind of good the evil in his own strength is a twist, the answer to the solution, and rather than waiting for yourself. Victory was surprised, because naruto has begun to grow up, ideal and reality in balancing and grow too much. This wants to break the rules, who also completed his first transcendence and success.But at this stage, naruto real problem, just coming. In MuYe sasuke and how to choose between? This choice as sasuke at home and the choice between partners as hard. The barrage of stroke he fainted, all problems are presented in this moment in sight.Maybe he really confused, he kneel before this, weep over, also willing to be played, but face, is even self-sacrifice cannot get an answer. And as all problems are warming up, only sasuke is real, and finally a axis. He do?But believe -- as the characters, always find answers naruto. Only in the option of A and B topic, oneself think inside A new option C born.The C option, because of their own personality, and not compromise and birth day because of the growth and improvement in the compromise, balance, eventually forming beyond.Sasuke = = of breaking rules by compromise to transcendNo choice inherited from sasuke itachi's claimed that moment, he has announced to the disorder of the uncompromising ninja. Itachi's death was a great strife, before this world of doubt about his unhappy and even desperate, also only through the brother of hatred, because he couldn't to solve by yourself in the life MuYe close-knit cognitive to explain yourself MieZu that night, he cannot explain why the beloved brother, let oneself to kill him. He put all the questions of the world, carries on the past disappeared in dreams, depression and depressing, loneliness, environment. His deep Ming ninja quality, compromise on any of the cruel rules, endure test under the assassination of kakashi nowise show consideration, stabbed himself in his hand the sword to avoid also capable. While in seven classes and partner also perform tasks that most calm as the most mature role. Whatever it is, all aspects of seamless naruto until three years to see him, he also like the same not reveals no emotion. At this time, for life, with sasuke family, destiny question might just stay in brother, even reluctant to compromise in destiny, if want to kill, and heart. He would still be hidden within the heart, also will still be standing in the sound's bridge smirking, explains in his heart, his revenge and partners are separate, he did not spread to despair and the world as a whole.And after that, they came with the weasel itachi's and truth. The truth is that the upper and MuYe ferrets, after the practice is close with sasuke control. Fraud and values of the distortion and self identity cannot sure... Etc, all things are said the word can be used to describe this moment sasuke's feelings. Accordingly, this time, the consequences of the huge impact is for 16 years of accumulation of dust in all. At the same time, was always constrain and hated by shell in the calm ethephon instant embrittlement, all the emotions in existence value in the destruction of the trial of silent while into tears. From the start, now already is sasuke whole world of despair. Perhaps have always hide my heart, may also want to live again after end it all back, May 16 buddies to find the lonely, maybe the truth of all exports in sight, but finally, this world to his answer, but can only let him bitterly.Then he faced by choice, or does not comply with the ninja experience? Obey or not obey?Have compromised, final for sixteen years so the truth of the head, with sasuke target is group.From this moment, he has surpassed themselves, from compromise to not compromise. Weasel, to choose a sasuke have fate, he can't again choice destiny. The challenge is to fate, and release the sixteen years he was depressed to release and so true honesty. He needed a new answers, the answer is to inspire. He also believes the nature of goodness and will guide him from grief, negative, abandon the side back, find the answer to his origin.Perhaps, sound from the phenomenon of nature's way with the same way, and the different stages of the twists and turns, pain and despair are different. Want to complete the ego? How to transcend the process of transformation, with tears, two people are in laughter, but always alone. Sound and a sunshine, sasuke, one is the night elf. But there are ways of sunshine, rain will also have hindered the way also has moonlit way. Belong to two way also will keep going until the end of the farewell.万花凋零--悼宇智波 鼬ASiMa died, and he was later killed (save), very happy, because, haven't killed jiraiya to write something, they are great ninja, as a great ninja, let a person admire, died. Yu ZhiBo itachi's death has touched me, not for him to write something, although some late. He and others, he is not the identity of the ninja die, he did far not a ninja should do, he is dead, and the identity of the elder brother, brother, with a love of identity, carrying the stigma of betrayal, happy dead.Of the first impression ZhiBo fits-that is very good, so just like him. A well-mannered person, speaking is very easygoing, always say "he" ps (some version of the translation not reflected the honorific), never angry (actually once, but then ZhiBo gens still in space is not used), luxuriant style, but there is a kind of simple beauty. He is very quiet, from the first sight to see him, it would be difficult to put him and "bad" this words together. In that he killed the people, I don't believe, I always knew that he must have difficulties, I always think of his hand and not the blood, he admits it just because for stronger, more let younger brother have something to live for. I always thought that killed ZhiBo people just gyu variegated (did not know, but in the name of a night and he wrote the silhouette wheel), the fact proved me wrong, I underestimated the weasel, he's far more than I thought, I still had to fantasize about MuYe back to the moment ferrets, but that's just an elusive dream (this sentence word for Scorpio is chiyo-chan said, she had to bear with reincarnate was raised, the parents let scorpion give more accurate with scorpion parents made life of the body, but the puppet, sleight of hand..." I was really too naive, perhaps just because it's just that I lost to give accurate judgement, unable to refute his unrealistic illusion, he was found, still can have anything more to have? (if not, actually also shouldn't naruto is found to endure the sasuke exist, but after all fantasy naruto didn't give up, I can only think so, only believe so. Weasel), MuYe underestimated the situation, thought that looks MuYe tall trees have rot, and from "roots", from the initial rotten began, this probably is the so-called destiny, and yu ZhiBo gens itachi's destiny. (of course, I also underestimated kishi narrative ability, it is MuYe politics and Japan's political line, conservative and radical confrontation, after all he is Japanese! More than Japan, many countries have such. So as to make MuYe said three really terrific ~ PS settle all these words: 54 good)Recall past, probably many people first thought is itachi's tough, but actually I don't want to be in the "strong" the strong-willed, want to use words are "powerful", the static point of comparison with words and ferrets. The first to know the name of ferrets from the mouth of orochimaru that (because of the relationship between translation versions for "then too, for a very long time and not the relationship, or with sasuke ZhiBo yu like this translation), then ferrets without care, to complete a weasel have never seen to let people's attention. First saw yu ZhiBo itachi's and dry Jiao appeared in MuYe persimmon demons, to bugged naruto (was), so that the cloud, hand clothes "dawn" members of the rings, and never lost of the eye, eating write round with sasuke hate the accept beans and sweets (MS yu ZhiBo itachi like sasuke all hate..." In all, like yesterday...忍者的传说In this work, the ninja NARUTO is basically a mercenary forms of role: to meet various tasks at ordinary times to get remuneration, combat forces during wartime. If you want to bring analogy, or feel like the HUNTER HUNTER.In the village, the ninja generally divided into four grades. Besides shadow on the outside is in, and endure, and bear some special ability of the ninja would be awarded the "special" endure. For example, in MuYe village mayor apes fly is finding the whole village, and leadership of the strength of the stand is very strong, 12 years before the events at attack was the fourth generation, seal, and only 5 powers under the ninja village rulers are eligible called "shadow", He is receiving, usually on A level above tasks will stand out, please stand is very serious, from
they play A sound no way we can see. Iraq is devoid of teacher, equivalent to the ninja squads, usually don't think of captain endure more fierce, but looked after the bear in exam, I'm afraid you have to change the view, Sound and sasuke is endure, basically is the character increases b odd-job man, Other bear in the exam several examiners are particularly on.The finding, feel that way: this is the ninja, which play a fight broke the. Fortunately there is accord with our minds of ninja habit that ninja image, this is the assassination, referred to as dark forces. The darker shade is directly subordinate command of elite, mission is also more high-level task. The unity in dry clothing, hidden in corner, wear masks to expose reality, just in time of need, too COOL shots to complete the task. It's the ninja.顶火影!
by 不想再受爱情伤 妖狼鬼车 by 轩辕煦 妖祸四起 by 木子绯 安魂 by 杀犬 情殇 by 杳鹭 我是犬夜叉 by FantasyDreamer 战国缘续.桔梗的现代之行 by 梦雪羽 战国魂引 by 司徒妖妖 执子之手,与子偕老 by 华丽的熊殿 日暮里之寻 by sosophi 月咏 by ☆蓝冰※欣蝶☆ 桔梗的爱 by 兰り也 此生只为你微笑 by 狸猫R 永远追随杀生丸 by A绫 漫画王国的童话 by 莉拉 犬夜叉之穿越 by 熙&流夜 犹如故人归 by 风落潇湘 穿越战国时代 by 夏の月夜 穿越犬夜叉 by 多木木多 绯闻罗曼史 by 绛唇の影 落梅风 by 星月玲 蛮骨 by俯耽碘甘鄢仿碉湿冬溅 苹果拼盘 西国犬事 by 宇文觉 魅姬罗 by 端木悠


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