
by ostretch
visitor. How's your day going? Hopefully great. Know what'll make today even better, though? Helping us out! You see, we're gonna be making some changes , so we've set up a survey asking some questions about the things you like, dislike, or don't necessarily care about
to help inform our future changes. So if you've got a few minutes to spare, head to the link below and answer several simple questions we've prepared. There's no reward for taking part, other than the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction you'll get from knowing you're helping make this site the best it can be.
Thank you!
by amandahutchison
February 8th, 2015, marks the
airing live from LA's Nokia Theatre on CBS. Hosted, as usual, by rapper-turned-actor LL Cool J,
couldn't be more off the charts. Madonna is returning to the GRAMMYs stage to perform tracks off her upcoming LP Rebel Heart, while classic rock staples AC/DC will be shakin' up the crowd all night long with songs from last year's Rock or Bust.
by amandahutchison
As the year comes to a close, Billboard has
of the 100 top artists of 2014. At number one on the list is "Steal My Girl"
One Direction, followed closely by Katy Perry and Beyonce. How does the popular music magazine determine the year's best pop artists? From activity on the Billboard 200 albums tally and the Billboard Hot 100 singles list, as well as streaming, social and box-score data, naturally.
by amandahutchison
Friday, December 5th marks the day of the 57th annual , announced by Pharrell and Ed Sheeran on CBS This Morning. Airing on Sunday, February 8th, 2015, every category has been revealed except for the coveted Album Of The Year prize. It will be announced by LL Cool J as he hosts , which airs tonight on CBS.
by amandahutchison
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 is the biggest movie in the world right now, so it only makes sense that the music from the film is doing well. However, it's not
to the film, "Yellow Flicker Beat," that's surprising people on charts everywhere: it's
of the film's song "The Hanging Tree." Sang by her character Katniss, it happens in a pivotal moment in the movie, making it one of the year's most searched-for songs.
by amandahutchison
Considered to be one of his best songs of all time, Eminem's "Lose Yourself" was a
in the rapper's career as it told the story of how he grew up and became who he is today. Gearing up to release his ShadyXV album on November 24, there will also be a whopping 66-track mixtape coming out from Em, and it contains the early version of his massive single with .
by amandahutchison
is set to embark on a
with two of his buds in tow — Trey Songz & Tyga — and he has a warning to all guys attending the shows with their significant others. Confident that the tour dates will consist of mostly females in the audience, the "New Flame"
stated to MTV that it takes a lot of courage to watch your lady go full-on fangirl in the presence of the three rap/R&B stars.
by amandahutchison
dropped two major bits of news on October 29th: a new track featuring YMCMB label-mates
and , as well as the new release date for her upcoming LP The Pinkprint. "" debuted on
for Minaj's fans to hear, and with Wayne & Drake being mentioned in the song's lyrics (as well as rapping on it), it's making headlines all over the Web.
by amandahutchison
Congratulations are in order for the
Florida Georgia Line and the release of their
Anything Goes. It didn't only produce one of their , "Dirt": it also cemented the twosome at the
on Billboard's Artist 100 countdown. Not to mention the album is at number one on both the Billboard 200 and Top Country Albums charts...
by amandahutchison
The Fader is
that's huge new for
fans: according to a leaked Def Jam press release, RiRi's next album might be dropping as soon as November of this year. With an , Lost Files, this would be the eighth album from the pop star in nine years. That is, if the rumors are true.
& 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.
If you have trouble downloading this track, right-click the DOWNLOAD button above and choose "Save As..."点击上方「哇咔足球」即可线上订场你可能怀念大罗、舍瓦、亨利等一众70年代的球星;你可能是卡卡、C罗、梅西等80年代中坚力量的粉丝;你可能喜欢的是曾经“七姐妹”盛行的意甲;你可能喜欢的是金元狂潮中的英超;你也可能喜欢的是近年来制霸欧洲的西甲;足球给了我们无限的热情,给了我们无限的快乐,同样也给了我们无限的感动。今天是“520”节,让我们在照片中,一起来回味足球带给你的感动。足球520不爱你不行2010年南非世界杯,在德国的替补席,有一个座位上面放着一件球衣,那是属于半年前因为抑郁症卧轨自杀的国门罗伯特·恩克的位置。32岁的亨利就坐在那里,深情的目光望去,都是自己22岁的影子。35岁的亨利就在那里,深情的目光望去,勾勒出自己29岁的动人画面。2006德国世界杯,捷克0:2不敌意大利,小组赛即遭淘汰,赛后内德维德单膝跪地,这是他的第一届也是最后一届世界杯。02年韩日世界杯,小组赛末轮生死战,阿根廷被瑞典1:1逼平,夺冠大热门无缘淘汰赛,“战神”巴蒂泪洒赛场。这可能是世界上最贵的人墙小罗和星光熠熠的银河战舰。夺得金球奖的舍普琴科,将金球奖的奖杯带到自己已故的恩师——乌克兰的传奇教练 瓦列里·洛巴诺夫斯基的铜像前——告慰恩师在天之灵。米兰德比,鲁伊科斯塔和马特拉齐的背影让人感动。足球场上不仅有对手,还有友谊。一个在巴萨,一个在皇马既是一生的对手,也是一生的朋友从左到右分别是路易斯·恩里克,何塞·穆里尼奥,佩普·瓜迪奥拉,谁能想到他们现在是足坛最顶级的教练。对了,当时的教练是范加尔。从小罗到梅西从梅西到内马尔这是巴塞罗那的传承莫斯科雨夜,卢日尼基球场,几乎成为蓝军队长的一生之痛。弗格森92班,承载着一辈红魔球迷的青春,他们退役了,自己的青春也就结束了。94年美国世界杯,罚丢点球后的巴乔,忧郁的背影让人感觉他似乎失去了全世界。这是K神克洛泽在德国国家队的最后一个空翻,显得踉踉跄跄。巴西世界杯第二场,西班牙0:2负于智利,小组赛提前遭到淘汰,三届冠军王朝正式崩塌。这应该是伊涅斯塔,卡西和托雷斯的最后一届世界杯。杰米瓦尔迪,在这个疯狂的赛季阐述了什么是真正的励志。从一无所有到全民英雄。卡卡在伯纳乌的日子,可能大部分都是这样的心情吧面无表情的梅西从大力神杯旁边走过,近在咫尺,却远在天边;多年的恩怨,相逢一笑泯恩仇。98年世界杯,多少人因为这个球爱上了欧文,爱上了英格兰。布鲁日的球迷洛伦佐身患绝症,在接受安乐死的前一天,他来到球场观看了最后一场比赛。巴蒂斯图塔是太阳,鲁伊科斯塔是月亮,可惜最后他们都离开了佛罗伦萨。04年欧洲杯,葡萄牙憾负希腊,赛后痛哭的小小罗。现在,他是三届金球奖得主C罗。曼城球迷等这一天已经44年了岁月无情,外星人也有老去的时候。你是多少人的足球初恋啊!对足球老男孩而言,他们经历了三个时代的更替“70年代”的舍瓦和亨利“80年代”的C罗与梅西“90”年代的内马尔和博格巴*以上图片均来自网络改变的是熟悉的巨星一个个都离开赛场不变的是对足球无限的热爱不曾褪去即使年过三十、四十他们依然在绿茵场上挥洒汗水踢不动如何?年龄大了又如何?来哇咔足球我们陪你踢到60岁关于哇咔足球哇咔足球专注于足球场馆建设和运营,目前已在长三角地区和北京拥有数十片足球场,欢迎球友前来体验,也欢迎青训机构和赛事运营商洽谈商业合作。上海已运营和即将竣工的球场哇咔梅陇星空球场哇咔铁塔足球公园哇咔爱特足球公园哇咔安亭体育中心(在建)哇咔宝杨路室内球场(在建)除上海外,哇咔足球还在苏州、杭州、北京等地有多处球场正在运营或建设中,敬请关注公众号查阅!↓↓点击&阅读原文&了解更多信息 &哇咔足球(wakasoccer) 
不爱你不行wakasoccer有人说:离开校园的时候就是离开足球的时候。哇咔足球让每一个热爱足球的都市老男孩一直快乐地在球场奔跑。热门文章最新文章wakasoccer有人说:离开校园的时候就是离开足球的时候。哇咔足球让每一个热爱足球的都市老男孩一直快乐地在球场奔跑。员工持股落地 将成推进国企改革的“加速器”  丽的五线谱;交流出人与人之间的和谐。若不是听过阿炳的《二泉映月》,也许我终不知道人与器之间能有音符的呢喃。无锡二家池没有漪澜堂,亦没有二泉亭。而每每望月前后,月恋水、水怀月,月烽水韵,佳景天成。天下第二泉,律音神动的泉水此刻倾听熟悉的乐曲,仿佛把我们带入山水秀丽的江苏无锡,仿佛让我们触到二泉之水的舒畅,仿佛让我们看到,阿炳正拉着二胡坐在泉边,陶醉于他和二泉的
和讯财经博客 &&
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