
The fraction of space occupied
by granular particles depends on& their shape.
non-spherical& particles such as
rice, matches, or M&M’s candies into a box. How do
characteristics like coordination& number,& orientational order,
or the random close packing fraction depend on the relevant
close packing fraction)
If a burning candle is covered
by a transparent glass, the flame extinguishes& and& a& steady& upward& stream of smoke is
Investigate& the& plume& of& smoke& at& various
Attach a polymer fishing line to
an electric drill and apply tension to the line. As it twists, the
fibre will form tight coils in a spring-like arrangement. Apply
heat to the coils to permanently fix that spring-like shape. When
you apply heat again, the coil will contract. Investigate this
‘artificial muscle’.
film motor)
Form a soap film on a flat
frame. Put the film in an electric field parallel to the film
surface and pass an electric current through the film. The film
rotates in its plane. Investigate and explain the
Two rubber balloons are
partially inflated with air and connected& together by a hose
found& that
balloon volumesthe
air can flow in different directions. Investigate this
Glue the bottoms of two light
cups together to make a glider. Wind an elastic band around the
centre and hold the free end that remains. While holding the
glider, stretch the free end of the& elastic& band& and& then& release& the& glider.& Investigate
Place a non-ferromagnetic metal
disk over an electromagnet powered by an AC supply. The disk will
be repelled, but not rotated. However, if a non-ferromagnetic metal
sheet is partially inserted between the electromagnet and the
disk will rotate. Investigate the phenomenon.&
When a container with a layer of
sugar water placed above a layer of salt water is illuminated, a
distinctive fingering pattern may& be& seen& in& the& projected& shadow.&
Investigate& the phenomenon and
its dependence on the relevant parameters.&
A& simple& model&
balloon filled with air attached via a tube. Exiting air can lift
the device&
friction. Investigate how the relevant parameters influence the
time of the 'low-friction' state.
baldes of grass)
It is possible to produce a
sound by blowing across a blade of grassa
paper strip or similar. Investigate this effect.
The first semiconductor diodes,
widely used in crystal radios,consisted& of& a& thin& wire& that& lightly& touched& a& crystal& of& a semiconducting
material (e.g. galena). Build your own ‘cat’s- whisker’ diode and
investigate its electrical properties.&
A bottle filled with a liquid
can work as a lens. Arguablysuch
a bottle is dangerous if left on a table on a sunny day. Can one
use such a ‘lens’ to scorch a surface?&
Make a light pendulum with a
small magnet at the free end. An adjacent electromagnet connected
to an AC power source of a much& higher& frequency& than& the& natural& frequency& of& the
oscillations& with& various amplitudes.
Study and explain the phenomenon.&
When a laser beam is aimed at a
wire, a circle of light can be observed on a screen perpendicular
to the wire. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how it depends
on the relevant parameters.&
A& brush& may& start& moving& when& placed& on& a& vibrating horizontal
surface. Investigate the motion.
Clothes can look darker or
change colour when they get wet. Investigate the
Physicists& like& drinking& coffee,& however& walking& between
laboratories& with& a& cup& of& coffee& can& be& problematic.
Investigate how the shape of the cup, speed of walking and other
parameters affect the likelihood of coffee being spilt while
( 13:55:19)( 10:02:31)( 09:58:42)( 09:57:09)( 09:53:13)( 17:23:27)( 17:19:39)( 17:16:12)( 17:11:24)( 16:40:05)
信息来源 : 排球运动管理中心办公室
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Invent YourselfConstruct a passive device that will provide safe landing for an uncooked hen’s egg when dropped onto a hard surface from a fixed height of 2.5 m. The device must fall together with the egg. What is the smallest size of the device you can achieve? &&发明创造(此题目是经典的国外小学生科学题目,小编表示自己也玩过)请制作一个装置,使他具有如下技能:保护一个生鸡蛋,在自由落体之后鸡蛋不坏。自由下落高度是2.5米。这个装置必须和鸡蛋一起下落。你能做到的安全保护鸡蛋的装置,最小能有多大?2. Balloon AirhornA simple airhorn can be constructed by stretching a balloon over the opening of a small container or cup with a tube through the other end (see Figure). Blowing through a small hole in the side of the container can produce a sound. Investigate how relevant parameters affect the sound.&气球号角通过把气球套在一个杯子(或者其他的柱状容器)开口上,就可以制作一个号角了。通过小孔吹气,就能响。如图所示。请研究一下这里面哪些变量和这个声音有关。3. Single Lens TelescopeA telescope can be built using a single lens, provided that a small aperture is used instead of an eyepiece. How do the parameters of the lens and the hole influence the image (e.g. magnification, sharpness and brightness)?&单透镜望远镜如果利用小孔作为目镜,我们就能制作一个单透镜望远镜了。请问单透镜的、小孔的哪些参量,会影响成像?4. Magnetic HillsA small amount of a ferrofluid placed in an inhomogeneous magnetic field forms hill-like structures. Investigate how the properties of these structures depend on relevant parameters.&磁场山铁磁性的液体,放在不均匀磁场中,会产生出类似山峰的形状。请研究有关变量,分析这些构造的性质。5. Leidenfrost StarsIn the Leidenfrost effect, a water drop placed on a hot surface can survive for minutes. Under certain circumstances, such a drop develops oscillating star shapes. Induce different oscillatory modes and investigate them.&莱顿弗罗斯特星莱顿弗罗斯特效应里面,一个水滴,可以在炙热的表面上存在几分钟。在某些特殊的条件下,这样的水滴会产生星形振动。请引入不同的振动模式,并且研究他们。6. Fast ChainA chain consisting of wooden blocks inclined relative to the vertical and connected by two threads (see Figure) is suspended vertically and then released. Compared to free fall, the chain falls faster when it is dropped onto a horizontal surface. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how the relevant parameters affect the motion.&快链条一个链条由若干木棍稍微和水平相比有一定角度,然后用两跟细线链接,如图所示。和自由落体相比,这个链条掉落在一个水平地面上的时候会下落的更快一点。请分析是怎么回事?相关变量是如何影响这个下落过程的?7. Spiral WavesSpiral waves and other types of wave patterns may occur on a thin liquid film flowing over a rotating disk. Investigate these wave patterns.&漩涡水波如果薄层液体流过一个旋转的圆形平台,会产生漩涡水波,请研究这些波的特性。8. Visualising DensitySchlieren Photography is often used to visualise density variations in a gas. Build a Schlieren setup and investigate how well it can resolve density differences.&把密度视觉化有一种摄影技术叫做Schlieren摄影法。人们用它来显示气体密度变化。请做一个能完成这种摄影的装置,并且分析这个装置显示密度变化的清晰程度9. Ball in a TubeA sealed transparent tube is filled with a liquid and contains a small ball. The tube is inclined and its lower end is attached to a motor such that the tube traces a conical surface. Investigate the motion of the ball as a function of relevant parameters.&管中的球密封透明的管子里面放满液体,也放入一个小球。小球倾斜放置,低端和一个马达接在一起。这样管子的运动是在一个圆锥里面的。分析小球的运动情况。10. Pulling GlassesApart Put a thin layer of water between two sheets of glass and try to separate them. Investigate the parameters affecting the required force.&把玻璃拉开把两个平面玻璃之间放水,然后玻璃就能粘在一起。这样再尝试把这两个玻璃分开,分析哪些变量会影响这个分开玻璃的力。11. Hair HygrometerA simple hygrometer can be built using human hair. Investigate its accuracy and response time as a function of relevant parameters.&头发湿度计(也是西方经典科学问题)我们用头发就能制作一个简单的湿度计。分析它的精确程度,以及反应时间。12. Torsion GyroscopeFasten the axis of a wheel to a vertical thread that has a certain torsional resistance (see Figure). Twist the thread, spin the wheel, and release it. Investigate the dynamics of this system. &陀螺进动如图所示,把一个轮子拴在一个线上,把线先拧一下(转个角度),轮子较高速旋转之后释放,看看系统如何运动。(之前黄俏老师就有玩这个玩具哦!找他要淘宝链接)13. Resonating GlassA wine glass partially filled with liquid will resonate when exposed to the sound from a loudspeaker. Investigate how the phenomenon depends on various parameters.&玻璃共振一个酒杯里面放一些液体,然后对着音响。声音会使得这个装置发生共振。研究这个现象和哪些因素有关。14. Gee-Haw WhammyDiddle A gee-haw whammy diddle is a mechanical toy consisting of a simple wooden stick and a second stick that is made up of a series of notches with a propeller at its end. When the wooden stick is pulled over the notches, the propeller starts to rotate. Explain this phenomenon and investigate the relevant parameters.&咿呀转转机(这个不能翻译,因为中国没有这玩意)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gee-haw_whammy_diddle咿呀转转机,是这样的一个玩具(参考上面链接),两个棍子组成,其中一个棍子上面有周期性的缺口。用另一个棍子在上面蹭过去,就会使得第一根棍子末端的装置转动起来。研究这个现象。15. Boiled EggSuggest non-invasive methods to detect the degree to which a hen’s egg is cooked by boiling. Investigate the sensitivity of your methods.&煮蛋请想一个不用破坏鸡蛋就能测出鸡蛋煮熟程度的方法。也就是打开鸡蛋就能知道里面几分熟。并且分析你的这个方法的准确度。16. Metronome SynchronizationA number of mechanical metronomes standing next to each other and set at random initial phases under certain conditions reach synchronous behaviour in a matter of minutes. Investigate the phenomenon.&&同步&节拍器几个节拍器摆在一起,他们从随机不同的初相位同时释放,满足一定条件之后,他们就会在几分钟之内达到同步。研究这个现象。17. Vacuum BazookaA ‘vacuum bazooka’ can be built with a simple plastic pipe, a light projectile, and a vacuum cleaner. Build such a device and maximise the muzzle velocity.&真空火箭筒Bazooka用塑料管,吸尘器,再加上一个轻物体,就能做一个&火箭筒&了。请做出这样的火箭筒,并且把他的出射速度最大化。有兴趣的同学可以在右下角留言处回复答案我们将选取有意思的回答发放奖品!回复格式:题号+答案
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来源:  作者:赖佳颖;
IYPT背景下分层式探究型物理作业的设计初探——以复旦附中2017届为例  ―、背景介绍 1.IYPT的简介 IYPT(International Young Physicists'Tour- nament)是国际青年物理学家锦标赛,作为国际顶 级的高中物理团体对抗赛,最早起源于莫斯科国立 大学所组织的一项面向高中生的物理竞赛,后邀请 世界各国参加,2008年中国首次组队参与。每年 IYPT的题目共17道(具体可参见IYPT官网: www.iypt.org),涉及力、热、光、电等多个分支。比 赛采用对抗模式进行,三支(或四支)队伍被分在一起举行对抗赛,每支队伍由5人组成,依次担任正 方、反方、评论方(以及观察方),正方首先需阐述对 题目的研究原理、过程、结果等;反方则针对正方报 告中的弱点或谬误处,提出质疑,总结正方解决方案及报告中的优缺点;评论方需对正、反方的报告提出 简短的意见并总结;观摩方不主动参与对抗赛。对 抗赛中,每一轮主题均由当时担任反方的队伍向正 方提出,正方有权拒绝3次(不扣分),被拒绝过的题 目以及先前阐述过的题目将无法再提出,这就意味 着每支队伍陈述的题目是具有不确定性的,参赛队 伍需要事先对绝大多数的题目进行研究,且掌握一定的选题计策(详(本文共计4页)          
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