
@jennyqF 656楼
12:49:00感言:整篇看下来不经为中国工程师和建筑工人喝彩鼓掌!工程师立国,工业化立国真的不是那帮公知律师屎学家嘴里天天比比歪的抿煮所能埋没的!当大众只知道公知嘴里的外国良心下水道的时候,来看看这些公知们从来不会说的中国伟大工程吧!正片:2013年中国(西南)高桥之旅照片集龙腾网 山地桥梁
翻译(第一周)湖北和重庆的桥梁The 3-week 20......-----------------------------@鬼肚子
23:32:49贵州 马岭河大桥-----------------------------谢谢!好棒的!
23:32:49贵州 马岭河大桥-----------------------------@ww15-04-20 23:34:50别想了,这是要站在柱子最高处才能欣赏的看桥的武警可不会让你上去-----------------------------想到从这个角度来拍,太有创意了!
12:49:00感言:整篇看下来不经为中国工程师和建筑工人喝彩鼓掌!工程师立国,工业化立国真的不是那帮公知律师屎学家嘴里天天比比歪的抿煮所能埋没的!当大众只知道公知嘴里的外国良心下水道的时候,来看看这些公知们从来不会说的中国伟大工程吧!正片:2013年中国(西南)高桥之旅照片集龙腾网 山地桥梁
翻译(第一周)湖北和重庆的桥梁The 3-week 20......-----------------------------@鬼肚子
11:08:17这么唯美--------------------------这张 有没水印的吗
14:47:14The new Wujiang beam bridge in the center of Wulong City.Image by Eric Sakowski / 新乌江大桥位于武隆县城中心A triple span Wujiang River arch bridge in the center of Wulong city. Image by Eric Sakowski / 武隆城中心的三联跨乌江拱桥/p/mh/.jpg......-----------------------------这几座桥我太熟悉了,怎么没见到楼主呢,可惜了!
@虫虫龙-21 12:46:39全部看完,深深为祖国的建设自豪。。但是,我觉得外国人来看桥,目的不单纯,众所周知,日本侵华前也是来搞侦查,据说画的地图连小路都有了,比军事地图都细致。。。那么,有人说了,美国卫星也很厉害的,都可以看到,,但是,高度和结构是卫星看不到的,如果以后打起来,激光制导导弹打桥,你起码要知道桥的结构,才能选择适用的导弹型号,你说是吧?不是危言耸听,我们还没有强到没人敢惹的时候,外国势......-----------------------------这个真的要警惕,总觉得他们没事做实地考察我们国家石油的桥梁做什么。。。
大家还在看小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
(第一周)湖北和重庆的桥梁  The 3-week 2013 High Bridge trip was another grand adventure through the mountains of Western China to visit the world's 10 highest bridges as well as many other spans and several spectacular national parks. Our guests included 3 retirees made up of British dentist Lee Choong and engineering twins John and Ray Morrison of Australia. Rounding out the group of bridge fans was Canadian 'In the Wake of Tacoma' bridge book author Richard Scott. Our translator was yet another energetic Tongji University bridge engineering student with the famous name of Bruce Lee. On board for the second year in a row was our trusty driver Mr. Chen who navigated us safely along more then 2,000 miles / 3,500 kilometers of often crazy roads.  为期三周的2013年高桥之旅是又一次伟大的探险。穿行于中国西部的崇山峻岭中,同时游览世界 前十名最高桥梁和许多其他小桥以及壮观的国家公园。我们一起包车旅行的包括3名退休人士:英国牙医(音)、澳洲双胞胎工程师约翰和雷莫里森、加拿大桥 梁爱好者“被大桥惊醒”这本书籍的作者理查德斯科特。我们的翻译是一位精力充沛的桥梁专业学生Bruce Lee(),加上连续第二年和我们一起旅行的司机师傅陈先生,他为大家开车通过了3500公里有时相当艰险的山路。  (注,这就是为何 此次旅行经典的原因之一,游客来自美、英、加、澳四国,包括作者-世界高桥网站站长,两位工程师,一位出版过桥梁著作的爱好者,大多是专业人士。 桥梁专业也是中国最知名的。大桥是美国一座900米左右主跨的悬索桥,曾经发生过坍塌事故,是世界最有名的断桥事故,所以才被写成书)  If there was one word to describe the 2013 trip it would be HOT! Record temperatures were being broken throughout many parts of China during our 3 week trek and it often made it difficult to want to get out of the comfortable confines of our air conditioned mini-van to snap some photos of a bridge. Luckily our group of gray-haired grandpas were up for anything and never hesitated or showed fear to visit any bridge I wanted to visit whether it required dodging highway traffic, climbing over a wall, hopping on a boat, hiking along a creek or taking a concrete slide down into a canyon.  如果用一个词形容2013年旅行感受那就是热 !破纪录的高温袭击中国很多地区,以至使我们从有空调的微面出来为桥梁拍照成为难事。幸运的是这次拼车旅行团尽管多数团员年龄偏大,但无论在攀登桥梁、跨越障碍、乘坐小艇或是徒步山路时都毫不畏惧。(毕竟团员大多是桥梁界专业人士)  Our new rental car held up well as it was put through an unusually high amount of abuse along more miles of rough, bumpy and broken roads than all of my previous China trips combined. The weather was only sunny half the time but we did manage to evade any rain for nearly the entire trip. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food even if they did not always know what kind of vegetable they were eating but by the end of the trip we all knew what kinds of meats we liked or wanted to avoid.  我们新租的车一直保持车况良好,尽管经过很多艰险、崎岖和破碎的道路。只有一半的日子是晴天,但在整个旅途中几乎没遇到雨天。尽管大家分不清吃的是哪种蔬菜,每人看来都对饮食很满意。最后我们终于弄清哪种肉类是大家喜欢的,什么是需要避免的。  We are eternally gratefull to the Chinese engineers and authorities we met who were kind, generous and always willing to let us climb on their bridges like children in a playground. These surprise tours took us above and below some of the most amazing spans in the history of bridge construction including an elevator ride up one of the world's tallest bridge towers, a walk through one of the world's largest suspension bridge trusses and a precarious hike across a chicken-wire footbridge nearly 300 meters high. A special thanks to Liupanshui County engineer Zhou Ping and the wonderful Chen family who treated us like royalty in their own personal kingdom - the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Park. Finally a thanks to all the Chinese locals who were always friendly and often curious as to why we would travel halfway around the world to visit their remote town or bridge.  我们得到了一路遇到的中国工程师和管理者得很大帮助,他们通常很热情,让我们登 上(在建)的桥梁参观,好像儿童到了游乐园。这些出人意料的旅程让我们得以在许多赏心悦目的角度拍摄桥梁,包括世界上最高的桥塔电梯之一。一次通过世界最 长的悬索桥钢桁梁内部的旅行,以及一次在距离水面300米以上高空施工便桥上拍照的机会。特别感谢六盘水遇到的工程师周平,以及待我们亲如一家的陈先生 (张家界大峡谷公园经营者,当时在策划修建世界最高的跨谷玻璃桥,请这几位考察者一起出谋划策)。同时感谢所有中国当地民众,他们总是很热情,有时对我们跨 越大半个地球考察他们遥远(几年前还几乎与世隔绝)的城镇和桥梁感觉好奇。  Look for an even more exciting Chinese adventure in 2014 when we visit more than 75 of the world's highest spans including construction site visits to the highest road and railway bridges on earth!  期待下一次更精彩的2014年中国(桥梁)探险。那时我们将游览世界最高的桥梁中75座,包括一些激动人心的建筑工地,还有世界最高的几座铁路和公路桥!  (译注:实际因2014年遭遇大水,三星期内很多桥梁没有到达,前三周的游记不如2013年的精彩。但队友们回国后站长又独自在中国继续考察三周,后三周照片还没发,等发齐估计还有精彩内容)
  The Shanghai Tower on the left surpassed the Shanghai World Financial Center on the right to become China's tallest skyscraper. Others will surpass both of them in the years to come. Image by Eric Sakowski /  左面的上海中心超过了上海世贸中心成为中国最高的建筑物。许多其他中国摩天楼将在几年后超过这两座的高度    Image by Eric Sakowski /       I have known bridge engineer Shijie Du for more then 8 years since our first bridge trip in 2006. He now works across the street from Tongji University at the famous Tongji Architectural Design and Research Institute. He gave us an evening tour of the modern building where many of the firms architectural models are on display including the new 121-story Shanghai Tower. Image by Richard Scott.  我认识桥梁工程师杜世杰8年了,自从2006年首次到中国考察山地桥梁开始。他现在在同济大学对面著名的同济建筑设计事务所工作。他带我们参观了建筑模型博物馆,里面有包括上海中心在内的许多著名建筑的模型     There is even a model of the TJARD building headquarters that was once a major bus station before they reconfigured it into a modern office building. Image by Richard Scott.  里面甚至有TJARD中心的模型,曾经是一个大型汽车站,现在被改造为一所先进办公楼。
  The famous new Pudong financial skyscraper district as seen from the Bund. Image by Richard Scott.  从看著名的新浦东集群    A view of the cavernous new waiting hall of the Hongqiao High Speed Railway station. Our adventure finally began on the morning of August 3rd with a trip between Hongqiao station in Shanghai and Hankou station in Wuhan. China opened their first high speed line in 2007 and now have the largest high speed rail network in the world! Image by John Morrison.  虹桥车站一瞥。我们的探险终于从8月3日开始了,首先从虹桥站搭车到。中国第一条高速铁路2007年开通(有误,是2008),今天(2013年8月)已经成为世界高速铁路网络最长的国家!  
  World traveler Lee Choong has been to China many times but this was his first to visit bridges. Image by Eric Sakowski /   环游世界的旅行家(音)已多次到中国旅行,但这是他第一次参加桥梁主题游。     The huge train yard west of Hongqiao station. Image by Richard Scott.  虹桥站西侧大型的停靠场地  
  One of the thousands of new apartment buildings along the route west of Shanghai. Image by Richard Scott.  上海以西数以千计拔地而起的新公寓之一。    Interpreter and Tongji bridge engineering student Li Xiaolong. His name translates as 'Little Dragon'. It is also the real name of famous martial arts legend Bruce Lee so Li picked that as his English name. Image by Eric Sakowski /   桥梁专业学生,也是我们的翻译。他的名字和著名的功夫明星的原名相同,所以用布鲁斯李作为自己的英文名  
  A dam and some beautiful scenery east of Nanjing city. Image by Richard Scott.  南京以东的一座水库和美丽风景 (有误,经查杉林河水库位于南京以西,武汉以东)    Our group disembarks in Wuhan, 821 kilometers west of our start in Shanghai. Image by Richard Scott.  我们团队到达武汉     Our driver Mr. Chen met us in Wuhan after driving more then 1,200 kilometers from Guiyang city in Guizhou Province. Image by Richard Scott.  我们的司机陈先生从贵阳开车一千多公里到武汉来接我们。
  The railway lines are in constant use day and night. Image by Eric Sakowski /   铁路线昼夜不停的使用    The soaring cables of the Yingwuzhou double span suspension bridge cross the Yangtze just 2 kilometers upstream from the famous railway bridge. Each span is 850 meters supported by towers as high as 150 meters above the river. Image by Eric Sakowski /   长江大桥的缆索高悬在两个桥跨上空。这座桥仅仅在著名的上游2公里。两跨分别有850米,桥塔高约150米。  (大桥所在的位置为古代。唐代诗人名句:历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲,既为此地)
Workers had just begun the process of adding the cable clamps that will support hundreds of vertical stringers required to hold the deck up. Image by John Morrison.  工人们在主缆上架设索夹,以收紧数以百计的钢索
Weijiazhou Bridge was our first high span of the trip carrying the G50 expressway 220 meters above a deep gorge. Image by Richard Scott.  魏家洲大桥 是我们沿西行遇到的第一座高桥。高达220米,跨越一道很深的峡谷。
CGWANG原画培训 「零基础全额退费保障」,原画名企委托培训,高薪工作不是梦
The incredible G50 expressway in Hubei Province with more then 120 kilometers of tunneling including several monsters like this one that is over 8 kilometers long! In less then 3 weeks, everyone on the trip had passed through more miles of tunnels then in all the previous years of their life combined. Image by Richard Scott.  难以置信的沪渝高速鄂西段,(短短300公里内)就包括超过120公里隧道,其中有几座十分长,如这座8000多米的隧道。在3星期内,我们团所有成员穿越的隧道比各自此前一生中经过的更长。
The gargantuan Longtanhe Viaduct with 200 meter spans perched almost 200 meters above the valley floor. This was the world's 2nd largest viaduct for several years behind France's Millau Viaduct. China's own Chishi and Sanshuihe viaducts have recently pushed it further down to 4th place among all the world's viaducts but it is still an impressive site to behold. Image by John Morrison.  巨大的 龙潭河高架桥,包括几个每个200米的主跨,桥面距离地面近200米。这是世界第二高的多跨高架桥,仅次于著名的法国 。中国在建的 赤石 和 三水河高架桥 将使龙潭河大桥退居第四名。不过这座桥仍然非常雄伟壮观。(有178米高的桥墩,周边植被非藏茂密) A pile of discarded bicycles and motorbikes near Langpingzhen. Image by Richard Scott.  榔坪镇附近一堆废弃的自行车和摩托车
The only cable stayed bridge on the G50 east of the Yangtze River is the impressive Tieluoping Bridge with a height of 209 meters and a main span of 322 meters. Image by Richard Scott.  上位于以东唯一的斜拉桥——令人印象深刻的 铁罗坪大桥,有209米高,主跨322米
The Shuanghekou Bridge on the G50 is most impressive for its piers which are 163 meters tall. Image by Richard Scott.  双河口大桥 也是沪渝高速上令人印象深刻的桥梁之一,其桥墩高达163米。 (桥面高200余米,沪渝高速鄂西段200余公里内,桥面距离水面高200米以上的大桥有9座,接近中国以外所有国家高桥总和。在中国西南,这样的有多条)A railway train crosses the Shuanghekou creek. The Yichang-Wanzhou Railway roughly parallels the G50 and is the most difficult stretch of railway line ever undertaken anywhere in the world. No other railway line outside China has more then one bridge over 100 meters high - the Wanzhou line has six. Of the 377 kilometer length, 288 kilometers are on bridges or in tunnels. Image by Richard Scott.  一列火车驶过双河口峡谷。(到)和沪渝高速平行,是全世界最难修建的铁路(没有之一)。中国以外没有一条铁路有超过一座百米以上高度桥梁——宜万铁路有6座。377公里铁路有288公里在隧道或桥上。  (译 注:最难的不是桥,是隧道穿过无数巨大的充水溶洞,鄂西都是石灰岩中空的,别看外表雄伟,里面千疮百孔。有的洞内为支撑洞顶修起的钢筋 混凝土巨柱行列望之不逊Lord of the Rings中Moria地下大殿,比排水系统壮观的多;有的洞内为越过暗河修建大型洞中桥梁。因溶洞水量极大先后牺牲数十名工人。平行的沪 渝因选线较高避免了大部分溶洞,基本无工人死亡。此后中国在岩溶地区修建铁路吸取教训,选线宁高勿低,高海拔溶洞相对少,即使有洞大多是干的,山 底溶洞大多充满数百万甚至更多立方水!)
Siduhe in all its glory! With a deck nearly 500 meters high, this is far and away the world's highest suspension bridge. Image by Richard Scott.  四渡河大桥 全景!桥面距离水面近500米高,这座桥比世界其他高桥高很多 (但2015年后会被中国多座桥逐一超越)
The giant yellow towers support a Tacoma-sized span of 900 meters. Image by Richard Scott.  高大的黄色桥塔支撑着和塔科马大桥类似的900米主跨
A new downstream dam approximately 70 meters high will create a huge lake under the Siduhe Bridge in 2014. Image by Richard Scott.  下游一座小型电站建设中,2014年后桥下将形成一个小湖泊Just east of Siduhe is the giant Shuinan Viaduct carrying the G50 expressway 110 meters above a wide ravine. Image by John Morrison  东面紧邻大型高架桥 水南大桥,约有110米高,跨过一个宽而浅的河谷
A large pipeline bridge frames up a striking view of the Siduhe Bridge. Image by Bruce Lee.四渡河上游的天然气管线桥和四渡河大桥并行而过The east Siduhe Bridge anchorage terminates into a deep mountain tunnel. Image by John Morrison.四渡河大桥东锚碇是一个很深的隧道锚
The Yesanhe Railway Bridge is one of the highest of its type in the world rising 140 meters above the tight river canyon. Image by John Morrison.  铁路桥 是世界最高的铁路拱桥之一,距离水面140米
Also crossing the Mashui River is the beautiful Nanlidu arch which carries the old national road 318 across a concrete filled steel tubular span of 220 meters. Image by Richard Scott.跨越马水河的还有座美丽的 南离渡大桥,主跨220米,老国道318从桥上经过
Constructed in 1970, the Enshi city Xiaoduchuan stone arch bridge over the Qingjiang River has a span of 96.8 meters, more then any stone bridge ever built in Europe except for one. China is home to the world's 20 longest stone arch bridges. Image by Richard Scott.1970年修建的小独川石拱桥主跨96.8米,超过欧洲除一座以外的其余石桥。世界主跨最大的前20座石拱桥全部在中国。A single tower cable stayed bridge was built to bypass the older Xiaoduchuan stone arch bridge. Image by Bruce Lee.一座独塔斜拉桥替代了小独川拱桥的交通功能
The box beam vertical spandrel supports were installed before the end of 2013. Image by John Morrison.拱上箱型立柱将在2013年底安装(想必现在此桥应该建造好了吧)A temporary access road was constructed to transport the arch pieces and spandrel beams. Image by John Morrison.一条临时道路用来运输拱肋和梁
The base of each tower is supported on massive circular piles. Image by Richard Scott.每座桥塔由巨大的圆形混凝土桩基支撑(楼主疑惑:结实吗?)
Several of us were lucky to get a hard hat tour up to the middle level of the north tower. Image by John Morrison.我们中的幸运者有机会带上安全帽到北塔中部参观
We finally got some clear views of the beautiful Qingjiang G50 expressway bridge from the older national road. Image by John Morrison.我们从老国道上拍摄的清晰 清江大桥 照片The Qingjiang G50 single tower cable stayed bridge. Image by John Morrison.G50清江大桥是独塔斜拉桥I often have to get in precarious positions to measure the height of a span such as this one on the Qingjiang G50 expressway bridge. Image by Bruce Lee.我经常要到危险的位置测量桥梁的高度,就像在这座G50清江大桥
The Xiaohe arch bridge is another big CFST span with concrete inside the main ribs. Image by Richard Scott.小河拱桥 是另一座大型(桥的名字叫小河,此桥336米主跨和220米高在世界上是罕见的)The Xiaohe Bridge valley more then 200 meters below. Image by John Morrison.200多米下方的小河峡谷


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