3 6 5 V⒉ c о м#UTy 中超外援新政现在最强的3个外援是谁

Pods-ProjectName target, and in Build Settings, turned Build Active Architecture Only to NO for both Debug and Release.
This makes sure both the Simulator and Device slices are built.
The simulator uses the i386 architecture, and the actual devices use x86-64.
So you have to make sure all dependent targets for all dependent projects are building both, if you want to run on both Simulator and side loading to devices also.
Make sure the missing pods library gets actually built. To do so, open the Build Scheme
Product & Scheme & Edit Scheme... & Build
add the Pods target and put it before the target that complained about the library missing (in my case this were the UI tests – I just struggled with this for hours...)
When you use App extension, navigate to the extension target, and filter to Library Search Path, delete the path the compiler warning to you.
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