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arsenal fc中文是什么意思
中文翻译阿森纳俱乐部足球队&&&&n. 1.军械库,武器库。 2.兵工厂。 3.〔比喻〕( ...&&&&fc = franc. &&&&n. 1.军械库,武器库。 2.兵工厂。 3.〔比喻〕(思想等的)武库。
a naval arsenal 海军军工厂。 &&&& FC = 1.fire control 消防; 【军事】实施射出;射击指挥;火力控制;(用电子仪器等进行的)射击控制。 2.football c ...&&&&(高级兵工厂):玩家可以在殖民时代就建造兵工厂,并且可以获得更强力的科技。; (高级兵工厂):玩家可以在殖民时代就建造兵工厂,并且有强力的科技可以升级。&&&&武库&&&&卡基夫阿森纳; 卡基夫兵工厂&&&&基辅阿森纳&&&&李庆森&&&&阿塞诺炮筒离心铸造法&&&&高昌庙路&&&&武库舰&&&&军器厂街; 器街&&&&蒂瓦特阿森纳俱乐部足球队&&&&埃奇伍德兵工厂&&&&地下兵工厂&&&&法兰克福兵工厂&&&&汉阳兵工厂&&&&江南机器制造总局&&&&基辅牌照相机&&&&海军兵工厂; 海军军械库&&&&核军火库; 核武库&&&&红石兵工厂&&&&战略武器库&&&&坦克工厂
例句与用法Arsenal fc ' s french international midfield player robert pires can win four trophies this season : the european champion clubs ' cup , the english premiership title , the fa cup and the uefa european championship in portugal阿森纳的法国中场皮雷本赛季有机会获得四项冠军:欧洲冠军杯,英超联赛,足总杯与欧洲杯。 Everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife wenger , coach of english champions arsenal fc , dismisses sir alex ferguson ' s suggestion that manchester united fc remain the country ' s top team每个人都觉得自己的老婆最漂亮- -英格兰联赛冠军阿森纳队教练阿森-温格不同意亚历克斯-弗格森爵士关于曼联仍是英国最佳球队的说法。 Everyone thinks they have the prettiest wife ? ars ? ne wenger , coach of english champions arsenal fc , dismisses sir alex ferguson ' s suggestion that manchester united fc remain the country ' s top team每个人都觉得自己的老婆最漂亮- -英格兰联赛冠军阿森纳队教练阿森-温格不同意亚历克斯-弗格森爵士关于曼联仍是英国最佳球队的说法。 Fc porto and arsenal fc are level on ten points going into their final game in group g and if their meeting in the est dio do drag ? o ends all square they will be able to stage a joint qualifying celebration组中,波尔图和阿森纳都带着10分去打他们的最后一场小组赛,如果他们在火龙球场的较量以平局告终,便将可以携手庆祝晋级了。 Arsenal fc manager ars ne wenger acknowledged his side are under pressure to beat hamburger sv on tuesday having jeopardised their group g chances by taking a solitary point from their last two matches在前两场的比赛中仅获1分后,枪手主帅温格承认他的队伍在周二攻打汉堡的比赛中感受到了压力? ?这场比赛已经危及他们小组出线的机会。 “ as a result of an official complaint by arsenal fc , the premier league appointed an independent commission made up of sir phillip otton qc ( chair ) , mr david dent and mr malcolm george , to consider alleged breaches of premier league rules"由于阿森纳俱乐部提出官方申诉,英超联赛任命成立了由菲利浦-奥顿爵士(主席) 、大卫-丹特、马尔孔-乔治组成的独立委员会,负责调查所指控的触犯联赛条例事件。 Although only a draw is required to ensure they progress to the knockout stage of the uefa champions league , fc porto coach jesualdo ferreira expects his side to go all out for victory when arsenal fc travel to portugal in the concluding round of group g fixtures尽管只需一场平局就可以确保他们晋级冠军联赛淘汰赛阶段,但对远道而来葡萄牙参加g足小组赛的对手阿森那,波尔图俱乐部主帅费雷拉仍然希望他的队伍全力以赴去争胜。 &&
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